Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing The Construct Ep #61


editor victoria’s comment ~ another very insightful update (2 of 3)…as she says – and as i feeeeel – we are “back on track”…….very good explanation of the schumann spikes and the black lines (which as she says and as i have felt – aren’t always a timeline jump)…….i feel her and her team are very tuned in….all of these “tests” etc. were rigged – the entire game – controlled….hence the need to be gentle with one another as we have all been manipulated and f’d with…



Published on May 16, 2019

A couple of videos on the solar energies – visuals in the skies – and it all is impacting our bodies


editor victoria’s comment ~ i removed a previous article as i thought tomorrow was the 14th and thus wanted to give you all a heads up – for energies that actually came in today.  what can i say other than “it’s the energiezzzzz” causing these mental snafus.  lol  anyway i was feeling into all of this energy stuff and i continue to return to this knowing that this is about us getting out of this frequency realm.  whether we actually go to a NEW realm altogether OR this one is instantly transformed remains to be seen/witnessed.  the escape route is being created and it is my feel these energies are more about breaking down and ending the matrix than they are in actually changing our DNA and the like.  i feel most of that will happen after we are free from this experience.  just passing this along….

some validating words in paul butler’s video (first one) and mrmbb333 has some amazing sky captures which i feel are showing the matrix glitches.  since when does lightening flash upward – in a straight line no less!?  yeah….

one last note on these 3 “cme’s” incoming – which i believe i wrote earlier were “surprises” (and again since when are such huge CME’s ever a surprise by the “experts”??)…..could THESE be the 3 waves of energies some of us have seen over the years?  i thought perhaps the (3) 24 hour blasts on the schumann on the same dates in feb. march and april were an indication of the 3 waves.  maybe what is coming in now is another of the 3 waves.  will there be more?  stay tuned (inward)…..keep hydrated and rested and be mellow because the drama is rather amped now…..


Published on May 14, 2019



Published on May 14, 2019


KP Index and these Energiezzzzzzzzzzz


any of you feeling like you are on a barge out at sea and the water’s churning and you are trying to steady and balance yourself?  that’s my experience today – similar to yesterday only a wee bit more intense.  also having some nausea which as i’ve said before is a very unusual experience for me. peppermint tea is on the menu.

the planetary k index is showing very intense geomagnetic activity – registering at a 7 for a bit before dropping back down.  (see below)  i would say this explains the sudden volatile shaking i began experiencing last night around 1:30am – same time as my mate.  he experienced it first and wow – was it uncomfortable in terms of anxiety-producing.  the magnesium and even the CBD oil weren’t really helping.  i had to get totally in my mind to calm my body as much as possible in order to fall asleep – which took almost an hour last night.  ugh……..

and here’s some plasma for ya too….

lol  my mate just said “i am so damn tired of doing the same friggin’ thing every single day!”  then he laughs his crazy laugh.  i was just going to say how BORED the 3 members of this household are now and today we’ve all been whining about it in one way or another.  i’ve been telling my girl to imagine NEW –  no limits.  NEW activities. NEW ways of doing and being. just let yourself feeeeeeeeeeel into that and see what appears for you.

i know what i would really like at this moment and that is Pure Clarity as to what exactly is going on here.  access the same visuals that those on the outside of this realm are privy to.  this “allowing” experience has grown tiresome.  this is OUR experience and we have the RIGHT to SEE just what exactly is happening.  if others can see it – well then we can too.  i used the metaphor of standing in front of another’s house and tossing invisible eggs at it while saying “just trust and allow the experience is for your best self”.

there is a time to trust and allow and there is a time to be the active, fully conscious participant OF the experience.  to fully be conscious of just what the frigging fruck is going on – requires EYES to see.  yes my inner self says HUUGE incoming.  and i feel things speeding up – lots of movement.  that being said it i would just like the entire script laid out before me right now so i can see and best know how to navigate….  i checked the LASCO C3 again today – that incoming object is still incoming.  i will continue to monitor it.  i’ll ask Yellow Rose and Adam on twitter their perspective.  here’s a screen capture of the latest upload/image:

i’ve run out of things to say so i’ll close this one up.  going to go into a quiet resting space while i have the opportunity to do so (child playing at a friends house).

love to you all ~



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Terran Cognito ~ Short Galactic Messages and a Surreal Day


editor victoria’s comment ~ wow!  talk about synchronicities!  terran as well yesterday had an experience with his money-making venture and being told “account deactivated”.  !!  just as i did yesterday w/my hosting company telling me my account w/them was deactivated so no site.  he got his situation cleared up as did i.  then heather’s message to him about the energies yesterday:  “surreal”.  i used the term “weird”.

today?  bz.  non-stop activity from morning until 8:30pm tonight.  people in and out.  children over to play.  it all centered around our child so it was a wonderful day of celebration.  for highly sensitive individuals in these energies and with the sensitivities being more heightened than ever before the need for a very quiet/down weekend is forthcoming.  the energies are different today though than they were yesterday.  more fluid.  more anchored in.  things are happening quickly.




