Late October Gateway Energies and Galactic Changes


That part about processing on a milky way galactic level right now struck quite a note within me…  Indeed feeling some G.I. stuff right now ugh!

Sourced from a friend’s facebook page.


October 23, 2017

“ATMOSPHERIC CANYON ON THE SUN: A large hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere, cleaving the Earth-facing side of the sun with a gaseous canyon more than 700,000 km long. This image, based on data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, shows the jagged structure directly facing Earth on Oct. 22nd:

This is a coronal hole–a region where the sun’s magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape. The solar wind emerging from this hole is blowing faster than 600 km/s and is expected to reach Earth during the late hours of Oct. 24th. NOAA forecasters say there is a 45% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Oct. 24th, increasing to 80% on Oct. 25th. Arctic auroras are in the offing. Free: Aurora Alerts. ”

The Sun continues doing its part in these October 21–25th Gateway energies, and as you can see by SpaceWeather’s report above, there’s more coming so keep the antacids and other digestive, guts and bowel-soothing aids close by!

Man this one’s been really tough on the tummy/digestive track, the HighHeart, and the head because many of us are processing on a Milky Way galactic level now, which is also assisting the entire galaxy to ascend to a higher octave. Have any extra weird dreams along these types of lines the past few days? Walking around in an Earth world that’s been abandoned by recent humanity? Closing down old systems and worlds? Overseeing the completion and disintegration of the old everything on both global and galactic levels? Is it any wonder we’re needing more sleep time and some of our physical body parts have felt really horrible and rebellious? No because so much more is currently happening than most realize.

I often intentionally zoom out beyond the Earth, turn around and view it from that position. Lately however this has happened to me automatically on a galactic level; I suddenly zoom way outbeyond the Milky Way galaxy, then turn around and view it—the entire galaxy—from that position. The reason this has been happening during this late October 2017 Gateway is because the entire Milky Way galaxy is in the process of evolutionary ascension to a higher octave and place. Why my digestive track is so affected by this is beyond me but whatever, it’s just Ascension business as usual really. And you thought you’ve just been Working on Earth all this Volunteer lifetime! Not hardly fellow Ascension co-workers, we’re at a galactic level now with all this. Universal is up next. Swoon…

Going to keep this one short as I mainly wanted to let everyone know that more Solar winds, therefore Earth and human magnetic fields are being impacted and upgraded (further crystalline DNA and more) and will continue. Rest and sleep and know that you’re doing so much more than just feeling rotten again.


October 23, 2017

Energy Update: Shit Just Got Real


Sourced from facebook.  Will share my day around this stuff next.  Can relate to this one.


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Collective Consciousness is purging all toxic emotions/ancient karmic timelines since the Annunaki timeline collapsed 4-5 days ago. When a timeline collapses collectively, it affects the collective. Be patient with yourselves and others while the new one emerges.

Things are surfacing “fast” to be healed, released and let go. I mentioned things are in an “accelerated” shift right now through the end of the year. This may throw some in a depressed state, or agitated state with zero patience…. until all surfaces for you that’s been held within deep cellular programming. Embrace it and go with it. Don’t fight it, or the more uncomfortable it will be for you.

If this is you…ask yourself, what is surfacing to acknowledge and break free of right now? Timelines are popping up like, bam, bam, bam to choose the outcome, heal, collapse. Just like that! This releases massive amounts of ancient karma! The collective is experiencing this now.

This shift may cause relationships to end “quickly,” which are no longer a vibrational match.

Family issues will be brought up for review and discussion that are dysfunctional. Some of these relationships may move in another direction as well.

Relationship patterns will be brought up for review to understand from your higher self. This will collapse the programming into healthier future relationships.

Nothing is off the table, all is up for review! And this will happen in an accelerated fashion, rather than having to move through it for years.

When I say accelerated shift, that is putting it mildly. Things are moving along very quickly now!! And this is a Good Thing! For those who have collapsed their personal timelines and merged all to one, you will be experiencing a whole other reality right now. That is one of peace, unconditional love, and bliss! A zero point to rest, play and contemplate your next leap which is your personal free will choice!

Everyone will get there that puts in the work necessary. Take solace in knowing it won’t take years now. Instead, it’s days, hours, or minutes. That’s the great news!

If you missed the latest Energy Report that explains what is occurring through this shift, please click here >>>…/energy-shift-update-by-tiffan…/

As always, please share what you are experiencing below. I always love to hear from you!

