The Myth Of Over-Population and Finite Resources


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I am finished listening to those who espouse the mantras of over-population/finite resources/not enough resources for the number of people we have.

NONSENSE.  These are leftest agendas promoted by people who are really practicing eugenics.

I remember years ago listening to video of a Scientist who was speaking at a conference on over-population.  There was talk of actually allowing certain viruses and the like to spread without human intervention/assistance to reduce the population.  Those words earned him a standing ovation.  I was appalled.  Would he or any of the other bots applauding him be willing to sacrifice any of his family members, let alone himself, for the “common good”?

Number one Gaia has PLENTY of land mass to house us.  And given we have been lied to by every facet of the system, it wouldn’t surprise me to discover we actually have more land mass than what we are being told.

Number two Gaia certainly does provide ample resources to provide for our basic needs.

The problem is the people running the system and how they have farmed the land, their gross management of public lands, and the pollutants dumped into the air, water and environment that destroys life.

We also have an archaic, unsustainable, spiritually bankrupt infrastructure.  Given humans only occupy approx. 10% of the land mass, the infrastructure (highways, biways, corporate farmland) composes approx. 75%.  Well more than half the population lives in urban areas ~ which are very unsustainable. Human beings ~ Spiritual beings ~ are not designed to live clustered together.  By design, we need and desire to live in nature.  Cities are a place to visit ~ not live in.

We have lost our roots, our connection w/nature.

We have lost our connection with one another.

This happened because we lost our connection with Ourselves.

We need to return to living in small communities.

We need to put an end to corporate farming and return all of that land to Organic Farmers.  Community farms, providing for the food needs of their local community.

We need to eliminate the big chemical companies who are guilty of poisoning our food, water, air, environment.

We need to eliminate the concrete jungles of highways, biways and the like.  Instead let’s release the flying car tech and introduce us (again) to the ability to teleport.

Taking to heart the words of John Lennon, there are no problems, only solutions.  Those solutions are doable and often right under our nose.

7.1 Strikes off the Coast of Chili


Of note, once again, the heliplots are registering this earthquake globally – all except Enchi, China, which continues to show the strange signal.  I’m saying it’s a 7.1 as Dutchsinse (youtube and patreon channels) called it as a 7.1 and says the USGS has since upgraded it from the 6.9 read below.  

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake
41 km from Valparaíso, Chile · 2:38 PM

Heliplot Image

Enchi, China read




Local Attractions Near The Strange Signal Emitting From Enshi, China


Editor’s note:  Trying to figure out what is behind this on-going frequency signal… Here’s a list of local attractions, as lifted from this site.  What are your thoughts?  I feel like I’m on a treasure hunt!  The first one has me intrigued as does their Grand Canyon…

 Site of Tangya Tusi Domain,  also known as the Tangya Tusi Ancient City is a world cultural site. It is the largest and best-preserved Tusi site in the ethnic minority regions of southwest China. It is a witness of the Tusi system, a hereditary political system put forward by feudal emperors in ancient China.

 Dashuijing Architecture Group is located 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of downtown Lichuan. It was the former residence of local Li family, a notable clan during the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911). Covering an area of 24,000 square yards (20,067 square meters), it consists of Manor of Li Family, Ancestral Temple, and Messuage of Li Gaiwu. Buildings there reflect both Tujia architectural features and western style.

 Enshi Grand Canyon, also called Mufu Grand Canyon, is about 40 miles from Enshi downtown. It is famous for Yunlong Ground Fissure, the cliffs on two sides of which are formed in two different periods, and Seven Star Village, where visitors can appreciate stones of various shapes. The local residents here are mainly Tu people, so you can also learn some interesting customs and culture of this ethnic group here.

 Qingjiang Chuangtan: Chuangtan refers to the section between the downtown Enshi to Fenshuihe Bridge of the Qingjiang River. Drifting along the river, there are forty-eight rapids in total, meanwhile, visitors can admire the beautiful scenery on the river banks and experience the folk customs of Tujia ethnic minority. After six hours drifting, they will be taken back to Enshi City by bus. Every April to October is the best time to visit Chuangtan.

 Yumu Village:Situated to the west of Lichuan City, the village is still inhabited by five hundred Tujia people. The gate building of the stockaded villages is constructed on a cliff. There are ten tombs of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and several other ancient buildings.

 Tenglong Cave is a cave group 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from downtown Lichuan. It consisted of a dry cave and a water cave. The Qingjiang River becomes an undercurrent while running though the cave. The dry and water caves are only separated by a wall. According to the on-site investigation by experts from home and abroad, Tenglong Cave is praised to be the largest karst cave in China.

