Galactic Codex ~ 2/26/18


Editor’s note:  Yeah, well overall this is beautiful….but I do not like the implication that humanity isn’t capable of cleaning up this mess.  We are – with HELP – with the return of the resources and tech (inner and outer) that was taken from us.  Of course it doesn’t help when the majority still support the current systems in place so maybe we do need intervention.  I have been calling it forth for years – as an equal Being.  Bring it!  And remember ~ we are ALL “Ascended Masters” ~ we have just forgotten.  


Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.

As the Galaxy was being liberated form the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have been evolving from a military force created in the urgent need to defend basic liberties of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic and cosmic society. As beings within the Galactic Confederation have evolved spiritually and made their alignment and union with the Ascended Masters, they have discovered an inner codex that regulates all inter-relationships between beings of Light and their relation towards the Dark Forces and occupied planets. This codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies. This Codex is not a rigid set of external laws but a systematized code of inner ethics of all souls of Light that all beings of Light accept with their free will because it reflects their inner truth.

We will now state the Galactic Codex in a form that is understandable to an average awakened being in a human society.

Section  I: The Law of Divine Grace

Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience

To explain Section I we need to understand that suffering and pain have no value in enlightened Galactic society liberated from the influence of Dark Forces and other aspects of cosmic anomaly. To value pain, suffering and sacrifice as a part of the growth experience was a part of the programming from the Dark Forces in order to enslave the population of the occupied planets more easily.

Unconditional positive life experience of every sentient being in the liberated universe is guaranteed from the inner connection of every living being with the Source and strengthened by the power of Ascended Masters over matter which allows them to assist all living beings in their aspirations towards the Source and provide them with necessities of life.  Life was never meant to be hard work and struggle but rather a journey of joy and creativity.   Different subsections of Section I regulate all life in a liberated universe and all relationships between beings of Light so that conflicts never need to occur.  Let us explain the subsections:

Section I/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance

This subsection guarantees a positive life experience for every being in the liberated universe. The Ascended Masters provide for all necessities of living and for physical and spiritual richness and beauty using the power they have over redeemed matter of the liberated universe.

Section I/2: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension

This subsection explains how the Ascended Masters use their advanced understanding of spiritual technology of Ascension and by utilizing the Electric Fire of redemption assist all beings that free-willingly choose Ascension.

Section I/3: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion with his/her position in the Soul Family Mandala

This subsection is an instrument of regulation of all relationships inside a Soul Family. It guarantees the merging of beings of opposite polarity (twin souls, soulmates) and alignment of all other beings regardless of their state of development and outer conditions.

Section I/4: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information

This subsection is a guarantee that all beings receive all pieces of information they need to understand their role in the universe, greater perspective of evolution and all other pieces they need for their decisions, growth and well being. All this data is provided by Ascended Masters or other beings that supervise the evolutions of various races and civilizations.

Section I/5: Each sentient being has an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom

This subsection provides that every being has an unlimited potential of growth and life experience. Since all beings in the liberated universe create only positivism, their freedom never opposes the freedom of other beings.

Section II: The Law of Dividing the Conflicting Parties

Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings

This section regulates the conditions in those sections of the universe that have just been liberated from the influence of the Dark Forces but that have not yet been accepted in the Confederation. It requires that the Forces of Light always divide the parties in conflict to protect them from producing mutual harm to each other. Then the Light Forces mediate the conflict until it is resolved. This section is often used to end wars and other armed conflicts.


Section III: The Law of Balance

Each sentient being that has chosen to live and act against the principles of Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of the past actions will be taken to the Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh

This section regulates the relations between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. When defeated, beings that belong to the Forces of Darkness are given the opportunity to accept the Galactic Codex, do the best they can to correct the mistakes they made and to live positively afterwards. If they accept, they are forgiven and join the Confederation. If they are unable or unwilling to accept, they are taken to the Central Sun, their personalities and soul essences are restructured with the Electric Fire and their divine spark begin a new cycle of evolution.