Sending much love,
~Tiffany 💝❣️💝

Vision Alignment Project: A Vision for You


LOVE this one!


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for You

Here is a Vision for You, although it could just as easily be an Intention. Feel free to copy, paste and print it out. Then, all you have to do is say it as often as you like – and be ready for good things to come your way!

I see a world where / I intend that . . .
~ I am happy and glad to be alive;
~ I have friends aplenty;
~ I have found my highest calling in life;
~ I enjoy my work and it helps many;
~ I am healthy and abundant in every way imaginable;
~ I am strong of heart, yet kind and tolerant of others;
~ I am loved by all I meet and loving to all I meet;
~ I know that I am perfect just as I am;
~ I am balanced and bold in the face of my fears;
~ I am free to live my life as I choose;
~ I am caring for the Earth and all her beautiful creations, and She is caring for me in return;
~ I have a place inside where I can go to find comfort when all around me is swirling;
~ I feel my Oneness with God:
~ I know who I truly am;
~ I am blessed beyond measure;
~ I have peace now and for always;
~ I am serene.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Sanna Tarnstrom: The Fire Egg Gateway of Change


Received via e-mail.  I love this one ~ the reference to the Elements.  I had an experience with a lady bug today I will share in a bit.  


The Fire Egg Gateway of Change

October 22, 2017

Sanna Tarnstrom Birming


We have entered new unknown territory. The heightened accelerated “jump” we are in can be shaky or steady, depending on each and everyone’s own experience. Do whatever is true for you in your heart and you’ll be just fine!

The New Moon opened a huge gateway that is unique to everyone. Let your entrance be glorious and fabulous, with your style and ways. Mine carries a lot of emerald gold diamond drops and sparks of sunshine. What does your gateway doorway looks and feel like?

The Phoenix has laid the fire egg. On a collective scale, the fire purification of the fire element is done and has completed a huge shift. This means, we will see less fires around the world from now on. The fire egg carries a lot of meanings.

Just know that the elements are not as they were. They are stronger. Tune into nature, the whether and the planetary consciousness. It is changing very rapidly now. Many times, it doesn’t make sense. Just remember to have faith in the elements and the New. Trust your own heart.

We are “cleaning house” everywhere. Don’t forget what that really means.

I wish you all a vibrant and explorational Gateway!!!

My love,

I am here to teach, guide, assist, sing my heart out and to be the way-shower in Grace Consciousness.

With my personal connections to Mother & Father Earth, the Multidimensional roams and the Universal energies, I work on all levels of the spectrum.

​As I’m transforming, shifting and changing and the expansion of energies are bringing new light and creation to the table, I have been guided to start doing consultations again.

A little differently then before. More powerful and to the point, but always in Grace Consciousness. 

My sessions with be 45 minutes long for a divine energy exchange and in that moment we will get a lot done. Always in sacred space. I’m also doing distance healing that is very strong and heart-opening. 

It is my intention that your path be cleared, blessed, empowered and inspired from now on. May you move through the world with ease and grace, knowing your own worth and power, finding joy in each day, and using your innate genius to enhance our world.

If you have any question, please do contact me and I will assist you. ​You can also read more about me Here and How I work Here. A nice thing to do before scheduling with me.

Looking forward to co-create and work with you!

Have a wonderful and magical rest of October. Take care. Remember…everything is going to be just fine. Follow your spark.✨

For divine service, guidance & healing, book a session:

For donation & support, please go to:

Subscribe to updates, news and my articles:

(scroll down to the end of the page)

You find me on:
Blog: www.graceconsciousness/blog

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all the support and connections. I am truly grateful. I love you dearly. Always with gratitude and love! 🌠

Jenny Schiltz ~ Energy Update: Letting It All Go


Editor’s note:  As always, I appreciate Jenny’s authenticity and “humaness”. There are far too many peeps in this ascension community who have such a holier than all of ya’ll and somehow think they have no human “parts”.  Nonsense.  As reader Robin said this morning about this piece(sorry Robin this was too good not to share!):    

I get so sick of all the talk that feels like ‘you have to have a high vibration all the time and if you don’t, you’re going to left behind‎.’  Like we’re supposed to be farting butterflies and rainbows all the time while holding all our shit inside.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]

I can relate to this one.  Let go let go let go.  Perhaps I could take my girl’s crayons and write it all over the walls for a good reminder. Acknowledging (compared to dismissing).  I had a similar dream that she describes at the end a couple of weeks ago.  


