The Goal Has Always Been Ascension

By H. Chavez

ohsoprettyThe Goal for humanity is always ascension.  For without Ascension there is no need or meaning for sustaining life.  It’s simply an inefficient waste to exist without improving.
Today, humanity finds itself seamlessly transitioning from a malevolent physical system of earthly enslavement via the appearance of Creator Source separation into a transparent benevolent form of divine assistance that restores humanity’s ancient truths, while also implementing the absolute re-unification mandate direct from heaven’s master plan for mankind.

This seamless transition is to appear invisible to the mass public without overt media attention or personal acclaim; however to those more aware of said transition it will appear in every press release, news headline, alternative website, media interview, political election speech and conversation.

Constant but subtle progress will appear as  clearly visible on an hourly basis, globally, as to accomplish such a historic transitional task.  And the collective consciousness / appearance shall be overtly manifested form will become more and more self-evident as each individual consciousness ascends to meet the higher love vibration.

Every sovereign nation, race, military and government entity in the world is well aware of this transition and has sworn to remain silent, treating this transition event like a classified state secrete until the time is mutually agreed upon to release for mass consumption.

Not only is the banking now to become transparent and safe from harm, but so to are all forms of education, culture, entertainment, food supply, athletics, media, science, technology, health care, transportation, history, environment, communication, law, governance, medicine, energy, space travel, extra-terrestrial existence as well as every other daily aspect within the scope of the human experience.

Money, for instance, will now be made so abundant post-transition that there will literally be no need for money as all previous generations of humanity have come to understand it.  Whatever is needed moving forward will be provided, provided it does no harm to others and services the greater good.

This is why so many from this Internet community struggle and/or fight to comprehend the GCR/RV, specially sovereign ZIM values, as they lack the higher consciousness necessary to personally manage the transition, let alone assist others going through their own ascension process.

Instead, they attempt to minimize the scope during this era of change utilizing outdated insult and fear strategies that create temporary and illusionary evolutionary boxes.  The deeper problem with this tactic is that humanity must ascend to survive, per heavenly mandate, and thus cannot be controlled, minimized or boxed in per se. This includes all traditional forms of banking transactions.

Change is permanent universal law, not some unique era exception.

Sadly, many are simply standing on the wrong side of evolutionary history as they continuously refuse to cross-over into this new era of infinite love and light.  Humanity is free.  And their desire is to remain enslaved. Hence the conflict and thus artificial drama is therefore created.

This why it is both wise and prudent now to expect the constant expansion of the human condition beyond all your previous earthly psychological boarders and potential physical realms (time and space)–so that you can more peacefully adapt into this “new normal.”

Adapt or die, right?  Well, all of us are either doing one or the other–all of our days and nights–as there is no escaping the requirement of perpetual ascension in this or any era.

Life extension for instance will also become a big part of this brace new reality during said transition, as new medicines and technologies will now be introduced as to immediately allow for increased human mind, body and soul preservation while remaining within your current incarnated vessel.

There is now, and always has been, no limitation to your ascension possibilities, which makes surrendering to a divine Creator Source energy the only pathway forward.  As only soul’s desiring to evolve into heaven’s mandate for humanity will be allowed to energetically continue.

And this is why the goal must and always will be ascension.


New Earth – Cities of Divine Light

By Romeo Baron

cities of light new earthMany people with sixth sense abilities have had clairvoyant visions of what has been called “cities of light”. These are based on how some fifth dimensional beings currently live in ethereal crystal based cities infused with light. There are plans to bring these type of cities to Earth in our reality, and many ethereal cities of light already exist in places like Sedona, AZ.

We cannot see them in this reality because they are simply vibrating at a higher frequency. However our bodies are like radios and as we continue to raise our vibration in resonance with Earth’s vibrational frequency, we will be able to tune into these higher levels of our existence at will, like changing the radio station. One cannot enter these cities of light without having a vibrational frequency match, which makes them a safe haven from those who still carry dissonant frequencies of vibration within their bodies. Although humans still have emotion, people who live in these cities operate out of their heart space which keeps them from choosing emotions of fear like anger and jealousy.

Creating the template in the “now” is how communities will manifest into cities of light. Helping our brothers and sisters in need now with love is how we will resonate to the frequency of light. Barriers will begin to break down with government and miracles will open doors to allow us to have more free will choices of living. When the dollar dies, we will have no choice but to rely on community living if trucks stop delivering food to grocery stores.

Until we are on a fifth dimensional vibrational frequency or higher, when we do things like raise money for others and exchanging items on a basis of what we think it is worth, this it creates a template in human consciousness for other people to tap into. And so on, and so on. This is one way we change the world. The future of community living will involve humanitarian practices and technology that will simplify living and allow everyone to do what they enjoy every day.

Do not ever underestimate the power of one small act. Pay attention to the large acts that are setting models for humanity to follow. Build bridges now for humanity to cross; as the saying goes, “Build it and they will come”.

Sourced from:

Pleiadian Situation Update

Monday, October 17, 2016

The Pleiadians are regaining territory inside our Solar System fast and have already recovered to the degree that is comparable to the situation in May 2016. The Sirian and Andromedan fleet was not affected so strongly by the events in September and early October and was able to hold their positions better.

Every major setback is thus followed with a big leap forward. The Pleiadians are already setting a new Tachyon membrane positioned around the Earth at a certain distance inside the Moon orbit. This membrane is structurally similar to what some other people call the “outer barrier“. This new membrane will cut off the head of the Yaldabaoth octopus from its tentacles and drastically speed up the clearing of the Solar System.

pleiadian race spacecraft

The Pleiadians have also begun to contact non-incarnated humans in their afterlife on the higher astral plane.

