The massive harmonization of the sacred crystalline waters.


Received via e-mail.  Thank you Sanna for sharing another beautiful piece.


Sanna Tarnstrom Birming 

Sweetest heart – family!!!

During this period of massive change our womb chakra water planet is being cleared, cleansed, purges and re-program on a planetary scale. This week the world cleaning and upgrading of all the water has started for real. Certain things was needed to be placed and activated for all the water to start to divinely harmonies and balance out.

This is something I’ve been working on all last week, on the northern part of the planet. I have finished off the last part, doing the last touch up and finalized the balance.

This goes way beyond our current reality and existence. It has a multi-dimensionally pattern to it. The balance between the old and the new, the moon, the sun, the rest of the solar-system, it’s planets and out to all the different star systems, galaxies and universes. It is an interconnected grid that existence beyond our universe.

All the elementals are working together very hard now to finalize all the levels. The storms, hurricanes, ocean waves, heavy rains is all part of the clean-up. The wind helps the water clear out and be re-programmed for harmonization.

We have a big organic clean-up crew that is working around the clock now. It is truly amazing and magical to see. Our water planet is getting cleaned up BIG-TIME!!!

The entire planetary body of all water is being balanced out. It takes some time. It is clearing, activating, purging and purifying…in a way… all planetary water carries all history, consciousness of all our time and space. This includes the water we hold inside, plants, animals etc. All water is connected and is now being balanced out.

That is why we have so much happening with our water right now. Tsunamis, ocean storms, water vanishes etc. It is part of this planetary harmonization.

As we are integrating, releasing and balancing out…the elemental parts of us is being healed and harmonized. We may have different physical symptoms as this occurs. I’ve been very swollen and had lots of water kept in my entire body.

We are all carrying different key-codes of light that is transmuting and engaging all the different elemental energies on our planet. As we clear for ourselves, we clear for the world. Emotional patterns are being released and cleansed with the water and within us.

All the elements work together. The moon has also been stabilized with our planet. The nodes with our poles. This is connected to the water. We’ve had some magnetic field changes these last 2 weeks, that many might have felt. It is part of the stabilization and nothing to worry about.

The water plays a grand part in our evolution and our future. The water is and will be the bridge to the New Earth. With this balance, the planet will raise it’s frequency and lighten up a lot of heaviness and lower densities. No sharp edges, just pure water consciousness.

Our connection to the sea life, the underwater life and roams/kingdoms will come closer and we will have a fresh awareness and stronger communion with the water worlds in a near future.

Our sacred real earthly story and history will unfold and open up and the water will play a great part of that truth and opening. 

The water crystals is getting upgraded, balanced and activated and as our crystalline worlds is unfolding and completing it’s cycle, all the sacred crystalline water is doing so as well. The crystalline water grid is shifting and changing for balance.

I feel all water consciousness will calm down after a while. And so will the wind. Right now they are doing their dance, as the sacred act of love as the new divine feminine and masculine energies.

The elemental over-souls are also expanding, integrating and upgrading. We are part of it all. We ARE the elements of Earth as well. It is in our pure being.

All my best. Take care. Stay in your heart and honor yourself and all the living. We can do this!

All my love & blessings

The Time Has Come For The Nonsense To End ~ Or we are about ready to escape out of this matrix


Editor’s note:  This one resonates with me so much.  Thank you to reader and friend Rick for sending to me (another moment of the divine).  The synchronicity in it is beautiful.  In the past few days, I became suddenly drawn to hear from Yellow Rose and have searched her youtube channel regularly for an update.  The description of earth being a ship getting ready to launch out of here is in absolute alignment with what my sacred tree showed me as well as the vision my mate had of the same thing on the same day.  I’ve also been feeling all year “October” – late summer/early fall.  Let us intend.  


Tick-tock. You will have to listen to the latest cheerful intel from Thomas Williams—at the very least the second hour—from last night, September 28, 2017.

If you’ve tuned in to videos from Yellow Rose for Texas, this confirms her info, at least in general. The El-ite are NOW being eliminated. Turns out there will be a number of October surprises for the psychopaths as WE perform extractions on THEM. Kind of a “reverse Jade Helm”.

It seems the latest spate of attacks on Humanity via hurricanes, typhoons, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes etc. across the planet was enough to convince the powers who are really in control that the psychopaths have gone too far and it’s time for their forcible removal. It has been decreed, apparently.

The globalists and their spawn were warned and that was the condition stated years ago. Go too far and you’re toast, and consequences will be swift and sure.

I suspected at some point they would indeed go too far and meet with a speedy consequence. What took so long? As always, those making the decisions aren’t the ones suffering in the trenches. Yesterday I was sat wondering how much worse can it get? It’s literally hell on Earth for so many people.

The intel is, mass arrests have been underway this week, with elimination by both deaths and government job terminations; the Rothschilds are being removed and all involved with them. Multiple excision operations are in progress simultaneously to eliminate the nasties.

Thomas asks that we take a few moments every day to pray for the safety of all the brave souls who have put themselves in harm’s way to execute this historic liberation operation.

