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Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific, which has been having unknown readings this past week.
Check this out. Tiksi, Russia. WTH??
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[wpedon id=”208″]
Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific, which has been having unknown readings this past week.
Check this out. Tiksi, Russia. WTH??
Editor’s note: Ok my brain is scrambling to come up with an explanation for this. It isn’t like there was a reduction – but an outright disappearance of flies and ants when normally, given this is a pig farm, this is a breeding ground. Environmental? Or perhaps something else ~ perhaps given the frequencies are rising this will disallow all lower, pestulant/destructive life-forms to exist. This is happening. We are switching. Upgrading. The separation of the wheat from the chaff. And of interest, along the lines of synchronicity, tonight my little one and I were discussing the venus fly trap. She saw her first one over the weekend at a local nursery and placed her finger inside. Fascinated, she wanted to study them, so we did. Ended up with her in tears as she watched a video of one of these things killing a fly. We discussed the new earth tonight and the venus fly trap and she and I both agreed that on this higher vibrational frequency realm, there will be no energy space for such life forms. Perhaps they will simply be transformed into something else Light-based.
Editor’s note: Just as we have experienced here along the west coast.
Current read as of 12:24am, PST.
As out there as I go at times, by nature I am a very skeptical person. While I can let myself get carried away at times with fantastical ideas and visions, there is a solid voice within me that pulls me back and says “not until you can prove this, my dear.”
I have a variety of rocks and crystals throughout the house. I wear particular stones and pendants for protection and the like. However, I can say I have never physically “felt” anything in my body emanating from the stones/rocks I have. Not that they don’t have their own energy, properties and uses. I believe they do.
Then I ordered a Moldavite stone (which is actually a Tektite, which comes about when earthly/terrestrial rocks melt with high velocity meteorites and the like of extraterrestrial origin. A nice little marriage).
It arrived today.
One word: Wow!
Now two: Holy SHIT!
I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I hadn’t seen the glow tonight. As I shared last week, the Sun was suddenly (as in overnight) setting much farther north than normal. Tonight, the glow of the sun was further south, returning to the same position as it should be this time of year. A friend on facebook, who follows the sun, also confirmed today that this morning she noticed the sun was back in its original location, having been off the previous days: “Had to come back and say the sun moved back to where is was before this morning!! ☀️
☀️ The world is getting wonkier and wonkier” (posted 14 hours ago).
Here’s the picture from this evening, 7:40pm, PST, followed by the pic taken 3 days ago, 3 houses down, underneath. (sorry for the quality – tonight’s sunset was rather muted) Dorothy, we aren’t in Kansas anymore. The cause? Well, a large gravitational mass could create such a wobble, something like Nibiru. I don’t discuss that on here, certainly not for some time, but I believe it is an inner-dimensional object, likely a massive craft given it’s unusual patterns of movement.