The situation on the non-physical planes was quite challenging in the time frame between 1996 and 2016. After the big evacuation of the non-physical humanity in August 1999 only a few billions of non-physical humans remained on the etheric and astral planes around the Earth and many times more Reptilians. These Reptilian hordes were removed layer by layer throughout the years by the Light forces until 2015, when human race again became prevalent on the non-physical planes around the Earth.

Now the Pleiadians are reawakening the non-physical humans and training them to become spiritual guides for incarnated humans again. This process is also clearing the path for angelic beings to again inhabit the astral and etheric planes.

Next, the Pleiadians have begun to partially disable the plasma scalar weapons installed on low Earth orbit satellites. This scalar weapon dismantling process will continue.

The situation with the biochips is not improving yet.

There is a certain implants clearing protocol that can be somewhat successful in counteracting the activity of the physical biochips to a certain degree, as they are located at the same spots in the body as the plasma implants:

The main factor holding back the Event are still plasma toplet bombs.They are still spread along the plasma tentacles of the Yaldabaoth entity. In the head of the octopus around the Earth they are connected to the following:

1. Plasma scalar weapons on the LEO satellites through plasma ultrasound technology

2. Physical biochips inside surface humanity

3. Infrasound plasma scalar devices in the low underground bases of the Chimera

As the Pleiadians have made those advances in the last few days, the Chimera has incited the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors against the Pleiadian race. One example are current “channelings“ of certain entities named “Stan-X“ and “Sherr-On“ that are spreading complete disinformation about the Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement.

Do not let those things distract you. The Pleiadian energetic contact with the most awakened and least programmed Lightworkers and Lighwarriors will increase. Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light without any hidden negative agenda, as anyone who has ever met them can confirm from their own experience.

The second main factor holding back the Event is the deep mind programmed state of the surface humanity which has chosen the slowest path possible towards the Event. Now a small minority of people is overperforming and carrying the load of Liberation for many, whereas the vast majority is underperforming and just complaining. Many people are asking me what to do to speed up the Event. The answer is very simple: each of you has been born with a mission. Go inside, discover that mission and carry it out. All our missions combined will create the Event.

As I have said many times before, the financial reset will NOT happen before the Event.

As I have also said before, both Trump and Hillary are puppets of the Cabal:

Banana comments and reactions to my recent posts have proven that a lot of healing work needs to be done. Facing those comments, when I have asked the Resistance why should I continue posting on my blog, they have communicated that “they need a voice of reason and sanity on the surface of the planet that can assist in the Breakthrough“.

The main problem is fear which tends to cloud people’s judgement. Some people have the tendency to deny the fear and pretend that everything is perfect and we are all one (the New Age crowd) or to project the fear and see everybody as the agent of the Cabal (the conspiracy theory crowd):

The key to true discernment is to:

1. Acknowledge your fear and other suppressed emotions and transform them. There are many ways, approaches, healing modalities and techniques to transform emotions:

2. Educate yourself in basics of science, art and all other areas of human knowledge so that your mind can not be distracted with total nonsense many times appearing in alternative media (Nibiru crashing into Earth anyone?)

3. Meditate or find any other way to connect with your higher self

4. Free yourself from the bias and nonsense of the alternative media as you have freed yourself from the bias and nonsense of the mainstream media, and think with your own head.

There were may fear based responses to my current post about Asgardia. I am saying here again, Asgardia project is NOT connected to the Cabal and is NOT harvesting people for slave labor in space nor is it the second brain drain.

It is simply a project from a group of enthusiastic scientists that wants to start a breakaway civilization. Although there is the human factor involved with all suppressed emotions and intellectual prejudices of project founders thrown into the mix, the project has potential and the Pleiadians have communicated that they will support the project and attempt to make contact when the time is right.

In the human history there were many successful positive breakaway civilizations, among them the Grecian Hav-Musuv breakaway civilization in the 4th century BCE.

The Mayan breakaway civilization in the 9th century CE was another positive breakaway group, as was the Marconi breakaway underground city in south America in the 1930s.  And of course the Organization (the forerunner of the Resistance) in the 1970s.

If the Event happens in a few months, the Asgardia project will not have any global impact, but if the Event happens a few years from now, it might well become the trigger for the Compression Breakthrough.

The Light forces are supporting all positive timelines regardless of their time span, as they all create the magnetic pull that draws the moment of the Compression Breakthrough closer.

The Pleiadians are wishing for humanity to lift off the ground and are supporting all public space initiatives with positive potential. So they have supported the Vril girls (this project was later hijacked by the Chimera), they have supported the public NASA program to put man on the Moon as “Nordics“, according to testimony of William Tompkins:

The Pleiadians are thus also supporting the Asgardia project and they are supporting Elon Musk in his vision to create a public Mars space program.

Elon Musks’ project is another project that has a potential to act as a trigger for the Compression Breakthrough.

The Pleiadians are supporting all positive space initiatives because they make the Contact easier. When the Resistance has sent a few of their spaceships from planet X outwards beyond the heliopause to contact the Pleiadians, that contact has resulted in revolution on planet X and its subsequent liberation. When my team has made a small step towards the Pleiadians by launching StratoProbe 1 beyond the Veil, the Pleiadian ship has appeared on this photo:

Victory of the Light!

Sourced from:

A Prayer Of Protection, Liberation and Freedom

We Declare Human Enlightenment & Freedom. Annunaki/Reptilian Rule is OVER.

By Cathy Bilsky

(I and I alone take full responsibility for writing this power prayer.)

If it resonates please share.

3foldflameLet there be light! In the name of the presence of God, which I am, through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I COMMAND: Annunaki/Reptilians you no longer have our permission to misuse humans past -present -future which includes the stealing –killing, making slaves of us our children nor any other human life form, unjustly imprisoning us for crimes that we did not commit, drinking human blood,eating human flesh and feeding off of human energy.

