With the ongoing meteor bombardment plus the latest discovery of a highly unusual hole showing up down there, we are left to wonder: What the heaven is going on down in Antarctica?!
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With the ongoing meteor bombardment plus the latest discovery of a highly unusual hole showing up down there, we are left to wonder: What the heaven is going on down in Antarctica?!
Hmm. I wonder if the meteor bombardment taking place there daily has anything to do with this… Keep your eyes on Antarctica. Lots of disclosure will be taking place there.
A hole as large as Lake Superior or the state of Maine has opened up in Antarctica, and scientists aren’t sure why it’s there.
The gigantic, mysterious hole “is quite remarkable,” atmospheric physicist Kent Moore, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus, told me over the phone. “It looks like you just punched a hole in the ice.”
Areas of open water surrounded by sea ice, such as this one, are known as polynias. They form in coastal regions of Antarctica, Moore told me. What’s strange here, though, is that this polynia is “deep in the ice pack,” he said, and must have formed through other processes that aren’t understood.
“This is hundreds of kilometres from the ice edge. If we didn’t have a satellite, we wouldn’t know it was there.” (It measured 80,000 k㎡ at its peak.)
This is the piece I referred to in my previous Gaia Portal piece. Last night my child and I each had what we would normally call “nightmares” and yet there was really no fear there ~ not like in past dreams. In my child’s dream she was easily able to take control and turn it into a pleasant dream ~ a first. In my dream, I was drowning in a rather unusual, interesting mix of earth elements. It was not pleasant at first (I have had drowning dreams throughout this life cycle and they have always left me feeling terrified). At first I said “NO” ~ but then relaxed – which surprised and confused my brain which was like “what the HELL are you doing??!!”. I was able to surrender and just observed the experience before I ended it. So we still have responsibility for our own thoughts but I feel it will now be much much easier to just be in our OWN space without outside influence from the spindly slime balls. Also of interest ~ other people commenting are noticing the same thing w/their dreams. Then reading today’s Gaia Portal I had to think “ok maybe there is truth in this…”
For the first time in a long time… a million years?… there are no more archons in, on, or around the Planet Earth. The archons are GONE. They’d been forced away from the Earth and were hanging out around the moon — and were feeling surprisingly invincible — until they messed with some of the Meowracles’ dreams. So, we asked our higher order friends to intervene and… POOF. No more archons. (It was actually quite a battle, but still, it didn’t last long. The female archon was nasty, twice the size of the males. And they really did look like that above pic.)
Only now can we see and feel what it looks and feels like NOT to have some nasty ET species (that were BIG, scaling anywhere from 10 to 20 miles!) meddling with our consciousnesses and our energies. It will be interesting to see what happens. (The TWBs are all gone, too, banished to The Forbidden Zone.) This is serious cause for celebration, folks. The scourge is over.
Interesting update. “Handles of compliance are removed.” I am wondering if this is in reference to a piece I read that claims the Archons are now completely gone. I am always sceptical of such claims until I see it with my own eyes or feel it within or have my own experience ~ which I did last night, unexpectedly as did my child. I will share that in the next piece.
Fortification of Ultra-Dimensional Grids Completes.
Handles of compliance are removed.
Starships enter the Ultra-D gateways.
Hue-Beings flourish.
This was for yesterday and was exactly my experience as well ~ only I ignored the desire and had the dog experience. :::ahem::: Still feel the same way today. And am listening… so instead of writing my own piece, I’m doing the “lazy” thing (love his insight for this term) and sharing KP’s words. As my late beautiful friend Susie used to say: Don’t let anyone, including yourself, shit on you with the “should’s”. [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]
Today (the 10-6-17) was a complete un-connecting from what I had been doing, and essentially was a disconnect day from anything. I took no walks, no leaving the house, barely able to prepare anything to eat, and not doing anything.
Part of this has to do with an upcoming Energy work that has been “calling” for some time. I’m not really feeling “ready”… but sometimes I never do. I’m not looking anywhere beyond the next two days.
There are a lot of “planetary occurrences” been going on, and my interest in them has been essentially zero. And will likely remain that way for an indeterminate time. There will be such things happening, but this is what many of us have done our Energetic Works for. The dissolving of the old paradigms (and connected energy grids) combined with a massive uplifting of the “New Paradigm” energies of the planet. Old stuff is falling apart… New stuff is coming together… all because of that “Energetic Work” stuff we did. Stuff like that.
The next of my own parts in this comes very soon. And it is a key for the planet. That’s what I’m getting. And I’m not telling anyone, really, where it is, and when it will be. It is mine to do, and it is mine to BE on that journey.
There’s other things I could “report on”, but I’m feeling no draw to do so. Yes, some could say, “I’m just lazy”. And that would be correct. I’m “lazy” to do anything I’m not fully drawn to do. I don’t follow the “rules” like, “I should be posting 10 articles a day”, “I should be doing perfectly all the 3D organizational things”, “I should eat a certain way”, “I should take care of my 3D body in the standard Western medical way”… and a bunch of other things that the ego wants to put a “should” in front of.
I’m still releasing some of those ideas. I ain’t perfect… in those ways, at least.
We’ll see where all of this goes. The planet is going to be okay. I just know it.
Aloha, Kp
Sourced from here.
The black tube-like object is not a screen anomaly as we first thought as it doesn’t show up in every picture. (What is that thing??!!) We also could not see this with our naked eye so we didn’t see it until I uploaded the photos. These “clouds” hung around for well over an hour. Enjoy!
This is AWESOME! Beautiful! Fully resonating! Let us invite these changes. Let us welcome the activations. The time is NOW. Woo hoo!!