The image that follows is similar to what I’ve experienced with Denice on some occasions when we were chatting about the galactics.  We’d get a word or two from what we think is a humorous little galactic nudge… we are here!

This happened to Bev this morning when she went to send me a message. Bev was really feeling whacked by the energies this morning and was curled up in a near fetal position a lawn chair in the new portal location (I moved it when I arrived as the land next door was sold).

This sketch was sent to me along with word “We’d”  but Bev didn’t do it. This is the first time we’ve seen them use the iPhone sketching ability. My text is blue…
Then I read from “The Cats” as my friends call them, advising everyone to stay home.

Nope I decided I need to earn money doing ride share thing as that windshield replacement was expensive. And I like to eat.  I felt pretty chipper in the energies because they feel kind of familiar!  So then I get this unsolicited email from Heather…

So Heather’s feeling it too and no telling what was going inside her current “hotel”.
I drive to Austin get my first ride request from a supervisor at an Austin lumber yard in Cedar Park. Cedar Park Texas is where I have had all kinds of “woo woo” happen!  Honestly I think Costco has a portal inside it.

My iPhone suddenly goes dark like it will if the temps are over 100 F but it’s only 70 F.  I can barely read the map but I find the man, he gets in, and I reboot the phone. Fixes the issue! He was a nice man. Had a great conversation with him about lumber and  all the Trump bashing by Congress.

I drop him off and it was only an $8 ride but he gave me a $5 tip!  Not bad!  I get this message from the ride share company my account has been deactivated because of my driving record! They give me a link to look at the DMV report from a third party company and it’s a perfect driver history! WTF???

Then I got a message from the sane ride share company someone accessed my account from Houston “was this you?”  I clicked “No”!
After attempting to get the account reinstated for 4o minutes I decided the universe thought it best that I wasn’t in Austin today and returned home.  Not like I wasn’t warned!
After several complaints along with presenting their own document as evidence of my safe driving history the company restored my account this evening.
“SURREAL” was spot on!  And the cats warned me! So did Heather!  LOL!
I Love You All! ❤️
PS: I think I’ll blame it that Coffee drinking Hawaiian Merlin and his “missions” . LOL 🤣

PPS: As I am uploading this my cable internet connection goes offline. Bill is paid.  LOL!!! So this is getting uploaded via my mobile hotspot via my phone!

Schumann Resonance ~ 5/9/19 ~ another black line – this time – 2 (and some interesting drops in the latest LEGO movie)


missing data gaps?  more merging?  timeline stuff?  i really would like to know the definitive answer to this one….there is missing data on the schumann amplitudes…i will say this – today felt new.  different.  (having that experience more lately but today was very palpable.  i can’t put a picture to it or put it into words – the clarity has not yet presented itself to me.  but something is definitely different and new today.)

now onto the new lego movie….lego the second part…..our girl wanted to watch it………i wasn’t into it so she watched it with her dad……..i did get in at the end though when i saw the image when my mate paused it – a pyramid with a light at the top (reference to all seeing eye i thought)….the pyramid rested on a flat surface (which represented an entire realm) with water cascading down (which would represent the ice ring melting)….then there was reference to simulations….the matrix….time travel……..stargate and portal aaaaaaaaaaand at the very end we see the sun gets blocked out w/another version (sun simulator)…….so many parallels….


Today’s Reflection: Energies. Site issues. Moments of humbleness…


Well the day began with the notification my site’s hosting service had been deactivated due to a violation of their terms of service.  The violation was due to loading speed, causing lag time on their servers, affecting other customers who share the server w/me.  I contacted my host – first via chat – and with their patient help, assisted this tech-challenged person with making some changes to the site to help increase the loading speed.  I was then told the admins had to verify what was done to fix the issue and thus reinstate my site which would take up to 48 hours.

Hmm, I thought.  Why wasn’t I notified of this?  This is a money-generating site and having it down was something that, well, scared me (more on that later).  So I phoned them up after the chat and spoke to another awesome CSR who agreed – I should have been notified of this issue so we could work together to resolve it rather than just shut down my site and leave me in the dark.  So I got that taken care of and now I am up and running again – with a lot of plugins being removed.  Next step will be to see the cost of working with a sister agency of my hosting service where people much more skilled than I can help me determine the best plug-ins to use, themes, security, etc. For now all appears ok.

This brought up issues of fear for me, as I said.  I feel there were a couple of influences at play.  One the matrix poking me.  Love doesn’t “poke”.  Love presents – without judgment – and always with the assistance to help.  I also feel this poke also included a tap from higher self that said “let it go and trust in ME”.  No surprise I also have been having repeated dream themes the last week.  Many fears arising now.  I’m seeing the need to face them as they are without judgment – and love every one of them.  Do the best I can in this environment – in this realm – these frequencies and mostly with the deception.

All those aspects of me.  The wounded child.  The wounded ego.  Limited programming – limited in that I am ALSO so many other characters of Greatness.  Beauty.  Love.

