3.13.25 ~ Updates on Russia/Ukraine…..More cut$ for Universities…….USPS reduction in workforce (END GAME piece for me) and other finds including some Spiritually based channels I follow for my personal healing practice






My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since its inception.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $5/month, you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm.  

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Praying for Peace in my life atm.  Feeling/sensing the matrix attacking – machine, program, whatever it is – feeling that ongoing experience – and see it playing out on social media with a dramatic increase in porn, crypto and parody/fake accounts coming in to like and/or follow.

Here’s what is on stage today.




i don’t know whatever became of this – but i will say this:  i’m trusting no one i see on stage and i continue to question and refuse to wait for something “out there” to change/switch to enable me to do what i seek.  all of the finds from DOGE, honestly, shouldn’t be surprising anyone who knows government lies.  and once we know this, we question anything that is said – even if it is being presented as a crazy movie.


Russia just taking back their land that was proxied off by e v i l actors. Wonder if ISRAEL FOR LAST could be what happens in D.C. Taking back that territory that too has been occupied. ?


Federal Cuts Prompt Johns Hopkins to Cut More Than 2,000 Workers – The New York Times



Another END GAME piece for me…….



JUST IN: Top IRS Attorney Fired as Trump Downsizes Agency | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Trump To Invoke Wartime ‘Alien Enemies Act’ Authorizing the Summary Deportation of Criminal Migrants – Including to Guantanamo Bay: REPORT | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran


Schumer announces he’ll vote to keep government open, likely avoiding shutdown – ABC News


Gas dropped about .40/gallon here.  Good start.  Now do that for food, utilities and housing because my patience for waiting already burned out.


Shut that thing down……..



Venezuela agrees to resume deportation flights in response to pressure from Trump


Ex-TX megachurch pastor indicted in OK on child sex abuse charges


Trump keeps talking about making Canada the 51st state. Is he serious? – ABC News


GE Aerospace to invest nearly $1B in US manufacturing | Fox Business


Top lawyer at IRS removed amid DOGE push for taxpayer information: Sources


Investigation into ActBlue for Alleged Fraud


Why is the USDA Buying Submachine Guns and Armor? | AndNowUKnow




Here are some youtube channels I follow for my personal/spiritual/healing activities:

Sapien Medicine – he has stepped down/retired from what I read but you can still find his frequency-based videos here:  (1) Deleted energy work videos – YouTube

(1) The Mindful Movement – YouTube

(1) Healing Vibrations – YouTube

(1) Learn Somatics – YouTube

Here are other ways to support my work:

1. I am a proud affiliate with DISME COINS ~ a truly PATRIOTIC/AMERICA FIRST company where all products are made on-site in South Carolina.  Their coins are original, affordable and their customer service is outstanding.  I highly recommend them!  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND PLACE YOUR ORDER.  

2. You can support me at my other page where I share my personal musings, music and photography:  Victoria T is creating Intuitive Reflections of the world around me…. (buymeacoffee.com)

3.  My inter-active Journal, “Live To Impress Yourself” on sale at LULU.COM.

4.  I am also an affiliate for BlueHost.  If you or someone you know are interested in starting/creating a website and are in need of a hosting company, check out BlueHost. It’s who I use, and I have always found them very helpful from setup to assistance. Click on the previous link to get yourself set up!


Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











Watch The Water….late evening find ~ Comedy and DONUTS!


Watch the water……..


Comedy…..when you’re that stewpid you need a blind person to guide you where to go………



So I bought these silicone molds just for donuts and made my first batch tonight.  Maple butter glaze.  O M G………..Total happiness for the mouth!


Some interesting and fun videos….



really good one from dutch….leftover infected w/the invisible enemy doer’s trying to create an earth quake along the new madrid faultline?  that was on their playbook a long time ago from what i researched….fires now burning too….PRAYERS UP WARRIORS!


and a good one from Blue also talking about this:




sharing a hobby of mine:  cooking videos.  i love this woman’s voice, energy and work.  i have a bag of apples – i was going to make sauce out of it but after seeing this one….i use my cast iron’s daily…..