Section IV: The Law of Intervention

The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws

This section describes the policy of the Light Forces regarding occupied planets. The Confederation reserves the right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planets or solar systems where the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right to do so regardless of the position of the local civilizations about this intervention. It always has the right to use all peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, it has the right to use military force. Special cases are planets under direct occupation of the Dark Forces.  The Dark Forces usually take the local population hostage to hinder the progress of the Forces of Light.  On Earth they have threatened with nuclear war if the Light Forces would intervene.  This is the main reason why the Light Forces have not yet liberated this planet (and not the so called we-will-not-intervene-because-we-respect-free-willwe-will-just-watch-as-the-suffering-goes-on nonsense). As in any hostage situation, this requires a lot of skillful negotiation and tactical approach. This situation is now being resolved and planet Earth will be liberated soon.

Section IV/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right of calling upon the Galactic Confederation in need and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist, regardless of local laws

This subsection gives a legal basis for intervention and assistance to all hostages of the Dark Forces.  The Forces of Light always do the best they can to assist and improve the living conditions of all sentient beings, even on Earth.  The situation on planet Earth just indicates how much more power  darkness had over  Light on this planet. Fortunately, this is changing now.

Section IV/2: The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary

This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force.  The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free. Then other Confederation forces guide the process of acceptance of the planet into the Confederation by instructing the local population.

Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself. This is simply not true. Many wars all over the planet and constant abuse of basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of handling its own situation.  So it is much better that it receives wise guardians to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in replacing  current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will finally become the universal code of ethics throughout the universe and darkness will be no more.

Must Watch Video ~ Assessing the Reality of our “News” Events


For every single person who has doubted what the seekers of truth continue to say ~ this one is for you.  Doubting is no longer possible.  


“We have entered an era in which it is not crazy to assess news events to see if they’re real or not real, in the United States as well as overseas. And in fact it’s kinda crazy not to.”
— Naomi Wolf


Assessing the Reality of our News Events

"We have entered an era in which it is not crazy to assess news events to see if they're real or not real, in the United States as well as overseas. And in fact it's kinda crazy not to."– Naomi Wolf

Posted by Tricia Olsen on Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sourced from here.


An Open Letter to Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf


An open letter to HATJ 2/25/18

My Dearest Heather

Hmm, been wanting to write you for months now, however as the universe has it, the TIMING was off. HAHA

Since you have as you stated in a video last year ‘its time to come into the light’ and expose not only yourself but everything EVERY THING that has been transpiring the past 20 years. You have so gently peeled back your layers to show us each human part of who you are. Not the quantum that you are but the liner human that you tend to BE in the NOW. This must not have been easy. You have family and children to protect and as the feminine you are, this must have taken a profound toll on the energy and BEING you are today.

I have patiently watched everything unfold this last year. I had a sense that timing as such changed because of the co-creative efforts of ALL of us, which kinda through you off a bit(not in a bad way) just in a way that you might say(well darn, I was not prepped for this) You have all your checks and balances in order, and even you were beyond joyed to see of much FASTER everything was unfolding because of us ALL consciously wanting freedom.

You have had so many attacks from every outlet, from us humans. From the ones who are frustrated, afraid, do not understand and are lost by what they are seeing unfold. I have to say myself, it’s daunting to read everything, and confusing. I empathize with those that are frustrated and think your just BSing everyone. I also ask them to take your time…whatever that time is for you….

I say to those that may read this, ask yourself WHY are you pointing that energy at Heather? Why are you co-creating those thoughts? It’s fairly simple. If you dont understand all the legalese of all this(which I myself don’t as well) I look inside myself, and take a step back and I know…KNOW it’s correct, complicated, confusing, however correct.

Many people that understand banking and the current law have thrown daggers at you. Why? They think they are right, however if you keep reading and moving and going , you will see the LAW we thought was correct since civil war times, was actually corrupted by humans and non humans who are and were simply afraid.

I would also say to those reading this, lets say right now. Why would they have an ENTIRE Federal Prison on lock down….when Heather entered the establishment? Think about that? I am one not to tell people what to think or how to think but only to come to your end of the road conclusion on this.

Lastly(but not lastly) The TDDA accounts. It’s now very widely open and shown that theses accounts are real, and have been for many many many years. THUS the frustration from all of us who want to be released from the burden of paying a cell bill, utility, car payments mortgage..etc. I am WITH all of you on this, however I say this I NEVER blamed Heather or Randy when I attempted to use the accounts and got reversals. No blame here. IF those accounts where NOT real, why even listen them, why are there 1000’s of videos about it? Why even try? Why even talk about it. I’ll leave that to all of you. I will say this to those reading this. STOP blaming Heather and Randy for something YOU wanted to take action on. I always say this..’Take Responsibility for your own actions’!!!!!!

