11.16.23 ~ Finds and a check-in………..



Focused on the prize while also feeling the attempted draining energy of today which gets dropped and left behind.

Hey that’s a good way to put it!  🙄😜

Here’s what I am seeing.





this is probably the best find and the most important……..


What was that??








WOW: Little Michigan Town Establishes Its Own MILITIA to Safeguard Second Amendment Rights – Vows Not to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grabs


Michigan Judge Dismisses Attempt to Block Trump from 2024 State Ballot


Kinda like some restitution myself for the censorship I faced as well as being denied the right to earn an income by outlets such as pooh pal and patreon…..Any time would be good – how ’bout NOW?

Elon Musk Pledges ‘Legal Funding’ to an Illinois Student Facing Disciplinary Action for a Post He Made on X/Twitter


TOO LATE: US Army Removes COVID Vaccine Requirement for Recruits Following Historic Low in Recruitment Since 1973


Conservative Argentineans Close Ranks Around Javier Milei Against Catastrophic Peronists – Pro-America Presidential Candidate Arrives Strong for Sunday Runoff Election


V’s end time sign:

US Postal Service Announces $6.5 Billion Loss for 2023 Despite Big Plan to Break Even



Again – like I’m 5 please……..


He speaks it in a way my 5 year old brain can understand…….😂











Laura’s View and Tarot, Too………..Happening tomorrow (17th – Rocket Launch)……Break through the firmament…..A good one.

Rocket Launch, “the Break”, and “Watch the Water” Connected?


Ok then……

Nov 18 17 delta:


Nov 18, 2022 7:21:01 PM EST
SOS Offices.
Investigators. Researchers. Whistleblowers.
Patriots in trusted positions.
Trust yourself.
You have seen the truth.
Time to show the world.




11.12.23 ~ Finds, etc.


Energy is cranky.  Pokey.  Trying to stay out of that – the best way for me to do that is to be alone.  Q u i e t.  See where there’s a hoarding energy – people who buy things to fill in empty spaces – there’s also that behavior where if there’s silence it needs to be filled with chatter.  As I told my daughter – conversations of the thoughtful – intentional manner – well ok that’s what I need.  I’ve had a lifetime of mindless chatter.  Repeat, etc.  SO. DONE.  Energetically too – doesn’t matter what I tell myself.  My Energy Body knows.

Had an interesting dream last night where I was riding my bike w/o a helmet – heard the “you need to put on a helmet” in my mind – but dismissed it as I knew I was protected.  70’s childhood style.  🥰🥰🥰

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please share, donate an amount of your choice, comment, like and subscribe.  Or whatever is in your heart!  🙏







Protection too with us.  Armour up.  24/7.  No joke –  no fear – just my experience at this time.  They can’t loop now but they can insert skits we once experienced.  Had it happen to me – obscure and one of those things that I only experienced once in my entire lifetime a few months ago and then again this week.  Started to get upset about it – but instead observed and reminded myself to keep using the spiritual tools.


More insight……..Beautiful description of the protection surrounding us all.  Sometimes the tribe is invisible to our eyes.









Feds Focus on Eric Adams’ Texts to Turkish Consul General in Public Corruption Probe




South Africa: White-Owned Farms No Longer Allowed to Export to EU, UK


X Reverses Permanent Ban of British Activist Tommy Robinson and Conservative Pundit Katie Hopkins


Patriotic Poles Take to Warsaw’s Streets Celebrating Independence Day – Nationalist Forces Show Strength Ahead of Struggle to Form New Government











😲😡🥹😩  would not put it past “them”…………



Fire.  In November….

Gov. Newsom Issues State of Emergency After Fire Closes Portion of LA Highway (resistthemainstream.com)



11.10.23 ~ Checking in……….Finds….Dream Share…….A T share re: “LIGHTS” and an aligning 17 post…. and a bizarre headline w/the term “ASCENSION”…….