AND… The time has come for our exit from the matrix.

The odd occurrences like water disappearing, birds and animals disappearing, etc. is all part of the preparation to set us free. Don’t worry.

Many of us have had odd symptoms—both physical and emotional—and seen bizarre things as shifts take place.

Earth is being righted so her axis is fully upright— as Rose said, “for flight”. Earth becomes like a “rocket ship”, Thomas says, and we’re about to find the escape hatch in this construct that has imprisoned us for so long.

We here on Starship Earth knew that, didn’t we? LOL. I told you to hold on, enjoy the ride, we’re going home.

We don’t have a date, but it’s been confirmed, for what it’s worth. Pre-flight checks will take time.

Some souls will be leaving the planet to go home where they belong but not all.

The dark ones are headed for “the pit”—also Rose’s terminology. That is why the El-ite have freaked out recently, because they knew their fate and all their efforts to escape were prevented. The portal we saw was them, leaving, I believe Thomas said—but as always this is from memory. You need to listen for yourself.

Here is the latest (September) update from Yellow Rose via Adam1414 where he has included Rose’s original explanation of our escape from several years ago, the righting of the planet, etc. Rose uses schematics and NASA images to illustrate the ideas. This is for general information purposes only, so don’t take everything too literally. She, like all our messengers, presents information she is given to the best of her ability and it hasn’t been easy for her.

Thomas has spoken of “the New Earth” and said it is waiting… out there… somewhere… for the right time.

The clock is ticking, and the El-ite are out of time.  ~ BP


I’m a Canadian freelance writer. As a writer, I love to share knowledge in ways that allow me to play with words. As a Lightworker, I love to share knowledge that enlightens, removes fear, inspires and brings positive anticipation to the reader. This is the most exciting time in humanity’s history to be alive, and I hope my readers will agree once they know what I know to be Truth.


Sourced from here.  Please view the page to see more video footage.


What The FRIG Is Going On In Antarctica??


Over 7000 (THOUSAND) meteors detected in the past 24 hours.  !!  There is something MASSIVE next to earth with a MASSIVE gravitational pull to cause this event…  And controversial Antarctica of all places.  Something (hoping benevolent) trying to take out some bases?  Yeah, you won’t find this stuff on CNN…

I lifted the graph from this site:

Thanks to Steve Olson, WSO, for first reporting this.

Energy Update: Equinox Energy Portal Opens, Timeline Shifts and Looping In Progress


Intense hunger the past few days, check.  (just finished stuffing a butter-laden bagel into my mouth.  headed to the kitchen for more chow in a bit. probably leftover enchiladas.)  Vivid dreams, check.  New dreams with a stronger energy to them indeed.  It’s as though someone has removed a filter and I am seeing sharper images and people, where that often “elusive” feel of dreams has not been present.  Not so sure I fully agree the cabal is not behind these storms in some way, but other than that another spot-on piece by Diane Canfield.  And YES to the mandela effects this week. The concrete rock thing and then I had another one tonight !! that had to do with a neighbor and a cat who last week insisted the cat was not hers but tonight suddenly is equally as insistent it is hers.  I gave her a look (she is an otherwise totally normal, rational woman) and said “what reality did you just enter from?”  I told my mate “it’s like I was speaking with a totally different woman in a totally different timeline.” WILDNESS!  Makes me wonder what “me” I will meet tomorrow.  lol  All is merging back as One.  Breathing through it all in the moments of NOW like I did when I gave birth.  


By Diane Canfield,

Happy Fall Equinox Beloveds,

The energy of the Equinox started arriving 2 days ago. Remember the Equinox energy can run 10 days before to 10 days after the actual date of the Equinox of September 22. The symptoms of the portal opening have been intense hunger and intense dreams. We have also experienced very blissful feelings coming in. These can all signal portal openings. There are many signals and these are just a few of them. I and many in my family have felt intense hunger like we could not get enough to eat the past few days. It has been crazy! Also many are having very intense dreams and astral travels, this also signifies changes in timelines and intense energy coming in. The dreams are so deep, there is no way not to notice them.

The time lines are doing more splitting and looping as we move further into 2017. The recent rash of hurricanes and earthquakes are a sign of this as well as the recent geomagnetic storms and flares. These can all work in combination with each other to produce new timelines for us.

Notice as the hurricanes and earthquakes arrive, they many times occur in clusters, meaning many happening at the same time. This is what has happened recently with Hurricane Irma, Jose, Maria as well as big quakes in Mexico ( 2 in a few days time), Japan, Vanatu and New Zealand. This happens because old timelines collapse and the energy that is produced from these collapsing timelines needs to have a release. Contrary to what some might believe this is not the work of the cabal but instead new timelines being created.

Energy never dies it just transforms. As these new timelines take hold, humans have a chance to evolve themselves even further into the Galactic realms. This is obvious as to the Huge evolvement of the spiritual community since 2012. There are many that have worked to evolve themselves within each of these timelines that have appeared. This is the key, to take the timeline upgrades, work with them and evolve yourself as far as you can.  You will notice new thoughts and new ways of being appearing for you to work with. These are your signs to grab onto the timelines and evolve yourself.