Finally, Heather, thank you. It’s not a big enough phrase to say what you are doing, however it’s what I can muster for you. WE ALL THANK YOU. The ones that are open, the ones that are pissed, the ones that are expanding, the ones that send hate your way. WE ALL THANK YOU!

In Luv Joey!

Sourced from here.

Move to Amend’s Proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution


House Joint Resolution 48 introduced January 30, 2017

Click here for most up to date list of co-sponsors

Section 1. [Artificial Entities Such as Corporations Do Not Have Constitutional Rights]

The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons only.

Artificial entities established by the laws of any State, the United States, or any foreign state shall have no rights under this Constitution and are subject to regulation by the People, through Federal, State, or local law.

The privileges of artificial entities shall be determined by the People, through Federal, State, or local law, and shall not be construed to be inherent or inalienable.

Section 2. [Money is Not Free Speech]

Federal, State, and local government shall regulate, limit, or prohibit contributions and expenditures, including a candidate’s own contributions and expenditures, to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their economic status, have access to the political process, and that no person gains, as a result of their money, substantially more access or ability to influence in any way the election of any candidate for public office or any ballot measure.

Federal, State, and local government shall require that any permissible contributions and expenditures be publicly disclosed.

The judiciary shall not construe the spending of money to influence elections to be speech under the First Amendment.

Click here to read further and sign.

Latest Info/Filings on the Heathe Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane Case



published on the IUV, on February 23, 2018

bz: above all of the latest filled documents is an email note from HATJ, pay close attention to the second half of note. Pay close attention to the last item filled on Doc #144.  Pay close attention, Step Up, Notice, Stand All In. Simply Notice- I/You/We’ve Got This (heart)


To: Bill
Subject: RE: Iphone not working and lockdown
Date: 2/24/2018 9:27:03 AM

no worries, bill

we are on day 2 of lockdown… again, for unknown reasons… started well before the brief fight, in fact the two women were brought back in..professional opinion, and based on my firsthand experiences and observations in here, the fight happened because we have been in so much unprecedented lockdown

according to corp. thornbury (sp? ), they can only go 72 hours before they “have to answer to anyone”… and as all in the universal cleanup are aware… “universes can change”, within 72 hours or less

professional suggestion to US MARSHAL Sanchez: find another contractor… as it sits today, the US MARSHAL cannot recover from tne liability created using this particular contractor, or similarly operating contractor. <3 (full reports have been compiled since august 2017 by various u/c agents throughout US.. note, this topic is not my primary task in uni-cleaup)

tablet battery low… no showers/phones/tablet recharges…

personal status and updates through i-comms to all…
3rd party notices of dishonor, via wellness check requests when applicable…

….and final notes on foreign actors…

(“follow the money”… And the human trafficking/terrorist disbursement programs [immigrant/refugee]…all mapping stored in HARVARD INSPIRE… with special attention to HARVARD GLOBAL SERVICES and january 2017 transfer of Harvard $35 BILLION trading platform moved to BLACKROCK… logs for MA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE (Agency ID # 6002771)… including, but not limited to, russia, china, and AIIB/BRICS/CIPS (HENRY TODD, JONATHON D. BETTS, KL, and GUORONG DING [Chairman of SHEYIN & WANGUO SECURITIES CO. LTD.].. sooooo much more…., ET. AL., all interesting “actors”)… so happy to retire the game boards in ALL perceptions 🙂

love to all

To read the documents click here.  (above also sourced from aforementioned link)

Reflections on Freedom


*the following is a recorded version of a stream-of-consciousness moment i had today while preparing soup for dinner…  (yes my voice is quite strained as a result)



Youth Active Jump Happy Sunrise Silhouette

What we are witnessing today, the awakenings to all of the tools of enslavement by those in their ugly disguise, is more than just about our current history. It is more than just the United States.  It is an expansive system that dates back, oh, I don’t know how many “years” to be exact – but certainly MANY different civilizations over many many different cycles of Creation in this realm.