I haven’t taken the time to slow down and tune in to get a feeeeeeeeeeeel for today.  I did return to my usual morning routine that I recently began.  Taking back power and control in all ways I know how to.  What I am feeling is continued strangeness.  New territory.  In between spaces.  Slow process – but things are shifting in my consciousness.  I had an amazing dream where I saw both a Wolf and a Cheetah – the Cheetah went one way – down a ravine – and the Wolf went the direction in which I was going.  Symbolically a wolf can represent the ability to endure challenges and struggle and indicate leadership, inner strength, resilience and connection with instincts.  I remember feeling – at first – oh wow – two very powerful and potentially dangerous animals – but neither had the intention of harming anyone.  It surprised me – especially once the Wolf came right up beside me, looking at me in the eyes with Wisdom and kept on going.  I remember thinking “Oh, you’re coming with me.  Ok.”  They felt like totem animals there to support and help lead the way.  The Cheetah was leading – well traveling beside I should say – a group of people.  I seemed to feel I was more of a solo traveler – a few people – but a smaller group size.  Cheetahs are not pack animals though whereas Wolves usually are.  However, sometimes that Lone Wolf will leave the pack and travel solo – which is common.

Anyway………..that was a first of its kind for me.

Here’s what I’m seeing out there on stage.  Please remember to share, leave a donation of your choosing and drop me a comment and a like.  Thank you!  💖🙏🥰💜





THIS is getting crazy.  10,000 in 24 hours.  !!!




interesting map:

What City in Europe or North America Is on the Same Latitude as Yours? (matadornetwork.com)



And Marines Clean the House………


Mount St. Helens sees increase in earthquakes, USGS not worried about eruption


Uh oh…….

FBI Seizes NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ Cellphones, iPad


“Ascension”………….which is not included in this article……..so my feeeeeel – has been it’s AI giving us a COMM as to where we are……..something I continue to feeeeeeeeeeeeel (we’re getting COMM’d from higher/outside) so I’m going w/it as Truth……..

Hungary’s Orbán Becomes the Nemesis of Ukraine’s EU Dreams: Opposes Beginning of Ascension Talks, and Is Poised to Block €50B Military Aid






17 alignment – just 1 – must go for good at this point – VK starting detachment tomorrow ending on 11.22………Just – interesting………


Nov 02, 2017 7:31:24 PM EDT
Fellow Patriots, I’m being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS’ Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the LIGHTS GO OUT please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless – I must go for good at this point.


Around 25 up now (10pm EST)……..






Thanks to Sister Jules for passing this along:

