25 Symptoms of Eclipse Hangover ~ And the Extremely Simple Cure


Editor’s note:  Some more validation/reassurance from those of us hit (surprisingly) hard in the hours following the eclipse.  

By Isis Arjeta
August 23, 2017

How many of these symptoms do you have?

  1. Abnormally sleepy or tired, difficulty staying awake.
  2. Physically exhausted or weaker than usual.
  3. Feeling heavy, like your legs weigh 1,000 pounds.
  4. Unexplained sadness or emotional outbursts
  5. Dizziness or confusion
  6. Brain fog
  7. Difficulty remembering common words
  8. Lack of appetite
  9. Extra appetite
  10. Sudden change in dietary tastes
  11. Feeling like you’ve had a dream you can’t quite remember
  12. Insomnia
  13. Waking at odd hours in the night
  14. Seeing recurring numbers on the clock
  15. Restlessness
  16. Extreme amounts of energy
  17. Overwhelm
  18. Thoughts on loop
  19. Feeling of “prickles” on the skin
  20. Unexplained rashes or skin sensitivity
  21. Cold + Flu symptoms
  22. Headache, especially in the sides of the head
  23. Nausea, particularly in the morning and at bedtime
  24. Digestive discomfort or diarrhea
  25. Panic attacks
  26. Anxieties or fears you didn’t have before
  27. Want to avoid people and crowds
  28. Extra sensitive to light/sound
  29. Frustrated or angry, unusual outbursts


If you are experiencing more than 3 of these symptoms right now, you may have an ‘Eclipse Hangover.’ The Solar Eclipse, beyond being magnificent to watch, did something to our energy systems, even if we were nowhere near the Totality.

Friends of mine in Australia reported waking up in the middle of the night (for them) at the exact moment of Totality during the Great American Solar Eclipse. WHAT?!

Solar Eclipses are powerful portals for energetic ‘Solar Codes’ to download into our consciousness, as well as our physical bodies, assisting us in our awakening and empowerment journey. It’s a GOOD thing, I promise!

Here are the most common reasons for an eclipse hangover:

  • You received all these HUGE energies, and your system didn’t know what to do with it, so now you’re feeling FRIED. Overwhelm, confusion, dizziness and exhaustion are the symptoms of a short circuited energy system. Time to ground that energy down, baby!
  • You’re an empath, so you feel the energies and emotions of EVERYONE who just “woke up” with this wave of Solar Codes and is going WTF just happened?! It feels like your own awakening all over again, and you probably don’t like it at all! You’ll probably be ticking off every number on the list above, because you’re feeling everyone’s symptoms on top of your own. YIKES! Time to reverse that magnetism.
  • You’ve been giving someone or something power over you. Whether you were aware you were doing this or not, the contract of disempowerment ended with this eclipse, so you’re free now. It’s going to feel WEIRD and probably scary too. Anxiety and headaches, nausea and digestive discomfort are probably going to be your biggest symptoms.

These particular Solar Codes are designed to awaken within us ALL the Light of Divine Sovereignty. No longer do we need to look to a ruler, a religious figure, president, or any other leader than the Truth within our hearts that we receive through our intuition, and enact with our brains and bodies. WE are the savior we have waited for.

Each one of us is ready to be the Divine Co-Creator of our lives. This means we decide what we want, and we trust we will receive it, exactly as we asked for.

It also means that we will begin to look at what we are asking for, and choose more and more from love than from fear. We will begin to surrender the final decision to our Infinite Self… Source/God/Goddess/Universe, to upgrade our request at every turn. And we will cultivate a sense of Trust we have longed for since before we had words for it.

This is all going to shake things up for us a bit, as we are used to asking for what we think we are allowed to receive, worthy of receiving, etc. etc.

So your Eclipse Hangover?!

It’s the combination of all your requests to the Universe that aren’t in your highest good, coming back on you. Not to punish you… just the effect of your choices.

Not so different from a night at the pub.

So here’s my super simple, easy peasy Energy Hangover ‘Cure.’ Ready?

1x Guided Chakra Clearing Meditation – FREE Download

1x Happy Outcome Intention – “I dedicate this day to a Happy Outcome.”

1x Statement of Release – “Everything in my way, Cancel, Clear, Delete!”

1x Divine DNA Activation – “I command my Divine DNA to activate fully NOW!”

Take one of each daily for 7 days or until symptoms resolve. Dosage may be increased to twice daily if desired. 

There you have it! My super simple Eclipse Hangover ‘Cure.’

What do you think, will you give it a try?

Tell me in the comments below!

Received via e-mail and sourced from here.  

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Are You Experiencing These Physical Symptoms After The Eclipse?


Editor’s note:  I love this piece.  It confirms what I believe now and felt the weeks leading up to this event.  This eclipse brought energies of Unity Consciousness and with it, massive cellular changes.  I have spoken with people who aren’t into ascension at all and they are saying the same thing:  they felt amazing, blissful, magical during the eclipse (surprising them) and yet now their bodies are feeling strange, painful, etc.  For those of us aware to this experience, just further validation of the frequencies we received on Monday. We are integrating.  


