And yet another LASCO “planet hopping” event (plus we now have THREE objects in transit)


I just took pictures instead of making another video.  Oh and yes – we also have another “planet with mechanical arms” transiting.  WTHushpuppy is going on?  Three objects?  Aye aye aye.  The movie took a huge swing upward in the crazy zone as we entered 2020.  I just want to stay in bed and sleep until it is O V E R.

So……Here we have our little friend entering from the far left at the 18:42 time frame….


Are ya with me?  Good.  Let’s move on.

Then at 18:54 it’s suddenly gone.  Pulled away (watching it in video you see it pull back – there is obvious movement.  If you want to see that for yourself, go here.)


Seems to be gone forever into the abyss.

But wait – our little friend returns again.  Here at 22:18, she’s back again, headed off to the right to join in with her happy little friends to the right. And remember boys and girls, one of those little friends to the right also did one of those “hopping” motions just 2 days ago.  But we know planets do that all the time, right? clipart crazy face - Clipground

I’m outta here folks.




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Schumann ~ 17 hours of missing data huh wt???


don’t ask.  i have no clue what this could be an indication of.  17 hours – is this a message?  is it a “jump”?  is the consciousness behind this benevolent/supportive for humanity?  i slept well – overall – much better than the previous night.  mate said he slept very deep and girl says the same.

as a side “note” – just noticed the time i saved this image below was at 11:44….

A new year’s video I made: More “planet hopping” on the LASCO


as ya’ll know i rarely make videos (not really my thing and know nothing about editing, etc.) – hadn’t planned on making any more given youtube’s latest policy – but i decided to take a recording of another “planet hopping” event.  get out some popcorn, add some music and have fun with it.  love, v.


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Late Night Schumann Read ~ !!!


wowser!  it’s been a long time since i’ve seen a read like this one.  where is the energy coming from?  and why now?  (gotta start asking myself these questions instead of just blindly following anything i see.)  8 hours and going.  given what i have been feeling and what i am seeing from and reading from others – i am sensing a feeling of sadness mixed with an overall absolute sense of being DONE and intense need to punch through a wall into the experience we desire.  the vision i have – removing layers of experiences/feels no longer wanted or needed.  and in the midst of this i sense a very strong poking – a push (by them) to display and focus on an agenda (THEIR agenda) that many of us have felt is NOT going to manifest – but is still being attempted at by the “others”.  said agenda – not gonna happen.

and in a moment of something – synchro perhaps – on television i just heard “not gonna go there!”  indeed.  going to continue to focus on and feed the experience I DESIRE.  if THEY can create THEIR own experiences, SO CAN WE!

i see the power we have.  i have seen myself in action.  i have been able to control the program (algorithms) on both the television and the radio.  i have also been able to create the kind of traffic situation i wanted – numerous times.  it takes great focus and concentration and coming from absolute Truth.  but with practice i can only improve.  THIS is the ability each of us have.  let’s not get lost in apathy (speaking number one to myself here).  let’s get found in our INNER ROAR.  Inner Truth.

Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2019. December 21th!! THE CORRECT VIDEO.


i’ll just share a comment i left (and say this is a very authentic, heart felt message from linea)…often we get caught up in the details and think our narrative is the correct one hence putting us in the position now and then of trying to power over another by claiming their perception is “wrong”…i’ve done it….most of us have (and likely all have if not just silently in our minds)….that serves no purpose…this really is about Freedom…..for what you choose to experience and create (both within AND externally) – you (we ALL) have the natural, inherent right to have that in its purest form – NO power over – NO controls – NO deception….

I read through every comment. And I reflect/observe how so many hold different perceptions – are we going somewhere else – are we staying – does it happen this way or that – do we have to vibe at a certain level or do x y z or understand this historical narrative or that one – and the common theme is that each of us desires to have our OWN creation manifest. That, to me is what this is about – the return to Freedom. Freedom to be in whatever experience in which we align from within. I have known and felt since I was a small child that I was in some sort of a trap – here by mistake. No amount of ignoring or trying to talk myself into something new worked. Do all resonate w/that? No. And that’s ok. The one thing we can all agree on is that no one here is truly free in the purest definition of freedom which is the inherent right to be/do/create etc. etc. whatever experience (internal AND external) one desires in so long as that choice does not stop another Being from having the same level of freedom of experience. And we obviously have not had that here w/the power over/controls/rules/pay to live systems in place. So does this opening up again to have such an experience happen tomorrow? Or next Match? Who knows? I just support the right to pure Freedom again for myself and for every one of us.

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A couple of Devin Elon Madgy videos: 12/21 Gematria Truths – Winter Solstice Ascension// The Numbers Don’t Lie – 144 Strong & “Donald J. Trump is impeached”=1440 / What the Trump Impeachment REALLY Means – Lux=1221 X


these are AMAZING!  the only way this is possible is if we are in a matrix – which we obviously are.  wow…………



Is this the start of the Plasma Wave on the LASCO and Live Meteor feed?


the live meteor feed has been showing this “frequency/image” (the white fuzzy image) for the last few days as has the LASCO.  it is increasing/intensifying.  just thought i would share the correlation.  and btw i still don’t know what that object is headed towards the sun.

as my mate and i have been saying – we are being moved and have been off and on for a couple of earth years (guessing – could be more).  POTUS last night did say he “turned the ship around”.  we are on a ship.  he also spoke of new energies for those who want to engage.  who wants new Energies? ME ME ME!  WE WE WE!  lol

btw – i uploaded the images below at the 21:22 time stamp (according to my photo program).

What blasted out of the sun today?


editor victoria’s comment ~ headed our way too…. as i saw this i thought “this is gonna blast us on the 12th”….listening to a video now…we have a full moon on 12/12 (those in the mountain time it also becomes officially “full” at 12:12am)…..some have been speaking of a 12/12 portal…….anyway there are some photo captures i took from the LASCO……..i found the obvious circle coming out of it – and expanding….looks like an expanding portal doesn’t it?…..and you will notice what looks like one of those VAH’s (planet w/those mechanical arms) suddenly appear then disappear…VAH = ship.