Butter is Not Just Better, It’s Essential To Modern Human Health


editor victoria’s comment ~ to all of the butter lovers out there – of which i am one.  use only pure butter and coconut oil.


OCTOBER 10, 2018 AT 12:20 AM

Unless you eat like a hunter-gatherer, grass-fed butterfat is an irreplaceable part of a healthy diet, argues the Weston A. Price Foundation. Studies show it protects against heart disease, cancer and bone disease.


Unless you eat organ meats, fish eggs, bugs or blubber — items most civilized people find repulsive — you are missing out on essential nutrients that can be found only in grass-fed butterfat, argues the “politically incorrect” nutrition organization, the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Within the last century, “Diet Dictocrats” have decided that saturated fats, butter chief among them, are to blame for heart disease and cancer, WAP cofounder Sally Fallon says in an article titled “Why Butter is Better.

But butter has been worshiped for its life-sustaining, health-promoting properties for millennia, she argues.

“When Dr. Weston Price studied native diets in the 1930’s he found that butter was a staple in the diets of many supremely healthy peoples,” Fallon writes.

“Isolated Swiss villagers placed a bowl of butter on their church altars, set a wick in it, and let it burn throughout the year as a sign of divinity in the butter. Arab groups also put a high value on butter, especially deep yellow-orange butter from livestock feeding on green grass in the spring and fall. American folk wisdom recognized that children raised on butter were robust and sturdy; but that children given skim milk during their growing years were pale and thin, with ‘pinched’ faces.”

Heart disease was rare in America at the turn of the 20th century, Fallon notes, but between 1920 and 1960, it became America’s number one killer. During the same period, butter consumption plummeted from 18 pounds per person per year to four.

“It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in statistics to conclude that butter is not a cause,” Fallon writes.

In 2015, American butter consumption reached a 40-year-high of 5 pounds per person per year, Fallon noted. New Zealanders consumed 24 pounds!

Meanwhile, only 1 in 20 adults in New Zealand has heart disease, compared to 1 in 4 Americans.

That means New Zealanders consume 5 times as much butter as Americans and have a fifth of the heart disease.

A 2016 Harvard meta-analysis of studies found no association between butter and heart disease and a 1991 survey by the Medical Research Council showed men eating butter had half the risk of developing heart disease as those using margarine.

This is because grass-fed butter has nutrients that protect against heart disease and other diseases, Fallon says.



GMO Foods Will Soon be Mislabeled as Biofortified


editor victoria’s comment ~ well this one goes in the “WTF” category….biofortified?  biofortification is the process of creating crops to increase their nutritional value so we can clearly see that this is the wrong label. instead, how about we call GMO’s “nutritional noisome’s”…..


If you have ever been to Berlin, Germany in the late Fall, you know how miserably wet, cold, and windy it can be. The only real refuge from those elements is to be found indoors. But even then there can be events that drive you right back outdoors and into the elements. Such was the case with the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), which was holding its 40th session during the week of November 26-30, 2018, in that city.

As most of you already know, the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its various committees spread throughout the World establish food standards and guidelines after an eight-step process of consideration and debate that are then usually adopted by the Codex member states. The Codex Nutrition Committee is just one of the many committees that develop these food standards and guidelines. It is also one of the committees with the most controversial issues.


Biofortification is a method of increasing certain vitamin and mineral content of basic food crops by the time-honored, conventional way of cross-breeding, and not through genetic engineering. Harvest Plus, the company behind biofortification, will for example increase the vitamin or iron content of sweet potatoes so that malnourished populations in developing nations will receive better nutrition. This is a very admirable goal, although I have argued at these meetings that perhaps it’s an unnecessary one if farmers would simply employ the proper farming techniques to prevent soil depletion and along with it the vitamin and mineral content of the foods grown in that soil.

