11/25/2016 – Message From The Arcturians

Editor’s note:  Wouldn’t it be more useful if these folks actually showed themselves?  You know – actually knock on our doors one afternoon and share these messages live and in person?  And…I am weary of reading these pieces that basically say “keep going you got this we’re coming it’s all coming soon just hang in there.”  Oh yeah?  PROVE IT.  Stop telling us to use discernment and back up your words with something tangible.  Anyway…enjoy the latest of these messages…

MESSAGE FROM THE ARCTURIAN GROUP ~ NOVEMBER 20, 2016 through Marilyn Raffaele

arcturians-aliensGreetings dear ones.  All is proceeding according to plan even though it may seem to you that the world is going backwards.  Powerful energies of Light are creating a new world awareness resulting in battles between the old and the new.  New frequencies of Light are exposing  information and those who benefit from leaving things as they are, do not like it.
This is what will bring change although it cannot happen in a moment for the majority needs time to process what they are becoming aware of.  Those who are more intuitively awake know what it is they are seeing, and their realization of the truth behind all appearances is what is  helping to dissolve these old energies.
Every individual  is consciously or unconsciously journeying toward full awakening but not everyone is  at the same level of awareness at the same time.  Old souls are those who have lived and learned through many lifetimes, whereas newer souls may have been only on earth several times and still need many more life experiences before they will be ready to move into  higher levels of awareness.
Continue to send Light and love to the world, visualizing earth and all her life forms as pure Light, for this is what they really are.   This makes you Lightworkers.  A lightworker is anyone who not only knows the truth but lives it, in the realization that in spite of appearances to the contrary everyone is a Spark of the one Divine Light.
Many continue to think of lightworkers as being only those spiritually gifted individuals doing healing work, teaching, or channeling. This belief is a facet of the belief in separation for in truth everyone is a spiritual being and every activity becomes Lightwork when done with awakened eyes and ears.
Lightwork is the natural effect of an evolved state of consciousness, one that without conscious effort can lift the energy of those receptive.  Even the most seemingly  insignificant of daily interactions are Lightwork when they flow on energy streams of true Love and Light.
Continue reading here.  

A Message of Restoration From Agartha

agartha___realm_of_the_underground_world_by_rasty690-d825xtvOn 11/22 an energetic portal will be created enabling those in alignment to move into a new octave of experience. This new energy will shake off old attachments and deepen further into the new, which is not so much new but a restoration of the old, the original energy of the original blueprint.

In these sequences the individual can experience a separation from what has been and find themselves in a space of white light that will illuminate within themselves the light of their own clarity and coherence. This is a space that will generate the key codes of enlightenment, the energy of expansion and understanding of what is, what was, and what will be.

This is an energy portal of change on the mental plane. It is a comprehension of the true nature of life and what it means to be an individual ascending within a physical form.


In embodying these concepts of enlightened existence there will be an activation from within that will ignite the light of comprehension, to awaken from the slumber of darkness, the higher purpose of physical life on Earth.

The Higher Purpose of Physical Life on Earth is the Key Code of Now.

This is the key that is now transcending the lower planes of density and rising up to the forefront of humanity to activate within All Souls the Awakening codes of Truth. Truth is transcendent, activating the energies of change and bringing to the forefront for all to see and hear, what is really behind the creation of life in this realm.

We, the Agarthans, the Ascended Beings of Mastery and Mystery, are here to bring you this message of Truth.

Continue reading here.

Marina Jacobi – 11 Dimensional Beings: A Message of Love and Hope

Editor’s note:  This piece spoke to me.  Not only because of the message, but also because of the #11 and the 11/22, and because at the time I pulled this up on youtube, there were 1234 views – the first number I saw when I began seeing numbers was 12:34.  

Marina Jacobi – 11 Dimensional Beings – November-22-2016

Final Event Energies Update 11~22~16: Love Is Being Unleashed! It’s Gonna Get Wild and Crazy

By Dima T., & The First Contact Ground Crew Team, 11/22/2016

Greetings Love Beings!
Final Event Energy Update ~ Love Is Being Unleashed It’s Gonna Get Wild And Crazy

Image result for love heart earth image

Another 11:11 portal day; Happy 22, Independent Birds!