The change in the air is palatable. We know that things are moving much quicker now and there is a weight of responsibility with this knowledge. We are being asked to let go of it all. All that we thought we were, all that we identify with and all the limitations we have put on ourselves.

Some are feeling deep depression and anxiety. This can be due to feeling the pull of the higher timeline while pieces within are still operating from a lower perspective. This is causing all that we have not completely healed within to be pulled up at a deeper level. It is the time we clear up all that we were not ready to face before. It can feel like torture until you realize that it can be the final goodbye to that pain if you are willing.

Others are finding the need for quiet and stillness. There is much shifting within and the deep changes require patience. It is a fascinating time as some are finding that their guides are backing off to allow for the integration of the higher self. Others are finding their higher-self embedding deeply and this is allowing access to greater contact within the universe. It is as if a quarantine has been lifted and access to All has gotten much stronger.

This is the time of disclosure. While it isn’t “out there” yet, it is happening within. It is time we own all of our stuff, all of our dysfunction, and most importantly our stories.

Spiritual teachings tell us that we must not identify with our stories that they are simply illusions. Yet, I am reminded of Sananda saying “To look at your life and call it an illusion is to negate the incredible work you have done.” What I am coming to understand is that we need to honor our stories, but let the emotions that tie them to us go. Our stories, our history, what has happened to us, are what has shaped us into who we are now. Often it is through difficult life experiences that we grow the most. We have been forged, purified and strengthened in the fire.

It is understanding that you can honor your stories without having them limit your perception of all that you are. When we are unable to let go of the emotions that we attach to events in life, these can then become part of our identity and secure us firmly into a reality we don’t want to be in. Releasing these emotions can be much like the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Except, it is crucial to add forgiveness and the releasing of judgments we have of self and others. We cannot wish away the truth behind our experiences with positivity and love and light. We must feel it, own it and then and only then can we release it.

Looking at the #metoo movement (where women are admitting to being sexually harassed or abused) we can see where people are moving into the stages of release. We can see where some are admitting things for the first time publicly, for others it gives an outlet to release anger and sadness. There is also a grouping that is saying #metoo and in those simple words, they realize that the events no longer hold power over them.

Each person needs to be allowed their process and it doesn’t matter how messy it may seem. If you haven’t been able to release it yet, now is the time to honor those emotions and how they have changed you (for the good and bad), release all judgments and set yourself free. There is an external energetic push to heal all of this now. Allow the energies to help you leave behind the pain of your stories and turn them into your story of triumph and overcoming.

All change happens from WITHIN.

What I have come to understand is this not only means within ourselves but within institutions, belief systems, and concepts. I came to this understanding while discussing the education system with my highest self in regards to my 9-year-old daughter. I have offered to homeschool her or to find a school that is better suited for sensitive children. Her answer to me has been the same since she was five “Mom that is where I need to be.” There are moments when I know she is speaking from a higher wisdom and I simply have to trust even if I don’t understand it. I turned to my team for understanding and they explained that all change happens from within.

This does not apply to just within the person but within institutions like schools, government, healthcare and even concepts such as how women are treated in this society. This is one reason that so many are feeling the pressure to “get back out there”. It is time to shine the light in all areas of life on earth and allow change to happen. It is time to see where each of us has played a part in what has been created and help fix it by simply shining the light and our truth.

We are also being asked to let go of the ways that we have identified ourselves on this spiritual journey. I remember merging with Archangel Raphael and my guides telling me, “Don’t identify with this, for you are so much more.” As we awaken and find our 3D identity stripped, we can cling onto new identities. These also must go as we step into the new. It is not that it is a problem to claim yourself as a lightworker or however you define yourself as long as you understand that is an extremely limited definition of all that you are in your totality. We are being asked to let go of the box we were put in or that we created for ourselves and to instead experience ALL THAT WE ARE.

While it is a challenging time energetically, physically, and collectively, we are being asked to let go of all resistance we still have and simply let go.

This was illustrated for me during a lucid dream:
I was on a whale watching boat and the seas were extremely rough. I was standing on the back of the boat with another person when a huge wave came and knocked us off. We hit the water just as a whirlpool was created and we were being sucked down. I looked over and the other person was fighting with all his strength to not be sucked under. I began to fight as well when my higher-self says “Stop fighting, you have a life jacket on.” So I stopped, took in a big breathe and allowed myself to be pulled deep below the sea.