For the last several years, the Codex Nutrition Committee has been crafting a definition for Biofortification. That definition would then be used uniformly around the World to apply to those foods conventionally fortified with higher levels of nutrients and everyone would be on the same page whenever the term “biofortified” was used. Indeed, the National Health Federation (NHF), a health-freedom organization accredited by Codex to participate in its meetings and the one whose delegation I led there, was an early supporter at Codex of this definition.

We have already gone through the sordid history, in detail, of how the draft definition of Biofortification had been infused with the disease of GMOs.1 I won’t repeat that history here. Just know that, now, the term Biofortification will have huge ramifications for the entire World. If the pro-GMO forces can succeed in continuing to hide their genetic-engineered foods within the definition of Biofortification and in using its appealing, natural-sounding name to sell their GMO foods, then consumers will be deceived on a worldwide scale.



Corey’s Digs ~ The Organic Narrative & Whole Foods Red Flags


fake food created by “fake” people.  sounds about right….an excellent article ~ like and appreciate her work.


July 30, 2018

The year the switch was flipped. That year was 1994, when Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa, the invasion of Haiti was orchestrated by the Clintons, the Rwanda genocide murdered 800,000 people while Bill Clinton was informed daily yet did nothing to stop it, John F. Kennedy Jr. sent a letter to then Senator Joe Biden calling him a traitor, UNAIDS was founded as well as the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, and cloning research was getting its kick-off in Argentina. Yes, 1994 was indeed a pivotal year, but that’s not all that happened that year.

On July 5, 1994 Jeff Bezos launched Amazon, while the Flavr Savr tomato saw its debut after a stamp of approval for the first commercial sale of genetically modified foods (GMOs). It was quite an exciting year for Whole Foods as well. Founded in 1980 by John Mackey, Mark Skiles, Renee Lawson Hardy, and Craig Weller, with their merger of Safer Way Natural Foods and Clarksville Natural Grocery, they decided to expand out of Austin, TX into Houston after seizing opportunity of growth through mergers and acquisitions. By 1992, Whole Foods was becoming a superstar and took their company public with opening shares at $1.06. Things were rockin’ and rollin’, and by November 29, 1993 they saw their first stock split. 1994 was looking good for everyone in this group.

By 1998, Fortune magazine was shining a spotlight on Whole Foods, and what started out as a small local grocer with a staff of 19, had emerged into a super expanding wonder. In 1999, they partnered with Marine Stewardship Council, founded in London in 1997, for more sustainable seafood choices of wild-caught fish. By 2001 they had chosen New York as one of their newest locations, and in 2002 launched their 365 Organic Everyday Value brand, becoming the first national commodity-priced, all organic product line in the United States. Incredible!

Meanwhile, the Flavr Savr tomato was an epic fail for the first ever genetically modified food designed and approved for human consumption. But that didn’t stop the desires of other companies to pioneer forward with their own ambitions, and just two years later farmers were utilizing 1.7 million hectares for GMO growth. By 2016, they were utilizing 185 million hectares, accounting for 12% of the global cropland. However, concerns were rising about the dangers of GMOs, and in 2013 council member Margaret Wille of the Maui Council Floor was introducing a bill to ban GMOs from the Big Island. It was getting a lot of traction and before long, anti-GMO activists from around the world were video-conferencing in to the hearing to speak in support of the ban, but scientists were not given as much time to speak. After a full year, the ban was approved only to be overturned in 2015 by a federal judge from the US Court of Appeals, ruling Hawaiian counties could not enact their own GMO bans. Despite this, more than 20 other states jumped on the bandwagon in trying to push legislation banning the products or requiring them to be labeled. In 2016, Barack Obama signed a national GMO labeling law requiring food makers to list any genetically-modified ingredients in their products, only the catch was that it would be determined by the federal government as to when a product should be labeled as bioengineered – how convenient. Being that 75-80% of food Americans consume is genetically modified, it’s safe to assume only a small percentage of foods are actually indicating this on their labels. Of course, by this time, it was no longer a big game issue for them because they had already been spearheading the “organic narrative” for 14 years, covering both sides of the industry equally. They had the market well covered.


