New “Q” Drops ~ 2/21/18




Q!UW.yye1fxo453 Last edited at Feb 21 2018, 17:34:05
[ ]





1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf Update


this is far from over folks…  interesting that this is the 2nd jail she’s been in to undergo “unexplained” lock-down suddenly.  coincidence?  i think not. 


Heather update 2/19/18

Heather is well and of good cheer, but has been in 23 hr lockdown since late last Wednesday.  Her “elbow counsel” attorney met with her on Wednesday and exchanged some documents and filed a motion for an extension of time to reply to the court.

The transcripts of the trial were not yet available from the court, although they did quote BZ a price of getting them privately for $5700, which is quite expensive.  Rule of thumb in the past was $400-500 per day.  Heather’s attorney said she qualifies for a free copy but those don’t come out as fast, (clerks work on a contract basis) and that should be forthcoming this week or next.

All of Heather’s replies have to be written with jail issued “golf pencils”, and its made getting documents our of jail and to the court much more cumbersome.  The penciled replies are digitally scanned first before filing, so they cannot be altered.

The Roger D. Wilson detention facility, operated by Knox County Sheriff and is a dual use facility. It contracts to the US Marshals for Federal prisoners.  These continuous 23 hour lock downs, only allow an hour a day for phone calls and showers, and no outdoor exercise. Normally the pod she is in would get two 4 hour breaks each day.  The women within the pod are not happy with the unexplained lock downs.  The US Marshals have been extremely professional but do not run the prison.

Randall Beane has been moved to Ocilla Georgia ICE facility and that has serious complicated his interactions with his attorney.

A request from Heather’s attorney: Please do not send him mail for Heather, he is not a mailman. One person sent a letter to Heather there. I have it and will give it to her.  Send all mail directly to the Roger D Wilson Detention facility, you can get the specifics of how to do that and what kinds of mail are allowed at BZ Riger’s blog at

BZ’s web site has been under continuous attack since the end of the trial, so if it goes down, come back in a hour and BZ will have it back online again.

I was going to leave after the trial and be with Heather’s extended family and explain to them what happened here. I had no further instructions from Heather and really didn’t know where I should be.  Heather contacted me about 4 days after entering the facility and asked me to stay through February to assist with more documents.  I expect that could extend into March, perhaps April.    I have been on the road for about 7 months now but will see this through with her.

I want to thank everyone who has been so generous in supporting this effort.  A special thank you to Bruce B. for his generous contribution, when I received that I did not know I’d be staying here through February, but it was most prescient of him.  Scans, printing, certified copies of court documents are not cheap, all those cost at least 50 cents a sheet, (transcripts much more than that!) and add to court copies the charges of certification stamps.   We’ve gone through a mountain of HP ink jet cartridges and those don’t come cheap either.  Just parking at the court is $8-10 a day (depending on the length of stay).   If you can help with the time remaining here it would be most appreciated.  I’m guess I’ve got 4 to 6 weeks here yet. Click on the trees on the right side of the blog for the PayPal link.

Our host had me move out of my old room and I am now the room Judy and Heather shared.     A little bigger space and my feet don’t hit the foot rails of the twin bed like the old room.  Judy has gone back to her hone in North Carolina.

Sourced from here. 


Energy Clearing Home Edition


i already contacted my elec utility company and told them “no” to a smart meter.  i can do that – for now.  however they are saying i have to agree to their fees.  nope – i have not consented to that – to which they said i cannot opt out then unless i do.  i said there is no law that says that and i will not be bullied by them.  there are organizations that fight for our rights and i said i will utilize them.  so i reiterated – and recorded – i am opting out and am not consenting to their fees.  free beings do not consent.




Published on Feb 17, 2018

Impeachment of the Federal Reserve


Throughout history, holding public officials accountable for wrongdoing has been elusive even under the most moral regimes. As an ordinary practice, crime pays, especially in public office. Personal gain is an obvious offense. However, misdemeanors against specific persons, entire classes of people or even crimes against humanity are routinely committed in the normal course of administrating governments. Woefully, a universal remedy to prevent such a chronicle of depravity has never been applied to the body politik.

When such violations of the public trust are perpetrated by non elected authoritarians, especially from a protected segment of the financial elite, the abuse of the people is supreme. How ludicrous that the endless struggle against establishing a central bank could have been so causally accepted just over a hundred years ago.

Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More…

As any and every student of American Revolution knows, allowing the coinage and administration of currency to a private bank was an important factor in freeing the New World from the strangle hold of old empires. With the creation and treachery of a Christmas vote, the Federal Reserve took full control of the financial sector and placed the country on the inevitable path of totalitarian rule.