You no longer have permission to mass manipulate human kind through colonization nor through any means including simple deceptions, nano tech, chem trails, fluoride, scalar, HAARP, sound, vibration, drugs, religion, money/debt, chaos and war.  We cut all ties -binds, oaths, vows, curses including all magic that manipulating Annunaki/reptilians have between humans that are keeping us enslaved. As these ties are cut we call the energy of the violet flame to transmute all dark energy that is holding humanity back from evolving to light.  We now see all of human kind being reconnected to the Creator becoming awakened spiritual beings that is our true birth right.
We now close all inter- dimensional portals that the Annunaki /reptilians enter our world from including any portals being open from the CERN, nuclear explosions or any satanic Babylonian ritual. As we close and seal these portals we make them invisible so they no longer can be used as well as cutting ties and neutralizing all satanic symbols that open gates for demons to enter.
We ask the Creator that if it is for the highest good of the earth and all life forms that the Creator steps  in neutralizing  the single white Chromosome  that is added to the reptilians DNA that makes the reptilians more aggressive and war like..  We see it being replaced with a chromosome that makes them kinder and compassionate compelling them to speak only truth. This also lets the Annunaki now be released from all addiction they have to the dense physical world and the sensations it offers.  Let this release be done NOW! If it’s for the highest good of the planet we ask the Creator to raise the energies and frequency/vibration fields that are affecting all inter-space planes that are between dimensions that the Annunaki/reptilians exist in. We send the violet flame thru these are as to transmute all lower vibrations/frequencies back to light as well as clearing out all addiction energies being held in those spaces that are feeding the Annunaki/reptilians.  As this is done the earth begins to raise the vibration back to light freeing the planet of the  lower vibrational pull.
We also cut all ties to Vril energy between humans and the Annunaki/reptilians that allows shapes shifting and inter-dimensional travel. Cancel clear all psycho drugs that are suppressing our intelligence along with vaccines may it all turn to plane water.
We cut all ties and cancel clear all reptilian DNA energies activated by the vibrational frequencies created by the Illuminati satanic secret society rituals that activate demon possession by the Annunaki/reptilians especially in those that have the reptilian bloodline.
We cut ties to the moon along with the energies it emits that affect our emotions creating a vibrational field that keeps us from evolving into a higher consciousness. Let’s anchor the violet flame inside the moon to transmute all out of balance energy back to light. Then we re-connect every cell atom molecule in the moon back to the Creator commanding all out of balanced energies to become neutral or only emit love. We place high power magnets to all the equipment inside the moon and see space dust invading the equipment causing it to break down. We call to the galactic federation or whoever is in charge of our galaxy asking that you now take control of the moon and remove any manipulating aliens that are hurting humans and earth that is keeping us from quantum leaping into Divine enlightenment. Any contracts we may have with these aliens are now null and  void. (Past, present and future)
If it’s for the highest good of the planet we ask the Creator to raise the energies and frequency/vibration fields that are affecting all inter-space planes that are between dimensions that the Annunaki/reptilians exist in. We send the violet flame thru these areas to transmute all lower vibrations/frequency’s back to light as well as clearing out all addiction energies being held in those spaces that are feeding the Annunaki/reptilians. Let us now cancel clear all dark work done on any vortexes or portals.  As this is done the earth begins to raise the vibration back to light freeing the planet of the lower vibrational pull.
Let’s cut ties to the cycle of reincarnation between the astral illusion and the physical illusion and back again. If it is for humanities highest good let us all be filled with freedom of thought and expression that allows us to express different views. As we break free from reptilian/Annunaki bee mentality we release all fear, guilt and need for approval that manipulates humanity to suppressing itself. Cancel clear, Cancel clear, and Cancel clear.
We cut ties to all unconscious gate keepers to the matrix including our parents, family and scientists who try to limit our uniqueness and suppress who we really are.  We ask the Creator to neutralize all patches on scientist that are making them do things against their will setting them free.
We are now cutting ties and remove all blueprint overlays that suppress our souls as these overlays are removed we are now open to multidimensional existence. This also allows us to balance our male/female energies that also will allow us to create a third force of divine potential.
We reactivate the hormone in our brain that allows us to become more telepathic and spiritual beings.
We cancel clear all Illuminati secret society rituals that are activating the reptilian DNA in humans. Instead we see these rituals being reversed and now empowering humans helping everyone reconnect to source. Love can and is changing our genetic coding reconnecting us to the Creator to become awakened spiritual beings that have unlimited potential.
We ask the Creator to step in and if it is for humanities highest good that all ties to the Annunaki/Nordic races are now cut forever. As these ties are cut we see a change in Hybrids releasing the beehive mentality allowing them to become an individual who has memories now of individual choices, family bonding and  freedom.
We see all of humanity being reconnected to the Creator resulting in all reverse thoughts being removed from our DNA. As humanity reconnects to the Creator we become awakened spiritual beings that are unlimited with all kinds of new positive possibilities running thru our hearts and minds.
Let’s cut ties that the Annunaki have for gold. We call to the mother earth to now take back all energies of gold as well as all other metals that have been taken from her. We now tap into the entire energy vortex’s that were used to take all this material off of the planet, commanding these vortexes to gently reverse themselves pulling all this energy back into the earth.  This includes all gold that was taken to other galaxies and misused. We see the mother earth pulling back all this gold energy that was used in any cloaking devices anywhere in the galaxies. We ask the mother earth to pull back all the gold energy that is in jewelry form on earth or anywhere in the galaxies from those misusing it. As this energy is returned to mother earth she goes back into Divine balance. As soon as the energy of all metals is returned to the earth all the vortexes go back to their correct spin.
We command Michael and your band of angels to cut ties to all  Annunaki/satanic symbols including the obelisk, dome, eye ,triangle (pyramid), 5 pointed star, black and white checker board squares, nazi swastika, masquerade illuminati balls including people wearing the costume masks,  black hats, the all seeing eye as well as subliminal messages that show one eye being covered, a shape of a pyramid, the sun, owl, a rainbow,  baphomet and the sign of the triple 6, peace sign next to the eye, including the devils horn sign. Violet flame the energy to neutralize and transmute all subliminal symbols and signs.
We now cut ties to  all words on the Georgia guide stones.
We now cut ties to all music creating spells and all demons attached, tying and binding the demons then send them back to the Creator filling that space up with an angel of peace.
Cancel clear all thoughts that the Annunaki/illuminati/satan have that it is their destiny to rule. We REVOKE ALL RIGHTS OF MEROVINGIAN BLOODLINE TO RULE.
We call to Michael the Arch angel to take his sword of blue flame and cut ties to all satanic/Annunaki magic around all life forms organic /inorganic including movie stars, all singers & illusion makers, the music, TV, movie, cable and radio communication fields, industries politicians, leaders, religious leaders,military personal of all ranks and all decision makers’ plants and animals worldwide.  Anyone who will sacrifice their spiritual values for power,knowledge, or material gain: a Faustian pact …This includes all skins this magic is written on no matter where Satan keeps it hidden.  As ties to all satanic black magic and pacts that were made with Satan are cut we call the violet flame to clean up all that dark energy, and then we send the Angelite energy to heal it and then fill it up with the Creators Divine love.  We COMMAND the skins and parchments to now be neutral only emitting love. I call upon the fire elemental to blaze and burn in all the vaults of Satan and every where these skins & parchments of magic are kept. Let the flame do the final cleansing. I now see all satanic vaults ethereal or in physical in flame and burning till all skins and parchments that contracts are written on are in ashes.

