By Diane Canfield
We have some fantastic news to report. We are still in the GATEWAY of the Solstice Energy. Remember the Solstice can last up to 10 days before and after the actual event takes place. In this case with the Solar Eclipse arriving in August it will last much longer. This becomes a Gateway unto itself lasting through the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21st.
The PORTAL to Ascension is ONLY through the Portal to our Authentic Consciousness.
The Gateway that has been occurring and will continue to occur is all about returning to OUR 12D authentic multidimensional being that existed before coming into this Earth Plane. This is Happening NOW. We are transforming back into this LIGHT BEING. You may all remember my previous post about how this is occurring by retrieving lost Soul fragments.
As we step into this plane of higher existence, we have no choice but to embody our TRUE self. If you do not know who your true self is, it is the child you were before the baggage of others came along to influence, program and condition us away from our innocence of the Higher realms we just came from. We are now speedily returning to this innocent way of being. YES this is a big deal. One of the biggest changes to happen to us YET.
You will find in the beginning of your journey into your true self, glimpses of authentic self appearing to you in short spurts. This journey started for me last August and I remember how it came in. It came in with an edge through an ENERGY Wave which I posted an article about. It had an edge but it was also a gentle wave. I knew this was the beginning OF OUR JOURNEY HOME. Each WAVE we have experienced since this time has brought us closer to our genuine being and 12D crystalline core consciousness.
The Solstice Gateway has not been gentle in this regard. We are being pushed and shoved to make the change over to our 12D authentic embodiment. The higher dimensional embodiment is the childlike innocence- meaning a clear vessel we came in to this reality with along with the capabilities of traveling into the higher realms of 12D and above.
When you embody this new being within yourself, you will feel lighter as if a HUGE weight as has been lifted off your shoulders. You will feel childlike as if everything and anything is NOW possible. You will feel joy, bliss, love, happiness and contentment.
Look for this to come in short spurts because once again we our bodies and consciousness CAN not take on too much at one time. We as humans becoming Galactics have to go about transformations in stages and the more gentle the better. The galactics which are helping us with this transformation- know this. They know the gentle side to the human race.
The Pleiadians working with the Creator are the ones calling all the shots in this area of giving help to us through these waves we feel as they enter our consciousness.
When you first feel this activation, notice it and then act on it. Act your authentic self as long as you can. Feel the waves of lightness wash over you. You may feel giddy and other worldly. Try to bathe in this light when it comes in, this way you recognize it the next time and can hang on longer to this feeling. In the beginning it will come in short spurts which then start to last longer and longer over time. Eventually we will transform completely into this NEW Being.
To feel these activations as they come in and make progress with them means embracing the upgrades and understanding they are bring us higher vibrational upgrades to embody our authentic self. Here are some ways to embrace these changes in the Ascension Process:
You must be prepared and have the desire to make the change to a Higher State of Being. This means you are ready to move into the next realm of existence along with the Crystalline Earth.
You must be prepared to leave the 3D world behind. Yes this means all of 3D, you must be prepared to enter a NEW Crystalline World that we are creating.
You must be able to put your FEELINGS above everything else. Feelings in the 3D world are routinely discarded and judged by the conditioned as worthless. Yet feelings are the GPS of the Soul and the most important thing we possess. These feelings are Divinely aligned with the Ascension process, as we know to be fully authentic we must be fully in touch with our feelings.
You must take Divinely inspired action based on those feelings. You must be prepared to take action when needed to move into the higher realms of Consciousness.
You must trust that the Universe has your highest intentions in all things. Even if it looks like this is not happening it actually is. The Universe many times takes us down long and winding roads to get to our destinations.
You must be fully invested in the Ascension process. This means Ascension is not a part time hobby, it is what your life is all about.
You must have done the inner work on yourself to rid yourself of programming, conditioning and illusions. This is very important because all beings have been conditioned.
You must be actively searching for the TRUTH. Everyday you must make progress in the search for what is TRUTH and what is not. UNTRUTHS must be discarded other wise the consciousness gets confused about what is real and what is not. This stops REAL progress from taking place in the realm of higher consciousness.
Look for more high energy as we are now in the Solstice/ Solar Eclipse Gateway. Each day is a new day to pay attention to your feelings, be in the moment of NOW and feel those Energy Waves as they come in. They are here when they need to be which means, we must always be prepared.

I love you all !
In Service and Love
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert
Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included
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