If a refresher course is needed, the Jackals of Jekyll Island – Federal Reserve Audit article illustrates the dire nature and consequences of the debt created money system that has impoverished our society. In the essay, Federal Reserve 100 Years of Failure the history of the banksters financial system is examined.

So what can be done to stop this monster of liberty destruction and monetary theft? First off the immediate remedy provided for the removal of reprehensible outlaws is impeachment. But before one assumes that impeachment is basically a legal procedure, it must be acknowledged  the function of removal from entrusted and limited authority, means that impeachment is fundamentally a political act.

The Constitutional Rights Foundation describes that High Crimes and Misdemeanors can lead to impeachment.

The U.S. Constitution provides impeachment as the method for removing the president, vice president, federal judges, and other federal officials from office. The impeachment process begins in the House of Representatives and follows these steps:

  • The House Judiciary Committee holds hearings and, if necessary, prepares articles of impeachment. These are the charges against the official
  • If a majority of the committee votes to approve the articles, the whole House debates and votes on them
  • If a majority of the House votes to impeach the official on any article, then the official must then stand trial in the Senate
  • For the official to be removed from office, two-thirds of the Senate must vote to convict the official. Upon conviction, the official is automatically removed from office and, if the Senate so decides, may be forbidden from holding governmental office again.

Historically there are three examples of attempts to use the impeachment method to put forth a purging of governors of the Federal Reserve. The first was by Congressman Lindbergh: Articles of Impeachment Against Federal Reserve.

This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Act the invisible government by the Money Power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on depressions will be scientifically created.” – Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., 1913, on the Federal Reserve Act Charles Lindbergh Sr. – Congressional record – Feb 12, 1917

3126 Congressional Record Mr. LINDBERGH. Mr. Speaker and the House of Representatives, I, Charles A. Lindbergh, the undersigned, upon my responsibility as a Member of the House of Representatives, do hereby impeach:

P. G. Harding, governor

Paul M. Warburg, vice governor;

Frederick Delano

Adolf C. Miller

and Charles S. Hamlin

Probably the most famous effort was that of Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation Remarks in Congress, 1934 AN ASTOUNDING EXPOSURE.

“Resolve, That the Committee on the Judiciary is authorized and directed as a whole or by subcommittee, to investigate the official conduct of the Fed agents to determine whether, in the opinion of the said committee, they have been guilty of any high crime or misdemeanor which in the contemplation the Constitution requires the interposition of the Constitutional powers of the House. Such Committee shall report its finding to the House, together with such resolution or resolutions of impeachment or other recommendations as it deems proper.

By this time the actual cause behind the Great Depression was disclosed at a heavy personal risk as described by Robert Edward Edmondson (Publicist-Economist).

Commenting on Former Congressman Louis T. McFaddens’s “heart-failure sudden-death” on Oct. 3, 1936, after a “dose” of “intestinal flu,” “Pelley’s Weekly” of Oct. 14 said:

Now that this sterling American patriot has made the Passing, it can be revealed that not long after his public utterance against the encroaching powers of Judah, it became known among his intimates that he had suffered two attacks against his life. The first attack came in the form of two revolver shots fired at him from ambush as he was alighting from a cab in front of one of the Capital hotels. Fortunately both shots missed him, the bullets burying themselves in the structure of the cab.  

“He became violently ill after partaking of food at a political banquet at Washington. His life was only saved from what was subsequently announced as a poisoning by the presence of a physician friend at the banquet, who at once procured a stomach pump and subjected the Congressman to emergency treatment.” 

The most recent attempt was made by Rep. Gonzalez, Henry B. [D-TX-20] (Introduced 03/07/1985).

H.Res.101 – A resolution providing for the impeachment of Paul A. Volcker, Edward G. Boehne, Robert H. Boykin, E. Gerald Corrigan, Lyle E. Gramley, Karen N. Horn, Preston Martin, J. Charles Partee, Emmett J. Rice, Martha R. Seger, and Henry C. Wallich, as members of the Federal Open Market Committee.

By the time that this last impeachment resolution was introduced, most Americans were born well after the memory of the striking controversy that existed during the first half of this country’s history towards the threat of allowing a central bank to lend debt money into existence.

Author George F. Smith, who co-wrote the Varying Verity series, quoted the following in The Birth of Legal Counterfeiting, illustrates a point that most forget.

“Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.” — Fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto, 1848

It should be stipulated that for decades the Congress has not demonstrated the stomach to fulfill their Constitutional duties on the same level and scale as our Founding Father’s generation. A legislature that will not even authorize a full forensic audit of the Fed, much less pass an abolishment statute law, is not one brave enough to follow the lead of Iceland after the recapture of their financial institutions as seen in 26 bankers already sentenced to a combined 74 years in prison.