All trusts are hereby dissolved though the sacred trust that God has with humans to set us free.
All declarations spoken of in 1966 that declared the beginning age of Satan is now cancelled cleared and we now declare the age of Divine Enlightenment to be set into action. We also cancel clear all references to Lucifer rising and tie and bind anyone who takes on that title on earth while in physical form.
We cut all black magic satanic ties and binds Satan has placed on all life forms, souls, the planet earth going back to the time when Satan was cast out of heaven through this present time and future of our planet. The ties and binds to this energy and all souls are now cut free from your bondage. Satan/Annunaki owns no one. The people of this planet all have their very own direct link to God the Creator thus in charge of all dominion on the planet. You do not own the world, humans, nor any souls on this planet or anywhere. We can manage our own sacred trusts with the Creator ourselves.  Satan You’re FIRED! We now reconnect all these souls to the Creator helping them become awakened conscious spiritual beings.
We cut the ties to all of Satins’ trusts he setup claiming all real-estate as his then binding that in magic. We call the violet flame to clean it up; the Angelite energy to heal then we reconnect it to God. Now we Command it to be neutral to only emit love. We call forth the fire elemental to burn this magic and all it is written on to ashes. This trust is hereby dissolved by the light of God the Creator and everything that is Holy.
We cut all ties to Annunaki/Satan and all trusts that makes people slaves. We again cut the ties to this magic and the bonding of it with Annunaki/Satan. We call the violet flame thought it to clean up the energy, Angelite to heal it, then we reconnect it to the Creator, COMMANDING it to be neutral. We again call to the fire elemental to blaze though this magic till it’s cleansed by fire to ashes and dust. I see the storage vaults physical or etheric in physical flame NOW. We now see all veils and overlays over all souls being removed, allowing everyone to reconnect to their higher selves becoming awakened spiritual beings fully aware of their Divine missions and purposes.
We cut all ties with the trust called Cestui Que Vie claiming all souls to Anunaki/Satanand the Catholic Church. As these ties are cut we call the violet flame to clean it up the Angelite energy to heal, fill it up with the Creators love, now we COMMAND it to be neutral..To only emit love. I call the fire elemental to burn the skin it’s written on till in ashes. See all souls being set free again becoming awakened spiritual beings.


We cut all ties and magical contracts Annunaki/Satan had with the RomanVatican church-Empire and with Hitler, all concordats are now dissolved by the violet flame, healed in Angelite and reconnected to the Creator now becoming neutral or only emitting love. The energy of the 1st thru the 4th Reich is now dissolved.

We call to the higher selves of all beings worshiping Annunaki/Satan past, present, future to step forward in the light of God and renounce Satan, all lies, deceptions, chaos and wars you create. If you choose not to, which is your free will, I call to your Higher Self and Guardian Angel to put you all in positions of harmlessness NOW. We remove all veils, overlays you have placed on each other, cut the oaths you have taken together binding you to each other and your projects…Now removed!
For those who chose to stay with Satan…again your free will, we place you all in a bubble of mirror, the mirror facing you so any dark energy you try and send out will stay contained, and we add the violet flame to cleanse this energy so it does not gain any strength. This bubble of mirror will stay up 24/7, 365 days a year from here through eternity.It will dissolve when you choose to work in the light of the Creator and not Satan. Until then this bubble keeps you powerless.
We see humanity and all life forms becoming awakened spiritual beings with unlimited potential breaking free of the energy of slave and money. We ask the Creator that if it’s for our highest good to help us disconnect from the reptilian part of our brain activating the God brain. As people awaken they thirst for esoteric knowledge. As humans awaken we see them stop generating the emotional energy the Annunaki/reptilians demand instead sending out high love vibrations.
We imagine a change in the earth frequencies that was manufactured to shut off part of our DNA’s
multidimensional potential to be reversed to activate our Divine DNA instead. As this is done the planet and all life forms shift into Divine enlightenment.
As the veils are removed all refuse micro-chipping.
We ask the Creator to give special grace and set free all souls that have signed their souls over to satan for fame, money and power as well as the ones who have had their souls consumed by a demon after death (willingly and unwilling). As they are released we send their souls through the violet flame to transmute their energy back to light then send them back to the heart of God.  We ask the demons and satanic reptilians to stop doing this practice and if you choose not to (free will) we ask your higher self to put you in positions of harmlessness NOW!
As this is done the planet and all life forms Quantum leap into the Golden Age of Divine enlightenment.
Never the less not our will but thy will be done.
So be it !!!
Sourced from:

Pleiadian High Council of Seven ~ The New Earth

Editor’s note:  Posting as I completely resonate with the concept that nothing of this Earth interests me much and I long for something new. New places.  New foods.  New experiences.  New ways of living/experiencing/Being.  Absolutely!

