I know I speak for many when I say “BRING IT”. The time is NOW for full Truth which leads to Freedom.
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
Oh yes… [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
To take a stand, to choose a direction, to believe-to be alive in- anything at all, is to engage the dichotomy of worlds.
Someone will disagree. Someone will think your crazy. Someone will pity you. You may even stir the hatred in the rotten core of a festering sickness of soul because the contrast jarrs it awake in somebody else.
Someone else will try to worship at your feet. Someone will think you can save them. Someone will weep at your doorstep, asking for merciful death. You may even stir the eternal being of love in another human, and their love my surpass yours, and bless all the world.
All of them are engaging with one of the infinite facets of the world soul, and you are the one who wears its face, because that is the right medicine for the moment. And people get the chance to heal themselves, to see the unseeableness of their own being, even as a tiny shard of light broken off from the sun.
If you want to find your tribe in this world, you have to become visible. If you want to meet the group of beings that summoned you into your current form, to address a pressing pain, you have to notify them of your arrival.
The tone of your Soul must radiate from your body with enough clarity to activate recognition of original harmony. In a binary-duality world, this harmonic activation notifies its balancing dissonance of its arrival.
So, don’t worry about offending people. Choose to be true before choosing to be “liked.” Choose deep compassion, before choosing to be “nice.” Choose fierce love, before choosing to avoid the projected thoughts of those who cannot know.
In the end, it is you who are accountable for what you have given to the world, and what you have withheld. So love and rage and dance and wail with your whole being.
Don’t worry… someone will be offended.
Laugh, and keep dancing.
Sourced from here.
Part four. There are several parts in this series of fascinating information, including our history and our awakening. Check it out! I AM SO READY FOR ALL OF THIS!! Every one of these are our RIGHT to have access to and obviously have been withheld from us. The time is here now to intend and see and feel this technology in our lives ~ NOW. I have seen this tech in my visions and when we all go within, we already know that not only does this tech exist, but that we have used it before.
The Fifth Element
The Fifth Element
The Fifth Element
Star Wars The Last jedi
The Fifth Element
This is a must share. Around 1:45pm today, PST (important that I share the time given what he shares below), I had a moment of empowerment come through me and I shared some things w/my mate that normally would have me feeling hesitant, but I knew it was time they be shared ~ all coming from the Divine Feminine with me.
Very interesting he references the Event as being quite possible to occur in about 2 weeks… Beautiful words in this one. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
An important Upward Shift occurred around approximately 2 PM PST. This Shift was the direct result of multiple actions by the Ground Crews in conjunction with the Feminine release to rise Higher. Many Feminine chains were thrown off in the last 24-48 hours allowing for a significant rise. As more of certain suppressed Females are separated from their Dark Handlers, it Creates a rise liken to being underwater with a rope attached to Your ankle and a big cement block, You have cut that rope and have risen to the surface, Your Divine lungs inhale the pure Divine Air, and You Live. You are able to Now breathe and swim, and do not forget, You can also fly.
Immediate effects of this Upward Shift are being directly reflected into the present realities connected to the outside world around You. The effects it is currently having, and these good effects will continue, are changing Timelines rapidly and in very good ways. It is possible, that what some may refer to as “The Event”, could happen in about 2 weeks. We can tell You that everything Now, because of this Important Shift, is more refined and inline with the priority, the Divine Plan. All things of deceit accelerate with their assigned implosions, nothing Dark can withstand the immense Light Quotient Now Residing upon the surface of this facsimile of Gaia. The real full body Gaia is Now totally on the lower 5D Timeline, waiting for You to transport Humanity and integrate Humanities existence into the lowest 5D Timeline, where it is secured and the passage between the 4D and 5D is sealed. There are STILL many Soul Contracts being changed to as which Timeline those Souls will Ascend/Descend upon, We can assure You, that almost All Soul Contracts being renegotiated, are choosing the Higher Timelines, this is also having an uplifting effect to the overall present vibration.