Make no mistake about it, the dubious circumstances and untimely demise of Congressman Louis T. McFadden is not lost on a political class of beggars who are dependent upon the financial contributions of the banking elite to be re-elected.

Nonetheless, the value of using the impeachment vehicle is not necessarily the removal of a Greenspan, a Bernankeor a Yellen. It is about developing the critical mass necessary to instill public awareness that the financial system of central banking is the quintessence and inevitable reason, for the cause of the coming economic collapse, which is unavoidable.

Impeachment is a small step towards the replacement of the malefic hell that the central bankers inflict as they squeeze America to the “consequences of defaulting on a desperate bargain”. “A pound of flesh” is just as germane today as when penned by Shakespeare.

Face the facts that the courts and the legal barrister class are essentially gatekeepers to protect the establishment. Relief from a rare judicial hearing is reliably overturned by a higher court. And there is no greater superpower center of corruption and control than the crony capitalism perversion that hijacked a free enterprise economy.

Much of this depraved derivative financial racket depends upon the domination of the Federal Reserve fraud of the national economy. This is a reality that most historians are unwilling to accept because the punitive penalties from crossing the “PC” Wall Street guardians of the Fed temple are too high to pay.

Unless a modern day Lindbergh emerges to carry on the fight, the next generation will be even more ignorant of the forbidden history that put into motion the demise of our country. Today impeachment is a threat that was fine to use against Richard Nixon but was wrong to try William Clinton. For once a true bi-partisan agreement can be forged to use impeachment against the true and real enemy, the Federal Reserve.

The post Impeachment Of The Federal Reserve appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

Sourced from here.

Gaia Portal Update ~ 2/16/18 ~ Time to rest with the planet and enjoy her recreation


In alignment w/the share that the membrane was removed…  ??


Time to rest with the planet and enjoy her recreation.

Efforts of elimination are completing.

Elements of truth abound.

Participations are warranted as Gaia Spirits guide.

Florescents are plentiful.

Love the show.

Sophia Love Update: Q & A for 2/15/18


Resonating with this one (although I feel cryptocurrencies tie into the central bank and are thus manipulated and controlled like ALL forms of currencies/investments.  my insight is to go w/the local currency trend if your community has one.  all is changing anyway).


These questions were asked and answered on February 15, 2018

Is someone able to connect now? I have questions.

We are here, Sophia.

Thank you. I will begin now.  


“There’s a big problem with this “EVENT”. Several people are associating souls released with thing that has been happening on a physical plane.
The website “prepare for change”( ) is an example. There are several others. Several things they wrote are “IMPOSSIBLE” to believe. Can you understand how “CHOSEN” people are feeling? Do you know what cause that? “APOSTASY”.
How about the Event’ date? Do you have any prediction for this EVENT?
With Love & Light. ”

This event is a moment that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if the definition is assumed to be a human activated one with only the human activators aware of its timing. This event is a happening that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if you assume it is a solar instigated occurrence and dependent solely on the actions of the sun.

This event, as illustrated in your questions, is causing a great deal of confusion for you here on the earth. It is not the Ascension. It does not apply only to some who are chosen. It is a global happening. The event that we refer to, and by “we” is meant those of us watching your world. You may call us Earth Keepers.

We refer to the event as a celestial happening. It has been called a “kiss from the sun” by an aspect of Sophia and we concur. It is meant to take place soon. It will most likely take place in the coming months, this year, before the summer months as recorded in Sophia’s home place. (United States)

This event is not to be feared. It will be welcomed and we daresay Sophia had a glimpse of it just now as she began to connect. *

It is a touch of extreme love, and will yield for you images of what absolute pure love looks like, feels like, and is. It is exquisite and will accelerate everything. We are as anxious as humanity for this. No worries. Just wonder.

You will be transfixed and moved into your natural home. The place you began. You are on a circular journey that feels as if it is a race. It is not. You will see. We are complete.

*So, As I began, I was overcome, overwhelmed and overtaken with ecstasy, joy, love. I am assuming this is bliss. This was before reading the question or engaging with anyone – What I saw were images of my loved ones, my children… The light was not coming from them but from me! It was huge and I was someplace else for quite some time. I was sobbing and laughing and shaking and generally out of it. Wow. (These were the words I wrote before connecting. Sophia)

Thank you.

Here is the next question.  


“Hello Sophia …
Some questions for you / your monthly questions if you please. 
Are the Lion People / Feline people the same or are there two different lineages or groups??  Might you be able to connect to one (or both if they are different)??  Do they have star seeds here at this time?  What might they like us to know?”