Hundreds of non-Mormon archaeologists confirm many mounds of human skeletons found near Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
These non-member archaeologists know there are many mounds and bones around Cumorah, which they call up state NY. Why do many Historians and Intellectuals in our Church say there are not any bones near Cumorah? Because many want us to think the final battles of Cumorah were in Mexico not New York. I disagree.
“… The purpose of the mounds of New York, so far as can be determined, seem uniformly to have been those of sepulture. They generally occur upon commanding or remarkable positions. Most of them have been excavated, under impulse of an idle curiosity, or have had their contents scattered by “money-diggers,” a ghostly race, of which, singularly enough, even at this day, representatives may be found in almost every village. I was fortunate enough to discover one upon Tonawanda Island, in Niagara River, which had escaped their midnight attentions. It was originally about fifteen feet in height. At the base appeared to have been a circle of stones, perhaps ten feet in diameter, within which were several small heaps of bones, each comprising three or four skeletons. The bones are of individuals of all ages, and had evidently been deposited after the removal of the flesh. Traces of fire were to be discovered upon the stones. Some chippings of flint and broken arrow-points, as also some fragments of deers’ horns, which appeared to have been worked into form, were found among the bones. The skulls had been crushed by the superincumbent earth.
The mounds which formerly existed in Erie, Genesee, Monroe, Livingston, St. Lawrence, Oswego, Chenango, and Delaware counties, all appear to have contained human bones, in greater or less quantities, deposited promiscuously, and embracing the skeletons of individuals of all ages and both sexes. …They were sometimes heaped together so as to constitute mounds; at others placed in pits or trenches dug in the earth … or deposited in caverns, either promiscuously or with regularity.” (E. G. Squier, ABORIGINAL MONUMENTS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Originally published in the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Volume 2, 1849, Ch. IV, “MOUNDS, BONE-HEAPS, ETC.”, pg. 67)
“In Greene township, about two miles below the village, was formerly a mound of some interest … An examination of the mound was made in 1829 by excavation. Great numbers of human bones were found; and beneath them, at a great depth, others were found which evidently had been burned, No conjecture could be formed of the number of bodies deposited here. The skeletons were found lying without order, and so much decayed as to crumble on exposure. At one point in the mound a large number, of perhaps two hundred, arrow-heads were discovered, collected in a heap. .. another pile of sixty or more, was found in another place, in the same mound; also a silver band or ring, about two inches in diameter, wide but thin, and with what appeared to be the remains of a reed pipe. A number of stone gouges or chisels, of different shapes, and a piece of mica, cut in the form of a heart, the border much decayed and the laminae separated, were also discovered.
It may be mentioned here, that the character of the lower deposit, and also some of the relics, coincide with some of those found in the mounds of Mississippi Valley. The ancient mound-builders often burned their dead. The upper and principal collection of bones had probably a comparatively late date, as is shown by the silver bracelet, which, it is presumed, although not so expressly stated, was found with this deposit.” (E. G. Squier, ABORIGINAL MONUMENTS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Volume 2, 1849, “CHENANGO COUNTY”, pg. 34; see also Joseph Smith – History 1:56)
“In cultivating the area, many fragments of human bones, some of them burned, have been observed, – suggesting the possibility that the ancient village was destroyed by enemies, and that these are the bones of its occupants who fell in defense of their kindred, and were burned in the fires which consumed their lodges.” (E. G. Squier, ABORIGINAL MONUMENTS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Volume 2, 1849, “JEFFERSON COUNTY – EARTH-WORKS, ETC.”, pg. 20)
Here are also many Prophets and Leaders who definitely say the final battles happened in NY at Hill Cumorah:
. “Millennia ago he declared: “There shall none come into this land [he was speaking of America] save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord… In the western part of the state of New York near Palmyra is a prominent hill known as the “hill Cumorah.” (Morm. 6:6.) On July twenty-fifth of this year, as I stood on the crest of that hill admiring with awe the breathtaking panorama which stretched out before me on every hand, my mind reverted to the events which occurred in that vicinity some twenty-five centuries ago—events which brought to an end the great Jaredite nation… Thus perished at the foot of Cumorah the remnant of the once mighty Jaredite nation, of whom the Lord had said, “There shall be none greater … upon all the face of the earth.” (Ether 1:43.)… This second civilization to which I refer, the Nephites, flourished in America between 600 B.C. and A.D. 400. Their civilization came to an end for the same reason, at the same place, and in the same manner as did the Jaredites…
The tragic fate of the Jaredite and the Nephite civilizations is proof positive that the Lord meant it when he said that this “is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity. (Ether 2:9.)” America’s Destiny Marion G. Romney Oct 1975
The Hill Cumorah in Ontario County NY is the hill where Joseph Smith found the Golden Plates and is the same hill where the civilizations of the Nephites (Cumorah) and the Jaredites (Ramah) fought their last battles. Oliver Cowdery with the assistance of Joseph Smith wrote “…Here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed. By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah. In this valley fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites—once so highly favored of the Lord, but at that time in darkness, doomed to suffer extermination by the hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. From the top of this hill, Mormon, with a few others, after the battle, gazed with horror upon the mangled remains of those who, the day before, were filled with anxiety, hope, or doubt.” Oliver Cowdery’s Letter VII Joseph Smith Papers “Letter VII,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, July 1835, 1:155–159 .
Email me for dozens of other quotes from Prophets and Leaders. riannelson@aol.com



Aries – This shift is bigger than you realize.




11.8.23 ~ More finds, etc. and a Gematria




Breathin’ through the days.  I’m still really in need of someone who is skilled at or willing to try fundraising.  Seeing the need to treat the nervous system gently and with love which takes practice, quiet and trust.  Really “getting it” how we heal – environment is everything.  I continue to hold a vision of people telling their stories – being surrounded by others who simply hold space – without judgment or commentary.  Healing in an environment of loving silence.  That is what I need.

What so many need.

But I know in order TO – I must start with myself.  Can’t run a race with a bum knee.

Getting a slight sense about tomorrow – 11.9 – mirror 9.11.  Buuuuuuuuuuuut I know how that date thing goes……..

