Schumann ~ black line returns


here’s a strange experience.  earlier tonight, around 7pm pacific (same time the black line appeared), we called adopted grandpa don and wow – it was like a totally different person.  my first thought was “did we have a timeline change?”  diving in further though it appears his experience was a combination of medications they gave him (which is highly risky and could be deadly according to what we read – i immediately phoned his daughter and informed her lest i drive out to that damn place myself and remove him. the care there is questionable as i have said – ok it stinks).  anyway – i still find it interesting i had that first thought and then upon the nudge of my mate just moments ago, notice that black line deal again.  not like it was 2 days ago of course – that was a first – but still…..WTH IS GOING ON??!!  be nice to actually know wouldn’t it…love, v.


One Harmony ~ The EVENT UpDatE 11-26-2019


editor victoria’s comment ~ ok so to begin with, my site won’t let me actually view the video so here is the link.  i tried several times with the same result.  

so…..very interesting and thank you sister D for telling me about this one.  it confirms what i felt energetically last night – mate as well – and some of you too given what you have shared w/me throughout the day.  

so from this video it appears that Home Family Outside sent in a new pulse last night to make it much more difficult for the controller’s to enforce their controls.  this new pulse showed up on the schumann.  he wasn’t specific – but i would say it was that black block.  it isn’t a normal black line that we have been seeing which is always just solid black.  you will see there is that blue graph color inside of it.   never seen this before.  call it a firewall sent in from Home to keep us absolutely virgin until we exit through the NOVA which is imminent.  perhaps it also removed that squiggly signature/energy that was showing up this week.  i do feel different today as compared to monday when i (and the collective given what i was reading) felt HUGE agitation and anger and just utterly DONE with the nonsense here of this experience.  …. hmmm….i just realized monday was yesterday.  was that just yesterday i was having that very intense inner experience?  apparently so.  why does it feel like that was another version of me – another “timeline” – another space?  

i also spoke w/brother rick who told me last night comms w/home were “crystal clear” …. LOTS of happenings last night.  i do feel different – much more of an alignment.  and that vision i had of myself yesterday (which again feels like i had it days ago) – on the beach – is so clear in my mind – and continues to be.

so….such a perspective most definitely coincides w/my feeling last night – that something HUGE was happening “out there” and i felt wired and excited while the human vessel was pleading for sleep.  i keep feeling – not all of me is here.  


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Brief early day reflection ~ WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT??!!


certainly we were not the only ones absolutely WIRED all night – tossing and turning – even though the human brain was exhausted.  today?

non-functioning day!

below is a capture of the schumann – never seen these signatures before. from the wavy-gravy lines (got turkey and gravy on the mind) to the black lines – as in multiple.  something came through last night.  something on the outside of ME was doing something that felt like a party but the me in this warm cozy bed was trying to sleep.  there better not be any further alleged “timeline” crappola going on.  i did see there is yet another impeachment inquiry set for 12/4 (senate judiciary committee).  NO!  NO NO NO NO NO!  ENOUGH!


anyone else???



LASCO reads


no missing data today.  perhaps i caught these images before they are removed.  ?  it’s difficult for me to tune in today to what’s happening energetically.  i was focused all day on 3D creations – visiting neighbors, making phone calls – all to facilitate the situation going on with adopted grandpa.


a couple of “bursting object” images:


another “no clue – what IS this??!”


and another “no clue” on the C2:

Today’s Energies


Schumann (!!).  Electrons and protons….currently dealing with a headache (high unusual for me)….and chest pressure (dealing with that off and on today)………….dizziness too here and there………


LASCO continues to have missing data – 4 hours, 5 and 6 hour chunks of time missing on C3 – 9 hour chunks on C2.  Caught this on C3- don’t know what it means – but sharing….


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I dedicate myself to The Great Awakening for free because I feel so passionate about this process.  This site (and my Patreon site) is my primary source of income.  And as such, there are many ways to support my work.  You can either leave me a donation by following the paypal button, or you can support me by purchasing one of the following:

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4.My inter-active Journal, “Live To Impress Yourself” on sale at LULU.COM.