The Earth is rumbling. And as it shakes, sleeping giants awaken. All sacred technology, texts, devices, rejuvenation chambers, crystals from unknown origins, pyramids, mounds, temples, altars and treasures are being awakened too. These objects: hidden, buried, stolen, seized, hoarded and guarded will emerge, beyond ownership, claim, rights of state, rites of church, and earthly laws.
Offices of the Vatican and Offices of the Bishop of Canterbury are on notice. These positions of false gate-keepers will step aside as gold, jewels, currency and advanced technology will activate, unleashing and assisting with the “consciousness renaissance.”
Keep putting your crystals in the ground and let them serve as capacitors for this new surge of freshly awakened power coming into being.
For this is Ascension Power: beyond the beyond. It is the power of purity, of love and a life we have yet to know on Earth. Walk as a pillar in this power and quicken the process.
Great change is here.
Sourced from here.
Thanks to Robin for sending this my way. I can relate to this one in a few places…
Dear Ground Crew,
First, I want to thank you for being the lightworkers that you are and for being dedicated to the planet and to the Ascension process. It’s taking everything that we’ve got right now to move into the light. Most everything on the planet appears to be insane. Nothing makes sense. Perhaps this has become nonsensical because we are in higher consciousness. We are looking at the world through different lenses. We are moving up the trajectory into the light. The last vestiges of the darkness are playing themselves out.
Many of us lightworkers have been attacked lately. The dark attacks can come through individuals. My definition of a dark attack is “a distraction.” Things that upset us, take us off of our focus for our work are examples. Sometimes these attacks make our brains race and we are unable to shut off. It’s like being plugged into an uncomfortable high frequency circuit.
Some lightworkers have experienced disturbing anger. Perhaps this is another dark attack? It’s an opportunity for us to do more inner work and to clear like there is no tomorrow. Uncertainty is rampant. Old issues that need to be cleared can feel as if they have a grip on you. Even though one has worked on themselves for their entire lives you can feel like these issues are insurmountable. It all is a matter of making new choices that are of a higher frequency and higher consciousness. Getting rid of the old core program issues is paramount. I have been helping a lot of my clients with these issues.
Many of us have experienced physical pain and health issues. Teacher, Jim Self, told us in a recent talk that our spiritual bodies are moving faster than our physical bodies. The physical body is having a challenging time adjusting to the higher spiritual energies. They get stuck in our bodies. This is a definite sign that a clearing is necessary. Once the emotional cause gets identified it can be released.
Have you noticed how much more sensitive you have become? You might be losing your preference for certain foods, drinks, or even supplements. Some of us are even allergic to things we used to be able to tolerate. Our nervous systems can feel like a razor’s edge. Some people could become untenable to be around. Sometimes I feel allergic to 3-D. How about you? The language that is used on the radio and mainstream media is like reading one of those rags at the checkout line at the grocery store. You might feel like burying your head after hearing what they say. The dark forces are trying to instill fear and lower consciousness every way they can. In addition, our sensitivity allows us to transparently view people and situations to glean the truth.
We have the utmost compassion for all involved with the catastrophe in Las Vegas on September 30th. Our hearts, love and prayers go to all involved. While we are still reeling and feeling overwhelmed from the recent earth changes in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, Florida, Houston, and Mexico and other places, this happened. For some of us who are intuitive the story doesn’t track. It seems surreal. We can’t figure out how this could have occurred. (In a way I think the light is getting smarter and the dark is getting dumber.) The story doesn’t seem to have any glue. Is it another one of those planned false flags to instill fear and to remove more rights? Are we blaming it on psychopaths? Is mental health in this country and abroad a natural disaster or an unnatural disaster? We’re certainly experiencing a plethora of narcissistic, sociopathic and even psychopathic behaviors from world leaders. Those who have all of the money think they can do whatever they want to do whenever they want to. When we start digging deeply we can feel the pain of the many people who have been injured as a result of such darkness. The planet and humanity are in pain. This is not the way our Creator intended life to be on the earth.
A couple of weeks ago I had a session with my teacher of many years, Archangel Gabriel. Karen Cook is a full-body channel. He has been with her since she was 2 ½ and she called him “Silver.” At the age of 35 part of his soul came into her body and then her soul took a rest. This has been going on for more than 30 years. I told Gabriel that I have observed some channels on the Internet who can usually see into the future, including a friend of mine. They were unable to see the energies in October. I asked him why. He remarked, “There is a total change of energies; they are chaotic and different. . . The East Coast is going through evolution on an individual basis. . . He said that we “are now in the fourth dimension and that Prime Source changed the fifth dimension to just be a pool of energy from which you can manifest.” He mentioned that we “could be going into the sixth dimension in October.” I asked him what the sixth dimension is like. He said “It is indescribable. And you can manifest easily in the sixth dimension.” Sounds pretty good to me.
With all of the massive earth changes recently, I also queried Gabriel if people were starting to get their lessons. He responded, “Very reluctantly.” He said, “This month is going to be strange, interesting and chaotic.” It’s only early October and one can feel it already.
A while ago I also remember Gabriel telling us that “people who are unbalanced will be having a hard time with these energies.” Please be careful when you are driving. It is getting worse at least where we are in the San Francisco Bay Area. Pay close attention to what you are doing and what others are doing.
Sourced from here.
oooh i like this one… here is what i found on the term “sportification”: Sportification means to view, organize, or regulate a non-sport activity in such a way that it resembles a sport and allows a fair, pleasurable, and safe environment for individuals to compete and cooperate. …
Sportifications of Gaia grids are eliminated.
Temples are returned to the Spirit-filled.
Flags of compliance are lowered.
humanity enrichment begins.