4 – 5 – 6 – 7 layers of the heart were healed. That took 6 hours of work. Father reconfigured and completed phase 2 of Mother Gaia Mother Earth’s Heart surgery on behalf of the Collective. Tonight we have 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 and the Last Seal.

3:13 am Crank up in Energies.

At 6:27 a.m there was an another increase in the Energies; Love is Being Released in a Big Way Today. Interesting Message From Master Saint Germain: ”Get Off Your Knees take action in love Or On Your Knees Continuing Pain n Suffering, These will Be The Choices. Ignorance and Ego Does Not Reign On This Planet. This Planet Belongs To The Lovers And Givers So Be It And So It Is. On behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light and all Creation we Serve Love and We Serve Mother And Father. Who Do You Serve Is The Question For You Today being Many May be experiencing Shot Out Of The Canon that’s gonna be common. If You feel Like You Can’t Keep Up. Surrender.”

You are on the fast track to Unity Consciousness This is about all of us not the self. Id=EGO that’s to be dissolved. 

Rest Assured all Buttons Have been Pushed Alarms Are Going Off Triggers Are Being Triggered for Release; Laugh Cry Dance it out. Love has Been Unleashed.

Energies Are Getting Increasingly Precise And What That Means is that we’re gonna move faster and faster Ding and you’re gonna have to JUMP. Surrender And Jump; Surrender And Jump.

Bodies are Going Through MAJOR Recalibrations. Bone Structure Being Realigned, Body Cracks, Brain Chambers Updates, Organ Restorations, And Root To Crown Chakra upheavals. All Masonic Tweaks To Bodies And Manipulations Are Being Undone And Bodily Functions Being Restored. Love Is Being Unleashed it’s Gonna Get Wild And Crazy Yeeeeehaaaawwww!!!

Continue reading here.

Catalysts of Change ~ The Big Storm We Have Been Waiting For

Posted by ourshiftingperspective, 11/19/2016

Image result for change is happening image

My dear sister,

The world that we walk now is one of chaos.

Think of this as the big storm we have been waiting for; the one that will shake the foundations of the Earth free from the grips of the tyrants that once held the reins.

This is not their planet, it never has been. It is ours, all of ours.

They tried to steal Her from us and destroy Her beauty with corruption and lies. They tried to bury the feminine, our power, our knowing and our mystery.

They poisoned masculine against feminine turning them into enemies instead of allies.

They fear us, you know, our rebellious truth and wild hearts. 

They know we are connected to the forests, the stars and the streams so they try to cut our roots from the soil and take our spirits.

But we know the truth, it howls like the wolf-song in our veins.

They could never lay claim to something so sacred; they could never trap something so free.

My dear brother,

The old stories are crumbling, the pages not fit to write the tales that we will create in the wake of all that has gone before.

This new world will ask of us to leave behind the definitions and constraints of the past and pick up our crowns of authenticity.

This is not a time to stay in the shadows holding the strings and structure that once weighed us down and sucked the lifeblood from us.

This is a surrender to our own sovereignty; a release from the bondage of a world we could never be a part of because it was never made for us.

It was made for us to feel less than, when we were born to be the sky endlessly stretching towards the horizon.

We were never meant to be starving beggars in their world; we were meant to be Queens and Kings of a new world.

My dear tribe,

On this path of unfolding dreams, they will try to silence you, and pluck the truth from your bones.

They will attempt to take from you the very fabric of your soul and the golden threads of desire that are woven within you.

They fear your power, you know;

And the raging wild truth that flows within you.

They know of your power, this is why they try to trap you.

Imagine the force of your river if you poured freely?

We have become the catalysts of change for a new world,

The creators of a time when fear is discarded and we instead move from a place of love, authenticity and truth.

We are no longer trapped by the webs of lies and inferiority that once held us.

We are reclaiming our birth-rites as divine channels of art, music, dreams and desires

And oh, how the powers that be fear us

And the way we shake the foundations of the old world free from their once clutched fingers.