More Divine Whistleblowers are and will be coming from the depths of the corrupt systems, bringing with them even more, IRREFUTABLE PROOFS OF THE DARKNESS AND THE ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEMS IMPOSED UPON HUMANITY. Your Galactic connections are becoming more obvious to You, as those of You bring Them into this Now, Essences of You from other Timelines, to assist and reinforce the swift change to the present Timelines. The Masses have no choice but to Awaken further, for the proofs are based in logic, a Truth that the Human mind cannot deny nor refute. The Truths are blatant contradictions of what they were led to believe, the Truths break the deepest conditionings.
You are to continue forward KNOWING that the rest MUST follow. Your Ascension has always been ascertained, for Time nor Space restricts what You truly Are. It is the experience that You asked for and wished to have, even before You incarnated here, You bring it closer to You as You cut the ties to the “old experience”, for each tie cut to the “old”, it is replaced with an attachment to the New. It indeed takes time in this linear experience, but it is done in accordance with the Big Wish. As for the Dark, they do not have the abilities You have, and are a program that You can/may, shut off.
Continue working with Your Energy Vortices contained within, and Divinely attached, as You more fully Energize Your Vortices. More Kundalini activations are happening and others will follow in Your footsteps, You must teach them to haul that Energy up in a clockwise spiral, connecting with each chakra as it rises and activating them to Higher degrees. You must break the confines of the Sacral Chakra, and rise above it, when You do not, You become stagnant and that Divine Sexual Energy may be robbed from You, so bring it up, by Yourself or even more powerfully, with a partner.
Love and Light
Sourced from here.
For 20 years, Romanian psychologist Iana Matei has rescued hundreds of girls and young women from sex traffickers — a mission she embraced after a chance encounter with three young trafficked girls in 1998. The local police asked if she could provide clothing for several “prostitutes” being held at the station; there, she discovered three terrified girls in their early teens covered in bruises and dressed in skimpy clothing. She was shocked when a child protection official told her, “I cannot put these whores in an orphanage because they will set a bad example for the other children.” Determined to find a way to help the girls and others like them, she opened Romania’s first shelter for sex trafficking victims that week. Since then, she has opened multiple shelters as part of her non-profit Reaching Out Romania and helped approximately 470 young survivors of trafficking start a new life — often rescuing them directly from the traffickers herself. “I don’t know if I am courageous, but I do know that I am angry,” Matei says. “I’m angry at the people who do this, who beat up a young girl, rape her and force her into prostitution so she’ll be traumatized for life. And I’m angry at society for turning a blind eye. It’s so unjust.”
Romania has the highest reported rate of trafficking in the European Union, and girls and women sold into the sex trade make up the majority of victims. The problem exploded in the late 1990s with the wars in the Balkans, which provided both vulnerable populations and a network to “distribute” trafficked girls. “Human traffickers had the networks of arms smugglers and drug traffickers. But selling humans proved to be much more profitable,” Matei reflects. “You can sell a gun only once, but a girl, you can sell her a thousand times. Depending on how long she lasts, of course.” In recent years, Matei says the victims are getting younger. “You’ll find nine-year-old girls working the streets,” she says. “The traffickers put make-up on their faces and dress them up provocatively. But you can still see that they are very, very young.”
When Matei set up her first shelter in Pitesti, she gave up a comfortable life in Australia, where she had lived for nearly a decade, so that she could live in a rented apartment with the first girls she rescued. Charitable donations allowed her to hire social workers and provide other resources to help the traumatized girls recover and resume regular childhood activities — including school and arts and crafts, which Matei explains “keep them from thinking too much.” Integrating the girls back into society is a challenge, Matei says, because “the hardest thing is to change the mentality of the people… In the village, my girls are called names. Once a girl has been in prostitution, the people here don’t want to have anything to do with her. No matter if the girl was forced or if she is underage — she’s just a filthy prostitute, they’ll say. But how on earth can you call an abused 13-year-old girl a prostitute?”
As Reaching Out Romania has grown, however, attitudes have started to shift, and now many of the girls are referred to Matei by police, other NGOs, or the Child Protection Department. Once there, Matei and her colleagues provide counseling and set up an individual plan for each girl, with a focus on developing education and other skills. “These girls often have absolutely no life skills; they don’t know how to do anything,” explains Matei. “Their story is always the same: They come from extremely dysfunctional families where they have suffered all kinds of violence and emotional abuse.”
