Today’s Reflection


sitting here i had a feeling something was going on w/the schumann….see below.  the overall feel today was one of extreme fatigue – and feeling pretty relaxed at the same time (see below as well for the plasma read – when it dips in density like that i often feel relaxed).  speaking with a few others here in my town and the consensus was all are feeling very tired and sleeping far more than usual – even for this time of year (early fall).  i didn’t expect to need to sleep even more than i had already been doing – but that is my feel – and all in the household are experiencing it.

my mate had an interesting dream last night.  he dreamed of soap bubbles. that and the number 43.  the soap bubbles could be the description of our original experience – one realm and within that realm a myriad of experiences.  no separation.

one of you shared w/me earlier today how lee loo first came through to lisa harrison.  the message was analog – not digital.  analog is more organic – expressed in sine waves.  that confirms, for me, that this message came from pure consciousness – a real being – and not some AI program.

wrapping it up for now.  the need for sleep has taken over.



Today’s Energy Reads and WTFLIP is on the LASCO2 (causing it to go offline as it hasn’t updated since)


the magnetopause has not updated in 8 hours.  the LASCO2 (image capture below) has also not updated in the last 7 3/4 hours.  the magneto’s last update was at 16:42 this afternoon – the LASCO2 – 17:19 – w/missing data from the “glitch” seen below at 16:50 until it stopped updating data at 17:19.

also linking some proton and electron reads – plasma and magnetic field reads as well.  now who is going to figure this all out?  lol

also including some webcam captures – more of those long tube craft.  wonder if they smile and say “cheese” – they are showing up regularly. also sharing 2 images from the same webcam 10 minutes apart – the one captured at 06:00am shows a light source of some sort – then at 06:10am – next capture (which come in 10 minute increments) it’s dark again.



Blue Koolaid Oh Ya ~ Earths magnetic shield explodes outward at over 3 MILLION MPH / Uptick in Earthquakes related?


whaaaaaaat????  3 MILLION MPH???  and now it has happened again???  check out the two videos below fmi……..


6.5 EARTHQUAKE Indonesia / Magnetic shield reacts again from inside out. On different model.

Today’s Feeeeeel/Reflection ~ and some energy reads


A couple of hours ago, Sister Deborah informed me that Gregg Prescott (In5D) had experienced a heart attack early today and was in the hospital undergoing surgery.  An update an hour ago by Michelle Walling stated he is doing well.  He had a stint put in.  (if you’re on facebook, you can see the updates on Michelle Walling’s page – and send your message of support there as well)

I felt the need to go outside – and go sit in the garage for a bit to reflect on this.  My mind is like a dog at times – easily distracted.  I begin with one thought and others flow with it.  First I sent him thoughts of healing and perfect health.  I was then reminded of a cluster of dreams I had of him almost 2 years ago.  One night he appeared 3x – each time not speaking – just smiling.

And then I was reminded how it was his site who helped put me “on the map” so to speak.  I shared my “Thoughts of a Weary Human Starseed” article on his 5D site – one of my first original pieces.  He was generous enough to post it on IN5D.  That is what brought some of you here.

So to say I was experiencing a lot of emotions upon hearing of his health is an understatement.

I then tuned into the matrix concept.  What exactly is it?  Are we really in holographic biological avatars – only a piece of our consciousness “here” – the rest on the outside?

That’s what I arrived it – slowly – about 2 years ago.  All “rabbit holes” eventually end – and this is one in which I have yet to receive anything meaningfully different on.  My feel has remained the same – just expanded as I have felt into it more.

I thought of Gregg again and wondered – what happened to him?  He’s in his 50’s.  Healthy and fit.  W T F?!

Life telling him something?  Nah – I don’t always align with that much these days.  He seems to be the type who follows his passion and his heart.

An attack?  Yeah – I can see that.  And I can definitely feel it as a legit, real possibility.  I recently learned he has had a lot of struggles financially with his site so….

Only he knows though.

I thought of those attacks.

I thought of the war we are experiencing.

And then I had a thought – is it possible that some of these energies we feel that knock us down and out for a time – causing these vessels to ache and scream – is it possible some of those experiences are a result of this war?  

Are we healing – or expanding – or my LEAST favorite (because I now find it to be part of the program to keep us focused on staying here and suffering more physically) – are we getting upgrades and downloads.

Or are we being attacked – energetically?  Our consciousness here and/or on the outside?

Is it possible some of the energies we see showing up these graphs are due to assistance in our awakening – and some directly resulting from this war?

The more “time” passes in my personal experience, I see myself with a giant sieve around my body – filtering out all that doesn’t align – making more sense of this reality.  Simplicity feels like truth to me.  Complexity – just more of the matrix game.

So simply put – I feeeeeel we are in one of those wars for energy – OUR energy.  We have had a team on the outside and on the inside of this realm fighting to end the control and the enslavement of this experience. Cleaning up all of the artificial dimensions inserted.  Remember even POTUS tweeted months ago about cleaning up the criminals in “All Dimensions”.

The closer we are getting to this end – the crappier some feel.  If we feel one another – the collective – within this realm – we will also feel all of the entities who created the game too.

Makes sense doesn’t it?  Reading “The Art of War” as I have done (one of POTUS’ favorites), has given me some perspective.  The team not wanting to give up its control will fight nasty – will become sloppy as they near the end – throwing out all of their moves, etc.

While some say separation is an illusion – it has been FELT here at the visceral level.

For all practical purposes, how do you end an experience of enslavement – especially when the controller’s don’t want to give up their control?

Whether we “chose” to play this war game, this game inside of this realm – doesn’t matter to me now.  It is ending it and getting out that matters.


Restoring ALL to Original.