Pleiadian High Council of Seven“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.”

You find yourselves in a situation now where there is much anticipation about what is to come, and many of you find that life on planet Earth as it is has little to offer you. That is actually by design. Those of you who came forth to navigate through the shift consciously and to lead others set it up for yourselves so that you would not get caught up in the game as it has been played for eons of your time.

So having little or no interest in what the world has to offer you right now is actually going to work to your advantage. The world needs dreamers. The world needs magicians. The world needs faeries, and the world needs creators. You are the visionaries. You are the ones to see beyond the illusion and to feel for the new Earth, the new reality, and the new version of yourselves.

This Earth is transforming, and all of that boredom, and angst, and lack of interest in what fascinates the masses is part of what you are using to summon forth the energy to create something new. Now if you do have an interest in the Earth as it is, and in creating a better life for yourself using that which is available to you now, it does not mean that you are not one of the ones we are speaking to now.

Even those of you who are finding life as it is to be enthralling are seeking something more. You are seeking new experiences, and the world is ready for you to create them. When you are not interested in playing the game that most of your human companions are playing, you have an even greater desire to seek out that which is within yourselves.

That desire will fuel your expansion and will give you the tools to create that you have been seeking. So if you don’t like what you see, or if you can’t find anything interesting in your world, simply close your eyes and feel for the infinite space within yourselves and the access that you have to higher-frequency energy that is waiting for you to create with it.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

Sourced from: Love has Won

The Beginning Is Near (Intel, Current Events Compilation)

By truthearth

It is becoming very obvious that we are on the brink of experiencing a grand event (The Event). I am following many sources very closely and spend most of my time researching current events and intel from various places on the web.

If you are new to The Event and would like more information, I have summarized the whole situation in a post I wrote a little while back and have created documents to print and share with reliable links to the information.Now we heard from Cobra a while back that just before the planetary breakthrough, Turkey might have been the trigger for a short but intense military escalation, which did happen in July when the positive military there attempted to take over the government. This endeavor unfortunately failed and the post-coup consequences are still being felt. However, I want to bring attention to what was written which was about the breakthrough occurring after this attempted coup.

We have also heard from Corey Goode’s information that there was going to be a big event that would get everyone’s attention. He mentioned that he wasn’t sure what it would be but an example would be something having to do with the financial system. Which is part of The Event but if we are following what’s going on with this year’s presidential election, it is anything but normal mudslinging..

Could the Alliance be using the election to deliver the truth to everyone? Is it very possible as the election concerns everyone of the world as, for the time being, the United States is a superpower and whatever happens here has big consequences in other countries and it is broadcast through almost all the mainstream media avenues. It is everywhere. So this would be a very opportune time to dump some damaging and incriminating evidence about the candidates, who are actually just pre-selected puppets by the Cabal.

We have been hearing about the internet having a killswitch where if the Alliance were to do a type of grand public data dump on the web the Cabal could just knock out service for many people in a short time if not instantly. Recently, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had garnered much excitement about his October 5th announcement outside the Ecuadorian embassy with the following tweet:

Image result for wikileaks julian tweet october surprise

The time was scheduled for 11PM where I lived and I thought that was a bit odd but just went to bed and thought I could watch it the next morning. When I went to check out what he had announced it was reported throughout the mainstream and alternative media that there was no big leak. Now, what was even more interesting was that there was a massive outage in internet service during the exact time of his speech as seen in the picture below:



Did the Alliance utilize Julian as bait to reveal the Cabal’s internet killswitch? It could be. If this was the case, it was extremely successful because we are, at the time of this writing (10/16/2016), on data dump number 9 from Wikileaks and the information contained has been totally amazing if you ask me. In case you may have missed it, there was a couple of e-mails to John Podesta from Astronaut Edgar Mitchell about the space war and wanted to find a good time to discuss disclosure and release zero point (free energy) to the public:



It is important to remember that the Alliance has to work in very intense secrecy so the Cabal does not interfere with their plans. But if you read between the lines in these events, you can spot them.

Let us also remember one of Cobra’s recent posts where he wrote the following:

“This is the last escalation of the Galactic Wars before the final liberation of our Solar System and the final removal of darkness from the Universe.”

We are seeing many commercials that feature extra-terrestrials, which is congruent with the intel that we are getting which is that there is a plan to roll out disclosure and condition society in order to be ready for when the big D happens, the big D of course, for those that don’t have a dirty mind, is Disclosure and The Event.

Just recently we had the Iraqi Transport Minister announce that their “new airport will be built on the site of a 7,000-year-old alien interplanetary spaceship launcher.”

“The atmosphere throughout Dhi Qar is positive….When the Sumerians settled here, they knew full well that the atmosphere here was suitable for flying to outer space. It was from here that the Sumerian spaceships took off towards the other planets.”

Then we have a big announcement on October 12th which was featured on The Guardian about a breakaway civilization called Asgardia. The founder Igor Ashurbeyli and a team of top scientists have asked humanity to join this new society by signing up through the website. They originally asked for 100k people but at the time of this writing the number is up to 336,472.