The Mandela affect has been crazy recently with so many celebrity deaths. There is almost a new celebrity death each day that I know has died at least a few times before. This is also an indication of new timelines taking place. I call this timeline looping. The timelines are looping back and forth until the best one can be chosen. This will continue for some time and has sped up immensely in the last few years.

We do not exist in a fixed reality, rather a fluid one. The more the consciousness is raised on the planet, the more people will feel the affects of these looping timelines and will understand for themselves what is taking place. This will shatter their illusions that were programmed into them from the past that reality is fixed and solid. It is not. All dimensions butt up against others and are affected by others. This is why some of us who are mediums have access to others loved ones who have passed in other dimensions. As well as being able to see ETs and have access to messages from other dimensions. Many more now are understanding this and able to contact their own loved ones who have passed. This in itself produces a huge shift in consciousness when we realize there is no death, just a change in consciousness.






I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

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Sourced from here. 

Things Are Accelerating…


*this is something i wrote last night around 1am.  i hesitated posting it as i wanted to verify the validity of the cosmic ray graph reading.  i have not been able to do that but decided to post anyway, especially given what happened to me last night after i crawled into bed.  it was a new experience – one i didn’t like at first – but seems to have been another marker in this journey of fill-in-the-blank which word/label you wish to describe it.  i cannot seem to find the words anymore.  strange for me who has been called the verbalizer/gifter-of-gab for as long as i can remember…  so crawling into bed last night, i suddenly feel as though my insides are burning up – including the backs of my eyes.  it was in one word WEIRD.  in a nutshell i felt i was being radiated.  i itched all over – in spite of lathering myself up with coconut oil just minutes before.  i thought to the graph below i had read and thought “hmmm ok maybe there is a connection”.  as i was having this experience my mate suddenly began to complain he was having the same intense itching – all over.  panic began to set in for me.  were we dying??  i lay there and breathed in and out slowly, allowing for the experience.  obviously i had no control over what i was experiencing – yet again – so i called on my highest self and immediately felt her.  soothing voice.  it’s ok.  the panic returned again and instead of dismissing it, i let myself dive in.  i went in and in and in – deeper and deeper and deeper – until I found ME.  until i felt peace.  love.  my entire body relaxed and next thing i remember, i was giving thanks, smile on my face, as i fell asleep…


I slept for over an hour and now I am wide awake, diving into the energies incoming, reading charts and data.  Yeah, it’s mostly from NASA the “not a space agency” folks and the like – but given what I am FEELING from these reads and what so many of us are experiencing and feeling in our bodies, there has to be truth to these reads.

So here is what I am finding.

Cosmic ray flux read below from 9pm PST last night.  WOW – check out the sustained read.  Usually these things are in spikes.  (definition of a cosmic ray from Cosmic rays are atom fragments that rain down on the Earth from outside of the solar system. They blaze at the speed of light and have been blamed for electronics problems in satellites and other machinery.)  Also of note, I ran across this article, released just yesterday coincidentally, that says the highest cosmic rays come from outside of our galaxy.  Steve Olson, WSO youtuber, has concluded the same.

My mate knows more about this and he says he can’t recall seeing an electron reading above 800 pfu (proton flux unit).

Space Weather Message Code: ALTEF3
Serial Number: 2669
Issue Time: 2017 Sep 22 0500 UTC

CONTINUED ALERT: Electron 2MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1000pfu
Continuation of Serial Number: 2668
Begin Time: 2017 Sep 15 0830 UTC
Yesterday Maximum 2MeV Flux: 30386 pfu

NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at

Potential Impacts: Satellite systems may experience significant charging resulting in increased risk to satellite systems.


Space Weather Message Code: ALTEF3
Serial Number: 2668
Issue Time: 2017 Sep 21 0500 UTC

CONTINUED ALERT: Electron 2MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1000pfu
Continuation of Serial Number: 2667
Begin Time: 2017 Sep 15 0830 UTC
Yesterday Maximum 2MeV Flux: 33761 pfu


A Vision For Judicial Fairness


oh yes indeed.  time for this broken corrupt system to be replaced with fairness and compassion.  


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Judicial Fairness

We see a world where our judges care more for the people than they do for the powers who placed them on the bench; where those who sit in judgment of others are our elders who have been chosen because of their wisdom and compassion, not because they have sold out to a vengeful system for their own personal gain.

We see fairness having returned to our judicial systems whereby any punishments meted out fit the crime. Indeed, we see a world where we have evolved to the point where the game of guessing someone’s guilt or innocence has gone by the wayside because our perceptions have become enhanced so that we can tell, intuitively and accurately, whether a person is innocent or guilty, and, consequently, not one person is punished or imprisoned who is innocent.

And, ultimately, we see a world where courts, judges, jails and prisons are no longer needed because we are all loving one another. In a world such as this, crime cannot and does not exist.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.