Today’s Schumann


ok this could just be a complete coincidence – given the reflection i shared last night about these black lines being timeline jumps as in leaps forward (closer to the end of the movie/this experience) – but last night i had a HUGE heart expansion.  i felt my higher self brought in a sweet little being who touched my heart and i felt such an amazing shift.  or it could have been bigger ME coming in and merging.  who knows about these experiences for certain.  i am still feeling it.  a calm.  a serenity that is from deep within.

then i was called to check out the schumann and see this black line.  what is THAT?!  (if not just missing data that is)  if that’s a leap that is a HUGE leap. solar wind reads aren’t showing any such gaps.  anyway – just leaving this one as it is…..

Today’s Reflection and Energies



so………..earlier today brother rick sent a message, saying he was guided to prepare for a huge influx of energy this week – said to be the last round before our transition.  he also sent me the post below a few hours later.

i’ve continued to have a feel about late october.  i shared that with him and he said no – he was told these energies begin tomorrow. so it is quite probable late october would be the culmination of a build-up of energies.

as i washed dishes while preparing dinner i heard “remember how you usually feel energies a day ahead of time”.   i let it go – kept doing what i was doing.  then about 10 minutes ago something intense hit my body – right in my center and upper chest – very expansive.  i literally had to stop talking and close my eyes.  the need to sleep – well that may become more intense than in previous energy experiences.

i did feel a huge lift in the heavy/dense/bleck/dark (ok – EVIL) energies late last night.  today definitely felt lighter – and for some time early today i was so content – almost blissful.  very soft – heart naturally open and expansive. i felt the energies/consciousness of forgiveness coming in and i let it in – acknowledged it – and let it go.

looking at the LASCO – something blasted off the “sun” they show.  who knows what it really is.  there are no indications of significant solar storms on the graphs.  looking at the solar winds – very strong proton and electron spike.  and the schumann – which was offline for about 2 days late last week – is back online only with large chunks of missing data and i mean large – never seen that before.  anyway – all of those goodies are below the social media share on the incoming energies – which i just read again and remembered the forgiveness energy i felt early in the afternoon (prior to reading this, btw).

we got this!  lol – what choice do we have?




Welcome to the Prewave of the Sunself Physical updates(16th) and the 3pt influx(17th) this is going to be a big week for our physical bodies as almost everyone has passed the point they can process and are starting to feel it ether in their emotional bodies or physical bodies while this process may feel impossible to handle and that you just want to give up, know you can handle this and that it is possible to keep moving focus on 1 foot in-front of the other do your best to forgive those who don’t know what they don’t know, and to forgive yourself for the same this time is going to be very illuminating and i can promise those who choose to work through the stuff that comes up will expand into more clarity then you knew possible  ::hugs::

ELECTRONS AND PROTONS (low and high energy today):


WHERE’S THE SCHUMANN?  (kinda like where’s epstein, schumer, rbg, etc.)




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Energies. Images. Stuff.


this must be in the air today – with some that is.  challenging day – HUGELY challenging day.  exhausted.  fed up and done with the experience here.  we need to be understanding of each other and ask what others need instead of the old program of assuming one knows what another needs.

schumann is spiking.  protons are spiking.  and adam foreman has some interesting graphs to share about where we really are and who we are now.   question is – how do we change this?  how do we get out and return to our Original Experience?  at the very least how do we break free from the pay to live prison?


Proton and Electrons going KABAM


schumann has a return of that interesting “code” pattern as well…….and that black line…….i don’t let that twerk at me as i once did…..i don’t feel it’s anything nefarious – instead i feel it’s just a gap in the collecting of data…..but none of us know for sure…

just gonna let the graphs speak for themselves…



this one is from the 7th but wanted to share it anyway.  explained why i felt the way i did yesterday…….



Protons continue to spike


so earlier today, as i reached for my fulvic acid, something told me “no”.  i’ve been taking it off and on for about 2 years – and really began amping up my use the past couple of months.  it’s one of the detox tools i use as it assists in binding toxins together, removing them from the body (chelation).  today i felt i could cease doing that because of the increase in protons (and electrons) incoming as well as all incoming energies.


can protons (and electrons) detox?  they can obviously change human DNA.

i wanted to know more.

doing some research i found this info from an article on detoxing the body using ions:

To know how ions affect the body, it is important to know what they are. Ions are simple atoms which have become charged through the balance of the particles within them, namely protons and electrons.

Protons are positively charged particles of an atom’s nucleus; electrons are small, negatively charged particles surrounding the nucleus. The dance between these two charged particles determines the atom’s overall charge. An atom is considered negatively charged if it contains more electrons than protons. An atom is considered positively charged if it contains less electrons than protons.

The human body is an electric system, and collects charged particles from the environment around it. In the body, positive ions can be considered bad; negative ions are good. Environmental toxins from the air we breathe and the overly processed foods we eat have a positive charge. These positively charged toxins can cling to the extra electrons in the body, causing a buildup of toxins, which is associated with both common ailments and chronic disorders.

An ion detox using an ionic foot bath introduces a great number of negatively charged ions into the body through the skin by way of a warm foot soak. The warm water increases the absorption rate of these ions. When the negatively charged ions enter the body, they attract the positively charged toxins. As the two ions meet, they neutralize each other, and are able to be easily excreted from the system through urination and the sweat glands.