Igor Ashurbeyli
Igor Ashurbeyli

Igor had this to say just recently on the Asgardia website:

“In only 40 hours since I have announced the birth of the new space nation Asgardia one hundred thousand people from more than two hundred countries on Earth have applied to join.

And 4 days later we are already more than 300 000 people.

I would like to welcome and thank you personally.

Now we are continuing the registration aiming to bring together one million people. Soon we will become a member of the UN.”

Now I would like to go into this in more detail, especially about the name, Asgardia. When I read this name I got so excited! In the television show Stargate SG-1 the team meets a race of beings called the Asgard. They were responsible for the stories that we know of involving the viking, Thor. The being that the SG-1 team would have continuing encounters with was named Thor.

Image result for asgard SG1

The Asgard are a race of extremely advanced and benevolent beings which look like what we know as the Greys.

We have heard from whistle-blowers like Corey Goode that shows like Stargate SG-1 had a lot of leaked information and intel in it. This is one validation of this.

 asgard SG1
Episode from StarGate SG-1 titled ‘Disclosure’ Where the Stargate Command Team Discloses the StarGate Project to World Leaders

Recently we had an interesting executive order come out of the White House which had ordered various departments and people to begin preparations for damages that could be caused by solar weather and events:


“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events”

What we are hearing from sources like Cobra, Corey Goode and David Wilcock, is that there is going to be a grand solar event that changes our reality on a quantum level. In David’s research he discusses how over 30 different ancient cultures and texts talk about this event which is suppose to happen in the time that we are in right now. It is positive but what we hear from Corey is that the Cabal is afraid of it and has different ideas as to what it will do but they don’t want to be around when it happens which is why we are getting reports that the Cabal is pouring into their underground bunkers and bases in Antarctica.

The following is from Cobra about the coming wave/solar event:

“In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete. Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center sends a wave of highly charged physical and non-physical particles throughout the Galaxy.
This Galactic heart beat has entrained the precession of the Earth axis to align with the 26,000 year cycle.

This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings.

We are approaching a Galactic wave right now and it will culminate in the Event.

It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us based on our ability to receive them. This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible.”

The negative ETs have been trying to leave the planet as well as they know they can’t be here when this solar event takes place. But they will be🙂

Now on to the financial front of things. Cobra has already relayed to us in previous interviews that nothing very big would be happening until the The Event happens in regards to the financial system. If we follow what’s going on though, we can see that there is an obvious amount of panic and extreme distress among those working with big banks and in the stock market.

We keep hearing over and over “it’s gonna crash, anytime now!” The reason they are saying this is because one of the biggest banks in the world in Germany, Deutsche Bank, which, I might add, is supposedly the most economically responsible country in Europe, is experiencing a total meltdown and collapse. As the saying goes, if Europe sneezes, the U.S. gets a cold. And this applies to the financial system.

Deutsche Bank has hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of bad derivatives AKA bets, mostly in oil, and all it would take is for a certain amount of people to stop paying their debts and the entire system would collapse. At least, this is my understanding of how the financial system works. Since we are in a global great depression, this is exactly what’s happening. No one has any money, everyone is broke.

Recently Deutsche Bank made big headlines as they have been ordered by the Department of Justice to pay a 14 billion dollar fine which resulted in the stocks taking a dive, yet again. The CEO of course is saying that the bank is fine and that they don’t need a bail-out. Of course, the German chancellor and allegedly Hitler’s daughter Angela Merkel has publicly announced there will be no bail-out for DB. The bank really needs a bail-out and is probably doing much worse than is being admitted but the German government cannot possibly do this or they would look absolutely hypocritical as they forced Greece to pay back their debts to them during their crisis, which is actually still on-going.

Deutsche Bank has also recently announced it will be firing 10,000 workers in the coming years, but don’t worry, everything is juuuust fine.

It appears that the financial crash we are currently watching in real time is actually being guided and will continue until the final breakthrough. This is what we are hearing from various sources. There is nothing to fear as everything that is happening here is being overseen and watched by very high density beings.

Now into Geopolitics. The anti-Russian news stories being put out by the mainstream media has gotten exponentially worse and with more hate than ever before. WWIII is playing out as we speak in Syria through proxy mercenary armies and the Cabal is losing miserably with Russia and its galactic advisers working tirelessly to finish them off and the Cabal trying to take the whole world down with them.

Cobra has mentioned in his most recent update:

“Regarding current escalation of tensions between Russia and USA, Putin has received a tactical plan from the Pleiadians how to avoid a global war.”

The Cabal doesn’t know what to do with itself in Syria since Russia showed up. The U.S. recently broke off all diplomatic ties with them in a poor attempt to paint Russia as the aggressor, but as usual, Putin and his right-hand man Lavrov handled everything very diplomatically and carefully. Hilariously, John Kerry has now decided to restore ties with Russia and began talks about Syria.

stop bombing our terrorists
Meme I Created

So this is it everyone, the last stretch before duality ends forever in the Universe. We are watching it happen right now in real time. We all have front row seats to the spectacle of all spectacles. There is nothing to be afraid of. We are about to be free and I have provided much evidence to this conclusion. The Cabal is desperate as we can see by their actions on the world stage. It’s not over yet but we are closer than we have ever been. Thanks for reading and much love as always! Victory of the Light!

 Sourced from: Truth Earth

18 Signs That You’re Here to Transform Human Consciousness

For many years now, a lot of people have been talking about “The Shift,” this mysterious transformation of human consciousness that is supposedly underway.

Ever since the end of the Mayan calendar in December of 2012, New Age types tend to twitter away about the evolution of the species, the revolution of love, and other hopeful but fuzzy seeming changes in what it means to be human. I want to take a minute to help us all ground this floaty notion a bit.

See if any of this sounds familiar:

Do you have a vision of some aspect of a more beautiful world, and you know it’s your sacred purpose to help bring it into being?

