Two videos showing the hypocrisy of the media and their crazed supporters.

example one:  recent situation w/teenagers engaged in organized activity – some wearing MAGA hats.  native american activist and his group approach – invade their space – and narrator and others verbally attack/insult the teenagers – who did NOTHING but remain in their space and dance up and down to the music that interrupted their peaceful activity.  media and others cry racism and “teens attack native elders”.  

example two:  elderly man holds pro-trump sign while 2 teenagers dance around him and one attacks his sign.  media?  SILENT.  

Question:  Which behavior do YOU want representing America to the world?

‘Deepfakes’ in action: Seattle TV station accused of doctoring Trump speech video




‘Deepfakes’ in action: Seattle TV station accused of doctoring Trump speech video

As the nation tuned in to President Trump’s national address on border security, one Seattle TV station apparently manipulated its coverage on the fly, editing the footage to show Trump sticking out his tongue at viewers.

In a side-by-side comparison, Q13 Fox in Seattle appears to have edited its coverage of Trump’s address, turning the president’s skin color a ludicrous shade of orange. In between sentences, the station seems to have doctored the footage to show Trump sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

Q13 told MyNorthWest that the footage was indeed doctored, and that the culprit has been placed on leave.

“We are investigating this to determine what happened,” said Q13’s news director. “This does not meet our editorial standards and we regret if it is seen as portraying the President in a negative light. The editor responsible for editing the footage is being placed on leave while we investigate further.”


The Top Fake News Stories of 2018


All of the usual suspects are among the top winners, including the Washington Post, CNN, and the New York Times.

We’ve listed the top ten of over 30 fake news stories that made it into the Daily Caller’s list:

  1. Washington Post blamed the death of a 7-year-old migrant girl on Border Patrol
    • The paper disgracefully blamed U.S. Border Patrol for the death of the little girl, despite the fact that her own father praised the agency for doing everything they could to help her. The full timeline of events also paint a different picture than what the Post portrays.
  2. CNN and the Hill both reported on a sexual assault claim against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh without mentioning that the claim had been quickly retracted.
    • The Hill eventually deleted a tweet about the claim and CNN updated its story.
  3. The Boston Globe had to correct it’s story about Elizabeth Warren and admit she’s even LESS Native American than they had thought.
    • The paper initially stated that the Massachusetts senator was between 1/32 and 1/512th Native American, but had to issue a correction stating she was actually between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American.
  4. The New York Times shamefully reported that former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley purchased expensive curtains for her New York apartment.
    • In reality, the $52,000 curtains were approved in 2016 and the ambassador had no say in the matter.
  5. The media still blames Republicans for the Steele dossier.
    • The Daily Caller points out that so-called reporters such as CNN’s Jim Sciutto, MSNBC’s Katy Tur, and MSNBC’s Ari Melber all perpetuated the falsehood that the GOP was responsible for the salacious, unverified, anti-Trump dossier. In reality, the research conducted by ex-British spy Christopher Steele and eventually compiled into the dossier was solely paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign.


MSNBC Manipulating Video Footage ~ Puts video from 2011 claiming it’s recent


The enemy of the people indeed!  See the date of the video on the lower right hand corner at the very beginning of the footage.  Who was prez then?  Yeah…This is so damn sad as at the heart of it is a little girl who died unnecessarily!  


Washington Post ~ JFK Jr. didn’t die! He runs QAnon! And he’s No. 1 Trump fan, omg!!!


editor’s note:  i’ve been waiting on one of the outlets to do a piece on this. no surprise they took the juvenile approach…there are so many holes in this miserable piece of modern day journalism…but what else is there to expect from them?  the WP and POTUS don’t have the best relationship….the question that remains (upon reading this) – did Mr. “Fusca” respond to their request?  [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]


August 5

Now that everyone knows about QAnon — now that, ahem, a certain national newspaper has published at least a dozen articles about QAnon in the span offour days — we need to ask why not everyone is convinced the conspiracy theory is true.

Maybe it’s because QAnon is too true. Like, there’s just too much truth crammed into a single conspiracy theory alleging that President Trump is secretly waging war on an evil cabal of liberals who rig the elections, and run the CIA, and abduct children, and hid all the UFOs, and killed Princess Diana, and did Hurricane Katrina, and invented vampirism, and … [consults QAnon guide …]


It’s a lot, even for those who have spent months following the writings of “Q” — the anonymous insider who late last year began to reveal the outlines of the supposed global cabal and Trump’s supposedly secret plan to dismantle it.

For millions of people who learned about QAnon only last week, when seemingly every news outlet on the planet started to cover it, it can be downright overwhelming. No wonder people are skeptical.

We are here to help. Rather than try to prove the entire theory, we will simply examine one component claim, and the evidence for it, as an example of the meticulous research and robust body of evidence believers say supports all of QAnon. That claim is:

⚡⚡⚡ John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his death and joined Trump’s secret evil-fighting organization, where he writes 4chan posts under the pseudonym “Q”⚡⚡⚡

We thank the Daily Beast for alerting us to the truth bomb above, which is a relatively new one in the QAnon compendium. Our analysis follows, with the most important evidence surrounded by lightning bolt emoji for clarity.

⚡⚡ Liberals killed President Kennedy! ⚡⚡

Even since his first anonymous forum posts in late October, Q has made clear that only three U.S. presidents in modern history are not part of the evil cabal and that all of them were in great danger because of it.

“The ‘fix’ has always been in,” Q wrote in December. “No matter which party won the election (JFK killed/Reagan shot).”