And all of the challenging personality behaviors and beliefs/thoughts/stories that come up with them.

How I dealt with the website issue was another good indicator of my need to allow.  Trust.  Release.  And respond (w/o the drama of reacting which is exactly what the matrix wants and which is also why those old programs hooked into us poke).  I missed that mark for a little bit – until I hit it by simply responding and letting what will be – BE.

I know what to do.  I just have to WANT to motivate myself TO do the “doing”.  Make sense?

Take a breath.  Step back.  RELAX.

So I spent time reflecting on this as I waited for the site to come back up – which was not a guarantee.  I found that peace in all of it.  Small – but it was there.  A start.

In my experience of being humbled by seeing me – I bring out my Greatness.

So onto these energies…..Something is up and it isn’t just the protons and isn’t just the plasma density and speed(which you will see below).  I was tuning in as I watered out front earlier.  Our ground looks as though we are in mid summer.  Dry, cracked – deprived of moisture.  We just came out of a long cool, wet winter so this makes no “sense” to the logic.  What I felt was this is proof we have been moved – this realm in which we reside.  Or it could be a result from the chem’ing – creating an effect of dehydration for nature.  That also brings about a sense of perplexity for me as just a few weeks ago I could smell mold/mildew which thrives in damp environments. Now the smell seems to have disappeared.  How could this switch happen so quickly?  Other than we have been moved closer to the exit – again – recently.

That could explain that ring around the sun which some are now also agreeing with my feel – at least aligning with it – that this looks like a stargate.  Yellow Rose has been saying we get pulled out of this realm then the sun goes NOVA.  And that perfectly aligned ring indeed looks like a stargate.  So I am staying with this perception/feel for now.  And perhaps as well these pokes can be used in a way to strengthen us to respond to the pokes – so we leave the old drama behind.  I had the visual of a strainer – the “good” stuff makes it through – the residue gets left behind.  What is no longer needed.

I’m ready for that.  I’m sure you are too.





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Today’s Energies ~ Reflection ~ and Dream ~ 5/8/19


My energy was pretty good again today – not quite as super-charged as yesterday but still quite good…until about 3:30pm that is.  Something came in and through me and I was suddenly very sensitive.  I was in a thrift store at the time.  Perhaps it was also due to the variety of energies that come in such places.  All of those used items carrying the impressions of previous owners.  I had to get out and into the fresh air and sun.  That helped me – but I still felt something – still feeling it.  Below are energy reads for today.  Protons.  Electrons.  Plasma speed nearly off the charts.  Magnetic Field Speed hitting high notes.  And the schumann spiking.

I am feeling we are being prepped – once again – for the new way of Being. Last night before drifting off into my cbd oil slumber, I was sharing with my mate how I am really tuning into the new and what I will be doing.  I said I had this feeling there are things I have once did – when I was in my Original Form – that I have “forgotten” and I am trying to remember – at least being guided TO remember.  He laughed and said he just began having that same exact thought pattern.

I then fell into deep sleep where I had several very vivid dreams.  One in particular had the most impact, in which I will share with you all.  In short: I was flying.  At least getting the hang of it.  I was walking on this beautiful walking path – surrounded by meadows and hills.  I was at the top of wherever I was.  Air was perfect.  Temperature, perfect.  Sky had a lot of colors – orange and yellow being the primary colors.  As I am walking I suddenly stop and knew it was time for me to fly.  I take a step – my body leaves the ground – left foot lifting about an inch off the ground.  Manifest this, I told myself.  It’s time.  I then stumble in the air a bit until I am floating on my backside in a slight sitting position.  I’m giggling at this point and so happy and so grateful.  My laughter turns to tears as I give thanks for FINALLY getting my Powers back.  Absolute elation.

Then there is our manifestation abilities.  Those seem to be supercharged right now.  (and dang these abilities best be around to STAY as we have had hints of them here and there for quite a long time now)  Here’s a funny one. Our child wants Jimmy John’s for dinner later this week.  It was her choice.  I don’t have any weird apps on my computer nor do I have a fancy smart phone w/apps.  So we have deduced it was HER energies manifesting the 2 emails I suddenly received from Jimmy John’s in a 24 hour period.  Then this morning we see a Jimmy John’s car drive up our street – STOP in front of our house – then go to a house 2 houses up from us.

I manifested a small torte baking set – something I have wanted for years but have not wanted to spend a lot of money on them.  The price today was $1.00.

Here are the reads:











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Today’s Energies ~ Feeling Greaaaat!


am i acclimating?  did eating light yesterday and having good sleep help? both?  i’m feeling a little bit of the reads showing up today – but not nearly to the level where i was yesterday.  slug level.  today?  tony the tiger.

the schumann grid pattern continues.  we have electron and proton spikes. and the sun or whatever that is NASA captures and shares is showing a lot of activity.  plasma is moderate with some dips.  images below.


and one last image.  came home with the nudge to “get to the tv” and take a look…..finishing this one up at 4:44pm too….




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