And now – some energy reads.  Interesting as I was drawn to sleep during the “spikes” below.  It was one of those once I put my head on the pillow I was out in a deep, dreamless state before popping back awake suddenly – not knowing where I was.


i thought these two below (magnetic field and plasma) were interesting in how they were scattered for awhile then aligned into one (more or less) solid, joined line.  




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Today’s Reflection/Energies


i had a feeling today would feel “heavy”.  anniversary of 9/11.  i have chosen not to mourn – not to dwell on what happened on that day.  it sparked a huge new step in my awakening.  each year since then i have mourned.  i have felt – all over again – the loss.  the anger.  the rage.  the lies we have been told.  and 18 years later – the truth is still being suppressed – while the memorializing continues.

so – i am not participating.  why give the controller’s and their human bot minions here more “free food” (energy)?

that being said – it was hard for me to escape feeling the collective dip in energy.  and to add to their agenda of harm and abuse, they were at it today with their trails in our skies.

i reject it all.  truth now.  freedom now.  now.




enough of that.  i have noticed recently that at times a correlation between an electron or proton spike and a spike on the schumann.  (at the 18 hour).  i see that today (see below).  are WE doing this or is it happening TO us?  or both perhaps?

who else is overly done of saying/thinking “i don’t really know”?

yeah me too.

for now i am investing my energy into bike rides and music.  and the occasional sweet treat.




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Today’s Energy Reads ~ NEVER SEEN IT DO THIS


i had a lot of energy today even though i only slept about 7 hours (normally i sleep 10).  then about 30 minutes ago, as i was putting dinner together, i felt something and wow – did it hit me hard.  still feeling it.  even felt some nausea w/this.  my mate is having the same experience – can barely stay awake!  i decided to check the solar wind – electron and proton reads in particular and just – wow – never have i seen this kind of a read.  it’s like this realm is having a heart attack (reminds me of a crazy EKG read).  anyone feel/feeling this??  (don’t know why the proton data is missing).  off to sleep now.

Today’s Energy Experience


briefly – i felt as though i was not all “here”… went beyond tired… was as though a small piece of me was here and the rest someplace else…… mate had the same experience a couple of days ago……while both of us (and many of you) have had the experience of not being altogether “here” – for the two of us, on these separate days, the experience took on a much more palpable feel.  it was very difficult for me to ground myself fully today.  even with two rest periods – nothing worked.  i still feel “out there”.

was it due to the protons?  i’m not so sure on that.  hesitant.

before i share those reads i wanted to share a dream i had last night. actually i had a few dreams – in each one there were new people and new scenes. they didn’t feel “right” so i observed and got out of most – with the exception of the last one where i hung around simply because it was “new”. (something to clean up in my mind and heart – the desperation…that creates an energy they feed on)….before i pulled myself out, i wanted to see who was watching me.  i’ve been feeling the pull lately to know who is watching me.  it has been said by yellow rose that each of us is assigned a “watcher” upon entering here.  i have yet to feel “off” or “wrong” about this so i have remained neutral on the possibility.  so in the dream experience, as i asked to see, i looked up and into what looked like a snow globe.  on the other side of the apparent glass was a different environment.  i saw a being look down at me – tall – skinny – and had eyes similar to those characters in the movie “they live”.  i said “yeah i see you – you really are hideous” – then got out.

now for those who remember –  or don’t know – the star of that movie – rowdy roddy piper (wrestler turned hollywood actor) tweeted before his death a few tidbits about this movie.  below are the tweet images:







and here’s a little tidbit about me – i used to watch rowdy roddy on portland saturday night wrestling.  i was often babysitting.  i also had a friend whose mother worked for the tv station and it was then that i learned it was all staged.  he was one heck of an entertainer – keeping this young teenage girl occupied on otherwise lonely late saturday evenings.

now that i got offtrack with a trip down memory lane, i will leave you w/some of today’s electron proton unreal whappa-doo’s.


valiant verbose victoria (alter ego if i were a wrestler)


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Today’s Energy Reads


schumann and protons…….

well explains today – more inner heat and i swear purging stuff out of this vessel (lots of showers!)……even after the sun set and it was upper 60’s – it still felt very warm – to both my mate and i…….it’s 11pm and i’m still warm…….i did have a dream a few nights ago and some white substance was coming out of two fingers – one on my right hand one on my left………i didn’t feel fear – more curiosity………i observed and when there was a hesitance to not let me see or remove i said “bring it.  i can do this.  get it out.”  who knows – real experience or a compromise……felt significant to me but then again i feel the buggers are still active when we sleep……..

so besides inner heat i have felt extreme fatigue today – followed by bursts of energy – only to return to fatigue and right now i am moments away from closing my eyes – in between “something whatever is going on” continues…


Thank you for visiting.  If you like and appreciate the work I do and share, please support my work by donating.  Thank you.  

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Energy Reads ~ and another “planet” on transit captured on the LASCO


ok i have to talk about this “planetary” object showing up on the LASCO.  we still have “mercury” hanging around all these weeks (struggling to move) – then last night i noticed this other planetary object coming up fast.  is it VENUS?  from my understanding only 2 planets transit the sun – mercury and venus.  so if this is venus (again) – it’s going to “catch up” to this mercury object – quickly.  i have to conclude this is showing further proof of the construct deconstructing.  …  then we have these erratic/intense proton and electron spikes – along with a nice long schumann bubble of bliss earlier – and we are left feeling wonkified to the nth degree.  for me it was a combination of serenity and sleepy (not as irritated today as i have been in previous days).  of course then again it was 100 here today (!!) so the heat can be a bit draining especially when one is not used to it.

ok – how is everyone else doing/feeling?




on the left we have mercury….and on the right coming up on fast approach we have…venus…??  or perhaps – here’s a thought – the construct is so close to total collapse we are seeing the same object….


some backside pressure on the magneto:



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