holy moly that’s some intense plasma hitting us!
Published on Jun 29, 2019
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
holy moly that’s some intense plasma hitting us!
Published on Jun 29, 2019
a correlation?
and the plasma read…
it’s all about the electron’s, proton’s and plasma…..
as i link this, my mate is watching the recent WSO video i shared….and he said that one of the captures – 2 halos around the sun – shows refraction within the dome and the more the “top of the dome” lowers, the more halos we will see due to the increase in the refraction. in a nutshell – the effect becomes more pronounced. the halos around the sun are shrinking. this is also what’s causing the double rainbow effect. (i know this – last week i felt i could almost reach up and touch the clouds. i could feeeeeel the experience in my body.)
you know what the event may be? the actual physical vision many of us have seen? the clouds literally drop down – engulfing us for a moment or two before it all ends – and we see where we have been.
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well i somehow managed to find the energy to run several errands and go visit two separate neighbors and friends. now i am, well, quite spent and relishing my much needed quiet/solitude time. i did have some help/support prior to heading out as i was feeling a bit wonky. i requested assistance and heard “you will be helped during your drive”. so as i get into the car, “fly like an eagle” was playing – love that song and quite appropriate – i want to fly like an eagle ’til i’m Free….up next, a Steve Miller two-fer – “Space Cowboy”….i found that so funny – two songs describing exactly how i feel – a star being not from here wanting to fly away Free. anyway – the experience gave me a good laugh and gave me a nice energy boost i was in need of.
below we have some on and off again schuman spiking between 20 and 40 hz as well as proton and electron spikes.
nap anyone?
a rather challenging day…….i find a way and make it through……..i often give myself a little brief pep-talk by saying “that’s what we do, girl”……find a way even when the path feels like it’s full of shards of glass being thrown…..
i did have an interesting experience. a synchronicity perhaps. i was having a texting conversation with brother rick whereby he was telling me what Clair was passing on to him…..she said they are working on a way to say “you are free” and here is your value back……he sent me this message just as i sent this one to him: “we need the financial relief. like today!” (this was in response to him referencing the message he had heard from her about “it has ended” – and i received the same message on the same day (with mine i heard “all changes tomorrow”). she says these messages were in reference to Trump’s visit to the UK and how as we have read/heard he restored our Republic – taking back ownership/enslavement from GB.
i will say this – the experience of longing for my freedom and most especially the freedom from the whole pay to live system (or babylonian debt system as some call it) only deepens……..
so………..mood is a bit low but i remain, as always, hopeful……..and driven to manifest the Life i desire….want….AND need……..i may not believe in much any more but i do believe in myself………who i am………and what i do. and i thank all of you who support this site and me for helping make this all possible.
here’s the current schumann spike……i am not able to share the plasma, protons, etc. as the data was cut off hours ago for most of the reads.
i don’t know if this is going to be a “new” activity for me until….or if this is temporary…..i will say yesterday afternoon as i sat outside gazing at the sun object i heard in my mind “everything switches tomorrow”……….no idea what it means…….i questioned it – even said “nice try ego or matrix”…….but given it came through me as more of a feel – maybe it is indeed Higher Truth……
so this “new” activity i refer to means i may be having brief check-ins here instead of one long post of daily happenings……key words: MAY BE
i feel an even more intense power today………i am saying “NO” fast and often now……..i am getting more comfortable in doing that too……..even though energetically i feel DEEPLY uncomfortable being here…….i do this not to be unfair or unkind to others – but as a way to honor Me……..and my ability to do a dang thang that is “old/been there done that/ system inducing/system rules” is DONE. OVER. i literally know now there are some things i will never. do. again. this is beyond saying “I do not consent”. this is “I WILL NOT DO NO MATTER WHAT YOU OR ANYONE SAYS”. and let it be.
so there’s where i am now. something did switch up again for me today. i also feeeeel something else is happening “out there”………and i did find these captures from Yellow Rose on her twitter account………and i found my own interesting satellite captures which are below. for now – i will return when i return so will “see” you at that time. and as always – i align with hearing from you so feel free to share your experiences here or privately if you prefer.
cluster of something (upper left):
no clue. glitch? i passed along to Rose to get her insight…
and the share from Yellow Rose: W O W looks like a variety of giant fractures….practice run for the sun going NOVA? the final blast prior?
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happy schumann….and happy little craft/ships on the LASCO….(i am hearing bob ross in my mind at the moment)….
The above image is exactly how I have felt off and on since I was a child and it is particularly intense today. Feeling into it – weeping – longing. Mate having the same experience today. Very intense. Absolutely NO desire for what’s going on politically today. Zero. Zip. Nada. The game – the show – the drama – is nothing close to Who I Am. None aligning with me energetically today. Perhaps the image below has a little something to do with it. Note the vertical line continues – now along with the ongoing bubble only this bubble isn’t feeling like the usual “bubble of bliss”. Feels more like this one is creating a filtering affect (removing what isn’t needed) as well as a “WAKE UP” jolt for those still sleeping inside. And exposing ALL continues. Ugh for the rest of us!
wow! i’m just going to share her words and then below, add the comment i left. Mind. Blown. another Queen reference? seriously??!! (here’s another 222 synch – as i checked my email reports, the number 222 showed up.)
24Hz hit an amplitude of 270 at 6 A.M. PST. June 5, 2019
The Schumann Resonance is a chord of notes. 24 Herz is the 3rd. Today marks a record breaking amplitude for any of the notes that I’ve seen in 4 years. A huge day for the Ascension Diaries blog and history of Earth! What happened? I believe we will unfold that. Mark my words it was a frequency adjustment of likes I haven’t seen before.
The sun is absolutely showing very active surface storms! The solar wind and geomagnetic charts are showing no movement.
I don’t think that’s true.
Just take your day today for example. Did it feel different?
I know there was also many hours of 12hz amplitude lighting up horizontally as orange and white! So bizarre!
Two anomalies on the cart from today that’s TWO!!
It’s like discovering 2 new species in one day.
Also the owls, and other beings and gestures who’ve been used as negative symbolism…they want to be reclaimed for the good. There’s spiritual meanings to everything. Even the near electrical fire in our RV kitchen fan while we are driving. I breathed through the crisis and elevated past the anxiety. The smell of burning circuits ceased! I saw an owl 🦉 face to face then for the first time, “I want to be free” the Queen line came through my head.
Are we having fun yet?
I want team swag y’all.
Things are happening…
Much love,
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