I am also an affiliate for BlueHost.  If you or someone you know are interested in starting/creating a website and are in need of a hosting company, please consider using BlueHost.  It’s who I use and I have always found them very helpful when I have needed extra assistance.  

5.BlueHost Affiliate Link.  

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End of Day Energy Reads


the schumann continues to spike – ongoing – a first (from the 2.5 years i’ve been watching her)….listening to Blue Koolaid’s latest (here) and he has noticed that a portion of the Schumann really looks like a duplicate energy read/spike which made me immediately feel “consciously created” – he goes on to say it could be consciously made….he’s also talking about the huge missing data on the LASCO’s…..

protons….electrons….then there is missing data on both the LASCO C2 and C3 – as in 8 hours both occurrences – just as things were beginning to “bleep” too.  all for you below.  deep breaths.  rest.  comfort.  love.  repeat.  


schumann frequency bliss bliss bliss zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzz OMG OMG OMG arrrgh argh arggghh….take your flavor:


first two images:  #1 shows a little blip then the next image shows up in #2 exactly (hmmm) 8 hours later:


the feed then returns to normal – then we miss about 8 hours (again) of data:

Schumann ~ 10/27/19


this is worth repeating – it keeps going on and on and on……….i told my mate earlier today that he’d have to excuse my behavior as i am only approximately 10% “here”…….this was after i had accidentally backed over the vacuum canister in the driveway.  i had cleaned it out earlier in the day and put it out back in the sunshine on the recycling can to dry.  it was windy here – but i didn’t think it was THAT windy as it somehow found its way on the driveway.  after that i had then realized that my trip to the store which originally began w/the intention of exchanging some dish soap – well that didn’t happen.  but hey i did remember celery for tonight’s soup.


and hey while i’m at it – i decided to check out the LASCO C3 – here ya go!

10/26/2019 ~ Today’s Energies (!!!) and a reflection


wow – looks like, ala yellow rose – looks like we are getting closer to the eye. (LASCO C3 captures below)  my mate had a dream last night (he rarely remembers his dreams these days) where he saw some huge round wheel-like object in the sky with about 18 spokes.  it had a blue glowing light behind it.  people were watching it – there was no fear – just excitement and anticipation.  the feeling was “ok what’s next?”  (fyi anyone interested in some explanations from yellow rose as far as a general synopsis of what happened here – where we are and where we’re headed – just go to the comment section in her latest video – she’s sharing a lot of useful/interesting info)

you will also see the intense spiking of the protons – low and high energy. literally almost “off the charts”.  the schumann has also had some ongoing intense “off the chart” spikes.  all below.

(i decided to share this one as well – a very large v-shape craft):


you can see the size comparison – captured 4 days ago – seems we are “closer” to this 


UPDATE:  captured this on the LASCO C2 (don’t normally see “glitches” appear on this one – well for as long as i have been monitoring it)…checking the time this was captured – around 5am – the two above were captured around 5pm….don’t know if this is UT or pst, est, etc……….


and in other news ~ today’s Protons ~ WOWSER!


our Schumann read:


and one last share – the magnetopause showing the bow shockwave “broken” (that happens from time to time – just interesting we have a lot of intense energetic happenings all going on at the same time)….


Thank you to All who support my work!  It is so very appreciated.

I dedicate myself to The Great Awakening for free because I feel so passionate about this process.  This site (and my Patreon site) is my primary source of income.  And as such, there are many ways to support my work.  You can either leave me a donation by following the paypal button below, or you can support me by purchasing one of the following:

1. Triskelion Necklaces.



4.My inter-active Journal, “Live To Impress Yourself” on sale at LULU.COM.

I am also an affiliate for BlueHost.  If you or someone you know are interested in starting/creating a website and are in need of a hosting company, please consider using BlueHost.  It’s who I use and I have always found them very helpful when I have needed extra assistance.  

5.BlueHost Affiliate Link.  


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