Here come the Executive Orders…….Signing in front of the crowd at the Capital Arena. Other finds and a Gematria. 1.20.25



Was helping a friend today with some paperwork so really have had no clue what’s going on out there w/the EO’s being signed.  Here is some of what I am seeing atm.  And wow – is he coming back with a vengeance.

First up – check out her body language.  Tell me she is not in charge….















I was just saying over the weekend that incandescent bulbs will be back as Trump said they would be…


There’s some really interesting things he says here – special place, something fantastic can be done there (GAZA) – “other side is weakened” meaning IS RA EL…………..



Excellent – remove that sheot:



Some buzzin’ going on atm:



What if getting out is the DARK TO LIGHT reference?

We Are All Trapped Inside of a Black Hole – And Here’s the Mind-Blowing Proof!






Holding Former Government Officials Accountable For Election Interference And Improper Disclosure Of Sensitive Governmental Information – The White House

Sec. 3.  Implementation.  (a)  Effective immediately, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, shall revoke any current or active clearances held by the following individuals:

(1)  James R. Clapper Jr.

(2)  Michael V. Hayden

(3)  Leon E. Panetta

(4)  John O. Brennan

(5)  C. Thomas Fingar

(6)  Richard H. Ledgett Jr.

(7)  John E. McLaughlin

(8)  Michael J. Morell

(9)  Michael G. Vickers

(10) Douglas H. Wise

(11) Nicholas J. Rasmussen

(12) Russell E. Travers

(13) Andrew Liepman

(14) John H. Moseman

(15) Larry Pfeiffer

(16) Jeremy B. Bash

(17) Rodney Snyder

(18) Glenn S. Gerstell

(19) David B. Buckley

(20) Nada G. Bakos

(21) James B. Bruce

(22) David S. Cariens

(23) Janice Cariens

(24) Paul R. Kolbe

(25) Peter L. Corsell

(26) Roger Z. George

(27) Steven L. Hall

(28) Kent Harrington

(29) Don Hepburn

(30) Timothy D. Kilbourn

(31) Ronald A. Marks

(32) Jonna H. Mendez

(33) Emile Nakhleh

(34) Gerald A. O’Shea

(35) David Priess

(36) Pamela Purcilly

(37) Marc Polymeropoulos

(38) Chris Savos

(39) Nick Shapiro

(40) John Sipher

(41) Stephen B. Slick

(42) Cynthia Strand

(43) Greg Tarbell

(44) David Terry

(45) Gregory F. Treverton

(46) John D. Tullius

(47) David A. Vanell

(48) Winston P. Wiley

(49) Kristin Wood

(50) John R. Bolton


The Point (at Roberts):



Here comes Mars…………..”Manifest Destiny”:


Going Home To Heaven


Checkmate to Remember

XRP to the Moon

Judgment is Coming

Reveal The Truth

Mighty Mouse (remember President Trump saying years ago he was always a fan of Mighty Mouse – which tickled me as when I was 5 and was asked who my hero was I said “Mighty Mouse”)  🥰


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We have arrived! Things are moving quickly. DJT from 2013: “Move slowly, carefully — and then strike like the fastest animal on the planet!”


We have arrived…

Oh indeed, we have arrived!

Remembering more of my dream last night – Trump was sitting down, Melania was standing up observing – Trump was chill, allowing things to play out – but Melania felt to be the one in charge.  And all waiting for things to be SEEN on screen by all – so interesting Trump says this – today:

“Oh, you’re going to have a lot of fun watching television tomorrow,” the incoming 47th president promised supporters.

Trump Promises to Bring Reality TV ‘Fun’ Back to Washington





Just as I thought too – Vivek looks to be leaving.  Bring all out on stage b4 they get the boot…..


The Art of War 12: The Attack By Fire – Aseem Gupta

Astrological Considerations: Beyond the empirical observation of environmental and celestial phenomena, Sun Tzu also acknowledges the importance of astrological calculations in determining the optimal timing of fire-based attacks.


Trump Confirms Plan to Disband the Department of Education in Bold Push for Localized Control


REPORT: Donald Trump To REJECT UK Ambassador Nominee Lord Peter Mandelson – Reasons Said To Be Mandelson’s EU and China Ties – Or Is It His Epstein Friendship?


