I checked on earthquakes and there was a 6.7 10 hours ago on Prince Edward Island. Likely too long ago to show this kind of a read. Someone said the earth was ringing like a bell again about an hour ago but no clue as to the cause. Still digging….
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
I checked on earthquakes and there was a 6.7 10 hours ago on Prince Edward Island. Likely too long ago to show this kind of a read. Someone said the earth was ringing like a bell again about an hour ago but no clue as to the cause. Still digging….
editor victoria’s comment ~ i forgot to mention this today. last night around 1am, i took a picture of the moon which was flopped down in a smiley position. not on its side. i took pics but the position didn’t show up – it just looks like a big round light. but obviously not round as it’s not quite 50% waxing position. anyway – first time i’ve seen the moon look like that! (it was setting in the west).
Published on Jan 15, 2019
i saw none of these little oddities when i took the pictures. i just go by my hunch that says “grab the camera and take some pictures.” sometimes there’s something there to catch.
the rainbow images. result from heavy metals in the atmosphere or one of the rainbow clouds people have been speaking of/capturing…i also thought the radiance of the sun was explosive…
taken today. if you are able to zoom in, you can see a couple of round/orb-like objects to the left of the sun. not visible to my eyes when i took the photos. i also like how the radiance of the sun gives a halo effect.
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been a lot of cloud cover at these two locations but i was able to capture some blue lights/orbs including one as you will see looks like an organic type of what i call “sky worm”. i saw the usual lighted tubular crafts as well but decided i’ve already taken enough photos of them. also received a guided “look” message yesterday from home in a song. “East”. (those who read yellow rose’s material know what i am speaking of.)
i keep getting an image of me at a table at the new place with a lemon cake with sparkly candles. a birthday cake. which means things better speed up as my next earthly birthday is just a few days from now. oh and i will be 22, btw. (i was 27 for many years so i decided it was time to pick a new number). [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]
and lastly, i decided to share the audience who we had show up for tonight’s Presidential Speech (which essentially went as i anticipated). as you can see, it was a lively bunch.
that odd blue worm-like formation….
some blue orbs and that blue glow again on the horizon…i also just noticed what looks like a perfectly formed “O” in the sky as a cloud….or maybe that’s a “Q”….lol
Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ A portion of a current piece by Schrodinger’s Cat. I would like to add that a Stargate is a mechanical construct that creates the energy field to allow a portal to appear. They are not the same thing but do work together. Interesting they call it an exit portal – which was my feel as well. And that CME I feel could be that Stargate powering itself. It has structure to it that made me question whether it is indeed a CME.
Also, someone accidentally got the following pic (after two normal pics) when they were trying to take a picture of rainbow clouds around the sun:
Thanks to the commenter who pointed out the video. The eponymous 333rd MrMBB likened the above to a stargate… which is indeed what it looks like, but… that’s not exactly what’s captured here. We’re still not sure what it is. This is an artificial construct… but it’s not a portal, exactly. It’s kinda… “vacuumy”… but… well, we’ll let you know when we find out. How’s that for vague?
[UPDATE: Ok, it’s just an exit portal, and a rather primitive one. It has a weird suction to it, which is why we said, “vacuumy.” Yes, vacuumy is a word. Now.]
Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ Around the 11 minute mark he begins to speak of the moon and how it’s not showing up – at all – on a nightly basis now. It’s at 6/7% waxing so we should be seeing SOMETHING. I say that because several weeks ago two women on Lisa Harrison’s channel (women who commented) said that Saturn was disappearing and after Saturn, comes the moon. I then linked a mainstream piece by NASA saying that wow – suddenly – the rings on Saturn are disappearing at a very fast rate (and for them by fast they said 300,000 plus years to which of course we know is as ridiculous as the system puppet scientists saying “ok we are going to begin a program of spraying heavy metals in the skies in order to deflect the heat from the sun away from the earth to stop global heating”…meaning lie lie lie must have a pretty sounding cover story to hide the truth and the truth is this simulated realm is being deconstructed and we be getting out likely via that stargate recently seen. the cats had a commentary on that which i will link next.) anyway just found it interesting that first the moon was struggling to appear “normal” and now – where is it? oh moon, oh moon, wherefore art thou?