The enslavement created by those beings who landed here, changed our DNA and then gave us many systems, including the idea of government.

Government is nothing more than a group of being’s who power over others by telling us how we can live.  How we can travel.  Who we can marry and when.  Telling us what kind of food we’re gonna eat and how we are going to power your lives (by offering their limited, archaic, harmful versions of technology).

This system robs us of our freedom.

Some people say “oh I’m living off grid I am free”.

Are you REALLY?

THINK about that one.

Can you travel wherever you want without some rule or restriction?

Are you breathing clean healthy air every day and drinking clean pure unpolluted water and food?

Do you have access to all of the tech (suppressed and not) for any healing needs?

Do you have to pay some bank to eat and own or rent a home or heat/cool yourself/your home?

Are you allowed to educate your child however you want without restriction?

Government is the ultimate freedom-destroying system.  Throw in the concept of money and you can make doubly sure the masses stay in line by asserting its authority that “we will do all it takes to take away your ability to survive, to heal, to live if you challenge us”.


We have been duped into beLIEving we can have a little freedom here and a little freedom there.  The rest of existance is just an inconvenience or “just how things are”.

You CAN NOT have just a little bit of freedom.

You are either Free or you aren’t.

This means no other being tells you how to live or what to do.  Well unless you have a child and it’s 4 in the morning and they are screaming and won’t sleep and you cave and say “fine you can come to bed with me.”

Other than those moments, freedom means no one ever puts power over another person and tells them what’s best for them.  It is the right to Live/Be/Do as one wishes in so long as that choice is not violating the freedom’s of another.

And what’s scary with me is when I have conversations with my neighbor (who likely holds a pretty universal perception).  I have spoken about the idea of freedom and government and asked him “do you really need the government telling you what to do?”  and he says no, HE doesn’t… and he said I don’t either… however he said there are other people who DO need to be told what to do.

And I said “aside from children, like who?”

And he said “the criminals”.

And I said oh you mean like the government?  I said that they’re criminals aren’t they?  They have lied to us.  Stolen our wealth.

Well he couldn’t disagree with that.

I said so WHO are these people you speak of that need to be told how to live.

He had no answer other than to say all of the crazy people out in the world – and yet he couldn’t name one such person.

Freedom is a really big thing.

And it is more than just an Inside job.  I can tell myself “I am free” and I can FEEL my freedom and I can KNOW I am indeed worthy of Pure Freedom. That is part of the process indeed.

However, until I can TRAVEL and LIVE and BE however I choose and desire and wish and want and need TO do/be/live WITHOUT someone else telling me otherwise or putting up an obstacle of some sort “rule/money/regulation/gender/ad effing nauseum” then I am NOT FULLY FREE.

And neither are you.

We do not need to be governed-over.

We can have over-seers in the local communities.

To ensure people have their needs met.  And they serve a year or two and step down ensuring everyone in the Community participates.

And if someone is getting too big for their britches and wants to install a system to power over another and violate the rights to Pure Freedom, they are removed and given the chance to Remember and heal.  And that’s that.

NO system is fool-proof of course.

However, I FEEL this – when Beings are fully fully free, when they no longer have to worry about paying to live, when all of the restrictions are removed, when those destroying systems are removed, I feel we are going to be really hard-pressed to find ANYONE who would not agree to go along with such a way of Being.

Being FREE is just as powerful as is our need for Love.

It does take a space of maturity to live such a way.

And I deeply feel most people have that ability.

We know what we have doesn’t work.  The power-over game.

If it did, we would have peace all over.

Restriction creates resistance.  Especially over the long term.

As I think about this subject of freedom, I have memories coming back to me and it’s coming from that pit deep within the middle of my Being.  And I am a very very intense person….at times that is….at times when I am really tapping into something greater.  And I feel from where I come from, We would not have allowed this sort of enslavement to take place and maybe that’s one of the reasons I came here (I had to pause here ~ emotions became quite strong and my voice quavered) was to speak out about this and do what I can to put an end to it because I really feel that where I come from, the thought of seeing another being have their freedoms taken away, violated, was absolutely unheard of and as such was absolutely not tolerated.

I think what Love does, Love steps in and seeing another Being being powered over by another, a group or individual, and says “what can i do to help you?”