Art of the Deal…..

UPDATE: “I Would Like the United States to Have a 50% Ownership Position” – President Trump Releases Statement on Plans to Reinstate TikTok in the United States – UPDATE: TikTok Thanks President Trump and Plans to Reinstate US Access





Will this take weeks?  Not according to President Trump:


And other topics of interest (9/11.  9/11.  9/11.  !!!)……


1.18.25 ~ Tik Tok down (countdown?), JB is out – T and Melania back in DC – Justice – Expect Fireworks – A couple of Gematria’s





Tik Tok down in the states – wondering if this is one of those “moves/countermoves” moments – DS tries to take down TT after the clean up of it – SCOTUS rules to take it down – DJT says he’s keeping it up for 3 months while investigations go on – then suddenly it’s down……….Why am I hearing “tik tok tik tok goes the clock”….




JB has left the stage:

Joe Biden leaves Washington, D.C., for Delaware – YouTube


Trump re-enters:

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, his wife Melania, and son Barron waving upon arrival at Washington Dulles International Airport

Trump heads to Washington with Melania, Barron ahead of Inauguration Day

Trump and the soon-to-be First Lady were seen hand-in-hand watching a massive fireworks show that went off for the crowd just before 10 p.m.


You mean this one?  Nessum Dorma:  NONE SHALL SLEEP – AT DAWN I WILL WIN  (some are saying this is green screen – pre-recorded)…..



English translation:





Powerful COMM from T earlier today:  PLUS (22.2K likes)


Timestamp – 1123 (T’s drop w/the PLUS above) – 17 post 1123 (w/an 11:11 timestamp):



On a nudge, a Gematria for PLUS:


Mar A Lago

Its Finished

The Gathering



Your identities will be revealed (mask removal)

The great awakening we will deliver

The good guys tricked the bad guys

It is the great new beginning for all


Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens Announces Retirement | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson






Trump memeCoin launches ~ JD Vance “jokes” about not attending the inauguration ~ things continue to build up quickly




I tried something out. I always write my own headlines and insights on my website. Earlier today I let AI do it, which was full of attention-grabbing words – something I don’t do. My viewership numbers went up – noticeably. Not sure what to do about this as I prefer to be ME – authentic – but me being ME is not getting my work and messages – my words – out there because the AI and algo’s find them, what, boring? Or maybe we all do function like squirrels and puppies – easily distracted by shiny pretty objects that get our attention?






Only members of Congress and Senate allowed in.  No parade.  No ceremony.  All indoors….



US Debt Clock Secret Window – interesting locations of the white circle objects – representing Light?



I have not been able to vet the arrival of the ICC and NATO:






I do remember that…………I remember his sons had tears in their eyes…….I wondered if that is when he went full-on “insulated” and has remained since……..I remember to tell myself this is a MILITARY Op – not about Trump or anyone else – and it is possible we are literally seeing all actors including T – so even the inauguration will be another “movie scene”…….or not………..just feel something is “off” about this – although how many times have I/we been disappointed after these “senses” come and then leave us with nothing tangible to tie them into.  Yet………More SHUTDOWN/1o days dark vibes:



Why make a joke like that?  Given who we know about him – how he suddenly grew several inches (took google awhile to catch up w/that one) – this is another one giving me the “hmmmm” feeeeeeeeel:



all of those stands and seating – which he says is still being set up – will be taken down on Tuesday…………


Truck drives into the Potomac and the Inauguration moves indoors



T’s senior advisor:


The timing…………..










1.16.25 ~ Theorizing, sharing the finds, 88 MPH in the personal vibes – building quickly to a crescendo – Possible Disclosure b4 Monday??



Nice Synch, eh?  All those 8’s and the 2.5 (2025).  Woke up this morning thinking about all of this too – almost flooding my mind.  Anxiety is at a peak – anticipatory I should say.

Moving on (btw – Stream of consciousness today friends so excuse the rambles……….)