THE Leader of “Organic Food”

Whole Foods was THE leader in “organics” after launching and heavily promoting their 365 Organic Everyday Value brand back in 2002 as the first organic product line in the United States. They even introduced “enhanced meat standards.” At the same time, they were outfitting their Berkley, CA store with solar panels to become the first retailer to introduce solar power for a green environment. Coincidentally, this is the same year Al Gore began his tour on climate change, with his slideshow he had compiled for a multimedia presentation around the US and worldwide. From 2004 through 2007, Whole Foods earned Environmental Protection Agency Green Power awards for its renewable energy purchasing. Whole Foods was booming, and that same year they set their sight on Toronto, opening their first location outside the US. By December, their stock was added to the NASDAQ-100 index. They were such an amazing trend-setter with their organic products, in 2003 they became American’s first National Certified Organic Grocer, and Ernst & Young named co-founder John Mackey its 2003 Entrepreneur of the Year.

Gluten was also becoming a bit of a health issue with many people, so in 2004 Whole Foods opened a gluten-free bake house located in Raleigh, NC, covering all angles of the “organic health food” industry. By 2009, they had accumulated countless awards and recognition by every major media source, from Newsweek’s top 10 list of ‘Greenest Retail Companies in the U.S.’ to Vanity Fair’s ‘Best Provider’. This is when they made their commitment to supporting the non-GMO Project. In 2013, Fortune magazine ranked them 19th as the ‘World’s Most Admired Companies’, and they became the first national grocery chain to set a deadline for full GMO transparency, announcing by 2018 all products in the US and Canada stores must be labeled to indicate whether they contain GMO. That is a lot of back-up and a lot of fame, yet, despite this expeditious effort, and unprecedented “firsts” in the “organic”, “green” and “non-GMO” fields, they let it all go on August 28, 2017 when Amazon bought them out to the tune of $13.7 billion.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder, was getting one heck of a grocery chain that literally single-handedly pioneered the “organic food” industry.



Permaculture Garden Produces 7000 Pounds of Organic Food Per Year on a Tenth of an Acre


[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”][wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”][wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Family grows 7000 pounds of organic food per year on a tenth of an acre, supplying 90 percent of their diet… They spend less than $2 per day per person on other kitchen staples and make over $20,000 a year selling excess produce.

Fifteen minutes from downtown Los Angeles, just 100 feet away from a major freeway, a small city lot was transformed into a mini paradise.

A fifth acre lot, minus the house, garage and driveway, the family has converted the remaining tenth of an acre into a tiny food forest that produces 7000 pounds of food per year with no synthetic fertilizers.

What’s the secret to their abundance? Permaculture methods that mimic Mother Nature to create nutrient-and-bacteria-rich soil.

Continue reading here:  https://returntonow.net/2017/12/23/urban-garden-produces-7000-pounds-food-per-year-tenth-acre-without-synthetic-fertilizer/?fbclid=IwAR28IZBRYmw_Rpm7FNS-H3JNy8Xf_xY5easmlski5yWFNvMfzvXYEUex54w


How to Detoxify Your Body from Glyphosate Exposure


editor’s note:  it’s been quite awhile that i have linked a health related article.  i shared the basics of this piece (it is quite thorough and contains a lot of data to back up their assertions).  we have fulvic acid and bentonite clay in the house that i have been using regularly, although lately i stopped the detox to give my body an intuitively guided break.  my girl and i also eat quite a bit of sauerkraut.  i have been wanting to get some dandelion root tea ~ may do that after reading this piece.  this stuff is a huge human right’s abuse.


Detoxifying Your Body from Glyphosate Exposure

There are a number of different studies that claim that glyphosate accumulates in the bones, intestine, spleen, liver, muscle and kidney.