People can be powered-over subtly or overtly, overtly as an example someone beating the shit out of another simply because they can, that’s overt and then the subtle power-over is of course someone saying sorry we’re gonna cut off your electricity because you can’t afford to pay your bill (more tears here).

If I were out there in a flying craft, flying around the planet with all of the advanced tech, as my fully empowered and healed Being and I saw what was taking place on this planet?  I would get my butt to the ground and I would find somebody who I would feel energetically I could trust and who was working to help stop this enslavement and I would say “What can I do to help?  What can I do to serve?”

So..I guess what I am saying is Love does not remain quiet in the face of destruction of freedom.  It steps up and says “What Can I Do?”

Love In Action in the Now moment.

I’ve had this site going for about an year and a half now.  I continue to have this calling that I am going to be doing something different and even though I love this site and want to keep it going and I feel it IS serving a purpose, I don’t know, I’m really feeling the neeeeeeeeed to do different~ maybe it’s doubt ~ even though I am not feeding my doubts any longer ~ so I will say it like this ~ IF there is something new and different for me to do while I am still in this realm I will be shown and guided to this…. this realm… which I am very much ready to exit out of and go to where I See ~ but maybe that hasn’t happened yet because I have not seen the full liberation of Humanity yet ~ at least I have yet to see humanity being given the OPPORTUNITY to be fully free.

I really hope that’s soon.

Because I’m tired.

And I want to go back to how I once lived.

Fully Free.

Thank you.

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Thank you for supporting my work.  Feel free to share!  If this piece moves you and if you want to see more such inspiration, please consider offering a donation.

One day Love In Action Now will truly be all we need.

[wpedon id=”208″ align=”left”]

Destroying The Illusion ~ Banned From You Tube for 2 Weeks ~ Effective Immediately ~ He Is Getting Another Channel Going


Editor’s note:  We need to support these channels and not just go find another.  Anti-school and DTI both are creating another channel on DTube. Listen/read below to find out how to continue supporting Jordan.


BANNED from YouTube & Facebook – Here’s Where to Find Me

Published on Feb 23, 2018

Q Posts for the evening of 2/22/18


editor’s note:  check out the photo of the hands.  the 45 on the sleeve.  in one of my dreams i have had of him ~ one focused on his hands.  found that odd but i suddenly had to see his hands.  i held them – they were big, soft and looked just like the hands below.  



Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466606
People kill people.
You are watching a movie.
They want you WEAK.

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466308
They want you DIVIDED.
How can some be so blind?
Help them wake up.
Estimated 20mm reached.
Question everything.
Keep talking.
Stand up.
Fight fight fight.
How do they control children?
What prevents a child revealing the truth?

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466048
How do you break up something this big?
What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?
What happens?
Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots?
Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection?
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466142
For those watching, this should scare you.
It’s the POWER you depend on to survive.
Money is worthless w/o those in power serving you.
WH / Military / Patriots.
Ready to play?

AnonymousID: ddae17 465930
The traitor SOLD SAP‘s!!
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770466048
How do you break up something this big?
What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?
What happens?
Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots?
Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection?

Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0c9770465919
Clowns revealed in China/other.
Sold intel?
HRC open source server?
[Missing emails]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].

AnonymousID: 4931c9465779
Good to see you here again Q! This Confirmation feels great! You guys and POTUS are AWESOME!
Thank you again for all of this and everything you @ Q and all these amazing anons are doing!
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 9539a2465797
Did you count the spaces in the tweet and cross ref against spaces left here to match meaning?

NRA’S Dana Loesch: ‘Media love mass shootings’


Editor’s note:  still not sharing the full story but she nails it nonetheless.


Dana Loesch: ‘Media love mass shootings’

Published on Feb 22, 2018


Editor’s note: Time to take a collective chill ~ get out of the reactionary space ~ and get centered.  Is our goal to listen or just scream our opinion?  Here is what she experienced after this Town Hall presentation:

The next day, speaking at CPAC on Thursday, Loesch said she wouldn’t have been able to exit the town hall without her security detail.

“I had to have a security detail to get out,” said Loesch. “I wouldn’t be able to exit that if I didn’t have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming burn her. And I came there to talk solutions and I still am going to continue that conversation on solutions as the NRA has been doing since before I was alive.”