MrMBB333 (with Steven Greer on possible Disclosure b4 Monday – just heads up as i’ve said – i’ve felt “off” about SG all along so who knows)

In LESS than 72 hours the world may CHANGE forever! – YouTube


I see this:


Then see this in response (image below):

Like has been included in my day so far, including Fbook disabling my account again for gawd knows why – i stopped sharing my work after the last disable – so when it’s restored i will go back to that – and the above x post is not embedding so i will share what she shared:



which leads me to a theory i’ve been having the last couple of days which began with entheos saying TWO NOONS………..which could indicate the upcoming comet this weekend that NASA says will look like another moon…..or it could indicate the theory many of us have that we are returning to a Republic after being under the Corporation since 1871…….and so perhaps there will be TWO NOONS take place as Trump is sworn in AT NOON…..perhaps one under the old corporation and the real one under the Republic – and perhaps part of that process is a rapid fire exposure of all of “them” which could include the she above – as we know T brings them out on stage for all to see and lets them be exposed………..and we are also seeing actors so this may just be another actor on stage………..

And that leads me to another theory I’ve been having as well this week………..something Lisa Harrison said years ago that has stayed with me – that at the end before the IT moment – there’s a global announcement (YRFT has said the same) – financial related – and b4 we all return to where we belong, we have about 6 weeks or so of $$ abundance………..which if that starts next week could put us out around late february where we have that 7 planet alignment which US DEBT CLOCK showed in its latest drop on X saying debt to wealth…….




many are now like this – global experience i would say – feels like eyes are on the states atm:







i watched the video – he wasn’t screaming – he was dropping truth, demanding an answer

Chaos Erupts During Blinken Presser, Screaming Reporter Arrested, Forcefully Dragged Out of Briefing Room (VIDEO)


HERE COME THE DEPORTATIONS: Sweden To Change Constitution and Remove Citizenship From Fraudulent Migrants and Threats to the State



And vibing big-time with this one –



He’s dropping heaven references – btw the madonna song has always been a favorite of mine – lifts me up every time……..


i have yet to find out whose hand this is………..



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Additional finds … 1.14.25



Clouds – fog – off and on – extra tired – stinky air – raspy voice.  All over the place – at least in the northern hemisphere.  Southern hemisphere friends – you getting this down there?


Wondering if Friday the 17th = 711………(there are no c u e drops for that date, btw)….


bibi cancelled the invite to the inauguration……….



I believe T showed support over TikTok……… sense is this ban will be very temporary as I feel the app was likely “cleaned up”……….


Needing to remember this…….


entire reality = coded simulation


moloch speak………




I forgot to include the sweet stuff w/my earlier daily post…I feel this one will make up for that.





1.13.25 ~ Financial stuff getting exposed – movement on stage speeding up




Giving thanks for the friends today who were once strangers.   💖  Thank you for the birthday wishes too.




So many of us have known this for decades.  Finally seeing it on a mainstream outlet here in the states:







As though we need a law like this at all?  Right?  Low level thinking/evil actions put toxic pokes in the food supply.




Bringing it out on stage?


Because of this truth bomb:



Lots going on in Canada – a TON of minerals up there:


Of course they do….













Agree – dream job:







That smile….







25 years ago – 2 bedroom duplex here in town was $450.  $10/hour wage = 28% of income went to rent.  Very doable.  Today that same duplex goes for $2,000 – 344% increase.  Doable?  Nope – unless one’s income has jumped 300%.  That’s why I get downright pissy and blunt in how I speak these days when I get flack on the affordable housing need issue.

May be an image of text


Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











Reflecting on The Event/Where we Are….on this New Year’s Eve – 1.12.25 Other finds and a Gematria






Shower portal guided me today on a few things.  One – the 17 post where we are told “you just forgot how to play the game” – something that has stood out for me over the years and isn’t discussed in the truther movement.  My sense continues to be we are in a simulated game, virtual reality, it was OUR game that outside parasites hijacked, locked us in, and with the mind wipe enabled them to do their b.s.  Then later on, while my hands were in water, I get an image of the cube and then a rubix cube – it’s weird when these things happen because they are more bodily impressions/knowings and the words are hard to come by.  blah blah, ya’ll know that about me by now.  If we are inside one giant clock like mechanism, locked in, there are protocols to unlock us – much like you solve a rubix cube.  Also got the reminder when I announced out loud to myself how wonderful it is to see the blue sky – “remember you are seeing water”.  Sometimes I try hard to distract myself and forget where I really am – but truth has this way of finding me again when I get *too* distracted.

