Some COR2 and Stereo Ahead HI1 captures


wow – what is that HUGE massive object on the top we’re seeing on COR2?

then there is what looks to be an explosion on Stereo Ahead HI1 (i tagged rose and adam on twitter for some insight on this one).



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so i am feeling either the need to sleep or amped up (as i am at the moment)….Sister D feels something really big is happening w/this one….i like that so i’m going with it and saying YES…

President Trump used a LOT of code speak today at his daily press conference….i captured some of the phrases that stuck out – put them into the Gematria calc and will share later….some interesting synchs….



Tonight’s Sky Captures and a Schumann read


We had quite the colorful sun set this evening.  Here are a few images:  (notice the time on them?  not the real time i took the pics obviously – some camera anomaly i will need to fix)….

And now for the latest Schumann.  See that one solid off-the-chart line from earlier this afternoon (pacific time)?  I actually was able to feel that one.  The house was quite (child was with a friend) and I was able to feel this soothing energy come in.  Then child returned, with friend, for a homemade (by mama) spaghetti dinner, homemade cookies and “criss cross applesauce” as they sang….and then we realized the dryer was making a different noise and, well you know – life happened.


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Today’s Energies ~ 2/4/20 ~ Another weird one


so another weird, intense day today energetically.  felt like i was buzzing. itching all over.  sensitive to hearing the words of others.  intense need for silence and essentially to be left alone in hibernation and peace.

i read people speaking of feeling nauseous today (so much so a couple people said they threw up).  people feeling intoxicated.  anxiety high.

how much longer is this going to continue?  a woman can only ground and do yoga and stretch and burn resin for so long.  telling myself, as one person put it, that this will be worth it in the long run.

yellow rose is likely correct in that these experiences we are having as people who are empathetic/sensitive to forces of nature, the cosmos and life in general, are not all ours but the collective.  given there is far more to US than the us who is here now – well who knows what the totality of US is feeling/experiencing now and who knows how much of “that” is entering our space here.

so on days like today it feels challenging to be in charge of our own personal ship, so to speak.  here is the latest schumann.



Schumann and a reflection on “trauma”


so much energy is coming in now – and those speaking of it can’t pinpoint it.  all i feel is it is coming from the outside.

i was thinking about our trauma’s – how i feel they are being really brought up right now for many of us (given what i am both seeing and sensing). that feeling i have had was confirmed by someone who is also in the awakening/home community.  where i differ is this:  i do not feel these are coming up for us to have to dive into and work on yet again.  i feel we are being fed the old trauma programs so they can get some last minute “looshing” from us.  and I AM NOT HAVING THAT.

now while i feel it is absolutely helpful to let things go that don’t feel in alignment with us – in a REAL Original Creation – if we experience something unpleasant – everything in me says i have the natural ability to release that instantly.  quickly.  easily.  and it certainly doesn’t return again and again like some buzzing mosquito who refuses to leave you alone.

isn’t it possible that, given the theory we are in a simulation, a matrix, a computer like environment w/a myriad of programs – that trauma is just another one?  and they have had the ability to keep sending us that same energetic experience we had that created the trauma?  the metaphor and visual i had was that of pouring out a cup only to have something unseen/unknown fill it back up against your will/consent.  they may fill it up less each time – but my god – what in the “f” is the purpose of having to revisit this crap yet again?  who does that serve?

someone who gets off on watching others suffer.

NO THANK YOU.  i will release when i feel the need but i am not going to go searching for any trauma.  and given the energy work i have done – the shaman work – and the counseling and intending – going back almost 30 years – all of the energy of any trauma i have had should have been removed and STAYED REMOVED.  that has not been my experience.  yellow rose has stated – and i align as i have felt this myself – as we exit all trauma stays behind.

as it should.

life is to be joyful.  easy.  flowing.  in all ways and always.

i leave this piece w/the schumann – kept on giving all day.