It feels to me that we are receiving the right mix of frequencies coming in to create change within.  And yet – if some are correct and we are leaving these bodies behind – what’s the point?  I’m really at a loss as to how this ends.  o we take these bodies or are they really just a projection and thus more or less an illusion we (a piece of our consciousness) inhabit.  Why did i see myself in a stasis form?  Why have others seen themselves at Home looking so different?

Here is one thing I feel quite certain of – the closer we get, the more clear we will become.  The more we will be able to See Truth as it really is and not some matrix program version.

For now this is what’s a’coming in…….

Schumann frequencies and amplitudes:



SCHUMAN RESONANCE code being used to communicate??? Sunspot / Coronal hole opening.


editor victoria’s comment ~ i really feel Scott/BLUE is on to something here w/the “codes” on the schumann…..i got chills as i listened to him – it may even be his “role” as this time of our exit to present this….i’m naturally curious so i pulled up the morse code template……the closest thing to something i could get was UNI followed by a possible X……..unix – computer programming system………who knows – i found it interesting and hopefully he will go with it – keep at it……..


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Tonight’s Reflection ~ and some energy reads


i began the day feeling both equally ravishingly hungry and deeply fatigued. i tuned in while in the shower (portal – ha!).  i felt very weak and glancing down at my hands, noticed my left hand was trembling (i had already had breakfast).  i asked what was going on….what was happening….i felt – and still do (with some much needed skepticism as well) – that something was being done to the big and real me on the outside that was draining some of my energy here at that moment – or at least allowing normal flowing energy from the outside to be reduced to the me still here.

i know – crazy talk.  and yet i cannot shake the feeling or the visions i get that tell me what i just described is spot on truth.

the shaking continued as did the fatigue for about 30 more minutes then suddenly – it was gone and i felt “normal” (my normal that is) again.

i have been feeling into all of the drama and chaos and outright insanity that is taking place on the world stage.  this cannot continue.  i have felt for some time that there will be no 2020 election.  terran cognito mentions this in his latest piece (here).  i completely share the feeling.  part of me thinks (ok – is concerned) this is being stretched out (dragged out) until well into next year – and yet energetically – much less for practical means such as our safety and the well being of the country – i don’t see this as being a possibility – not without increased violence, chaos and harm.  i don’t consent to that kind of a scenario/experience and i don’t know of anyone who does.  we are restless – far too restless.

restless for change.

restless for freedom.

the bubble of what can best be described as impatient frustration grows.

we aren’t falling for being told to simply “be patient”.  once awakened to the concept of AND remembering we once were – free beings free to create what we desire – you just don’t put that desire back inside of a box and tell it to wait.  perhaps for a time – but that time has come and gone for us.

i see us as a collective surrounding a long, chain-link fence.  we once were deep within the grounds behind the fence.  then we slowly walked towards the fence.  we stood there for some time.  we began to make some noise. that noise grew louder.  now we are shaking that fence – and we will not cease until we bust on through.

i also wanted to speak a bit about what i am seeing on the main webcam in europe i follow (the eibsee hotel).  i noticed something interesting last night and didn’t now if it is a coincidence or something more.  i know, i know – we are told “there are no coincidences” but i am not 100% able to support that now.  anyway – i noticed a big increase in those long tube-like craft showing up (on the nighttime captures).  i also noticed a lot of chemtrails (also during those nighttime captures) – a few times quite “assaultive”.  and yet i noticed when i would go to the next screen capture (10 minutes apart) – the trails would be completely gone.  then more would return – only to fully disappear.  and these were obviously chemtrails – many of them crossed one another leaving the skies looking horrid.  i had the thought today that it is possible these craft are assisting in cleaning up the skies.  i did notice a very large chemtrail being laid here last week – and was surprised to see it disappear within just a couple of minutes.  perhaps a new formula?  maybe.  or maybe this is part of the weather wars and these trails are being cleaned up – where there is assistance at that moment.

i leave you w/a couple of solar wind reads.  the protons are just nutso at the moment (similar read last night as well) – and the magnetic field is interesting – those lines are usually scattered.




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Today’s Experience


even got the little play toy/treat nearby – and that isn’t bringing me out of the need-to-not-move experience.  earlier at the store my heart suddenly did a weird flip – i then felt dizzy/disoriented.  i couldn’t take in all of the people around me.  seriously sensitive to any type of crowd situation today – an ongoing experience – today was intense.  (i seek guidance/assistance to rectify that situation – if nothing’s shifting in the upcoming near future then i need to get outta dodge and plant myself in a quiet/rural/sleepy town – 100 plus miles away from big city influence.  been focused w/that intention for awhile now – and nothing’s coming to me.  i look around and finding the right situation – size/location/affordability has not yet presented itself to me/us either.)

i’m looking around for some energy reads – the solar wind stuff hasn’t updated.  schumann isn’t showing a thing.  allegedly nothing “solar’ish” going on.  i decided to check in on the cats as they are quite good at reading the myriad of energy graphs – but i kept getting the “internal error” server message.  so i am on my own with figuring out what’s going on.  if i would have to guess i would say collective drama – as well as this i experienced earlier today while sitting outside in the sun (YES SUN AND WARMTH!!):  the clouds looked/felt closer as did the sun.  i had a feeling we have gotten more “compressed” here.  i still wonder if that’s even a “real thing” – but others have claimed it and until i SEE i only have my inner feeeeeeeeels to go by.

for now i am relishing in the silence in my household at the current moment…contemplating whether to nap first then bike ride or bike ride first.  far too much excitement for one day.  ha