This video is something that was watched recently – and he shared it with me.  It is interesting as it aligns w/some of what I got today about the cube.  This has a lot of good info where “they” show us where we are, etc.

The North Pole Mountain and the Real Blue Beam, Spiritual Messages #9 – YouTube


I believe the channel is JayZ Dreamer – another channel he watches – and he says a plasma event triggers us getting out – includes a bright flash AND a mist – something also included in the video above.  When theh worlds merge, there is this mist – something we are seeing everywhere these days with this abnormal “fog” – which according to some in the MrMBB333 video below, is smelling like gunpowder – which makes me think – perhaps we are smelling the remnants of the war activities – OR perhaps it’s them being released – sulfur based smell – from this reality – or perhaps being flushed out – or even coming out of us.  And what if the strange rashes and pimples so many are having in recent weeks (myself included) is some mass detox happening of nanites, etc. inside our bodies?  And what is one of the big things you need to do when you detox?  SLEEP/REST – and who among us now is not needing that.

Just theorizing.



Is the GRID about to go down? Something is DEFINITELY messing with it! – YouTube


I also had this thought – a memory – that getting out involves getting out via the center of the dome – the top – POLARIS – and thought to gematria it:



Hidden Codes

Look Up

The Moon

The God Gene


Here’s the New Year’s reference – it’s the real deal:


And there’s this – shared this awhile back – could reference the 11.3?



Then there’s this:





Numbers are codes – frequencies – which help unlock all of this b.s. and return is back to the future organic timeline.  My feeeeeeeeeeel……






May be an image of map and text



NEW: Manmade Smuggling Tunnel with Electricity and Ventilation From Juarez to El Paso Discovered (VIDEO)


Antarctic ice core could help solve an ancient climate mystery, scientists say | CNN


The LA Situation Is Only Getting Crazier.. Loud Booms And Strange Things Happening – YouTube










Safety – feeling Safe is key:




1.11.25 ~ It is truly a bizarre reality. Personal “UFO” experience. Reflecting and Finds.




On our walk today, my girl stopped, looked off in the distance and asked “What’s that?”  There in the clouds was a very bright white light.  It didn’t seem to be a plane.  We watched it as it disappeared inside the cloud, so we watched and waited for it to reappear.  Somewhere.

It never did.  👀

We made a stop at the store and were surrounded by people wearing cones on their faces.  We saw someone we know – and tried having a conversation.  I just can’t do it anymore.  Plus, it is impossible when their words are muffled and they are radiating, that combination of dryer sheet and need-to-take-a-bath smell.  I kept it friendly – p.c. – all sorts of p.c. questions asked which I answered briefly, returning my focus back on my girl, when OVERWHELMINGLY what I wanted to say was “for the love of god already take off that g.d. mask!  stop injecting yourself!  other than that, i am happy as a lark that T is about ready to step back into office and blow up that entire criminal narrative of mind-numbing bull$###.  have a nice day.”  And I really don’t give a crap how I sound or how rude or arrogant I may sound.  I want my reality where I DO NOT EVER SEE THIS AGAIN.  And not just for me but mostly for my girl.  The b.s. is hard-wired into her childhood experience and as a mama that pisses me the royal ef off.  They can have their own reality.

I just want. mine.

As do most of us who come here.  Overwhelmingly.

There was some local talk about how to talk civilly with local government.  Doesn’t matter how corrupt that government system is – be polite.  blah blah blah  Think evil responds to politeness?  This city is swimming in p.c. stench that has left us with potholes everywhere, homeless camps everywhere, fentanyl and other drugs everywhere, rents for crappy apartments and homes in need of repair starting at $2,000.

All done with intent and purpose.  And all along the people have tried to make a difference only to be met with blocks by bureaucratic monsters with too much money, not enough heart, likely lacking a Soul, and certainly not enough brain matter.

But let’s remember to be civil.


As though OUR response is the problem.

Nice victim-shaming tactic.


Just like that bully on the playground is the problem.

And how do you deal with a problem being created by those who know what they’re doing, don’t care and refuse to stop or change?


Thank you Military.

We are ready to SEE your work.

Here’s what I’m seeing.