The suction began to ease, the sea began to calm. I opened my eyes to see whales swimming nearby as I began to rise towards the surface. I looked over to see that the person who had fallen off the boat with me, had lost all his air and had died in the struggle. I reached the surface took a giant breath of glorious air and saw the sun shining brightly. 
I heard my higher-self say “All of you have life jackets, stop resisting and allow it to help you.”

Upon returning from this vision, I asked my higher self what she meant by we all have life jackets and she said that the soul’s natural disposition is to always rise to the light, it is our life jacket.

Feel your life jacket and know that even though you may feel like you are being sucked under, that you will rise again. Your soul knows no other way.

Sending you all lots of love and calm seas. Thank you to all who share this work. It means more than you know. <3

Jenny <3

Sourced from here.

Victor Oddo ~ Ascension Energy Update for 10/23/17 ~ “Something Big Is Coming”


Certainly experiencing some things in my life not flowing and I am more than willing to just let all of that stuff go to allow for N E W.  I also appreciate how he speaks of the inner child needing comfort ~ re-experiencing old habits and patterns.  Being in that loop again.  Ugh! Yes ditto!  I am totally fed up with myself over certain patterns and especially thought bubbles of fear.  Got into that again today and stopped myself. No. That is NOT Who I Am.  I will not succumb to being afraid of what’s “out there” any longer.  Strong desire to revolt.  Become free again.  Yes yes yes.  !!  Breaking free of the chains ~ I feel that energy.  It is very palpable.  Also of interest in how he speaks of opening to a new way of healing ~ which I recently dove into with working with a Shaman ~ an experience I will be having again this weekend.  Until then purifying is in store ~ and Gaia is cooperating with a full week of sun and warmth.  Anyway…good information in this one.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Ascension Energy Update – (Week Of October 23rd)

Published on Oct 23, 2017

David Wilcock Update: Something Very Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?


Are we on the verge of stunning, public announcements that will change everything we thought we knew?

In 2009, we began providing direct insider leaks from “The Alliance”. Everything they told us is now coming true.

The 4Chan insider from our last article is “singing like a songbird” and we will summarize the newest intel in this article.

If what we are hearing is true, Wikileaks is on the verge of dropping a much more damning set of information than October 2016 — literally at any moment.

This would then set the stage for a much larger announcement that will directly expose the ugly secrets of the FBI, CIA and Fed for the last 60 years.

The Vegas mass shooting may well have been a desperate attempt to distract the public from these impending, epic geopolitical developments.

We have every reason to believe that this collection of data provides signposts that a very big announcement may lead to a defeat of the Cabal.


Just to briefly review what we discussed, the Vegas mass shooting was almost certainly not the work of a “lone gunman” with no clear motive.

Instead, there were multiple signatures of this being orchestrated by a powerful international organization we have been calling “the Cabal”.

Las Vegas is just 13 miles from Nellis AFB, which is enormous — and less than three hours from Groom Lake, site of the infamous Area 51.

Multiple insiders have revealed that there are secret elevators in these casinos, leading to underground shuttles that take you to these very bases.

Continue Reading at …..

Sourced from here.

Something huge is about to happen in the Cosmos


Short and simple piece.  What are your thoughts?  I feel the “something huge is about to happen” part just need to tune in to the “cosmos” part.  


Something big is coming. I’m feeling it in the flow. Never felt anything this strong before.

Unlike most of the energies since 2014 this energy feels masculine in nature and will cause changes in everything. It will not stop until it’s complete.

It’s movement within the ALL.

Sourced from here.

Energy Report Update by Tiffany Stiles

Yesterday we had a major shift come in. In the afternoon many may have felt shakey, confused, off balance. In the evening the shift swooped in so quickly it could not be ignored. It may have stopped you in your tracks to take notice of your “reality.” There was a massive increase in vibrational frequency that swept through the collective consciousness. Did you feel it?
I purposely did not post this Energy Update last night, and instead did a little test. I posted a simple message that said: “How many Beautiful Souls are in my reality right now vibrating at the same frequency? If you can see this, that’s you!”
I purposely didn’t say what frequency I was speaking of because I wanted to see who “Felt The Shift” sweep in like a wave of a massive unloading of toxic energy all at once! WHOOSH!  CLEAR! And this could have affected each in their own way:
You may have felt love exploding from your heart center and the utmost gratitude.
You may have felt the unwavering need to forgive yourself, or someone else.
You may have had some major Ah Ha moments that changed your perception about everything you thought you knew.

Continue reading here.