Do you sense that something is out of alignment in the world, and you want to be a part of the solution?

Have you experienced a life-altering event that changed everything for you, and now you want to use that experience to help others?

Do you have an innovative idea that might make the world a better place?

Do you feel called to help others heal, transform, connect, love, create, succeed, and thrive?

Yeah, I thought so. I had a feeling you were one of us! Welcome to what my friend Martha Beck calls “The Team.” In her book Finding Your Way In A Wild New World, Martha Beck defines Team members by the following characteristics.

You may not recognize every single attribute, but if you’re a Team member, you’re likely to be nodding your head a lot as you read through these characteristics of those whose souls incarnated here on this planet right now to facilitate this mystical shift in human consciousness.

See if any of these Team traits resonate with who you are and how you feel:

A sense of having a specific mission or purpose involving a major transformation in human experience, but being unable to articulate what this change might be.

A strong sense that the mission, whatever it is, is getting closer in time.

A compulsion to master certain fields, skills, or professions, not only for career advancement but in preparation for this half-understood personal mission.

High levels of empathy; a sense of feeling what others feel.

An urgent desire to lessen or prevent suffering for humans, animals, or even plants.

Loneliness stemming from a sense of difference, despite generally high levels of social
activity. One woman summed up this feeling perfectly when she said, “Everybody likes me, but nobody’s like me.

High levels of creativity; passion for music, poetry, performance, or visual arts.

An intense love of animals, sometimes a desire to communicate with them.

Difficult early life, often with a history of abuse or childhood trauma.

Intense connection to certain types of natural environment, such as the ocean, mountains, or forest.

Resistance to orthodox religiosity, paradoxically accompanied by a strong sense of either spiritual purpose or spiritual yearning.

Love of plants and gardening, to the point of feeling empty or depressed without the chance to be among green things and/or help them grow.

Very high emotional sensitivity, often leading to predilections for anxiety, addictions, or eating disorders.

Sense of intense connection with certain cultures, languages, or geographic regions.

Disability, often brain-centered (dyslexia, retardation, autism) in oneself or a loved one.

Fascination with people who have intellectual disabilities or mental illness.

Apparently gregarious personality contrasting with a deep need for periods of solitude; a sense of being drained by social contact and withdrawing to “power up” again.

Persistent or recurring physical illness, often severe, with symptoms that fluctuate inexplicably.

Daydreams (or night dreams) about healing damaged people, creatures, or places.

You! You! You!

If you read that list (like I did) thinking “Check, check, check,” you’re definitely one of us visionary healer mender way-finders on The Team. And the world needs you to fulfill your sacred purpose — pronto!

As Martha wrote:

“If enough people start mending their true nature in the incredibly interconnected world we’re creating, the cumulative effect really could begin healing the true nature of, well, everything.”

The Karass

In my new book The Anatomy of a Calling, I wrote about Team members, but also about the “karass”, which is its own special form of Team gathering.

In Cat’s Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut writes about how God organizes the world into units which he calls a “karass.”

A karass is a unit of incarnated beings whose job it is to bring into being one of God’s holy ideas. Members of a karass all further the collective purpose seamlessly, though many never even know they are part of this karass.

Even if they never meet, they work together in harmony, in impeccable service to God’s holy idea. Everything about their lives furthers the purpose perfectly, even though they may be furthering the purpose unconsciously.

When you meet someone who is a member of your karass, even though it may make no sense to you on a human level, you will recognize them as a family member instantly. Your souls will resonate, even if you appear to have nothing in common on the human level.

This is how the Divine gets important things done in the world. Your karass is like a peaceful army that activates to bring light into the world.

Vonnegut compares the karass to its polar opposite, which he calls “The Granfalloon.” The Granfalloon is a group of people who think they are connected to each other in some way, but they have no spiritual connection whatsoever.

For example, the Harvard class of 1986 — or the Republican party — or Mets fans. They are completely unrelated to each other when it comes to their soul purpose. They may think they belong to the same tribe, but the bond is shallow, whereas the bond between members of a karass runs deep and pure.

Members of the same karass are held to their purpose like electrons around a nucleus. Some live very close to the purpose.

Some are further out. But all are held to the purpose by a spiritual magnetism. They may have never met each other, or they may be married to each other. They may work in the same field, or they may have very different careers. But their lives fit together in service to this shared spiritual purpose.

We are all here for an unknown purpose. Serving this purpose makes us feel fulfilled and enriched. But if we get seduced off purpose — by ambition, fame, money, or the ego’s grasping at comfort — our vitality gets stolen from us. When we commit to this purpose we’re here to serve, when we give ourselves to serving it with great impeccability, everything begins to fall into place.

Sourced from:

Intel & Situation Report from

Editor’s note:  As always, use discernment.  My mate and I noticed two sets of military jets Friday afternoon – in formations of 3 – fly over, heading west (we live by the pacific coast).  Something was up, that’s for sure.  This piece shares some information on that.  Also appreciated the insight into waking up with sore hips – something I have been experiencing lately enough to take notice.  



This last couple of weeks have involved MAJOR PLANETARY SHIFTS through work I have been involved in or privy to. I have received the green light to disperse this information and recommend we all celebrate in such a momentous event.

Firstly, as of Monday the veil has “officially” come down and people will begin to see the truth of who they really are. Don’t be surprised if you begin to see through archeological finds in a new way and exposure of political events.

Secondly, as of Thursday, TIME has been successfully unraveled and disentangled from the Point of Creation. Begin to notice how we are now fully stepping out of time ALTOGETHER.

