Real-Life Examples of Future Careers and Vocations on New Earth


editor’s note:  i happily share this guest post, received by e-mail.  i resonate with the ideas very much.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  (and hint hint – if you have something you wish to share, please pass them my way using the Contact option menu on the main page.  i am coming to the space where personal stories and feels are more of value to me than much of the mainstream spiritual stuff.)


Posted by Ashmi Pathela | Jul 12, 2018 | AwakeningCareerManifestation

Real-Life Examples of Future Careers and Vocations on New Earth

If we could create everything we desired by thought alone… If we lived in a world of abundance and sharing… If our entire community didn’t have to worry about money at all…

What would the world look like?

We’d live in a completely new world. With scarcity, debt, and competition no longer hanging over our heads, we’d experience a new freedom.

The obsession with materialism and the accumulation of possessions would fade. With the power to create (and dissolve) anything we desire, there would be no need to puff up from our ego. Or compensate for the lack and separation we used to feel.

We’d awaken to experience the abundance of love that was in our hearts all along.

So what would you spend your time doing?

You could play and explore all day, but that would get boring. You’re still here to explore and expand your soul’s mission, the reason you came to earth at this time.

The best part is, your soul’s mission has to do with what you love and what comes easily to you. It’s your unique contribution to humanity. It allows you to come alive, sharing your gifts and perspectives with the world because it brings you joy.

Such an utopia can be hard to visualize in concrete ways, but what’s amazing is millions of people have already been awakening and stepping into their soul’s mission. They are embodying their higher selves, no longer accepting the old scarcity paradigms as their reality. They know that they can create anything they desire, that they are provided for abundantly.

They know that pursuing their greatest joy is also their greatest gift to humanity.

The collective awakening and energies of today make it so much easier to align your soul’s mission with your human role and work.

Real-Life Examples of Future Careers on New Earth

I believe there’d be billions of different types of roles on new earth, more than there are humans. There is no one quite like you, and this is your place to indulge your unique passions, gifts, and desires for what you want to create. We are all co-creating our evolving communities and existence here.

And there are roles we cannot even fathom right now. Imagine all the new technologies that will be freed upon disclosure. Imagine all the spiritual gifts and powers we’d have. And the infinite possibilities of what we could create together.

Here are some themes and real-life examples for what I’ve seen already existing today. As we acquire new abilities and technologies, we can only imagine how these vocations will evolve.


What is it that you’re passionate about? Is it music, painting, dancing, writing? Or cooking, building, gardening? Imagine a world where your artistic creations are infused with your own unique signature of love and healing. All who experience them will benefit from their activations. My friend Naomi Hadarian channels her paintings and turns them into beautiful healing yoga pants infused with divine messages.


We all have the ability to heal ourselves, but people will specialize in specific forms of healing where they are gifted. Today, we see quantum healing practitioners like Alba Weinman and Allison Coe; coaches and twin flame healers like Lauren Emily; energy workers; and Shaktipat and RASA transmitters like Aluna Ash. There are infinite types of healing for the mind, body, and spirit.


Very soon, technologies that were repressed from society for so long will be released to the public. It will accelerate our society to a new age of innovation – and at the same time, it will feel much more organic and sustainable. People will feel called to help develop and refine these new technologies and continue creating for the good of humanity. My friend Guy Harriman used to be a chip designer working closely with Steve Jobs. Today, he creates conscious technologies (channeled from Nikola Tesla!) like the Ajna Light meditation therapy lamp.


As our inner knowings, spiritual gifts, and information downloads become clearer, we have the opportunity to share our perspectives with the awakening masses. And in the future when everyone can easily access the universal mind, we’ll still see opportunities to share our wisdom with children. We’ll specialize based on what interests us. We have been seeing the rise of lightworkers sharing their learnings through books, workshops, and YouTube – including channeled teachings like Abraham-Hicks.


Some people love bringing community together. There are infinite ways to create ceremony and sacred spaces for community to gather – workshops, retreats, dances, celebrations. Here in Ubud, Bali I enjoy attending ecstatic dances, full moon cacao ceremonies, women’s circles, and festivals. Many people organize and co-create their own events, and it’s beautiful to witness their energy to share their passions. This can be done virtually as well – through live chats on YouTube like Shane’s Unbiased and On the Fence channel or online conferences.


