Yesterday was better. Today – feeling the disappointment and heartbreaks of living in this world. When I see this playing out atm for more than 3 people – I know it’s a collective heaviness. Is it ours? I don’t know. Could be “them” trying to slam us down again. All I know is I feel it – and when it impacts the most sensitive – especially the one I care about more than anyone – the more I scream to END THIS FUCHING MOVIE ALREADY! (hey if Sam Kinison could blast out truth screaming – so can I now and then, right? 😜😂) Wish we would get to the part that is about US – those of us awake – who answered the call – who question and pursue the truth because as uncomfortable as that is, we know it’s the right thing to do rather than taking the easy way out and turning a blind eye to what is clearly. toxic.
I was thinking about that today – bullying. Power over. I realize everyone has engaged in that here and there – but for some it’s a way of life – a way of being – and it’s the most disturbing when they don’t. see. it. I was thinking back to a time when I belonged to a metaphysical group. The woman ran it like a cult. It didn’t start out that way – but over time I saw the signs. She would criticize people who questioned the philosophy she was teaching. She judged people who weren’t solid in their belief system. She kept trying to steer us in one direction – when we wanted to explore because, you know, it was a metaphysical group where we discussed the metaphysical. But when she giggled at a member for having a claustrophobic attack in the room one night because it was about 100 that day, the room had been shut up – no a/c – so when we arrived at 7pm it. was. very. uncomfortable. I was feeling it myself. So when I offered the woman my water bottle to splash some water on herself, that is when I noticed the leader giggling, watching this poor woman trying to ward off a panic attack. I’d had enough and spoke up – called her out – simply telling her to stop – it wasn’t funny – while the rest of the group sat quietly, doing a variety of things clearing communicating their discomfort. I remember looking around the room at every one of them thinking “Really? You’re ok with this? You’re not going to help me out here?”
That was my last night in the group. Bullying exists because most ignore it just like most ignore abuse. Power over. Most simply don’t want to get involved because they think it isn’t their business to which I say “you’re part of the human species right? That makes it your business.” Often, they don’t want to make waves. Or they feel powerless. But if someone doesn’t stand up – who will? I guess I volunteered for that role here because I seem to have had my share of abuse and bullying going back as far as I can remember.
Anyway – I ran into the leader a few years ago. We talked. I felt perhaps she had changed so we exchanged contact information. She wrote me one day, inviting me to be a part of another one of her discussion groups. I asked her the topic – same one as she ran nearly 20 years previously. I asked if the format was different given the last one fell apart (after I left, 3 others followed, then slowly, the others.) She wrote back – claiming no ownership – instead pulling her same cult tactics – saying this philosophy was the TRUTH and the previous group fell apart because the members could not accept that – which she said she still to this day couldn’t understand. There is simply one way to God/Source and her philosophy was it. lol I giggled over that – wrote back saying “ok good luck with trying that again – I am not interested”. What’s even more comical – she’s a frigging licensed counselor. :::shudder:::
Sometimes it is true: once a bully, always a bully. Until – they aren’t.
Here’s what I’m seeing.
This is the ONE issue that none. of. them. touch – not even T – never mentioned in his social media over the years (that I know of). Now and then I think until it is addressed and called out by this plan – the plan remains open to scrutiny and questioning.
Remember that one President who addressed chemtrails?
Me neither.
— BiffDon (@BiffDon) October 6, 2023
I don’t like JJ – don’t trust him – especially since he showed up with a black left eye and had some lame excuse about hitting it on the proverbial door in the basement at the Capitol. Riiiiiiiiiiight. So maybe this is just another “rolling out the bad actor”. Jesus who knows – this is SO. RIDICULOUSLY. EMBARASSING (that it “had to be this way” for some).
JUST IN: Donald Trump Is Endorsing Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House
I remember when I lived up there 20 plus years back – calling the police when someone smashed my passenger car window and stole some cd’s. I was told then they don’t send out an officer. If I wanted to file a report that was fine – to which I asked “will it be investigated?” and was told “no”.
City of Portland Tells Residents Not to Call 911 ‘Except in Event of Life/Death Emergency’
JUST IN: Trump Files Motion to Dismiss Jack Smith’s DC Jan 6 Case, Citing ‘Presidential Immunity’
This next few days should be interesting. I think there will be a big surprise. Unexpected, but once it happens it will make a lot of sense.
The Lakes Speak To Me.
— John Denver ✌️ ( Parody ) (@JohnDParody) October 5, 2023
We going to actually have the real harvest happenings this “loop”?
Golden fields of corn,
Ripe and ready for harvest time,
Autumn's bounty shines.🌽
— John Denver ✌️ ( Parody ) (@JohnDParody) October 6, 2023
So – here’s an interesting 10:10 synch from today. I went to the store late afternoon and noticed their clock was stuck on 10:10. The second hand was trying to move – but was clearly stuck. Hmmmm, I thought – that’s interesting. As ya’ll know, I first saw 10:10 25 years ago or so and for reasons I had no clue about at the time knew it would be important in the future (and as I’ve said didn’t know it would take so frigging long). Later on, I see this.
Some interesting comms re: 10/10.
— LO 🍑 (@patriotofga3) October 6, 2023
Wait a minute – is this going to be it? 10:10 = JJ? Really?
Jim Jordan as SOTH
J J 10 10
🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓— Claire Roberts (@ClaireRobe34884) October 6, 2023
It’s gonna be amazing. The amount of dirt that will come to light from certain past and present people at these agencies will blow your mind.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 5, 2023
Trump can't nominate himself.
No other choice but to endorse someone.
Jim Jordan seems ok but we need a shakeup.Sticking with the Speaker Trump timeline for troll effect.#Trump2023 #SpeakerTrump
— Vincent Kennedy (@VincentCrypt46) October 6, 2023
Oliver Anthony – Rich Mans Gold
120 up at almost midnight.
went up:
Vincent Kennedy