Dear Sensitive Souls, Are You Feeling These Intense Energies?

By Nicole, 11/19/2016

“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”
~ Anthon St. Maarten

Are you feeling it? This intensity? Are you feeling exhausted for no good reason, or overwhelmed? Struggling to get through the day? Carrying an unusually big burden of oppression, worry or emotional stress, no matter how good your life might be?

Lovelies, it isn’t just the supermoon.

There are a few other factors at play.

There has been a massive recent shift in the earth’s crust and in the fluids that run beneath our feet. That’s part of the reason New Zealand experienced the earthquake this week that has released an enormous flow of positive ions (the same kind as from solar flares which exhaust and unground you). There are more adjustments to come.

These shifts under our feet, and some of the astrological factors at play, are deeply affecting sensitive people.

As we approach 2017, and the energies of 2016 and the energetic era that concluded with 2012 finally come to a close, there is flux and change in the air.

Big change. Big flux.

It’s so destabilising for sensitive people.

What can you do? Plenty.

Spend time in nature, and with your loved ones. It’s an excellent time to channel and connect to your guides and energetic team. Meditate, pray, and send love into the world, and to all those you love.  Especially, send love to those you feel are not living from their heart or who feel isolated or excluded from the community.

Image from www.tarabrach.com

It’s a great time for rest. Lots of grounding and plant energy in and on and around your body, because the plants are still grounded and grounding, even though there is so much positive ionic activity around us. Essential oils that will help include lavender, vetivir, sandalwood, elemi, orange and cedarwood. Crystal help? Black tourmaline, red jasper, green aventurine, selenite, amethyst and hematite.

Image from www.conveythemoment.com

Be really discerning about who you spend time with. These energies will be trawling up emotions for lots of people, which may make interactions tense or difficult. Put your psychic raincoat on and let it all slide off you. Don’t engage (especially if you feel fragile or vulnerable), don’t enter into arguments – all of this just escalates these destabilising energies.

All of us are levelling up as we step into the energies of 2017. For some people this is an easy thing. For others it will be a massive undertaking.

Work on your shit, close doors, let go of what isn’t working. Think about how you want your life and your world to be and take steps now to make that happen. Even tiny steps count. It’s not enough to think about it. In November we’re sowing seeds for the year ahead. We’re all connected, and our individual actions will always affect the whole. Don’t ever think that you can’t make a difference. We need you more than ever!

Trust that 2016 is a game changer on so many levels. Do all you can to nurture and sustain yourself until we get back to solid ground.

Holding you all in my thoughts, prayers and meditations,

Nicole xoxo

Get Ready for your Mission. No more Excuses – It is Time…

Editor’s note:  I appreciate this piece and especially resonate with the sentence that “the thought spirals are back.  But they feel different.  They are spiraling around a lot more topics than ever before.”  I am having that exact experience right now.  I am digging deep into new topics that are presenting themselves to me, namely just where on earth am I?  Literally.  Where am I?  What is our reality? I continue to have dreams of portals.  Last night’s dream had me looking upwards at a dome with a clear ceiling – where I could see outside sky which was a light blue with big white clouds interlaced with streaks of chocolate brown.  Felt like I was at the bottom of a cone.  Suddenly the ceiling began to vibrate as though it were dissolving before my eyes.  It was an amazing dream.  

by Vera | Nov 17, 2016 |

Get Ready for your Mission. No more Excuses – It is Time…

Wooow, what a crazy period has it been ever since the outcome of US elections. So many people got upset, angry and scared. And they still are. The comfort zone is gone and nobody knows what the future will bring and what this guy is up to. Nothing the ego mind copes well with at all. Along with that, we had an increase in major Earthquakes over the past weeks. This planet is really shaken to the core. In parallel, lightworkers are still busy with lots of physical ailments, last bits of emotional clearing and… the thought spirals are back. But they feel different. They are spiraling around a lot more topics than ever before. And although spiraling deeply in one moment, in the next – you have completely forgotten what you had been trying to figure out. What is going on?

