Reader Request


Any of you know where I can get free literature (flyers, brochures) on the dangers of glyphosate ~ in particularly round-up?  I am rather done with neighbors spraying this stuff regularly.  The time for me to be bold and educate in person is now.  Thank you.

A Vision For A Restored Gaia

The latest vision from the Vision Alignment Project.

A Vision for Cleaning Things Up

We picture a world that has been cleaned up; where we have learned that there is an inherent discord in the piles of trash we used to leave laying around; and that this discordance is a reflection of what is going on inside of us. Accordingly, we have begun to Feng Shui our world, to turn our dissonant areas into resonant areas, and to create a grid of gardens and sacred places from what was once our wastelands.

We see a world where this process of cleansing is occurring inside our bodies – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – in just the same way as it is happening in our outer world; where we have realized – and now teach our children from an early age on – the great ancient truth, “As Above, So Below”; where we know that what we create outside ourselves and what we are creating inside ourselves are mirrors unto each other; that the pile of junk in the back seat of our car or in our yard is a sure indication that there is a similar pile of junk in the back of our hearts, our minds, or our physical organs; and that as we clean up the inside, the outside begins to shine – and as we clean up the outside, we begin to feel better, internally, in ways we never imagined.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
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by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.

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