However – I still do it none the less.  Why?  Because big things always happen on some. date.  Toss enough darts at the board – you get a bullseye.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  I ask you to please share and leave a donation of your choosing.  It’s important. I matter.  Thank you!  🥰🙏💖💜






I see Elvis:



Bowie too.  Age reversal………?  What we all return to!  This really does sound frigging amazing!



Another movie scene – this one’s good……..


And another……..

And another:


How many of ya’ll can relate?





DJT Four Ten Twenty

decode we are getting closer the best is yet to come

one hundred fourty four thousand

I Am Back See Soon Enough Q It’s Gonna Be Biblical



JUST IN: Minnesota Supreme Court Flatly Rejects Bid to Block Trump From Primary Ballot After Chief Justice Dresses Down Leftist Lawyer


Rep. Gaetz Stands Up for J6 Political Prisoners Including Owen Shroyer and John Strand -Bureau of Prisons Director Agrees To Investigate Treatment of J6 Defendants! (Video)


Biden’s Humiliation: Pentagon Confirms Iran-Backed Houthi’s Shot Down US Reaper Drone Near Yemen


Elections Department Sends Out Wrong Ballots to ‘Undetermined Number of Voters’



Age regression………?  Or telling us we haven’t seen the real T in awhile………..


7………..Seven…………That’s in the vibe.  REmember the Seinfeld episode where George wants to name his future child Seven?  Yeah – we just happened to pick that one last night to watch……..



11.4.23 ~ Check in and Some VERRRRRY Interesting Finds………


Sometimes I would like an app or program to come up with the subject titles to these posts.  I feel the same way within as when I leave a voicemail.

Image result for i don't know what to say or do meme female

I feel the same when I’m forced into one of those social situations where I don’t know the person and the only thing I realize is safe to talk about is the weather.  😛😕


Writing subject lines – I can erase those.  Voicemails?  Once they’re out there – they’re out there.  And mine tend to ramble.  Which I usually apologize for then hear my inner voice say “you don’t need to apologize for that” and then a whole mental mess happens.

How are you all feeling?  I feel disoriented and a new level of fatigue even though I know I slept well – kind of like a drug-induced sleep where when I woke up I wondered if I was coming out of a coma.  I did have energy to do what I wanted and needed to do.  Made things I usually do – jam, almond milk, salad dressing.  The little things I like to have on hand and prefer to make on my own – even though convenience is starting to speak up loudly lately like when I was out front sweeping up the pine needles suddenly wishing for one of those obnoxious leaf blowers that for decades I have despised for their noise and waste-of-time-just-moves-the-mess-for-someone-else-to-deal-with.  But today?  My aching body had a different idea.  I had the thought that 49 and younger don’t need them.  50 and over though…..

The weather was very stormy for awhile – then the skies cleared and while I saw rain clouds to the west and south I told a friend I intended them to go around us.  And uh – they actually did leaving us with 60’s and sun.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Love and gratitude to you all.









Not yet he hasn’t…………at least it hasn’t shown up on the world stage yet – but one of the chief commanders alluded to this this week when he essentially said there was no progress being made….


All land is holy………





After he posted this, he had some shadowbanning issues……..






I saw another interview with (allegedly) her last night – and she skirted the issue and did not look like the original………


Kim Runner’s b-day……….yesterday………have wondered if she’s either AI or on the outside………similar vibes for her as I get for VK……..





Well, this is a phrase that I (and I believe Lisa Harrison) were hearing over the summer……..




House Speaker Mike Johnson on Securing the Border: ‘We’re Going to Force the Issue’ (VIDEO)



Get Your Popcorn Ready: Trump Scheduled to Take Stand in His Own Defense

Ok – fireworks has been “around” me……….below is included in the article linked above……….Remember 17 speaks of expecting fireworks? (below)

The state’s Democratic attorney general, Letitia James, is “predicting fireworks” for the session, according to the report.



Dec 10, 2017 11:32:52 PM EST
False flag(s).
POTUS 100% insulated.




Texas Elementary School Students Donate Allowances and Raise Money to Help Classmate See in Color



This is VERY interesting………As we’ve been saying – Trump 2023.  NO 2024 elections.  We know what he’s telling us………

Trump Unveils 1924-Style Ahead Of 2024 Election, Tells His Supporters To Do The Following

Former President Donald Trump has stirred controversy by suggesting that there may be “no need to vote” in the upcoming elections…

To further complicate matters, Trump did not elaborate on what he meant by “no need to vote.”