So the never-ending story continues. And we have to get used to that! The expansion of consciousness indeed IS a never-ending story. Because the Universe keeps expanding and keeps experiencing and expressing itself into matter and form, to gather information before going back into non-matter. This might be confusing to understand, but this is what this whole game is all about. We never stop growing and expanding. But the higher we raise, the easier it gets – because we are getting rid of the fear patterns along the process, so the highs get higher and more frequent, while the lows get less and lose their power over us. Having said that, where are we at right now, and what are we experiencing?

Continue reading “Get Ready for your Mission. No more Excuses – It is Time…”

Ascension/New Earth/Nesara Update

Editor’s note:  Been following this topic for awhile not – although not nearly as long as many so I can understand any and all apathy surrounding.  As I always say: Use discernment.  I can say though that something is up.  We are on the cusp of it.  I feel it.  Something awesome in its power. 

Posted by sananda website, 11/12/2016

“Channeling from the Guardians #2” – Guest Post by The Golden One

Entry Submitted by The Golden One at 4:02 PM EST on November 11, 2016

Dearest Intel Community,

As we gather before you on this most glorious of days, we come bearing good news! The New Republic is about to be restored and go live, any day now. We realize you have heard this message before, and you do not fully believe in these words anymore, as you need to finally see it with your own eyes. We have come to let you know and to reassure you that you will not be ‘seeing things’ (meaning you will not be imagining it) in the near future, as the Republic will be announced to much shock and excitement to the dinar community.

Many brave beings have been waiting for the implementation of NESARA for decades, and still have a hard time believing that today is the day. We do not mean necessarily today, but we say today to emphasize that it could be any moment, literally, and it is not weeks or months away. It will come so smoothly whether you believe in it or not, but it will come sooner if you hold the light and keep your vibrations about the new world high. This will help it to blossom before you in ways that you previously thought were unimaginable. Nothing will go how you expect, as everything will far exceed the most wild and fantastic expectations you could perceive with your limited mind and understanding. This will all be revealed in time, and the time is now.

We wish to implore you to keep your thoughts high at this time, as they are manifesting much quicker than you realize. You are all much more powerful than you were previously led to believe, and although those of you in the community are beginning to realize this, you still have no idea of your true potential and capabilities. As strange as it would seem for you to believe, we need you more than you need us! We chuckle that you do not yet realize this, but ask yourselves this, ‘Why would we go to all this trouble trying to help free and liberate you from your seemingly never ending slavery if we did not truly care for your well-being?’ You are vastly more important to us than you were previously led to believe, and this is one of the main reasons why we, the Guardians, have come back to your timeline to help you make it through this final push. Soon you will be on our ships helping similar civilizations achieve and reach their salvation and liberation, as you will be Galactic experts in this arena. This will occur much sooner than many of you think. It will not be overnight, but it is coming.

Many of you still hold on to the belief the the Powers That Be still run the world and are causing you problems. While, in some many real ways this is still somewhat true, please understand that energetically they have lost their power some time ago. They are scrambling, and like a wounded lion, they are at their most dangerous while they are the most vulnerable. They all understand that their time to reign and subject the population to their malicious crimes has indeed come to an end, whther they want to believe it or not. Some are understandably having a much more difficult time than others, as many have already transitioned to the light as you may already be aware. There are some holdouts, the worst of the worst, but they no longer pose a threat, and they are being dealt with even as we speak. Your freedom truly is upon you, we just ask that you hold the light a little bit stronger in order to make it a reality that much sooner.

We wish for your liberation much more strongly than you can every possibly imagine, and it pains us to see our wonderful children struggle so mightily on a prison planet, when they all came here to be free and experience life. You have been severely held back in the Dark Ages, and in the coming months you will have a better understanding of what we truly mean by this. The time has come for blessed Mother Gaia to be freed, and she is happy to take all of her children along for the ride. If you are reading these words then you are indeed the chosen ones, tasked with helping to ease the transition into the new world to the seemingly unsuspecting public. There will be much outrage and even some fear and anger thrown in, once all of the announcements trickle out in your media. If you thought what happened when Hillary lost the election was bad, then just wait for the reactions when people find out they have been lied to, manipulated, poisoned, and mind controlled (among other things) for so long by the people they trusted to lead them to salvation and protect them from dangers. It will get chaotic when they find out that their governments have in fact been the danger all along, and they never had their best interests in mind. Quite the opposite in fact. But you know this.