Even as more girls are referred to her by organizations, Matei — who was named the 2010 European of the Year — is still more than willing to “kidnap” girls right out from under their traffickers’ noses. “It’s dangerous because anything can happen. But, on the other hand, the traffickers don’t expect you to challenge them. They know everyone is afraid of them, so they’re not vigilant. Whenever I kidnap one of their girls, they are in shock,” she says with a smile. But she keeps most details about her direct rescues to herself: “We always plan these rescue operations carefully, but I don’t want to give you too much information because I want to save more girls in the future.”
To learn more about how you can help support Iana Matei’s work with trafficking survivors, visit the Reaching Out Romania website at http://www.reachingout.ro/
For an excellent though challenging novel about one Nepalese girl’s experience being trafficked into prostitution, we highly recommend “Sold” for readers 14 and up at https://www.amightygirl.com/sold
The powerful young adult novel, “Dime,” also tells the story of a young American teen who is trafficked into the sex trade, for ages 14 and up, at https://www.amightygirl.com/dime
For a fascinating new book about how girls and women are fighting against child marriage, sex trafficking, and gender discrimination around the world, we highly recommend “Girl Rising: Changing the World One Girl at a Time,” for ages 13 and up, visit https://www.amightygirl.com/girl-rising-book
For many books to inspire children of all ages to make a difference in the world, check out our blog post, “Making An Impact: 25 Mighty Girl Books About Charity and Community Service” at https://www.amightygirl.com/blog?p=10983
And, for an inspiring book for teens filled with practical advice on how to make change on issues they care about, we highly recommend “Be A Changemaker: How to Start Something That Matters” for ages 12 and up at https://www.amightygirl.com/be-a-changemaker
Ok people, this is huge. Perhaps related to all of these indictments? Hmmm… First, “interim” is defined as temporary. And now of all times? I have done some research on some of these attorneys and below are the results of what I learned. All of these appointments are effective January 5, 2018.
I would add that as we are given back our inherent right/gift of Full Awareness and Being, we will have instant manifestation and this experience of “patience” will become mute. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
A Vision for Patience
We envision ourselves living in a world where the speediness of life has gone away; where the pushiness on the part of those who are in a hurry has vanished and been replaced by a calm, caring for their fellow travelers; and where we, the people, have learned to wait for the fruits of life to ripen, the wines of good character to age, the metals of impeccable will to be forged, the souls within us to rise, and the Earth to ascend in perfect, divine timing.
For it is with patience that all things mature, including Mother Earth Herself. And we, as having become responsible stewards for Her, find ourselves waiting in wondrous anticipation for Her to finish Her present cycle of growth so that we can take our next step, together, as One.
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.
Seems the rats keep trying to get outta Dodge…
We are getting reports that all international travelers in the United States are weathering horrendous lines as the computer system for passports operated by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has failed late Monday night.
On one of the busiest travel nights of the holiday season.
A video of the nightmare in Miami’s airport is being played out throughout the United States.
Good evening, there is a system issue affecting processing times for customs. The customs agents are working to get everyone screened and through customs as quickly as possible. Your patience is appreciated.
— DFW Airport (@DFWAirport) January 2, 2018
Due to U.S. Customs and Border Protection computer issues, passengers at JFK Airport may experience delays in the international arrivals area. [12]
— Kennedy Airport (@JFKairport) January 2, 2018
Continue reading/viewing here.
As Israeli police conclude their corruption investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former advisor to the force, Lior Chorev, says the indictments to follow will be “earth-shattering” and will result in early elections – possibly as soon as May 2018, which would end the political career of the longest-serving Israeli leader since founding father David Ben-Gurion.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Chorev, who resigned last month under pressure from Netanyahu’s allies, told The Jerusalem Post “When they [the recommendations] will be announced, they will have information such as the specific charges and a complete list of the people involved,” he said, adding “Netanyahu is not running a campaign for his innocence but a campaign to keep the coalition intact. It is a political campaign, not a legal one, and so far he is succeeding. He is keeping his coalition in one piece despite very complicated investigations.”
The indictment recommendations will bear “a lot of information that we didn’t know – and it will cause an earthquake here.”
Continue reading here.