Total Solar Eclipse, Ring, ChinaTrina Harmon

Right after the eclipse, I began receiving several texts from my more sensitive, empathic friends around the country asking things like, “Is it normal that I feel dizzy, and sick to my stomach after the eclipse?”, “I cried! What is wrong with me?”, another asked, “Why did I just get so tired all of the sudden?”

First, the good news is there is nothing wrong with you! What you just witnessed in the skies, is also happening in each of us. Many of us have been feeling the energy coming for days now, feeling exhausted during the day, nausea or loss of appetite, sudden sensitivity to certain foods, possibly more anxious than usual, or you’ve had a burst of sudden energy and clarity you’ve been desiring for a long time.

The moment the sun, moon and earth came together, so did our mind, body and soul.

I felt a surge of intense energy start in my solar plexus area, move up into my heart, and out of my eyes in the form of tears. Emotionally, I was overtaken with a sense of immense gratitude, joy and unconditional love. It felt like 10,000 angels were doing energy work on me, all at the same time, as waves of chills went up and down my spine and whole body. While everyone around me was screaming and cheering, I was whispering, “Thank you God, Thank you God.” This is what oneness feels like. No separation, no judgment, no burden or weight of the past or of others, no ‘protecting’ my space, no fear. Just complete freedom, love, and peace. A brand new beginning.

As people started packing up their things to leave right after, I stayed in the park appropriately named, Love Circle, which overlooks Nashville, until I was the only one left. I wanted to fully soak in what I just experienced. As an empath, I am often in sync with what is happening in the skies, and subtly aware of it. But today was not subtle at all. Even for those who don’t believe in such things.

About 2 hours later, I was sitting in a restaurant eating lunch, when I became extremely tired out of nowhere. I almost laid down in the booth and took a nap right there! But I knew this kind of tired, and it had nothing to do with lack of sleep. It’s the kind of ‘trance’ like tiredness we get when spirit is urging us to go into theta state so we can be rebalanced, or be downloaded a new ‘frequency operating system’ in order to adjust to the new energies. I’ve learned, all we can do is go with the flow. Driving home was difficult for me, as all I wanted to do was shut my eyes and nap at each stoplight.

Once I hit my bed, I was out in seconds. In one hour, I woke up and felt a bit disoriented, with some lightheadedness.This is perfectly normal, after a frequency shift this impactful. Some readjustment to the ‘new earth’ is necessary, and your body will respond accordingly sometimes with light headaches, upset stomach, elimination of toxins, vertigo, weakness, etc. The best thing to do is rest, drink lots of water, take a detox bath in sea salt and baking soda, use essential oils for balance, or put your bare feet in the grass, or any other grounding techniques that help you feel more connected to the earth.

So much has been written on the symbolism and phenomenal spiritual awakening of this eclipse. But, if I were to sum up what’s happening within each of us now, it’s change.

Whether you are ready or not, great changes that need to happen in your life, are going to be in the forefront now.

The good news is, this new energy that will be with us for many months, has got your back all the way! If there are situations you haven’t been able to resolve and move forward, you will find it easier now. If you’ve been blocked creatively or in your business, new ideas and inspiration will feel more accessible. If your relationships have been suffering, you now will be able to heal the core issue that lies within and create the love that you are worthy of.

The more accepting you are of these changes, the more fluid your life will become. As you let Love guide you away from what has hurt you or kept you stuck in your life, what you fear will become smaller and less significant. Who you know you are deep inside is who you can become now.

Solar Eclipse Capture ~ White Orb ~ Possible Nibiru Too?? ~ August 21, 2017


UPDATE:  Uploading another photo ~ one of the shots I took of the chemtrail also had several white orbs in the sky ~ that were not visible to the naked eye.  YAY for infrared on our digi cameras!  Anyway, this pic is at the bottom and the white orbs are on the upper left.  Will upload more if I find anything else.  I sure do wish and intend to have full vision capacities so I can see this stuff with my own eyes/brain.

Editor’s note ~ Ignore the date.  My camera was showing today at August 20 for some reason.  Time glitch?  lol  Pretty amazing experience.  I was surprised at the chills and strong emotions I felt.  You couldn’t hear the people all around cheering in the background.  Below the video are photos I took of a variety of things, including a white Orb we saw appear right at the totality.  It wasn’t the balloon we saw released by NASA (who was here for a presentation) as that had already drifted well due west – plus had an lime-green attachment at the bottom of the tether.  They released a bunch of balloons today to sent into the upper atmosphere to measure bacteria. Actually the balloons are releasing bacteria to simulate a mars-like environment.  Something like that.  Read about it yesterday.  I included a photo of the balloon.  I also included a photo of the bastards laying a chemtrail just minutes before the eclipse right at the position of the sun – after a totally clear morning. Coincidence?  Yeah, I think not.  Now I just noticed as I uploaded that chemtrail shot – check out that weird round reddish object off to the right. Did not see that when I took the shot.  WTH??  I know when people capture nibiru this is what she looks like.  Will send it off to a couple of folks for analysis.  Anyway when we saw the white object off to the right at first we thought “what’s that?  a star?”  But then when the totality was over, it remained and another appeared.  And they moved – slowly gaining in altitude until they winked out – one first then the other.  And for fun, the last one, our local squirrel who, during the lead up to the totality, went a little wild.  Caught him in a leaping move.  Anyway, check it all out and enjoy.  And share if you want!  Much love!  ♥  


Solar Eclipse ~ August 21, 2017 West Coast 

Recording The Eclipse

UPDATE:  Scratch that.  I don’t have filters to put on my camera.