I envision us breaking down our silo’d neighborhoods and creating warmer communities where families and friends can commune closely. Some older souls (I’d say “the elderly” here, but I imagine we can reverse our aging and live as long as we’d like) will enjoy caring for the children, mentoring young adults, and sharing their wisdom. And others will enjoy nourishing and developing the growing community. We’ll create more holistic, hands-on, and eco-friendly schools like Green School.


Many feel called to work with mother earth herself. Gaia is healing herself on her own, but there will be many new opportunities to work in harmony with her. We’d create highly conscious practices to keep our oceans, forests, and cities pristine. My friend Bayley McDanielhas been working to reimagine the clean water industry with PureBlue. Our entire existence, including our homes and developments, would beautify the earth. Many other gentle souls will be called to work with animals.


Whether we know it or not, we already do massive amounts of work in our sleep, astrally. As we become more conscious of our galactic family, imagine all the ways we would step into our planetary role in the multiverse. Thousands of people around the world have reported playing various roles (through their own soul in dreamtime and in parallel lives) during their quantum healing regressions. How can we expand on our roles? I’ll leave this one up to your imagination!

I included the people I mentioned above because they seem to embody a new outlook on career. It’s so clear that they’re living their soul mission and doing what they love. Because they provide value from the heart, their clients and customers are happy to pay for their services and products – but this feels more like a genuine energy exchange.

Do you see any roles or themes that speak to you? If not, what other roles can you imagine?

If you’re not sure yet, there’s no pressure at all – we can experiment and play here. We have the freedom to create the lifestyle, community, and world we imagine.

Sourced from here.



WSO ~ Magnetosphere Update With Catfish and Maverick


editor’s note:  nice to have some intel on this ongoing phenomenon….”opposite polarity”????  massive negative energy charge (unknown origin)…..  it is my feeeel that this is the necessary “frequency” to put the final blow to the simulation….and perhaps my “elephant in the room” dream accompanied by the crashing elephant figurine in my “waking” reality in my living room was more significant than i realize.  the elephant in the room perhaps being the one unseen/unknown element keeping this sheot game continuing – but it has been seen (because someone has seen it and called it out) and thus has been exposed and upon exposure crumbles.  crashes.  i’m just going with what i’m getting now – stream of consciousness thought.  anyway….enjoy the video.  “the skies were all purple….”


Published on Jul 11, 2018

Magnetopause Update ~ WOW have to share….purple purple everywhere… plus check out the purple skies


editor’s note:  wow – did this change over the past 4 hours!  look at that purple….i left a note for the woman who did the video i linked earlier, asking for her take on what this purple energy is (which as i said just began showing up on june 1)…  and see below for mrmbb333 and some purple sky images…  (and yes i say this is a simulation ~ and this is NASA info.  however, the simulation is showing signs of changing….)


Published on Jul 9, 2018

Current Magnetopause Image/Read ~ 7/9/18


editor’s note:  well it is rather important i know what i am sharing here ~ at least most of the time.  sometimes it’s a guess until i take the time ~ which i did tonight (in between making dinner and doing laundry).  so this magnetopause i have been sharing…..the magnetosphere is the area surrounding the earth in which the magnetic field is the “predominant effective magnetic field.”  the magnetopause is the outer region of the magnetosphere ~ the boundary between the earth and the magnetic field. the shape of it is the result of the solar wind.

i also found an awesome video (below the recent image) showing what the normal image is for the magnetosphere.  as of june 1st, it switched to purple (normally it’s mostly blue with some yellow).  just as i had thought and heard – this image is not “normal”.  up next:  my search to understand the different colors on the spectrum…





Thank you for stopping in and visiting.  As always, you are free to share my personal writings as long as you do not alter and link back here.  If you wish to support the work I provide, for it is a job and my purpose for now, and I do have self and family to support, please click the button below.  Much gratitude! 

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Mongolia, China – Terrified locals observed Earth’s crust flowing like a river.


Mongolia, China – Terrified locals observed Earth's crust flowing like a river. This event has never been recorded before. 6-27-2018Posted by Oel Yin

Posted by Juan F Martinez on Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sourced from here.

Tonight’s Cloud/Sky Captures at Sunset


so today was supposed to be in the 80’s and sun.  instead we had 70 and rain/clouds and a wonderful cool breeze.  i thought the sunset would be a quiet and subdued.  i was happy to be wrong!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]  it appeared suddenly and disappeared just as quickly (lasting maybe 10 minutes).