“BLACKOUT”….stated yesterday……….

Fact check: Trump falsely claims California had ‘blackouts all over the place this summer’







Another CALM BEFORE THE STORM synch (thanks to my truther friend Lila for passing this one along):


The calm before the storm.
May be an image of 2 people



5 of the big ones (banks) still in the yellow………

Finance Downdetector




10.29.23 ~ We all still here? Finds and a Gematria



😴 was 😜🙄😜🙄 last night.  How about for ya’ll?  Body and mind saying rest sleep take it ez.  Ok, then.  Here’s what I’m seeing.  End – THE moment – feels really close now doesn’t it?  (lol took me 3x to type out that sentence).




This aligns w/my dream I had early this week – where something big had been accomplished – a barrier busted through.  Anyone on Lisa Harrison’s TG Chat group may also want to check out what she said.

San Tarot………with the work doing in the astral what we normally did during the day – not able to do as well because of the astral battle.  Ya think?!

Libra – Astral battle complete.




You don’t say, John……….?


Elon seems to have eyes wide open……





Never watched it………comm for we’re all about to watch something in unison………?




Storm………watch is now on around 11:16/17…………and as someone pointed out – the rabbit has one bent ear………..a rabbit with one ear bent like that is called a lop………to lop is to cut off from the main branch………..


And oooh this…………tippy top……….who spoke those words recently………





So some say it’s an algorithm………I say there are no coincidences……Time Travel (see below)…………



So anybody at this point not seeeeeeeeeeeing the whole time travel thing……




Battle of Williamsburg……..Angel slaying evil………1864 – Election – Lincoln won by a “landslide”……….other symbols too small for me to figure out……….







DeLorean’s on stand-by:


Canada’s Trudeau the Latest Leader to Backtrack and Delay on Climate Alarmist Policies – Rolls Back Home Heating Oil Carbon Tax for 3 Years


Oh what the heck, let’s do a gematria.  BACK TO THE FUTURE

One Eleven

The Light Has Returned (dark to light reference?)

Michael Jackson (that came up twice in the first several phrases – i ignored it the first time then saw it a few rows down and decided ok mebbe i share)

US The Plan of October

Matrix Storm

From The Future

XRP The Storm

The Wizard of Oz

Twin Flame Union

When Does a Bird Sing

Exit The Matrix

’nuff said.  💖🙏💖




10.28.23 ~ Dream Share: We pushed through a barrier……..Finds and other things…..including THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM comms….


Well it’s been some time since I had a dream like this.  I was in the astral place – Lisa Harrison and others were there – part of some team.  We were talking – excitedly – openly (because it felt like we were “safe” to do so).  I don’t recall what was said but I do remember the sense was “WE DID IT!”  And my feel was – whatever we did – we pushed through it and would feel it here.

Around 5pm today – PST – 8pm EST – I got this very nice rush of energy – uplifting energy – the kind that comes from deep deep within and feels like it originates in a far off distance place – and it feels natural and right and wonderful.  I had just finished up a walk/hike with my girl and had to go back out to burn off some of the energy that was going through me.  As an added synch – my spouse said he was feeling the same thing.

Additional synch that may or may not align with my “dream” – earlier I had been engaged in a convo w/others on twitter (you’ll see that below) where I was telling someone what if when all of this is over we wake up on the outside and STAND up and realize we’ve all been playing this game – then we remember and laugh.  I shared this with my spouse before going out on my 2nd walk.  As I’m walking my phone rings – it’s him – telling me to check out the song that just came on the radio.  80’s friends will appreciate this one.  I leave you w/this (appropriate) song followed by some shares.  Something shifted – again – today.  Anyone feel it?

STAND OR FALL- THE FIXX (1983) – YouTube





JD liked this one……….he doesn’t like every comment……







and then – this:





T dropping the Truth……….”Peace through strength beyond…”  B E Y O N D





Why in english?  And what about no internet there?  (btw – we had on the live cam in gaza – 0 rocket alerts today – but i thought there was this massive ground war assault going on)




Eisenhower and Ford……..