Other Scenic Spots: Xingdoushan Nature Reserve

VERY Strong Signal Continues In Enchi, China ~ Doesn’t Pick Up 5.9 Earthquake


The signal in Enchi, China continues.  It is obviously very powerful as the 6.0 Earthquake in Chili, which rang the entire earth and showed up on the heliplots globally, doesn’t even register, as you will see below.  The perplexities continue, my friends.  

Heliplot Image

Enchi, China heliplot read

Heliplot Image

Lima Verde, Chili heliplot, clearly showing the 5.9 earthquake

Heliplot Image

Tuscon, AZ heliplot read, showing the buzz resulting from the 5.9. Similar reads across the globe.

What’s Up With The Sunset?


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We all know by now reality as we know it has become wonky, the sun being no exception.  We went next door to visit our neighbor tonight and upon walking outside, around 7:30pm, I was immediately struck by not only how intense the sun was, but its location.  It was unusually far north.

Our neighbor, who is one of the least conspiratorial/questioning types you will meet, noticed it as well.  We all stood there, perplexed.  I had a memory of last summer, standing in this same location, having a conversation with a girlfriend and the sun was at this same position.

I took some pics and am sharing them with you all.  I’m sure many of you have noticed sunset’s now include the entire skies in all directions being lit up.  Sometimes we have what seems to be double sunsets.  Another neighbor (who has since moved), also one of those very logical and non-conspiratorial types, did a double-take when I pointed out a sunset last summer which had the skies due north very lit up.  “Wow, that really is odd,” he said.

Mouth keeps on speakin’…  Seeds keep on plantin’…


Due west.  This is where the glow usually is in mid- summer.

Due east.

Due north.

Please share any unusual sun anomalies you have experienced in the comments section.



Massive Power Outages ~ What’s Causing Them


Detailed breakdown and good explanation.  Of interest ~ I went to my sacred tree and received a word I had not heard yet: Exponential.  The fact that these energy patterns have been increasing quite rapidly lately, I would say, combined w/the charts in this video and the word I received, we are indeed in an experience of Expotential change for all life.  

MASSIVE Power Outages – What is Causing Them?

Strange Alien/Unknown Frequency

Editor’s note:  This signal, not seen before, showed up on the Heliplots (which I follow).  As of the publishing of this article, it had been going on for 24 hours continuously.  

On April 19, 2017 a very strange seismogram signature shows up from the middle of China, near the ancient city of Enshi.

Reports of strange events throughout the world continue, like the caldera of the Turrialba Volcano in Costa Rico which exploded unexpectedly on April 17, 2017.

I don’t know if UFOs were involved in the sudden eruption of the volcano but it is remarkable that two unidentified flying objects have been spotted close to another volcano (Irazu volcano) in Costa Rica days before the Turrialba volcano erupted. The sighting is reported to The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) under case nr. 83221.

Continue reading here.

Hold On Ascension Folks ~ Big Incoming Energy Wave Arriving Tomorrow (4/18)

Editor’s note:  I found this person’s blog going through my comment section – he/she happened to leave a comment.  I decided to take a peek (check it out yourself – it’s a great site) and found this article which stood out.  I have felt like a zombie all day and have had ringing in my ears (now my right ear – switched from being in my left – maybe this means I am balancing out).  

Big Wave Inbound

Several of us had the same dream, so we decided to share. Here’s M2’s version:

The following is METAPHORIC, not literal…
In a dream last night, I saw what I’ve seen in dreams several times — though this time with a difference. I saw a massive tsunami rise above the Pacific Coast, rising 20,000 feet in a massive wall of water… which alarmed me at first, causing me to run UP some stairs at the beach to get away from it… but I paused at the top, as something was different from previous dreams. As I watched, the whole wave suddenly broke into a bazillion droplets, fizzing into a massive fall of rain all over the length of CA. I then saw the state from above, as a vast mass of water in the form of rain inundated the state. Just before I awoke, I saw smaller blue waves coming in, gently, some with whitecaps.Note that the following has to do with ENERGY. I asked my guides and they said that this massive Wave X influx of energy was coming 4/19. This is NOT The Event, but is a significant — and unstoppable — energy influx. It was gynormous in the dream, so how can The Event be any bigger?? No idea. The PTW cannot stop this energy. Nothing could. I expect it to be more dramatic than the 4/2 energy event.

We also have this latest from Diane Canfield that’s a must-read, as well as the latest from Sophia Love. We’re not sure how this is going to play out, or what the effects will be, but this date is within 7-10 days of when sunspot AR2644 reappears. Stay tuned.

Sourced from here.