To Truth.

And to our right to FREEDOM.  REAL freedom – not the cracker-jack new age pushed on us.









My personal favorite…




“He’s the only one who has my number….”  Of note:  at the .49 mark is the point (to Dan)………..  👀




Biden gives Pope Francis highest civilian honor before leaving office


Another rock toss………



Melania’s dress – it really is quite ugly – but she does that – wears her clothes as a comm…..And her hairstyle – same.  Kiss of – death – perhaps?

Melania Trump’s ‘Nun’-inspired outfit at Jimmy Carter’s funeral sparks backlash: 'What was she thinking?'

…Valentino black coat dress with an oversized white collar, paired with a dramatic print of a 19th-century neoclassical sculpture of lovers sharing an intimate kiss.

Melania Trump’s ‘Nun’-inspired outfit at Jimmy Carter’s funeral sparks backlash: ‘What was she thinking?’ | World News – Times of India







How many of ya’ll called this number?  😂


1.10.24 ~ Finds, Current feeeeeeeeeeeels in pictures, 5:5 sleuthing, and a Jesus Synch




My current state in pictures:

Mentally Exhausted? Here Are 7 Expert-Backed Ways to Cope | The Output by Peloton

14,521 Female Rage Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images - Getty Images

Other than these in moments, I am also exceptionally this.  Even after a pretty good night sleep.  New level of exhaustion today.  I see others saying the same today.  Tonight at the store, while getting some of my favorite pistachio’s in bulk, I misjudged the bag, and nuts went all over the shelf.  I stood there – and felt a mix of guilt followed by strong giggles – saying to my girl: “I could have sworn I had the bag open.”




Broken Stuff | Daily Devotional | Lincoln Presbyterian Church | Stockton

Clean up in aisle 4….

Time to wrap up this movie, end the psyops, initiate the final blow and get us all out of “their” little matrix playground.  BTW – as I felt – and as I have felt for years now in spite of other biggie’s saying T was going to jail – he is not going to jail.

Here are the finds for today.  Please support my work by leaving a donation and sharing my work on your social media accounts.  Thank you!







T said he’d be talking about this on day 1:


Okay so here’s the Jesus synch……….earlier today making the bed I thought about Jesus for some reason – said to myself “if he’s just a program inside this matrix, what if we ALL get ‘infected’ with it” hence most of us on X who did that social score thing all got 38…….


Yes, ma’am…


This is……….interesting……….perhaps………….JB giving his goodbye speech Jan. 15th – Covid and other things Delta – 5 years………and 5 days after Jan. 15th is T’s inauguration.  I’m seeing…5:5………


Happens to be the day I entered this place………’s going to be sunny so that intention has manifested.  Intending other magical wonderful happenings………..




Speaking of Z-burg – he was on Rogan dropping truth bombs – and today is looking human as compared to years past…

 (X user @npc_moments)


Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Joe Rogan that the Biden Admin “Screamed and Cursed” at Facebook Employees – Forced Us to Censor Content Related to COVID-19 Vaccines” – Confirms Arguments Made in Ongoing Murthy vs. MO SCOTUS Lawsuit


Mel Gibson Reveals $14.5M Malibu Mansion Burned to Ashes While Filming Joe Rogan’s Podcast: ‘It Was Like Someone Did It on Purpose’


Leaked Memo Exposes Incompetent LA Mayor Karen Bass’ $49 Million Fire Department Budget Cut Demand Just One Week Before Wildfires Erupted — Plan Would Shut Down 16 Fire Stations


Just like out of a movie, eh?  MrMBB333 – freaky friday………

HERE is what people are seeing NOW! Stopping along the roadside to LOOK UP! Man says “This is crazy” – YouTube



Several in CALI and TEXAS today – shallow too:

Today’s Earthquakes




And yet police said no probable cause for arson……….even though the citizens making the arrest said otherwise……….



There’s the Point……..

Son of Former President Bolsonaro Admits to Helping Israeli Soldier Escape Brazilian Justice Persecution | The Gateway Pundit | by Fernando de Castro






This is us.  KEEP. GOING.



No, but all I would have to do is ask her if she wanted to go to the P A R K and with each letter she would get more excited……….🥰


Cats speak, too: