A Vision for Cooperation


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Cooperation

We picture a world where we have completely revamped the entire structure of our culture so that competition (except in sporting events) is a thing of the past; where no man, woman, or child is pitted against another in order to gather unto themselves the basic needs of life; and where – since there is such abundance and such an equitable system of distribution for our goods and services – all people everywhere are simply being given everything they need to survive, sustain and enjoy their lives to the fullest.

It is in this environment of non-competition and non-capitalism that we have learned to cooperate with one another, to help one another, and to support one another in fulfilling the dreams and desires each of us carried with us when we came to this beautiful, abundant Earth.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Wow.  Entire family is lambasted today ~ including the youngest member. A definite “move slow/take-it-easy day”.  Really needing to communicate telepathically today as other’s voices are grating on me, including my own.  Desperately needing silence.  Prepping energetically/spiritually for the eclipse energies.  Here’s a quick video by Allison Coe, QHHT out of Portland reminding us to stay focused on the reality we Desire.  At the moment that desire is rested and fully restored/healed.  Quite interesting to me the eclipse finishes up here in Oregon at 11:11.  A number of importance for me for 25 years.


Sandra Walter Newsletter ~ August 17, 2017


Editor’s note:  The paragraph in italics is what really stood out the most for me. This is exactly my feeling/experience lately.  


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gratitude to all who have diligently prepared the grids and path of totality for our beloved Solar eclipse next Monday, August 21. Enough has been said about preparations and recommendations. That intel is available; empower yourself and read, watch, listen to the intel. I AM focused on receiving the highest experience and holding the Gateways wide open, so I will not be online. Perhaps this may inspire others to get outside and do the same.

Time dynamics have been slippery for me; it feels like the eclipse, September 23December 23, and the timeline split have already occurred, and are pending at the same moment. Visions have been rapid-fire, rest and meditation have been a priority, and dreams have been active. Yes, the vibing-out of the lower reality sensations are palpable and intense on most days. And yet, a deep peace permeates all of this. The Higher levels continually transmit: All is well, let it happen.  

Cosmic Steering Committee: Convergence of Stargates

The Cosmic Stargate flows present a fractal explosion of possibilities though the end of the year. Our eclipse connection with Solaris (the SUN) opened up last weekend during the Cosmic Trigger. The active Sunspot presented at that moment, started giving off C-flares, and we also have geomagnetic storms. The eclipse passage – all of August – is part of a sequence of Cosmic Stargate convergences. These flows are threaded through the vibrational wall of the approaching area of space which triggers Galactic as well as Universal leveling-up.

The Cosmic Stargate operation, let’s call it the Steering Committee, allows us a peak at our (much) higher dimensional aspects. Some of our Higher Levels are collectively steering the Solar system through this vibrational geometry which rewrites consciousness and dimensional expressions into the next Creation. This has been presenting since January.

We have High-level escorts as we pass through the edges of this vibrational barrier; like tugboats guiding a giant barge through lock systems. My Team expresses these Galactic structures as giant photonic (pure Heart-of-Source light) octahedrons within multiple torus fields. Each Cosmic Stargate flow is threaded to a torus field with different functions, preparing us for a dramatic shift in particle expression when we arrive at the trigger point of the vibrational hot-spot within this massive Galactic octahedron. Sometimes other geometries present which assist in rewriting timelines and outcomes. All is purely photonic; the demand for order feels autonomous within that structure. revisit the article on Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN for deeper comprehension on how this effects the projection of our realities.

We can see how the collective focus on the SUN during eclipse week would be an ideal moment for delivery of consciousness-shifting, timeline-shifting energies. Convergence of many Cosmic Stargates – Galactic and Universal – are coming into play to shift personal trajectories as well as collective unfoldments. Council meetings have been frequent; the eclipse shifts are deeply tied to the September Equinox and December Solstice outcomes. I AM holding my cards close on that intel for the Now. All is incredibly well.

Keep the heart-focus on consciousness, rather than looking to the external for evidence of inner change. This is a passage of embodying our Creator State and leveling up to pure Divine HUman Creator beingness. You will be changed to align with the higher trajectory if your resonation is a vibrational match for those higher experiences. Responsible creation, pure intent, and a calm, receptive vulnerability to the higher levels of who you truly are reveals Christed Unity consciousness emerging through activated heart centers.

Starseeds, Wanderers, Wayshowers … allow these frequencies to reveal the true Self. The Multidimensional Self is changing, leveling up to accommodate higher trajectories. Abandon concerns about what-is-next and surrender to Divine consciousness. Everything will look and feel different as this 2017 passage unfolds, because we – our Higher levels – have created it that way. Appreciate the brilliance, blessing and cosmic-level patience of personal revelation.

Crystalline Grid Activation

After all of this preparation of the New Earth grids, Sacred sites, Crystalline Grid Gateways and Grid points, it is now our Divine Service to hold the highest intentions of Ascension. Pray, meditate, and maintain peaceful anticipation within your hearts, Beloveds. Connect with the High-Vibe Tribe, feel the activated crystals and grids, welcome the highest possibilities and trajectories for all concerned with Ascension.

Over the last decades we have seen the effects of leveling up of the crystalline frequencies. With each activation comes stronger polarity on the lower timelines, expansion on the higher; that has been the norm. Remember our task is to amplify every gathering of peace, every activity of Light. Gatherings of High-Vibe intent are our news, our responsible conversation as New Earth Creator beings. We know what is unfolding; own that Higher reality. The eclipse week activation amplifies thoughts and intentions; you feel this already at the mental and emotional levels. If it is challenging to focus, simplify. Practice instant re-direction of thoughts and feelings to the higher experience.

Let us all hold the intention of the full activation of the crystalline grid, crystalline DNA, and the highest brightest experience for all willing Souls choosing LoveLight as their Primary reality.

A Note for Travelers

The air quality in Mount Shasta has been fluctuating daily due to wildfires in California and Oregon. Some days it is clearer, other days the smoke can get thick, making for burning eyes and triggering respiratory issues. If you are visiting Mount Shasta for a partial-eclipse view, take note of the air quality if you are sensitive. Please check your driving routes to path of totality if you are visiting more remote areas in Oregon; road closures and dense smoke may slow things down a bit.

SUNday Unity Meditations: Opening for the Eclipse

Gatekeepers will unify on Friday, August 18 for a final opening of the eclipse Gateway. This SUNday, August 20 is our opportunity to fully open this field for highest outcomes via our Unity Meditations.

The crystalline field of the Unity Meditations holds the intention for peace, activation, stability and Ascension. It supports the collective HUman Heart grid, and makes the pure vibration of Divine HUman available to all willing participants, as well as surging Ascension codes through the grids, Gaia, and all of creation. We practice our unified empowerment and merge with our Higher aspects.

Allow this activity to calm the mind-level since the incoming light is very stimulating. Open your heart and feel the support of your Brothers and SiSTARs of Light. Feel the unity with love and gratitude, as well as your Higher expressions already in that state of centered preparedness. Honor this pure intention of Divine service.

Global meditations are also being held by many groups on eclipse Monday, August 21 at 11:11am PT. Be sure to tap in before and after the eclipse peak (approximately 9am PT – 1pm PT) to amplify these intentions of peace.

Blessings, strength and Pure LoveLight to all of us during this profound phase of our Ascension! Be sure to be outside, no matter where you are, during the Solar Eclipse peak to receive the maximum amount of transformational frequencies. Receive and send them to our fully prepared New Earth grids, crystalline grids, and all of Creation. Gratitude, Peace and Highest outcomes, dear Light Tribe!


In Love, Light and Service,


Important Message From Guan Yin ~ August 14, 2017


Editor’s note:  Feeling this one deeply ~ this energy of change ~ beautiful, massive change.  It is nothing I can put together with my mind.  It is purely an energy I feel within.  


Important message from Guan Yin
August 14th, 2017
By Linda Li

Guan Yin says, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. I come with important news. Divine has decreed that all the light workers on the planet, are called to be on alert. All of you who are designated to come at this time to help Gaia and humanity. You are needed at this moment. Listen to Divine’s call, getting ready for the big changes. Changes are coming. You need to be on alert, get yourself ready one way or the other. We need you to be ready, and you need to be ready too, for your own sake. That is the message today. It is urgent and it is necessary because from my observation, there are some light workers who are still in the struggles, not mentioning getting ready. For those souls who are struggling, I want you to hear me now. The struggle is over. You need to go beyond the struggles. Know all will change, including things you struggle about, and the energies that made you struggle. Yes, changes come in many different ways. Some changes will happen in the area of finance so you don’t have to struggle. Other changes will happen in the political arena so that our light workers will feel more inclined to run for office and take charge of their country. There are also changes in the energies which will end struggles for those who have hard time coping with the current energies. So, upcoming changes will be multifaceted and you will find benefit whatever your situation is, and find it is liberating on a deep level you have ever experienced before. It will be a great experience for our light workers and humanity alike. And it will be indeed well needed and deserved by all of you.
I love you dear heart. I am Guan Yin. In the next few days and weeks, those changes will be implemented by Divine. One by one, those changes will eventually all come to the planet and humanity. So, stay centered and stay hopeful. Know all of those changes are brought here by you dear heart. And you deserve it. You deserve a better world. After the long hard work, you finally made a better world, better living conditions for thyself and every one else. It is a hard fought victory. And a well deserved reward for all of us. We, the Divine and the company of heaven, are so ready to deliver all these rewards to you, each one of them records the hard work of our light workers and Divine’s genius design. We are satisfied with the result, and we are happy with all of our light workers. Job well done indeed.
Besides the upcoming changes, Divine also wants our light workers to know that the struggles are over. Believe it. Enjoy your beautiful journey, beautiful life. Know things have changed. From this point on, all the struggles are done, no more struggles. You need to reset your mindset, and believe it. Know all the struggles served a purpose. But time is due. No more struggles needed. Set yourself free from the struggles. Set yourself free from all the dark days. Know that new days are dawning. The new world has come. And you are ready for it. Your life will change dramatically for the better. You deserve it dear heart. Believe it, and live it. It is your new life, a beautiful life indeed.
I am Guan Yin. I love you so very much dear ones. I can’t wait to see the smiling face of yours, and the singing heart of our light workers. Let’s sing together dear heart, you and me, together, we celebrate our hard fought victory. We deserve it. I love you. I am Guan Yin. So it is.

Navigating The Eclipse Corridor and Timeline Shift


Jenny Schiltz
August 15, 2017

Navigating the Eclipse Corridor & Timeline Shift

We are smack dab in the eclipse corridor and timeline shift. So much is shifting within and “out there”. The energies are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. They are changing us in all ways. In one moment the energies are high and they open our heart chakras so wide that we feel bursting with love and oneness. Then we feel like we have “fallen” as all that is no longer compatible with a wide open heart chakra is brought to the surface to be resolved. It can make us feel like we are the ping pong ball in the universe’s table tennis match. My cranial sacral healer says “Be sure to command that all integration be done with ease and grace, comfort and joy.” That boundary has done much to help me feel steadier in the energies.

Recently, I asked my team to show me what the new timeline looks like and what they showed me was a frame work, a beautiful golden blueprint. Many of us have participated in building and grounding that framework into the collective reality. They explained that this is the framework that will hold each person’s creation, their own personal hologram. This framework is not rigid, in fact, it can expand as it is only held by our own personal limitations and beliefs. The heart chakra is our own personal projector that allows what is within us (wants, beliefs, limitations, and fears) to be created out there. If the heart chakra is not opening as wide as it can, it limits our projection ability.

It is for this very reason that we need to be aware of how our thoughts, actions, and beliefs affect our heart chakra. Become familiar with the feeling of an open chakra versus one closed and look at what programming is running when it is less open. We also have to look at all of our belief structures, not only the ones we think we have left behind but the ones we have created on this journey to self as well. Whenever a belief becomes rigid it defines our personal reality. Take a moment and see the belief constructs you may hold not as something intangible but as a solid structure, like a box. Is your personal box big enough? Will it expand as you grow or is it something that you have clung to for safety and security?

Understand that we have never been here before. There is no one on earth that has experienced these energies as they are streaming in now. That means that we all flying in unknown territory. Yes, we can get information from our teams but these do have to come through our filters and the belief constructs we have created. This is how we have such differing reports on what is coming, some feel that all must crumble for things to change, some see all changing in a blink of an eye. What I see is neither a collapse of all we know nor all changing to utopia in a minute. What I see is a consistent forward momentum that will accelerate quicker and quicker as more contribute their energy to that stream. It is a conscious effort on the part of each of us to figure out where our limitations and fears are and work on letting them go. It is our fears and worries that bind us to a lower reality one of struggle and strife.

Continue reading here.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Intel Update via Email – Federal Reserve Must Comply


Was seeing tidbits of this earlier today…  Intend it so!


Update 8.16.17 Email from Heather to Denice.

From Heather: awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The federal reserve bank, i love them…all reversals are being reversed immediately…the fed res knows (rather they just found out) if the fed res doesn’t reverse the reversals, the fed res gets locked out of all the systems globally and the systems self-power, self-automate, self-facilitate, self-validate, and self-correct (reversals of the reversals) per the orders of each Original Depository.

Guess what the primary standing order was from this Original Depository?  See above…LOL 😉

Honey, I will share with all the amazing work and the powerful universal beings that are doing within the prison systems…it is beyond AMAZING…and all are beyond happy and joyous that this money-monster is in its final moments.  My “inmate number” ends in “007″, LOL!!!!!!!!

Details on the global massive “prison-doing”, later.

Please amplify my tones of love and gratitude…

Love to Allllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Denice on 8/16/2017 4:51 PM wrote:

Lots of love flowing your way! let me know what you need me to research and I can paste it here.  I cannot imagine how it is there.. . .you have my complete admiration!

There are so many folks waking up quickly. . .every video is now getting over 10K views over the week.

There have been a few ‘reversals’ of the reversals. S had two yesterday 😉

Lots and lots of love!

I saw -007 and thought. . .hmmm. . .kinda cool!


Please share with missy, my dad, youssef, lisa, and everyone the data i gave you about reversals being reversed

not much longer, honey, before all is unfettered access and facilitation forevermore.

love you
love all


Merlin ~ Avalon Returns Through The Solar Eclipse


Channeled message from Avalon:

Greetings my Brothers and Sisters!

I am so very pleased to speak with you at this time about the return of Avalon.  There are a group of us who have been working with people all around your earth in other dimensions to assist with the movement. 

I wish to speak of what I have communicated to this individual speaking. All that she has written above is correct, but it is also but a drop in the bucket!! I wish to speak to you of what Avalon IS to me and to this group.

Avalon has been one of the oldest cultures upon the earth.  We have been a part of the earth and indeed the Druids arose from our truth.  We are originally from off the earth.  We originate in a star system far from your own.  We chose to live upon earth because of the beauty and the water; plus the energies of peace. 

Warfare exists in all parts of the universe and this Earth, but it does not make it avibration we wish to live within.  That being said, we have always done whatever was needed to keep our peace in any of the stations that we inhabited around the universe. 

As I speak of Avalon it is with great respect and love.  In some cases we created them, in other cases they were here already; but the people of Avalon are very much aligned with the Fae, the Dragons, the Elementals and all animals of your environment.  We worked the earth for our food.  We revered all peoples and all beliefs because no one was better or worse than another.

During our times upon the earth we had countless experiences of becoming one with the earth.  We worked with the elements to assist with our crops.  We shifted into an animal if it was needed to create something.  We worked with metals transforming them to assist us in life. 

When the time came that we could no longer be disguised and we could no longer live our lives we had many discussions. One was that we could all ascend off the earth into a new location; in fact many did just that.  Another was that people could go inside of the earth because there were portals and pathways to do so.  What was finally decided was that we would remove the heart of Avalon and keep it safe in another dimension so that it could return when the time was right. Now is that time!

 Imagine if you will the discussions that took place!  Oh, I smile even now because they were fierce and immense.  But we of Avalon are very strong, we know our strengths, we know that of which we are capable! 

We did not have your linear time frame, so to try and acclimate we would say this was when Atlantis was well established and pushing the boarders.  There were many of what you call the ET’s who were working with them and we knew these species of what they are capable; this too is behind our decisions.

It truly did not take long, the actual removal.  There were many priestesses including the high priestess who worked with the land creating a separation. They worked deep into the ground with the assistance of the Fae and Elementals creating deep ravines. We spoke with every person.  We spoke with the animals and all species who occupied our space.  It was well known by all what was to come.  Some attempted to share this information with those who wanted to capture us; but they never found our location.

As Avalon was lifted, there were laser type beams that were directed at the earth from ships in the sky.  We were assisted by those you speak of as the Great White Brotherhood, the Arcturians and of course our home planet.  These lasers very precisely created the complete separation in the earth.  From there using many, many dragons, the levitating energies of the Druids, the energy of all our brothers and sisters in the ships; we lifted off from the earth. crystalwind.ca

We have been encapsulated in a dimension which has protected us from all.  We have watched the actions of the earth and we have participated through our people’s including the times of Camelot.  By then we were gone and only created a space where we could live and breathe which is why it was always in a mist. We did this because we thought that was the time of a shift that would create the balance and peace on earth which would allow us to return, but it was not the right time.   

We have deemed that now is the time to return to Earth. We have had a hologram of Avalon located in the space of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Greenland and Iceland.  We are actually much larger than that, but that is our focus. We will place our island in the north Atlantic between Iceland, Greenland and Ireland. 

We believe that the grounding of the energy back into the earth will shift the energies into a greater balance.  We intend that this return with the total eclipse will cut through the hatred, the anger, the fear, the rage, the warfare that is so prevalent.  To those of you upon the earth; this may seem to be dominant.  To us we SEE that there are sooooo many, many, many of we the Avalonians present upon the earth.  We are all around with our energy of peace, love, acceptance and balance.

For this day of the eclipse, Monday, August 21, 2017 as you date your time upon the earth we will be seated again.  We will come in, in an invisible mode.  We bring our dragons to assist with the seating of the island.  Right now there is water, but the Island will appear.  You my beloved family can find it any time you seek to blend with us.  We will be primarily in the 7th dimension but over time will create alignments to the 5th.  We will not go below that level; in fact it will only be the high 5th dimension. 

We value the assistance of all.  If you will in your meditation, go into your heart and find through the central sun your alignment to us.  For many it is easily found since you are here already!! Please see us as returning, as balancing, as bringing forth the love, the joy, the magic, the truth of all that we are; for we are Avalon!

I thank you for joining with this exciting occasion realizing that all are of the earth and live as the earth; from here the balanced energy will emerge.   

I thank you for spending this time with me~~~

Merlin/ Morgan/ Brigid We are One

Whew!!  The emotion I felt during that channel was huge! As it separated, I felt tears and this is something I’ve tapped into half a dozen times already.  As it returns, I felt very protective.  But I realized as I was observing the earth and the return that this has been planned for a long time and there has been a hologram where this is going so I felt much more confident and secure. Found on crystalwind.ca

To read the article in its entirety, click here.

Goodbye To Linear Time ~ The Return To Unity Consciousness


Editor’s note:  While I don’t much resonate with the interpretation of how we arrived at the experience of separation, I am completely feeling and experiencing this shift.  Most days I’m just floating along then I get snapped back by some old pain/story. Recognize it. Process it if I feel it is something to process.  And move on.  Also have been naturally drawn away from schedules (I no longer call meals breakfast lunch or dinner anymore – they are just meals.).  Can’t remember the last time I looked at the calendar.  I am sure clocks are next.  (i like her name by the way – enjoy saying “ingeborg” lol)


By Vera Ingeborg

August 15, 2017

We are in the middle of the bifurcation of timelines and realities shift. Old timelines collapse and there is no way back. While many of the early adapters are still feeling huge bi-polar shifts between the two realities and between love and fear, first movers are now entering more and more an energetic state of being that is called zero-point. The place where we are only observing, allowing and are moving along with the energetic flow without being entangled with any of the drama, stories and illusions of the old paradigm. We enter these points shortly before big energetic shifts – individually and collectively.

We have reached the critical mass now. The amount of people that went through their awakening process and have anchored themselves on higher frequency levels. The critical mass to cause a ripple effect to cause the grand awakening of the human collective. The evolution back from Polarity Consciousness into Unity Consciousness.

“We have reached the critical mass now. The amount of people that went through their awakening process and have anchored themselves on higher frequency levels.”

Transitioning is not easy. Transitioning means to let go of a lot of things and people we had developed an attachment to. And yet, attachment is not a natural state of being. It is an ego construct. Just as linear time is. We had developed these constructs to experience a life out of balance as far as possible. An experiment to see how far we could move away from our collective center. From Oneness. From Unity Consciousness. Our origin. The Source of all that is. The organism humanity went into collective amnesia and developed the concept of linear time, to give fear an artificial space to exist. To then create fear, it was necessary to cut off the conscious energetic connection to Spirit/Source (which caused the amnesia) and withdraw the feminine energy, creating the necessary misbalance. The masculine energy alone, without the balancing counterpart, experienced separation, lack and darkness. The energetic frequencies of fear were created. That was the fertile ground for the ego mind to evolve and grow and with it the illusion of duality. Further ego constructs evolved based on these concepts: Loneliness, danger, the need to survive, the need to be better than others etc. All of these were necessary to create the illusion humanity has been experiencing for eons (although also that is an illusion, as linear time does not exist). Humanity created its own auto-immune disease, fighting itself to move further and further out of balance, while living in this illusion. Now that we have reached the point of being furthest away from that inner balance of the collective before complete destruction of the organism humanity, it was time to end that experiment.

The Construct of Linear Time and the Ego

Now that we have more and more re-established our conscious connection to Source/All that is and have re-invited the mature feminine energy in, we entered that zero zone, where we experience the breakdown of the construct of linear time. And that means: Those that experience it are transforming the last bits of ego. And with it: The return of the mature masculine, the energy of doing, manifesting without any need of control.

The ego cannot exist in the NOW. The place where there is no linear time. The ego always needs the artificial space of linear time to project its illusions. Now that this space drops away, fear has no fertile ground. We remember enough now to not buy into these artificial programs any longer. We are not even able to relate to all the human drama, all the stories, as we can see right through the illusion. It feels like white noise, a frequency of a radio station, we are no longer able to receive.

“We notice that we are completely in the zero point field/NOW moment, when uncertainty does not upset us any longer.” 

We notice that we are completely in the zero point field/NOW moment, when uncertainty does not upset us any longer. As indeed it is our natural state of being. We are not able to create expectations, impatience, control, mistrust, conditions…, as they need a concrete reference point in the future. All we can be is unconditional, trusting and open to whatever comes, knowing it is perfectly in the flow. Human artificial structures such as schedules, appointments, daily routines become impossible to stick to, as they are not synchronizing with the Universal Flow. When linear time drops away, we automatically get access to the bigger picture. We align with unity consciousness and remember more and more of our essence and truth. All of a sudden we know things, we did not know before. We see and understand this all connecting energetic field, and how we incarnate into experiences in the physical. We are re-establishing the holy trinity. And with it, the full embodiment of Spirit, Soul and Body. Everything happens at once in the NOW as all possibilities are available, always. Linear time was helping to create the illusion that there were sequences and with it memories – that helped to keep fear projections alive. But what about past live memories, might the ego mind ask? All we do is choosing one or parallel experiences in a physical existence. Depending on where we tune in with our consciousness, we get flashes of information that feel like a past life memory although it is just a parallel reality we chose to access.

Those that are in the middle of this transition, will more and more have that experience, that even what happened yesterday feels like a past life memory. The truth is, we create every moment anew, nothing is solid. When we become multidimensional again, anything becomes possible.

“The truth is, we create every moment anew, nothing is solid. When we become multidimensional again, anything becomes possible.” 


Multidimensional experience is a super confusing, but also fun thing to experience. As we create moment to moment anew, we can also shift our realities quite easily. From the energetic frequency levels of the fifth dimension and onwards, we have all these different parallel timelines and realities available to access. And we choose our access point(s) into the field of all possibilities from moment to moment. And can alter as we wish once we are fully aligned. So what happens quite often while we are not yet fully stable and anchored in one frequency, is that we have to deal with multidimensional versions of other people, too. For example a 3D and a 5D self of a person. These seem to be completely bi-polar, do not remember what they had said before, or say even the complete opposite.

“That is the Mandela Effect. We are switching between different realities – collectively and individually and we remember things differently than they are in our current timeline we chose to access.”

The Mandela Effect is exactly this. We are switching between different realities – collectively and individually and we remember things differently than they are in our current timeline we chose to access. Our limited, fear driven ego mind was not able to understand any of this. Only now we are entering the process of transcending it completely into a free spirit mind. A mind that is connected to all that is, is able to connect all dots, comes up with brilliant ideas to set intentions: The basis for all creation. Now that the mature masculine comes back and balances within us with the mature feminine, we have set the foundation for co-creation with others. We are back in the field of unconditional love within.