Of course, Q was not the first person to see a conspiracy behind Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. But in a February post, Q revealed that Trump and his allies recite a daily prayer to JFK in the Oval Office.

“Rest in peace Mr. President,” it goes. “Since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT.”

Continue here.

Wow! Ronan Farrow Could Not Confirm Kavanaugh Was at Party – 5 Yale Classmates Say They Never Saw This or Heard of the Party


editor’s note:  “cannot confirm” but what the hell, let’s get this out NOW because monday is hours away and we desperately NEED something to delay kavanaugh’s hearing.  if ya can’t see the truth in this one, the fluoride’s workin’ quite well.  rowan farrow – the son of mia farrow and woody allen – huge democratic supporter’s.  and jane myer allegedly provided a heads up (journalistic term is “leaking”) to HRC about her upcoming email address scandal in the yet unpublished New York Times piece.  and hey did you know ms. myer’s husband, at least at the time of this article, was the Editor of the Washington NYT?  trustworthiness not to mention journalistic integrity is seriously in question…

i’ll tell you what may have happened.  let me tell you a little (alleged) story: sunday afternoon arrives in DC.  kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings set to begin monday.  dr. ford’s credibility and story falling apart.  feinstein et al say QUICK HAND ME THE PLAYBOOK.  the desperate ones frantically look through it and say YES – let’s go with plan B.  that article farrow and myer have been sitting on. yes there are no witnesses.  yes they cannot confirm he was at the party.  but let’s go with it anyway.  they do – it blows back.  end of story.  (damnit once this swamp is drained and if this event doesn’t arrive in the next 6 months, i want to be one of the new pure real journalists.  i’m one hell of a story teller and a damn good researcher with one goal:  THE TRUTH.)



The New Yorker dropped a story on Sunday night of a second woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of lewd behavior some 30 years ago.

Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer have released a report in the New Yorker from a second woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct — and this time it includes a dildo.

And the woman was drunk.

The 53-year-old accuser Deborah Ramirez told the New Yorker that she was initially hesitant to speak out because she was drunk at the time and her memory had gaps. She spent six days “carefully assessing her memories” and consulting with her attorney before going public.

Continue here.

editor’s note:  below is the tweet as included in the article…


Qanon – [[CNN]]Wants Juror Addresses – [[Bill Maher]] Shows how STUPID he really is! 8-18-18


editor’s note:  asking for the names of the jurors (of the manafort case) is one thing – but suing in order to get their addresses as well?  wow ~ the media has definitely put itself into a new swamp.  jurors are chosen and as such have a right to privacy.  this move is appalling.  as i have felt for the past couple of years (certainly not wanting to even hold this feel), the bullies of the swamp and of this realm are going to engage in their tactics until the very last moment.  

the comments made by bill maher stand on their own.  let him and all those of his mindset dig their own holes.  truth is hurling herself up and out like an explosive volcano and she will not be going back into the dark ever again.


Published on Aug 18, 2018

Sarah Sanders DESTROYS Acosta, Media in Heated Exchange


Sarah Sanders DESTROYS Acosta, Media in Heated Exchange

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders leaves CNN's Jim Acosta sitting in disbelief.Don’t miss the must-see moment from Thursday's press briefing.

Posted by White House Brief on Thursday, August 2, 2018

Atrocity Porn And Hitler Memes Target Trump For Regime Change


The reality behind the pictures doesn’t matter, though. More important are the images themselves and their power, along with dishonest media spin, to produce an emotional response that short-circuits critical thinking. Never mind what the facts are! Children are suffering! Trump is guilty! We need to “do something”!

American and global audiences have been bombarded with media images of wailing children in holding facilities, having been separated from adults (maybe their parents, maybe not) detained for illegal entry into the United States. The images have been accompanied by “gut-wrenching” audio of distraught toddlers screaming the Spanish equivalents of “Mommy!” and “Daddy!” – since, as any parent knows, small children never cry or call for their parents except in the most horrifying, life-threatening circumstances.

American and world media have provided helpful color commentary, condemning the caging of children as openly racist atrocities and state terrorism comparable to Nazi concentration camps and worse than FDR’s internment of Japanese and Japanese-Americans. Indeed, just having voted for Trump is now reason enough for Americans to be labeled as Nazis.

Finally, the presumptive Hitler himself, also known as President Donald Trump, citing the pleas of First Lady Melania and First Daughter Ivanka, signed an Executive Order to provide for adults and (their?) children to be detained together. However, the order is unlikely to hold up in court, with sanctuary-minded states aiming to obstruct border enforcement the way Trump’s earlier order on vetting arrivals from terrorism-prone countries has been crippled by the federal judiciary. His media and bipartisan political opposition will be happy only when all border violation detentions cease and America has gone full Merkel, starting with ending Trump’s declared zero tolerance for illegal crossings and restoration of Barack Obama’s catch-and-release policy.

Even then, Trump will be vilified for taking so long to do it. Whether or how Trump may yield further is not clear, but rather than slaking the hate campaign against him, his attempted effort at appeasement has put the smell of political blood in the water with the November 2018 Congressional midterm elections looming.

Some images of small children have become veritable icons of Trumpian brutality. One photo, reportedly of a two-year-old Honduran girl (who in fact had not been separated from her mother), graced the cover of Time magazine, confronting the black-hearted tyrant himself. Another, of a little boy in a cage, went viral before it was revealed that this kid had nothing to do with the border but rather was briefly inside a staged pen as part of a protest in Dallas.

Continue reading here.