Some cosmic stuff


First these reads.  Yeah, I know it’s all NASA – but controlled op does share some truth now and then as to remain relevant in this experience….





This one is……W O W…and that big “X” is a mechanical object….showing the construct…..the entrance/exit?  And why is it as I reflect on this I feeeeeel Stargate/Portal….?






Sharing a little more intel – the ink in the ballots are corn-based….These 17th letter drops about harvest time showing pictures of corn and the rigged for red and the red wave – these were all showing us this time – the election.   My feel.  I was going to share some other pieces by others but the talk about service to others vs. service to self and then talking about calling on the arch angels OMG STOP!!  lol  I just couldn’t share these pieces.  So I’ll just share my own perspectives and feels as I always do.  Be in your heart.  Serve in whatever way aligns with you.  You know what to do.  You are the Jedi.  BE THE JEDI.  May the Source Force Be With You Always and in All Ways.




Thank you all for your love and support. If you benefit from the work I do, I ask for an energy exchange by leaving a donation.  Thank you.

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Schumann ~ Approx. 17 hour “black out”


Missing data?  Timeline hopping/collapsing/merging?  Intentional black out caused by a glitch or white hat or parasite control?  Almost 17 hours of it……All I can tell you is that today was far better for me energetically than the previous day (s) – for all in this house.  Given the purging I did – the releasing – and the clarity I received after feeling so squeezed – I’m saying that either this incident on the schumann is just a coincidence as to why I had the experience I did – or it helped attribute TO it.  Just had an image of a windshield wiper wiping away debris on a window.  The truth will be known. I will leave you with this:  right before I sat down to check on the schumann, i thought “i am feeling a shift.  i am feeling quite – peaceful.”  And one last thought:  at President Trump’s rally today in PA, he talked about the swamp – and he said after Nov. 3rd, their heads will explode and essentially, they will surrender.  Anyone else get chills reading those words I just typed?


the schumann and a gematria and a few finds


i had to get this image from a twitter account as i haven’t been able to access the schumann site all week…..the energies today were irritating and they transferred themselves into the members of this house….being’s young and old had meltdowns today…..purging of lingering emotions… sensitivities are through.  the.  roof.  i’m detaching for the rest of the day/evening – isolating myself for my sanity.  lol


i decided to do this gematria after a video from a new youtube channel – the phrase from that mysterious WWE wrestler from several months ago:


Elvis Aron Presley

We See You

Victory Of The Light

Bringing Light To The

The Trump Loophole

Theres No Place Like Home

Donald Trump Mike Pence

Coding Of The Human

Biblical The Great

Donald Trump Prophet

We Will Never Forget

Times Running Out

October Twenty One

Schumann ~ Bubble of Bliss


About 3:30 this afternoon, all of the members of this household were suddenly very sleepy.  Given the youngest member was, my first hunch was something energetic happening.  I didn’t “think” it was the schumann though.  However, given I was also feeling floaty – blissful – soft quiet and gentle – those feelings are indicative of a schumann bubble.

Schumann and a Terran Cognito update


I was double-tagged in the last 24 hours regarding Terran’s latest.  The Schumann has another odd signature – a frequency creating a ladder type image.  Climbing up and out?  R we ready?  Curtain gonna raise already?




Denice: Got a message for you at 4:11 pm EST


Denice: “Parsecs” [Denice’s nickname for this new unknown Andromeda group] Tried to help me charge my battery while driving. I had my palm cupped a little above it. No luck! Lol. 

Terran: Are they still enroute? (Prior ETA the equinox)

Denice: All I got when I asked them to elaborate on the message, is that they are no longer parsecs away. 



Schumann – on repeat from 2 days ago?


Seems like it.  What are the odds of a repeat performance?  Are they going to throw another black line in there again (w/o giving any clue to any of us as to just exactly what it is meant to create)?

U G H.

I intend for this to wipe away evil and deception from our experience as everyone (awake) I have spoken with so far today has expressed experiencing intense distress today and wanting O U T.  That inner “i cannot take it one more second” is strong today.