If a urine test is positive for glyphosate exposure, then the first stage of detoxification is to follow these guidelines:

  • avoid using Roundup and other similar products
  • avoid consumption of GMO foods which are directly contaminated with glyphosate
  • avoid animal products such as milk or meat for which GMO foods were used to feed the animals
  • eat organic foods as much as possible
  • avoid living in areas where glyphosate is applied

Specific proactive behaviors can also be implemented, as follows:

  • use infrared sauna for sweating out toxins
  • consume probiotic foods and probiotic supplements to repopulate the microbiota which glyphosate destroys
  • eat organic foods rich in sulfur and manganese

Researchers have investigated specifically how to the detoxify glyphosate from the human body.  Although there are not many of these studies to date, more interest is being dedicated to finding natural substances that may detoxify glyphosate.

A combination of natural substances have been studied for reducing the activity of glyphosate in the gastrointestinal tract.  These natural substances act as binders or neutralizers that could be a solution to remove the glyphosate contamination.

A study published in the December 2014 issue of the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology found that the oral application of certain natural substances were able effectively reduce urinary levels of glyphosate.  7  The researchers used a combination of the following substances:

  • fulvic acids
  • humic acids
  • activated charcoal
  • bentonite clay
  • sauerkraut juice


Dig2 is a plant extract formula that is manufactured by Sevene Pharma Company.  Dig2 consists of the following plant extracts:

  • Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion)
  • Rhamnus frangula (Alder buckthorn)
  • Raphanus sativus (Radish)
  • Carduus marianus (Silybum marianum; milk thistle)

Continue here to read the article in its entirety.


Dark chocolate consumption reduces stress and inflammation Data represent first human trials examining the impact of dark chocolate consumption on cognition and other brain functions


editor’s note:  no surprise here.  i make my own.  and i eat dark choco discs. daily. makes my mind smile and brain dance the happy dance.  


Date: April 24, 2018

Source: Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center

Summary: Findings from two new studies show dark chocolate consumption reduces stress and inflammation, while improving memory, immunity and mood.

Research shows there might be health benefits to eating certain types of dark chocolate.
Credit: LLU Health
New research shows there might be health benefits to eating certain types of dark chocolate. Findings from two studies being presented today at the Experimental Biology 2018 annual meeting in San Diego show that consuming dark chocolate that has a high concentration of cacao (minimally 70% cacao, 30% organic cane sugar) has positive effects on stress levels, inflammation, mood, memory and immunity. While it is well known that cacao is a major source of flavonoids, this is the first time the effect has been studied in human subjects to determine how it can support cognitive, endocrine and cardiovascular health.

Lee S. Berk, DrPH, associate dean of research affairs, School of Allied Health Professions and a researcher in psychoneuroimmunology and food science from Loma Linda University, served as principal investigator on both studies.

“For years, we have looked at the influence of dark chocolate on neurological functions from the standpoint of sugar content — the more sugar, the happier we are,” Berk said. “This is the first time that we have looked at the impact of large amounts of cacao in doses as small as a regular-sized chocolate bar in humans over short or long periods of time, and are encouraged by the findings. These studies show us that the higher the concentration of cacao, the more positive the impact on cognition, memory, mood, immunity and other beneficial effects.”

The flavonoids found in cacao are extremely potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, with known mechanisms beneficial for brain and cardiovascular health. The following results will be presented in live poster sessions during the Experimental Biology 2018 meeting:

Continue reading here.


Break the Ban! El Cajon Police Enforce Homeless Feeding Ban


Power to the People.  This is utter bullshit!  Such a waste of resources. Cowards too ~ not going after the real violators!  Easy prey ~ loving, generous human beings.  Please share to help put an end to this abuse of power as well as clear human right’s violation.  If people want to feed the homeless in a PUBLIC park, they can.  After all the PUBLIC lands belong to the People, right?  See the 2nd video below for the press conference they held today.  (1/15/18)


Break the Ban! El Cajon Police Enforce Homeless Feeding Ban

Published on Jan 14, 2018


