Wildlife officials explain why raccoons in Illinois, Ohio are acting like ‘zombies’/Officials Air-Drop Rabies Vaccines


According to this video by MrMBB333, state officials dropped rabies vaccinations (in the forms of bait).  !!!  Yeah, the potential for disaster w/this one…insane! This shit is going to go into the water.  What if kids pick them up?  What about other animals?  One of the more insane stories of the night.  


YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Zombies have been seen sauntering through a northeastern Ohio town and across the Cook County area of Illinois. “Zombie” raccoons, that is.

Youngstown residents are speaking out about them after police received more than a dozen calls in the past few weeks regarding their strange behavior.

One resident tells WKBN he was outside with his dogs last week when one such “zombie” followed him to his door. The raccoon “would stand up on his hind legs,” show its teeth, then “fall over backward and go into almost a comatose condition,” the man says.

“He’d come out of it, walk around, and then he’d do the same thing again.” Though rabies can cause similar, uncharacteristic behavior, experts suspect the raccoons are suffering from distemper, a viral disease that affects canines and other animals such as foxes and skunks, per Live Science.

Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources has been euthanizing raccoons believed to be infected with the disease, which causes convulsions and paralysis, erases a raccoon’s fear of humans, and often sees the nocturnal animals venture out in daylight.

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MrMBB333 ~ How do you explain this? – More dramatic pulses of aurora – like light fills sky!


editor’s note:  i remember late last year or early this year that right prior to the event wave, we would be seeing beautiful new rainbows in the skies and other pink and purple events.  we noticed on our car today – it was covered in brownish/light reddish dust.  wth?  i ran my finger on part of it and examined it.  it wasn’t pollen – wrong color and consistency.  and it wasn’t just dirt. that only happens after weeks of warmth and dry temps – of which we have had neither. related to this red “mist” perhaps that is being seen now?  hmm…  i am also including some pics i have picked up lately on current sky phenomena.  


Published on Mar 29, 2018


Image may contain: night

two suns in colorado

Image may contain: cloud, sky and outdoor

sourced from here

Image result for 2018 sky phenomena

Southern cali

Image result for 2018 sky phenomena




Strange Bird Behavior


Earlier this afternoon, I walked outside to speak to my daughter.  I noticed (heard) off to the west a very big flock of birds that were chirping – very loudly.  It was so unusual and continued on, I decided to record it.  You will see the chirping stopped, then started back up again.  It was still going as I went back inside the house.

Here’s the portion I captured:

Bizarre ‘sunset split’ over Kelowna leaves photographers spellbound


Editor’s note:  Any of you see this yet?  Amazing!  And my feel is if this doesn’t prove we live in a construct (that is failing), I don’t know what does…  Much better analysis than the meteorologist’s opinion…  A “terrain” split would not create such a perfect divide.  


Another view of the split sunset over Kelowna.

People were treated to the bizarre sight of a split sunset as the sun ducked behind distant terrain in Kelowna on Monday night.

Pictures of the so-called “sunset split” were sent by a viewer to Global News Tuesday morning, and they show what almost looks like “before” and “after” pictures Photoshopped side-by-side.

The photographer, Terri Knox, insisted it wasn’t an edit, saying locals were “spellbound” by the sight.

Continue reading here.






Editor’s note:  No surprise here.  I remember watching a piece on PBS ~ an interview with four scientists on the IPCC panel.  They were removed when they refused to sign on stating human’s were the cause of climate change.  All four of them stated there was no consensus.  However, government’s pressured the scientists to state the opposite.  Those who refused were removed.


Climate website: ‘Science doesn’t get any worse’

NOAA has been exaggerating temperature measurements in the United States over the past century by as much as 2.5 degrees to maintain its belief that the rise in CO2 in the atmosphere is causing global warming, contends the publisher of a climate science website.

Average U.S. temperatures have decreased since the 1930s, according to actual measurements. But about half of the 1,218 U.S. Historical Climatology Network temperature stations in the U.S. fail to report their data, allowing NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to “adjust” it, writes Steven Goddard, who publishes with the pseudonym Tony Heller.

Goddard, who has a BS in geology from Arizona State University and a Master’s degree in electrical engineering from Rice University, writes that the NOAA “data tampering produces a spectacular hockey stick of scientific fraud, which becomes the basis of vast amounts of downstream junk climate science.”

Meanwhile, a whistleblower who retired last year as the principal scientist of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, has accused the author of a NOAA report on ocean temperatures of trying to explain away the “pause” in warming through “flagrant manipulation of scientific integrity guidelines and scientific publication standards,” the Washington Times reported.

Continue reading here.


MrMB333 ~ Something mysterious going on in the night sky


Editor’s note:  Simulation breaking down perhaps?  Pole-shift related?  A recent phenomena that seems to be on the increase.  Much appreciation for MrMBB (Mike) for playing an important role in this time.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on Mar 12, 2018