In order to create, we need to be able to embody our connection to Source (the open heart-center) and Unity consciousness (the mature mind) in our physical vessel (the evolved body). We need the physical existence to be able to create. It is our physical body that lets us follow the energetic impulses we receive from the universal flow. The intention of the mind causes a feeling from the heart, which sets the energetic vibration that we emit into the field. We synchronize with frequency matches in the field (people, situations,..), we resonate and that creates our outside reality. The more we learn to read and “speak” energy (by feeling it), the more we are able to follow the natural impulses we are receiving constantly with our physical body: Our intuition. The deep knowing, this is what I have to do next, because it feels right. No matter what the rational mind might have to say about that to protect us. Once we have embodied the balance of the mature feminine and the mature masculine within, we are ready for the next phase: Co-Creation.

Next Stage: Co-Creation

Just as cells in an organism pair up to work together to create something, we are now more and more pairing up with like-minded and like-hearted people that have also found their balance within. This will be happening in all areas of life. Friendships, “Relationships” (much more a relatedness now, based on freedom), work, and activities of all sorts. First, we mainly feel drawn to co-create in pairs – members of our tribe that we have met while finding our true self in our process of awakening to practice balancing energy between two people/physical entities. They might remain in our experience as partner or will move on, and both will feel absolutely fine.

“Just as cells in an organism pair up to work together to create something, we are now more and more pairing up with like-minded and like-hearted people that have also found their balance within.”

That – on a sidenote – was one very important part of our journey. To find our people all over the planet, anchor the grid and activate it to build all these little centers for the ripples we are now creating for the big shift. Co-creating in pairs will help us to learn how to balance energy between two physical entities (people) before we will take the next step to create something even bigger, pairing up with other pairs that have gone through that process. Returning to community, oneness, completely new models of living based on love and abundance. This is the way how New Earth will take form quickly. We are all creating this together. We are passed the point of having to walk it alone. NOW: How perfectly organized and how exciting is this?!?

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

If you feel ready to work on raising your frequency, to align all of your bodies, to connect with like-minded and hearted people within a unique environment, come to one of our “Own It! Retreats”!

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The Gift of the Solar Eclipse ~ Unity Consciousness


Received via e-mail by my mate.  ♥  A rather interesting channeled piece on the upcoming Solar Eclipse.  What I experienced in my dream showed the energies of this event removing the last of the old 3D energies within (most of the energies surround the illusions and pain of separation), which indeed would make room for a return to Unity Consciousness.  



Dear Suzille, you asked if the eclipse had any special significance, and our answer is “absolutely.” For one thing, the eclipse is something in which Americans from all over the country are interested. Therefore, the eclipse offers a great “unity of interest.”

Unity of interest provides a common ground where many Americans from different areas, and with different lifestyles, as well as across all economic levels, can share their “choice of perception.” Let us speak for a moment about the concept of “choice of perception.”

Everyone, is always creating their reality via their “choice of perception.” For example, one could choose to look at their unpaid bills, which they have no way of paying. This perception will likely make them very sad, depressed and even defeated.

On the other hand, if they chose to look at the bills they have chosen as the most important bills, and the ones they have paid, they will feel happier and more inspired to find a way to pay the rest of the bills.

In other words, when one chooses to put their attention onto the challenges of life, rather than the rewards of life, they will feel helpless and depressed. On the other hand, if they just look at the few bills that you could pay, and take a moment to deeply understand how you found a way to pay those bill, you can expand that creativity and self esteem to make you feel even better.

Most of you have heard the term, “What you think about –You bring about!”

“But how do I control my thinking?” we hear many of you asking. The answer is the same. What you choose to perceive has a great deal to do with controlling your thinking.

For example, if you direct your attention on a problem, your problem will expand. However, if you place your attention on the solution for that problem, you will feel more in control of your life.

When you feel in control of your life, you believe that you can choose to place your perceptions and your attentions on the components of your reality that you love, enjoy, are proud of, and very important, are centered around “service to others.”

Service to others places your attention on, “How can I help this person, this situation, this place, or even this thing. Then, if there is a problem, for example, you have placed your attention on “a door that you will open.”