Being as I am in the path of 100% totality, I am charging up my video camera and will be recording it tomorrow, linking it on my youtube site and sharing here.  Intending for clear weather.  The bastards were chem’ing throughout the day – no surprise really.  Anyway, just to let you know if you aren’t in the states or in the 100% totality area, I will be sharing it from our vantage point.


Intentions For and Some Thoughts On The Eclipse


These are from some notes I took watching the video put out by Allison Coe, QHHT, in which she shares testimonies from her clients going back to January on the eclipse, it’s energies and what we can do to help anchor them in. Words in parenthesis are my own addition.


This eclipse is bringing forward a portal to bring about huge transformation ~ individually and collectively.  Big advancements. Acceleration in human consciousness.  This was described in January as a late summer natural event.

Four days in advance, intend the event will change us all.  Keep this in our heart space.  Hold this intention within without ceasing.  (be gentle with yourself of course)

This tidal wave of energy is #2 of 3.  The frequency is one of unconditional love and allows for each of us to recognize our Oneness/likeness.  Hold this energy.  This is like a “power washer” – washing away the “dirt” – increasing our Shine.  Those not in the path of totality can participate and receive as well.  It is not necessary to be in this path to receive the frequencies.

We will be able to speak with more impeccability.  What we hold in our body will come out through our voice and heart.

By having this global event, where all around the world will tune in, increases the likelihood of these energies becoming fully anchored by our work and intention/acknowledgement.

Tap in through the entire event ~ invite and ground the portal.

Two days before (that would be today), empty out your thoughts.  Flush our bodies, mentally, physically and emotionally.  (again be gentle – no need to seek perfection or judge)

The lower frequencies still remaining in this realm need this portal to make space for the Higher Energies.

This energy is going to reshape Gaia and Us.


Now is the Time of the Merge with the Golden Divine Balance


By Sanna Tarnstrom, guest writer

Sweet family of loving light!!!

Now that we have entered the August Gateway passage and a new golden energy wave is coming in, we step into complete new territorial energies and the first stepping stone to activate The NEW archetype and meaning of the sacred feminine.

Great Sphinx of Giza have had many different faces over the ages. One of them was the sacred feminine divine goddess with the wings. She was and still is The rise of the golden Phoenix. She represent a golden era that has never faded in the sand. She is reborn and activated in each and everyone of us in our DNA.

The divine sacred feminine is not a female. It is the inner counterpart of the inner divine sacred masculine. It all stems from the true core of our sacred higher heart that is located in the chest area. Only from there you will enter and embrace the Divine Balance.

Last year in September of 2016 the powerful golden energy of the NEW sacred masculine energies soaked our multi-dimensional planet and everything on it. In March, Friday the 13 of this year, the Planet opened up it’s crystalline doors for the divine feminine to enter the scene. Today, in beginning of August, the last stage of the merging has begun for the NEW to balance out. This happens collectively as well as in every living thing on Our New creation. It has to happen, it needs to happen, it IS happening.

In March on the Spring Equinox of this year, Earth (or Gaia) also went through her own death. She decided to use my essence as the Gateway out and so I saw her leave through me and I had one of the most strongest intense death feeling and downfall within me that I’ve ever experienced. Old Earth died energetically and Gaia’s essence left for her New higher incarnation to The New Earth. Gaia went to the other side of the veil, but that is completely another article in itself.

This will reveal lots of things, both individually and externally. Collectively, if you’re not in your own awareness and in knowing of your development, you can literally be shaken up.

Underneath all that is your divine golden flame burning stronger than ever. This is a good time for movement, body activities. Let those energies flow through.

You might need a few days to balance out. New energies is always coming in, but right Now we have an intense peek of this Energy Golden dance happening.

Feel this fresh divine energy of the NEW embrace and harmonize your inner and outer senses fully and completely. We will meet in the middle and give each other and ourselves a BIG loving bear hug!!!

I wish you a wonderful time in the days and weeks to come, full of beauty and grace.

“Walking in Shades of Grey is to Walk in Grace”

My love to you!



New Earth Musings


Sent in by reader Joann.  I resonate with her thought on intending New Earth.  In her words:  “Last November I felt compelled to put this Pinterest Board together and I feel it is even more important at this time to really hold our focus on what we want to manifest with the New Earth. Feel free to share it.

Here is the link along with a few of her pics:


Organic Home charisma design http://uniqueshomedesign.tumblr.com/post/130265730748/organic-home-charisma-design

300 year old alley of Oak trees along the Mississippi River - MemePix

Oneonta canyon, Oregon