(18) Second US aircraft carrier enters Mediterranean Sea heading toward Israel, ship tracking data shows (cnn.com)


US Fighter Jets Deployed After Civilian Aircraft Violates Restricted Airspace Near Biden’s Delaware Home


Jack Smith Quietly Withdraws Second Subpoena in Trump Probe


Comm’ing the masses………..just google her – name only – and this comes up everywhere on the mainstream media outlets……….


Then – we got the military confirming:


good description – although it’s felt like this since i arrived here – definitely something switched a few years back making that experience much more palpable………


Feeeeeeeeeeeels:  (btw – he’s sounding/reading like VK today)




Pretty sure this place has always stood still….interesting……matrix sim glitching continues………..



Now this is an interesting thing to post……………(from back in April)



Ongoing occupations…………ending, right?



Did I already share this last night?  It’s something I theorized a few weeks back too………..



MrMBB333……….What’s that off to the right at the 4:44 mark?  The “pot marked planet”?  Then again off to the right at the 6:03 mark (looks kind of like a hole that leads elsewhere – a window – and if you pause it you will see there are no “stars” on the other side)……..Also of interest – the location of the moon.  My spouse watches it rise every night – and it’s not in the same location it is normally seen it.  It moved by a great deal to the north.  Bizarro reality………..

Is something BIG swarming the EARTH?!






mimicking bush w/that phrase……..🤷‍♀️🙄



of all days too………..6 year anniversary of 17…….






10.26.23 ~ Finds…………Reflecting


I’m still needing – and responding positively to – meat.  I made a meal of mozz. cheese inside a tortilla – pan fried in a bit of butter along with some toasted walnuts with butter and cinnamon.  I went outside next to do some cleaning up and sweeping after the last few days of wind/rain storms.  Came inside to get my girl so head out on walk.  Body stopped me – saying NO MORE PROTEIN so I dug in the back of the freezer – knowing I had one little cut up steak in parchment paper – found it – fried it up in the pan – ate it – body said YES GOOD TO GO and headed out for more movement.

Sleep was pretty good.  Continue to do the protection mantra’s – doing some new things.  Atm, got bread in the oven.  Soup is slow cooking.  No rain – sun today.  Thank god I’m a country girl…..  (well living in the city but continue to call that experience in to me!)  Turned on the radio – speaking of music – Final Countdown was on.  Spouse heard it as well yesterday.  I just said “hmm interesting” and turned it off.

As I sat here – deciding what to add – I wanted to include some music to end today’s piece (see below).  I thought that some day – at some point – I will have my last post to share.  There will be one final post here.  That brings me some quiet – bittersweet – necessary step though.  There will be much more to do with my time – with our time – some will include meeting you all in person.  🥰

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to share, leave a comment and a donation of your choosing.  Thank you and blessings to you all.





Heating up.  Ooooh boy here we go…………My feel – this is gonna move fast and swift……..


So visually satisfying.  Now I want cake.


Intruder Arrested for Trespassing at RFK Jr.’s Home TWICE on Wednesday


Georgia’s Lt. Governor Wants to Pay Teachers an Extra $10,000 to Carry Guns in Schools



“The Constitution Requires This Action” – Speaker Mike Johnson Previously Argued that Impeachment Was Necessary for Joe Biden (VIDEO)


DEVELOPING: Multiple FBI Agencies and State Police in Standoff at Maine Mass Shooter Robert Card’s Residence – Explosions Reportedly Emanating From Home – New Updates Inside (VIDEO)



extra tidbit (inventor:  ROTHSCHILD RICHARD A (GB))….2015…….

System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 – Patent US-2020279585-A1 – PubChem (nih.gov)


Flash back………..





To add in on the US Debt Clock comms earlier………………they show actor JB eating a lot of ice cream………allegedly code for male prostitute…….






Full moon (hunters moon) as well on 10.28………and the lunar eclipse – the inverted OMEGA shape………..mirror……….US DEBT CLOCK on Tuesday this week had the Omega shape………remember remember the 5th of november (sunday of next week)………


About 90 up ATM state-side (11:30PM EST)…..