In other words, you have already you convinced yourself on, “Yes I CAN.” Release the tag on lines such as, “This door is too big to open,” and return you perceptions to the “inner image” of yourself opening that “symbolic” or “real” door.

Whether or not you can open that door is less important than the fact that you have perceived that door, not as a barrier,” but as something WILL be able to open. With that positive message to your self, your mind and emotions will calibrate to find the solution.

On the other hand, if you had perceived the door as something that you could never open, there would be no reason to try to open it. Therefore, your self-perception would of yourself walking away from that door because you could NOT open it.

You are always perceiving you self, whether or not you are aware of it. If you are not aware that you are perceiving/watching your self, the opinions that arise from your perceptions will be stored in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you will forget your perceptions, as well as anything you could have learned from them.

Let us now address the eclipse. If you chose to perceive the eclipse as, “Big deal. Eclipses have never changed anything about me or my life.” Then you have denied yourself the opportunity to experience a “unity of perception” that is very rare in such a large and diverse country.

On the other hand, if you choose to tune into the energy field of all those who can perceive and who are choosing to perceive the Eclipse, you have allowed your perceptual field to join into the collective consciousness of all those who are watching, and/or thinking, about the Eclipse.

Yes, your thoughts are very much a component of your “perceptual field.” For one thing, if you do not think about the Eclipse, you will not remember to put yourself in a situation where you CAN perceive it, or place your attention on the fact thousands of people are able to see the Eclipse and have chosen to go outside and look at it.

You might say, “Just because they all saw it, doesn’t mean I can. I am not in the path of the Eclipse.” Yes, that is true that you physical body may not be in the path of the eclipse. However, there are many people who can see it, at least for a moment.

Therefore, if all you do is to place your attention on your own inner perception of the Eclipse, or on the television or computer screen. Why do you do that? Because “what you thing about, you bring about.” Even though you were unable to perceive this event, your consciousness was focus on the same thing that thousands of other people’s consciousness is focusing on.

Therefore, you have chosen to perceive a group energy field. With so many people placing their thoughts and expectations on the same thing, you have joined into a group energy field that was created by so many people gathering to experience the even of the Eclipse.

This degree of Unity Consciousness goes beyond time and/or space. Therefore, you will NOT see the Eclipse at the same time zone, or from the same place as others who perceive it. However, you have joined into a group energy field of people, from different places and different time zones, who have chosen to direct their perceptual field on that event.

In fact, you may watch it on television, or on your computer, as these machines will allow you to direct your perceptual field into the same energy field that thousands of others are tuning into. It is this unity of “choice of perception” that is important. Even the people who will actually be able to perceive the Eclipse within the same time zone and at the same place, will all have different lives, ages, and histories.

Therefore, everyone will be looking through their own perceptual field, which has been created from all their interests, manners of thinking, reasons for watching, or even those who are not able to perceive the Eclipse at all, but are directing their thoughts and attention onto the same thing as many thousands of others across a very large country.

The gift of this Eclipse is UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Even if only a few people realize that the Eclipse has activated this sense of Unity Consciousness it does not matter. This united human consciousness, focused on one event, will create a beacon into the higher dimensions saying,

“We, the human on Earth, are able to choose to look up into the sky without fear or superstition. We, the humans of Earth, are becoming evolved enough to unite our consciousness on the same event that travels across the entire country, starting at one of the last states to be colonized, Oregon, and ending at on the first 13 colonies South Carolina.

While everyone is “looking into the sky,” perhaps they will see our Starships that will fly a bit lower to be more recognizable. In fact, what if the eclipse brought in the New Age of full disclosure that we, the members of your Galactic Family, are constantly with you.

We have come within the NOW because YOU have called us. Just as humans no longer believe that an Eclipse is an omen for the “end of the world,” more and more of them are fully aware that we, your Galactic Family, are here in your skies ready and willing to assist you, if you ask.

Yes, Gaia is a “Free Will,” and we will respect your free will to see, or not see, that we are with you. We are here within this now to tell you that,

“You are not alone, as we, your Galactic Family, is always with you.”


There is more about the eclipse on before its news,stories by indian in the machine! we are ALL starting to tune in to the unity concenieseness! FOCUS IN UNITY ON THE SAme THING ,THE NEW EARTH AND ALL LIFE!

To read the piece in its entirety, please click on this link.