Understand that we are not telling you this to incite fear and panic about how the public will react; we are telling you this so that you will be ready to step forward and lead when the time comes and you are called into action. The new government cannot do this all by themselves, and they will heavily rely on the informed minority to educate the ignorant majority. You are important, and your role is vital. We need you now more than ever to hold the light, as you are about to get called up into active duty. This can be as little as moments away, but not more than a few days away. It will all come to pass eventually, but as we keep saying, the timing is completely up to you. Many of you often wonder if we are doing our jobs up here, and question if we actually know what we are doing. You will be pleased to know that yes, we know what we are doing, and yes, we are working overtime for your liberation. Together we will achieve this; but the pace is up to you. We ask you to remain strong for these last few draining, and disappointing moments, as soon they will be just a memory of a bad dream that you vaguely remember and almost never think about.

You are free now. Today is your day. Claim your thrones. The Universe awaits your rise to glory. We will be with you until the moment comes for you to exchange. If you have any other questions that have not been answered by our or many of the other channeled messages, then please feel free to reach out to your guides and teams in mediation, and you will be amazed at the answers you receive. We are with you always; we love you with all the force in the Universe and eagerly await for you to come play with us throughout the cosmos.

We are the loving and most revered Guardians of your World, and we love you very much.

The Golden One

Portal Now Opened to Incredible Possibilities ~ Saint Germain through Christine Preston

November 12, 2016

purple_portalChristine: The following telepathic communication from Saint Germain can be divided in the following subjects:

1. The fact that the Victory of the Light with the American Elections has opened a Door, and the lightworkers, as well as the world, are now on the verge of incredible possibilities;

2. Saint Germain reveals ‘intel’ on the secret technology of the dark ones who hold the strings of control. This elucidate some mysteries about Hillary Clinton;

3. The fact that some disclosure is going to take place in respect of the third dimensional secret presence of human beings in the solar system, and these should not be confused with the beings of higher dimensions who are here to assist us and are the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and Galactic beings.

Saint Germain: I am Saint Germain and I come today to deliver a message of hope to the Lightworkers and all of mankind, for I believe that we are on the verge of accomplishing a great number of wondrous things in the world, this world which has been so buffeted by the dark forces for so many thousands of years. I would like to say that it has been a privilege to work so closely with you who have provided prayers to turn a world around. That has been accomplished with the Election of Donald Trump against all odds and adversities. Donald Trump has, as you know, been opposing the Establishment and this has been a difficult enterprise. I would like to say many more things about the way in which the Lightworkers have handled the adversity that has been thrown against them, as well, but it would take many pages and much analysis.

Continue reading here.

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message – 11/11/16

Editor’s note:  I am posting this primarily because of what he says about the election and Trump not being inaugurated.  I maintain this as well.  The info about reincarnation and karma and lessons for the Soul are lower level, duality-based matrix speak.  

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, November 11, 2016


11th November 2016. Mike Quinsey.

high-self-2For the people of America the result of their Presidential election was a complete surprise as it was much closer in the end than had been anticipated, and Trump gained a late rush of strong support largely from those who were undecided until the last few days. Neither of the two candidates was particularly well received for such an important position as the President of the United States. However, within a probable period of 3 months or less there are likely to be events that will overshadow everything else that has taken place so far. The new united States of America is waiting in the wings to be announced, and it means that the election result will have no standing where it is concerned. In the circumstances it is expected that Trump would resign and thereby make way for new candidates in a new election. In that event Paul Ryan is considered to be the most likely one to be appointed as the interim President until new elections can be held.

These events were inevitable and major changes cannot be stopped from taking place, as they are already written into the future and will manifest quite soon. It will be the turning point for all of Humanity, as they move onto the path that will free them from the control of the dark Ones. It will enable Humanity to take great steps forward that will see the introduction of beneficial and welcome changes that have been held back for a long time. So many events have been waiting an opportunity to reveal the true future for Earth and its inhabitants.

