Sun Flashing


editor’s note:  saw similar in july of 2017….

Solar flashing ◆◆◆ ♥ #solarflash

Posted by Ginger Starr on Saturday, September 29, 2018


WSO ~ Purple Orbs, Earth Energy ++ Can We Now See Connections of Second Sun?


editor’s note:  ok i gotta say – the opening seconds show one of the most AMAZING sky captures i have yet seen.  and purple no less?  below this is a capture of a song playing – one of those moments of earlier today when something physically pulled at me to go look at the tv and take a picture. indeed!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on Sep 24, 2018

Global Airport Disaster Drills in September?


editor’s note:  las vegas…..jakarta… york….cape cod…aspen….roanoke…isn’t that a lot in such a short time?  thanks to earthly patriot for her work in noticing this trend….link to her video on this is here.  below are the articles i found…and remember – this is just for the month of september.  i know this – whether this is due to Planet X/Nibiru or not, we continue to see purple skies in the east at sunset – obvious glows not caused by the sun.


Disaster Drills to be Conducted at Airport, Lewis Bay

Las Vegas airport to conduct drills for aviation emergencies

Amazing Rainbow in NJ ~ Inter Dimensional??


editor’s note:  super WOW!  how many of you, when you see pictures like this, think “WOW i want to see something like this!”  i would love to see something so majestic and beautiful…


John Entwistle Photography added a new photo to the album: Nature Pictures.

Rainbow Insanity. I could be wrong but that sure looks like a quintuple rainbow tonight over the Jersey Shore, NJ. My daughter and I watched rainbows fade in and out for a half hour at sunset. Some of the brightest rainbow colors I’ve ever seen in my life!

Update: I’ve been told this is a supernumerary rainbow which are apparently very rare.


Image may contain: sky, cloud, tree and outdoor

Latest MIMIC Capture


editor’s note:  dem rascals be at it again with their HAARP’ing.  OUR mission is what is being accomplished for our Source Original Code (super-power’s) are coming back now – some big upgrades in this area – and we are fully remembering (at some deep level) our true Gifts – one of them being to over-ride low vibe tech used to enhance a storm.  enough of us focused on weakening Florence and latest news says it is weakening to a level 2 then level 1 storm.  good job truth seeking love creating Being’s!!  those Wave X energies continue to kiss our realm too.  anyway – they’re attempting to super charge another storm so just a heads up we may still have some love to send once again…this morning i felt, again, that communicating with the consciousness of this storm that she doesn’t have to accept these pulses being sent her way to make her into something unnatural is something she can reject – that this focus sent her way is helpful.  


Late Night Capture


well i’m pretty impressed with this camera as it caught something in the western night sky – at 11:15pm.  my mate noticed a glow in the west – sometimes we see it, sometimes we don’t.  no clue what it is.  we can rule out city lights as we would see that nightly.  anyway, so i was taking pictures of these glowing clouds and while the clouds didn’t show up, i captured something.  it isn’t a planet.  it was likely a craft of some sort with a field around it given what i can see when i zoom in.  it’s in the upper right – looks like flat (and no it isn’t a bird).  anyway i was taking pictures one after another, quickly and it only showed up in this one photo.

also a note of fun:  we saw 2 beautiful shooting stars.  g’night everyone.

Late Afternoon and Tonight’s Sky Captures


editor’s note:  the shots i took looking due east – around 7:15pm – with all of the bands (i will note the pic below) – do not come close to the scene i saw with my eyes.  the depth of the purple that was lower in the horizon was amazing.  i have yet to see that deep of a purple show up.  and it was due east too!  i was actually having a conversation with a friend who had just pulled up in his car (i was on my bike) and had to interrupt him when i saw the skies and excused myself as i took pictures.   the time of the photos start at around 5pm when we went from blue skies to a lot of wind bringing in a huge wall of some amazing clouds, which you will see below.  i had a feeling we were going to have an amazing sky scene at sunset.  the glow ended up lasting for a good hour – and as has been the case for some time now – often starts in the east before the west lights up.  

aside from some amazing sky scenes, WOW did i feel floaty today!  and tired too.  i zonked out within minutes for awhile around 9pm.  


(this is one of the photos i took – due east at around 7:15pm – that had the deep deep purple low in the horizon.  the bands were brilliant all the way up.)

(this glow just kinda snuck up on me – taken on my ride)


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