ADS-B Exchange – track aircraft live (adsbexchange.com)



MarketWatch: Stock Market News – Financial News – MarketWatch



Dow 32,784.30 -251.63 -0.76%
S&P 500 4,137.23 -49.54 -1.18%
Nasdaq 12,595.61 -225.62 -1.76%
VIX 20.68 0.49 2.43%
Gold 1,997.00 -0.40 -0.02%
Oil 84.30 1.09 1.31%



FTSE 100 7,354.57 -59.77 -0.81%
DAX 14,731.05 -161.13 -1.08%
CAC 40 6,888.96 -26.11 -0.38%
FTSE MIB 27,507.90 79.30 0.29%
IBEX 35 8,962.80 -22.00 -0.24%
Stoxx 600 433.20 -2.07 -0.48%




Letting music soothe……..

Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah (Official Video) – YouTube




VERY powerful – for its truth – video (and another find)



This describes every one of us.  All by design.  And that design is crumbling – quickly – right in front of our eyes.  It really is going to be Glorious – for us all.  Healing our hearts, minds, bodies, Soul/Spirit.  Restored to Who We Really Are.  This is an excellent, beautiful, sad, powerful video.


Speaking of Kansas – my number too (actually lived at a house with 1122 as the addy)…….EVERYTHING is lining up fast tonight……..I don’t remember reading this (TRUST KANSAS):


Apr 10, 2018 1:48:24 AM EDT

10.23.23 ~ Finds, Reflecting……….Decoding and a very. very. good gematria




Saw this flower today while on a walk around town.  It was surrounded by brown, dying leaves and grass.  It spoke to me – a little nudge – a reminder that even when all else feels empty and lifeless – BE THE LIGHT.  Shine Bright – even if you’re doing it alone.  I needed this experience.  Earlier I had been listening to the radio – not knowing it was NPR – the talk was focused on the “fake” reporting by Is Real on the hospital bombing.  The news commentator along with the former UN Rep said the same thing – bigger fish to fry – move on.  I think – this is helping awaken people?  As long as the lies spin………….  Seeing (and defo feeling) “they” are trying to push around looping round of b.s. – coin shortages, food shortages, jabs, masks, etc.  I. just. WON’T!  Had the desire to join in with others and pull an Escape from Alcatraz moment and dig our way outta here.  Struggled to sleep last night too – agitation in the force.  Feeeeeel of “i. cannot. take. this.” was powerful.  Still is to be honest.  Feels like in moments I am in a desperate attempt to distract.  Had this thought that any experience feels the worst at the precipice – and how many of us have endured this experience for most of our lives?  We will make it – we’ve had that life long “training”.


Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to support my work by sharing, leaving a comment and donating.  Thank you!  💖💜💖




He left – then returned for the next 30 days/few weeks……Just saw the 111 tstamp….


Allowed here.  Solution?  Round up the criminals – lock ’em up – those who are drug addicts – get clean through treatment or you get locked away until you decide to get clean.



I trust none of ’em.  Felt off about Peterson too (no matter what goodies he may share).



Class action………?






How many would love to see that?



Align w/this………..




MSNBC on trial for treason……….(i’m taking the V back these fake women stole and used for their symbology)……..




Or what if the t.stamp of 10:23 was indicative of a date – which begins today – which is why JD, VK and T all referenced tipping point – which is why it feels so such today too……..


earth…..satellite…..lightning bolt/voltage….battery




This reminds me of a dream I had last night – I saw a cat doing contortionist- like moves in the street.  It was quite entertaining.  (if not bizarre lol)



Tippy Top – from a couple of 17 posts – but for me I also see it as confirmation for The Precipice.


Re-sharing because of the “tipping” part:


This is interesting………Staying above it (well insulated?)…….Fourth Threshold…………reference to EM’s great filter……..?


Speaker of the House

To Be Blunt Game Over



I Am The Key And The Lock

Pinky And The Brain (is that statement still even on my main page??)

A Huge Storm Is Coming

Seven Trumpets

Q Suddenly Appears









VK (AI) knew it was coming:


this tells me the swamp we are seeing are all controlled…..


Sep 21, 2018 3:07:47 PM EDT
We are at the PRECIPICE.
We are here for a reason.
Patriots are in control.
SAN TAROT:  Sun card on the split……….Liking the title….That be us, friends…..
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