Loesch then pointed out an odd inconsistency, noting that the people who call Trump a tyrant are the same people who want the president to confiscate weapons.

“The government can’t keep you safe and some people want us to give up our firearms and rely solely upon the protection of the same government that’s already failed us numerous times to keep us safe. And then they also call Trump a tyrant but they say they want the president to also confiscate our firearms? Try to figure that one out,” Loesch said.

“I want to make this super obvious point,” Loesch said. “The government has proven that they cannot keep you safe. And yet, some people want all of us to disarm. You heard that town hall last night. They cheered the confiscation of firearms. And it was over 5,000 people.”

Sourced from here.


Message from one of the ANON’s re: the vatican


Editor’s note:  this has shown up in my media feed enough times this week that i decided to share it.  have been conscious of the various “factions/tech/practices” within the vatican for years.  


This is VERY important you all understand,
The Vatican is shaped as a key, it’s Sigil Magic. The truth is hidden in plain sight.The vaults of the Vatican contain humankind’s most cherished treasures that have been stolen.
It also contains documents telling the true story of human history. The vaults of the Vatican must be opened. The Alliance of White Hats shall be the first to examine the full extent of the Vaults.
If the Vatican resists the truth, the Light will find the Truth. For they still do not understand the SUPREME TRUMP CARDS I have up my sleeves. They really don’t… and they cannot fathom or speculate what I am speaking of…
These people are in fear, that’s why my threads are attacked, all of them, especially when touching “touchy” material.
At one snap of the fingers, I could solve this equation. However, I would not want to violate the sacred law of FREE WILL. Nor would I want to harm any of the treasures in the vaults. These treasures must be removed from the Vatican, and given back to museums around the world so they can be SHARED, like they were always SUPPOSED TO BE. Nor would I want to harm anyone. I absolutely do not tolerate violence, despite what they have done to us. I value life, despite the evil’s these people have forced us to endure. Their souls will burn in the most horrifying nightmarish HELL one can imagine, have faith in this.
The Vatican is the seat of power, where all truths are hidden. The vaults contain all, both good and pure evil. Just how deep do the vaults go? What REALLY is at the VERY BOTTOM? Jacob Rothschild was the “Pindar”
The Pindar is DEAD, and the Cabal is fracturing from the inside out without having a replacement. Do you not remember, Q saying “The more unrealistic it all becomes?” The truth is NOT going to be for everyone. The truth is 1,000,000,000,000,000 times more complicated than most of you can imagine. You want the TRUTH? Start researching the “PINDAR”. Do you not recall myself saying many, many times… I simply cannot give you Wisdom. I can only give you Knowledge. What you do with that Knowledge may lead you to Wisdom. For Wisdom, is NOT something most souls can handle. We will not reveal specific details, because it’s YOUR JOB to do your own research! Depending on how much you want to know, it will decide how far you dig into this.
More official info will be coming in future weeks / months, rest assured. However, if you revisit the COMETA Report from the 1960’s, you would understand FULLY why we cannot disclose all. This is for the sake of all humanity.
100% Disclosure = ANARCHY, and it completely defeats the purpose of this Op. We want to UNIFY humankind in peace, as it was always MEANT TO BE. The only reason I am getting away with presenting this info, is purely because it’s coming from “me”. Most people can have leverage placed against them.
I am not official in any sense of the word. I am a ghost… I do not represent Q. Yet, we work together in an indirect way, yet we do not know each other, nor ever met.
I work in a place that doesn’t exist. I do not exist. I cannot have leverage placed against me. I am a ghost… There is no leverage on a ghost…
Here are your Ruling Council of 13, our slave masters
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) = PINDAR
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) The British Royal Family is German
It’s your responsibility to research this and not fly into wild tangents or get violent. You have MOUNTAINS of information to go through with what I’ve presented on my entire thread, the “Snow White & 7 Dwarfs” thread, the “The more unrealistic it all becomes” thread, and the “Spirituality” thread, and the “Matrix Reality” thread. It may take months to digest.
We will NOT tolerate violence. This will NOT be solved by violence. The only violence comes from the CABAL itself, it always has been since the dawn of time. We take back what is ours. PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, WISDOM and most importantly SPIRITUALITY.
Awaken the Army of LIGHT, So we may build a new tomorrow!

Sourced from here.