There is more than one race in question here. We, who answer you now, are the lion people. There are others, and more than one other feline race. The lion people resemble pretty precisely your male lions here on earth.

Yes. There are star seeds. They are here, although not in the vast numbers that the Pleiadians and Arcturians are. Our mission differs. Vast numbers are not required. I believe you’ll find star seeds of almost every race – on earth in this now moment. You are in a rare time and many choose to physically experience all of it rather than watch from the sidelines.

We’d like you to know that we are here with no intent to take over or alter your human systems of engagement. We are bystanders, not wanting to interfere or even guide. It is assumed though, that benevolent, respectful monarchy will become part of your dialogue because of our presence. We are regal, coming from a lineage that is the same. Human now, and experiencing the collapse of every aspect into a singularity – well – presence can’t help but be affected.

Excuse me, but Donald Trump’s image just ran across my consciousness. Did you put him there, and if so, why?

We did not. Yet the resemblance is uncanny, is it not?

We are complete.

Okay then, thank you for coming forward.

You are welcome, Sophia.

“Hi Sophia, Thanks for this. Can you ask about Bitcoin or Crypto currencies? Is it going to free us from the big bankers total control of us or are we being set up and manipulated somehow?”
The money manipulation on your planet runs so deep as to say it is bottomless. Do not assume at this now moment that any single idea or currency is without potential corruption. Not until the event has taken place and the control has been wrested from the hands of the owners/those running the program beneath them/the puppets. All currencies need deep investigation prior to investment.

There are beings on your planet who do this for you now – it is their mission. Find one you trust and use that advice if unable to dig into it yourself.

Having said that, there are two other points.
First, all currency represents falsely the real/true wealth, which is you. There will come a day where outside representation is not necessary – where you/the human, will be recognized as the value. You will witness this.
Second, these cryptocurrencies are your best bet for removing yourselves from the hands of the ones who hold your strings. If you desire investment, they are a way to accomplish both wealth and freedom.
Please tell us who you are.
It is I. It is One.
Thank you for coming forward.
Here is the next question. 

Madam, first off, thank you so much for your divine sharing…May I ask if the Yellow Rays (get it…my new way to spell race) have a name for their planet and society and the individual speaking? Lol…please convey our open-hearted invitation to come visit here & sit on a beach and soak up some of OUR Healing Yellow Ray’s…lol…Under some palm trees first…shade is pleasant as well… I Love Your Name…Its tone HAS ALWAYS RESONATED WITH HIGHEST VIBE!!! Now I know Why!!! Lot’s more to Hear and Learn…Blessedly

Hello! Thank you for sharing your frivolity. It is much rumored amongst us, the playful human. I can see why! Actually, I can feel why. What fun you are! Our planet is numbered, its name not known to your race. We have a word for it that would be spelled xyratouch.

Did I get that right? X-y-r-a-t-o-u-c-h?

We do not know! We think so. 😊 Your translations are pretty clear and we have faith in them.

My name is Zilo. I believe you’ve gotten it right. We so enjoy contact and do not know how to physically answer this question, yet your visual seeing’s are most pleasant with the imagery offered with his words. So, thank you.

Thank you so much for coming forward Zilo. Goodbye now.

Goodbye Sophia. Thank you for the Palm Trees!

Our last question follows.  


“The news release is not so much news as it is distraction. This is a refusal to expose the real “outer space activity” – which is the sale, use and harvesting of the human on a massive scale for such a wide range of uses and reasons that have not even been entertained in this “news” piece just released.” (Note – this is a quote from a prior conversation)

“Maybe next time have him put a number on it, like how many people are we talking about here, and what exactly?  Like where are they going to, and where are they taking them?  I thought most of this trafficking stuff was limited Earth.  ugh.
Humans are a product. They are used for energy consumption, manipulation and physical slavery – via work force. The numbers are beyond comprehension.
Sophia senses right now the devastation or attempted devastation. “Attempted” because humanity today stands strong. Let me illustrate for you the vital point of believing polarity with your very essence – This gruesome trading of your race, capture and abuse of your race, was not a factor in your day to day if and because you were unaware of it as it happened. It was actually part of the plan.
Humanity has responded brilliantly. Now knowing, at the same time as awakening and unifying with yourself, you are not beaten, but more determined than ever to stop it. Not even for you personally but for all of humanity. This is the brilliance of the human and why you are regarded so highly and helped by many.
Thank you.
That is all the questions for today. Wow, that was quite a ride. I am spent and filled all at once. We are in for amazing everyone. Hang on to your hats!
I love you. Thank you.