Schumann Resonance censorship? and just some other stuff to share….


all in the black today.  withholding information perhaps because people were noticing the rainbow frequency images.  ??  turning it off likely.  the energies today are batsheot.  weather is crazy too.  not just here but elsewhere.  apparently the headlines are intense – stuff going on w/russia and their parliament and apparently as well we will be seeing this impeachment trial next week in the senate.

for the love of Source END THIS NOW.  lol

i had very unusual dreams last night.  many of them too and quite jumbled.  nothing traumatizing or frightening – but annoying i would say.  many scenes playing in front of my little pod in which i reside in this state of consciousness –  likely to just play a little poking game.  that’s the best way i can describe it.  so…. as i have been saying lately “i laugh!” and do a wave of my hands – ta ta la la – and giggle.  better than roaring although there can be a time and space for that too.

and in a moment that feels like a small miracle – certainly a desired accomplishment:  a local friend has finally checked out “Q” and is blown away.  just like we’ve been saying, i was told.  i have been saying that before all transitions here, i wanted to reach just one person here in my community about Q and the Awakening.  grateful for this connection, friendship and their openness.

and here is the latest schumann….anyone want to guess what we’re missing??




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Schumann ~ rainbow pattern continuing (and more indication of separation)


when i say “separation” i am saying that because we’ve all been more or less stuck in one frequency in this realm, with this impending transition we will be fully free to heartfully CHOOSE the type of experience we want without ANY power over games/rules/systems…..and as such we are seeing a variety of frequencies showing up (including as Wages World says below – one is at 17 hz)…..we’re one – but not the same – and not all will be having the same outcome (which is very much apparent given the differing perceptions shared on just the topic of the event/transition)…..




UPDATE:  Mate was listening to this one.  Has some interesting perspective on frequencies and how we are being divinely assisted.  As this guy says, when you have two frequencies, the lower one, when exposed to a higher frequency, will rise up to the higher.  Beautiful.

A check in and some video footage shares out of Iran


Continuing to use and enjoy my time watching old movies and eating sweet treats.  Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner.  Casablanca.  North by Northwest.  I have a list of about 100 old classics to choose from.  Pumpkin muffins last night.  Tomorrow, instead of eating birthday cake, I’m going to try something new – banana custard.  Found a recipe tonight that sounds delicious.

So…the need to create sweetness in my life and a sense of innocence continues.  Today I wailed away on the punching bag for about 30 minutes – releasing some tension and pain over the experience here – in particular the deception.  Programs continue to rise up for release and I am fully participating in this process when I feel the need.

For now, I leave some video footage I found out of Iran.  I find this very moving – inspirational.  I feel and know there is a backside to this story in that the people’s actions in Iran is destroying the western media’s narrative of recent events.  For now I am most interested in the Unity I see these people displaying as well as the tremendous courage.  THIS is how change is created.  It is more than just reading and meditating – it takes direct action.

Today as I had my time in the garage to release, I thought of the people of Iran. The question was – Am I doing enough in this awakening process -for humanity?  In the middle of the questions, the need to “do” something different is nudging me.  The “what” I am not sure.  I am letting the flow guide me – and find me.

Oh, and btw – the schumann has given us another rainbow like spiking pattern.  And in a nice synch, we saw an amazing rainbow today – full one – out in front of our street – very similar to the one seen on December 12 when our grandpa don went on to new adventures.




UPDATED SCHUMANN (rainbows continue…)

Schumann ~ another “rainbow” spike


i’m going to take a guess at this.  last week yellow rose said the “apps” were going to be removed this week.  is it possible these two colorful spikes are part of the frequency needed to remove these apps?  i am not the only one who watches this graph to point out we have never seen these types of images.

Here’s some info from Wages World on this oddity:

25.5K subscribers



this explains my mate and child’s headaches this evening.  and the fatigue we felt all day.  these periods of sudden, short spikes are very jarring.  not sure what is behind these but they are not pleasant and i question the purpose and how “useful” it is for awakening.

Schumann ~ An interesting occurrence


i’ve been noticing this changing blue color for awhile – but for some reason (according to my memory that is – lol) – this feels new to me.  there is a distinguishable change from deep rich cobalt blue to light blue.

also – just noticed – that white dash pattern (looks kinda like morse code – Wages World speaks of this) – disappears upon the color change.

now, again my feeeeeeeel, if this were a natural, organic occurrence there would be bleed through.  but there isn’t.  so what created this?  is this a new frequency?  who knows – at the moment – i don’t know enough or am feeling enough to dive in.  anyone else want to take a guess?