Published on Jan 8, 2019
thank you to brother rick for the heads up on this one. yeah as he says below – lost for words…
Lost for words.
Polar vortex begins to split into 4 separate vortexes. Even with another little vortex starting too… could be 5 vortexes.
We are now in uncharted territory.
i have never, in all my years of doing this seen the polar vortex split into 4/5..
It’s rare enough splitting into 3..
4 is a new kind of crazy.
Sudden Stratospheric heating continues from the increasing cosmic radiation and sudden uplifts from jet streams.
What does this mean- Extreme cold coming to parts of Europe/North America, much worse than we are seeing already.
Also means jet streams will carry warm air that mixes with the cold and create low weather depressions.
Earths jet streams are all over the place.
Stay vigilant.
Thank you to all those supporting my on patreon ❤️
Learn more about how it all connects to the pole shift –
Stay vigilant.
Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ We saw this same effect in July 2017 only after the moments of pulsing the “sun” flashed as though it was going to explode before just as quickly becoming very dim. Some say it’s codes coming in. I say sun simulator malfunction…Who really knows?
editor victoria’s comment ~ well i don’t dig that deep into the meter/energy graph reads – i keep it pretty simple so i appreciate their work on this. today was another day where i thought my GODDESS WHEN am i going to wake up rarin’ to go? and wtfrig am i doing at night when i sleep? this fatigue is wearing on me – more than ever – and i wonder how much longer i can keep functioning as a semi-humanoid? not exaggerating or making light of that statement/question – i am beginning to wonder this daily. geesh this is getting intensely ridiculous! i am having a conversation with a new connection on our real bodies being in stasis elsewhere. it began after i shared my own dream experience where i saw myself – only looking larger and younger – and was surprised but also knew it was me (still surprised to see myself like that though) – confused too – and felt i was given a gift to see this. the feeling was “quick take a look so they don’t see us letting you see yourself”. this new connection has some knowledge of this area. with all of the fatigue i have been feeling i continue to want to know: WHO AM I and WHERE AM I. and this isn’t some esoteric question any longer. nothing deep nor philosophical. this is a literal question at this point. today at the store i saw what i can only say was a giant – female. i have never seen a female that tall. she was well over 7 feet – and quite stout. special nordic blood? my girl kept staring and while i was telling her to watch her staring i too couldn’t help but look in awe – and wonder – i wonder if that’s how tall i really should be. like avatar.
also getting more clear on this dimensional stuff. the whole 5d ascension, i feel, was another control program. a better one but still another matrix (as in control) program. we are UNLIMITED Being’s in our Pure Form – so why would we need to have a limited experience (4d, 5d, etc.). given my research has shown me you can have evil/dark/controlling beings at a variety of dimensions, the concept “higher vibe = more benevolency”, is, in my feel, an illusion. i received the feel last night (perhaps it was confirmation – as i have heard this one before) – the 5d ascension did not happen as it was cleaned up. dimensions are part of the separation/control narrative. when all just IS – and at that we “land” where we resonate – what we DESIRE and FEEL to create and experience. if that makes sense. as i say – some days words don’t cut it to share the story/feel/creation i hold within at the moment.
on we continue…..(seeing ya’ll – subscribers that is – still aren’t getting post notifications. i just gotta let that go for now. you can still see everything under the latest posts.)
A couple of years ago, we regularly dreamed about working various tasks on “the 31st floor,” taking the elevator there in our dreams. (We work on different floors, now.) Anyway, look at the 31 Hz level that just popped up on the Moscow SR meter:
And ha! Right on cue: another CME. We were just talking about looking for one this weekend:
That could be why we were seeing these:
Also: the Kiruna meter is looking kinda… sine-wavy… lately, like a vibrating piano string:
What a day. Time for bed.
CONTINUE READING HERE (for the entire piece which goes back to 12/13).
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