As of Friday afternoon as well as Saturday morning some of you may have heard a loud sonic boom in the area of San Diego, California. My husband Steve came into my office notifying me of some sort of “explosion” having occurred. This is because TEN Stellar Galactic Ships came in through our sector to retrieve any remaining cabal members on Planet Earth. There was a final violation of all terms and agreements by Cabal Members made to stay on Planet Earth which initiated this response by Ashtar’s Allied Forces. It has been confirmed that air raid sirens went off in San Diego as well.
Nuclear missiles were activated in Montana by The Cabal in response to this event but were immediately shut down.

Also, there are confirmed reports that US bankers run by The Cabal have been closed down in foreign countries and are no longer willing to receive large bills of US currency. They will take them but do not want them.

Lastly, I would like to share some helpful information with you that has been passed down to me. IF you are waking up sore, especially in the hips and back area, COMMAND that you no longer need to go into the underworld to seek out or retrieve lost parts of yourself. Prime Creator has taken care of this for you and has all of your crystalline parts that have been stolen from you or hidden away in unknown places. Call forth 2 Guardians of 100% of Sacred Light once you fall asleep to prevent you from going into places where you will only be “beaten up” and where it is not for your Higher and Best Good. This is no longer needed.

I sincerely wish all of you a fabulous Sunday afternoon. This is truly an epoch weekend and all of us will look back at this momentous break through with nostalgic appreciation.


Most of this information comes from a trusted anonymous Source.

I love you all-


Sourced from:

10/14/16 – In Reflection of The Pain of This Week

By Katie IndiCrow, 10/14/2016

Some have noticed that I’ve been unusually quiet this week. It may seem strange because SO MUCH is going on, and so many people are facing the darkness of both themselves and their societies. Storms are happening. Lies are being exposed. Things have been incredibly brittle and yet I have had nothing to say. The reason for that, dear friends, is I’ve been working to support energy shifting through transmutation. This isn’t something I normally share with others, but the energies have been so incredibly powerful that I feel it important to table. For me, transmutation often means physically and emotionally holding the energies that I am shifting inside of my being, whatever that may be. The last week, dear friends, I have been feeling an incredible amount of sadness and pain with you. I want to acknowledge that and remind you just how important what you are going through is.

We are in rapidly shifting times, dear ones, and the ‘shake up’ of the foundations of the fear based controllers are now well underway. Some people are feeling incredibly confused, for in their hearts they feel that we should be moving forward (or ascending) whereas they see destruction, chaos, and death. Change is not always easy, dear ones, and I remind you about how you have felt (or are feeling) as you travel through the dark night of the soul in order to reach the light. I remind you that facing this darkness is an incredibly important part of healing ourselves, our societies, and Mother Earth. Feel it, face it, and then let it go. For at the same time, beautiful friends, much is being created – I will return to that in a moment.

Recent portal openings have created space for rapid energy shifting, within and without, once again. Our upcoming moon, Hurricane Matthew, and events like the US election and Dakota Pipeline have drawn out deep seeded, long buried pain in many of us. It is with this pain that I have been sitting for the last week, and it is to those of you who are feeling it that I speak directly now. As I’ve gone into the pain space with my soul these past days, I have felt the betrayals and disappointments that so many of you are experiencing to my very core. You are seeing the extreme fragility of the political and economic systems, the bold faced lies and manipulation that have been running many of your societies for so long. You’re asking yourselves how you could have been so duped and you are going through an incredible range of emotions like shock, rage, and embarrassment. I have felt you feel helpless, hopeless, and like you’ve had enough. I have felt your shame, self hatred, and your struggle with drugs and alcohol. I want you to know that all of this self-realness is not for nothing. Rather, what you are moving through right now is incredibly important in the process we refer to as ascension.

So what are you doing when you are allowing yourselves to feel all this, dear friends? You are allowing yourself to begin to heal the things that have been holding you – and us – back. As shamanic principles show, in facing our darkness we bring it to light. In admitting we were wrong or we were duped, or that this system is broken and we need a new one you are getting to the truth. Your truth. OUR truth. I also want to remind you that there are others like me who do transmutation this way – many. Although you may not know us and we may not know you, we feel you, we Love you and we are HERE WITH YOU. So are your guides, ancestors, spirit animals, angels, ets and the list goes on. The notion of aloneness is an illusion, one that we will all see through more powerfully soon.

It is easy to fall into the false truth that we are entering into the dark ages of humanity. I ask you dear friends, to touch into that hope space in your heart that knows that we CAN do better than this and allow it to guide you. We are certainly in the thick of things. Don’t give up now.

Love always,

Katie IndiCrow

Katie IndiCrow is a teacher, gridworker, energy aligner, and writer. See her page, IndiCrow Energetics for a list of current offerings and more of her work:

Sourced from:


Editor’s note:  This past year, my mate and I have had a very similar dream where we were in this massive structure that was shaped like a mountain.  It was literally like the center of a beautiful crystal-like mountain had been carved out on the inside.  There were waterfalls and natural light came in from the top.  In the center was this massive, wooden table that ran the length of the particular section we were in.  There were about 50 people inside – all human/humanoid looking.  With the exception of my mate and child, I knew no one.  But the feeling of friendship and celebration was quite wonderful.  My mate had a very similar dream weeks later.  

Researcher believes Inner Earth Civilizations will soon reveal themselves to the World. In a new interview by Coast to Coast AM, author and researcher David Wilcock said that an alliance of ancient civilizations is living inside our planet. Wilcock says that according to his research, it seems that these cavities are utilized so that advanced civilizations have a place they can live while looking out for everything that happens on the ‘outer Earth’, the surface of our planet. These inner earth civilizations have been calling the inner Earth their home for extensive periods of time and they are about the reveal themselves to the world. Wilcock believes that the US government knows of their presence due to accidentally discovering them via undercover projects building secret underground bases. “I think we are going to find out that underground bases are much more extensive than we thought and much more ancient,” Wilcock said.

Sourced from: Disclose TV