These are the end times of the Solar Cycle that has lasted over 25,000 years and in that time virtually all of you have had many lives on Earth. You have come through them as much greater souls than when you first started the cycle. Evolution is the key to the experiences you have had where lessons are often repeated to ensure they have been well learnt. As a Soul Group they have succeeded where previously cycles have ended in failure. Each time those souls who were not ready to ascend entered another cycle to continue their experiences, with a view to gradually evolving and creating another opportunity to ascend. There is no pressure placed on them and each soul is allowed to evolve in its own time. However, they will continue to be supported by souls that have dropped down from the higher realms for that purpose. However, some of them also come from other civilisations and are all volunteers. Such instances are commonplace amongst those who have already ascended.

When the revelations begin to be released about your true selves, many will find them difficult to believe and there will be both shock and joy. Be assured however that those empowered to bring the truth into being, will leave you in no doubt that they are truthful. The changes to the Earth will bring you benefits that are guaranteed to greatly lift up the quality of your life. It will be an era when you will have all the essential benefits that ensure a comfortable level of existence. One where you do not have to worry about your well-being as standards will be much higher than previously. Many old forms of transport will disappear to make way for those that are reliable and non-polluting where the air and earth are concerned. Your seas and water supplies will also be cleansed in next to no time by use of advanced technologies. Healing will eventually be carried out using sound and light only, so there will be an absolute revolution in this respect. So the future holds much that will delight and also astonish you, and you will absorb the higher vibrations and remain in perfect health.

As you start to “dream” of the future benefits so you will attract them to yourself. The more souls that do so the quicker you will be able to use them. It is also worth mentioning that eventually the need to spend the best part of your life working will also become unnecessary, as so much of what you still do manually will be carried out by robots. Even now their development has advanced considerably and they are already carrying out minor tasks. What was mostly science fiction in the last century is rapidly becoming your reality, and it has the ability to change your way of life so quickly. Also what has been held back from you for a long time is entering your reality, and it will be speeded up when the dark Ones who held it back are removed.

It is best to keep an open mind if you want to evolve quicker when new ideas and facts are presented to you. One that may concern many people is connected with the birth of a new family member, when it is learnt that the baby’s body is entered by a spirit that prior to being born has chosen those who are to be the parents. The choice is made bearing in mind what type of life experiences they wish to have until they are an adult and can make their own way. Selection is made of the lessons that they wish to learn, and sometimes it is ongoing and they may incarnate several times with the same parents. All is not however testing and hard work as karma will also include those good times in your life, when you get the breaks and achieve your desires. Also bear in mind that that your life plan is considered, and your choice of parents would be those best suited to give you what you needed to succeed.

Some readers may doubt that they chose their parents as they may have had a hard childhood. Be assured that even in such circumstances there are no mistakes, and for whatever reasons you chose them it was to give you the experiences you needed. It may also include karma where you have some unfinished matters that have to be cleared. When you start to think in terms of karma you will find it helps to find a reason for your life experiences. All are of value and some most important to your progress where your evolution is concerned. You cannot escape it except to end your life before time, but this type of action only creates more problems for you. Take life seriously and do your best at all times and hopefully you will have been able to clear it for all time. Some of you may doubt that you chose your parents as you may have had a hard childhood, but know that it can work both ways as parents may also have lessons to learn.

Because these are the end times souls will be very busy trying to raise their vibrations, and to increase their chances of rising up out of the lower vibrations. Many will succeed and intuitively know when they are on the path to success. Be gentle and kind to other souls and make allowances for their lack of understanding if they are lacking love for other Human Beings. All souls mix together on Earth and all learn from each other so take note of when you lose control, and having found the reason ensure that you are unlikely to repeat it.

Matters are reaching a point where major things must happen very soon as there is mass unrest amongst people who have little or no idea of what is going on. They become very much on edge and this is a recipe for matters getting more out of hand. Guidance is needed and sufficient help to let them know that the future is going to be wonderful and alter their perception of life as it will be very acceptable.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.
