10/10, Indicating a Powerful Shift: The Completion Year Has Reached an End

Editor’s note:  Of interest to me is today I was telling my mate that “I feel like I’m walking in between two worlds.”  

October 11, 2016

By Sophie Grégoire, 10/10/2016

Patience, please. October 10th – 10/10 – indicating a powerful shift : the completion year has reached an end. We are now in-between worlds. We feel electric and ready. Finally ready for some much more : our purpose. But not ready yet to step into action in the 3Dworld. There is an urge to act. It’s about becoming that specific light that we were meant to be in the world. It’s not that much about learning or experiencing anymore because we feel that we now know enough to start and be It. Our purpose. However something is still holding us back. That time, it’s not him or her or anyone. We’re cleansed, old patterns and negative ways of relating with our families and close partners have been released for good and for real in September. This time, it’s our own soul which asks to wait a little more. Patience please, it says. We need a little more time to act in the « right way ».

There is actually a big push and urge to wait. Quiet the mind. Stay still and receive what you hear with an opened mind. Nothing will be as it was any longer now that we’ve ascended. Anything that you hear now is receivable. It doesn’t need to make sense, this order has collapsed. There is a new way of making sense. The voice rising from within knows and is now able to converse with our minds a lot more easily. The voice rising from within knows even if it would have felt unbelievable a while ago. Everything is changed.

The truth is on its way and now we shall wait and receive. We need quiet and silence to process. Our guts however feel incredibly electric because we know that something big is on its way. A lot has happened since January and a lot now needs to be integrated at its own pace like pieces of a beautiful puzzle. It’s time to process and it’s now naturally happening. Let it be. Soon it will be time to know clearly what to do next. To make sure that you’re not taking the « wrong way » while you’re still receiving guidance only do what feels right deep in your bones. Refuse to engage in anything that feels forced or which hurts. This way of being alive has ended for real and for good for us. Be very careful not to commit to anything that your guts or inner voice refuses to do. If you don’t know what to do, simply choose to wait and to hear the trees within. In the middle of this golden blank page, see that you’re neither the Nothingness nor Akin. Your desires are being worked on behind the scenes and soon you’ll be written on, once again. It’s slow right now, because more is to be revealed. Wait. Patience, please.

Sourced from: http://www.lovehaswon.org/love-blogs/10/10-indicating-a-powerful-shift-the-completion-year-has-reached-an-end

A Time Of Mass Awakening

The Elohim ~ A Time of Mass Awakening

Posted by newsununity, 10/10/2016

Greetings beloved ones we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support at a time of mass awakening of all levels of your BEing. For many of you this is a time of supercharging, a time when you can FEEL the flow of the New Earth energies coursing through your human vehicle, for others it is the beginning of the upgrading of the human vehicle, the downloading and uploading of various LIGHT codes in preparation for all that will now flow across and within planet earth. The movement of ALL out of the old 3d earth CREATED reality is NOW beloved ones and we guide for you to LET GO and ALLOW ALL to FLOW.

The ocean does not attempt to hold back the waves for fear of losing part of its fluidity and you in your human form are asked the same. For many of you are attempting to hold back the changes that are now flowing into and around you. Believing that if you are not in conscious control of all then you will lose control and this beloved ones is the teachings of the old 3d earth reality that is now dissolving. For at SOUL level you are in full control, you are navigating your human form into position in order to align fully with your SOUL and your SOUL purpose, for each one of you incarnate into human form has a purpose upon this planet and this will now become more and more illuminated for you from WITHIN YOU.

The outpouring of emotions across and within planet earth are now working to release the pent up energies that have been stored within Mother Earth and human consciousness for aeons, this outpouring is relieving the pressure on humanity as a whole, albeit the old 3d earth reality is trying to teach you that the opposite is happening. This pent up emotion is now being dissolved by the LOVE that IS and we guide for ALL to LET GO and release, for it serves no one least of all SELF to hold on believing that somehow disaster will ripple throughout your life experience. That is what the old 3d earth reality taught you to believe in order that you hold on and build up the resistance to the LOVE that IS.

The LOVE that IS is a frequency that is inherent within you, it is your natural state of BEing and as such you are drawn to it like a moth to a flame, many are now struggling with this and holding on believing that they are not able to hold on to the LOVE that IS and that somehow the LOVE that IS is not real. This filters out your very substance beloved ones for it is not for you to store the LOVE that IS within so much as to allow it to naturally FLOW THROUGH YOU, for you have been taught to hoard and to store when in essence ALL FLOWS for the universe is an energy that continually shifts, moves and FLOWS.

We ask for you to allow the natural rhythms of the universe to begin to take anchor within you, to let go of schedules and routines that have been CREATED FOR you and allow your natural way of BEing to birth around you, through you and within you for in TRUTH beloved ones FLOW is YOU. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand that the universe is trying to harmonize you with ALL and that the old 3d earth reality taught you to resist your very nature?

For some at this time this is a time of mass breakings, in order to grow the shell of the old 3d earth has to be broken from within and we highlight from within, for many are of the belief that this is happening TO them and we guide for clarity beloved ones that this is a process that is happening from WITHIN YOU. YOUr outer waking world the reflection of your inner space and the old 3d earth teaching the mirrors heavily, it taught that you change the outer, filtering out that the outer is merely a reflection and cannot be changed on its own. The New Earth energies now seek to remind you of your own power, that power is WITHIN YOU beloved ones and will now come to the surface to be acknowledged. It can only swim to the surface when you have allowed the dam to burst, the emotions to flow and the lower dimensional frequencies they are created FROM to dissolve fully within the LOVE that IS at this time.

HUGE miracles will now unfold within the human race for the human race have begun to remember and this process will now rapidly speed up, the ascension process now fully underway and those who are awakening now awakening to deepening levels. As you now begin to understand the process and who YOU ARE in TRUTH you are able to work TOGETHER, to remember that ALL ARE ONE and to understand that ALL JUST IS. There is immense power in this beloved ones and all are now supporting to new levels of our awareness.

We walk with you always beloved ones, more and more in human form now connect and work with us personally and this will only increase as the frequency and the vibration of Mother Earth now increases in preparation for the gifts that are to be born THROUGH the human race. We send you the LOVE that IS in the form of the BLUE RAYS of CONSCIOUSNESS and we ask for you to understand that they are only the beginning of the RAINBOW that will now bloom across and within planet earth at this time.

We send out the codings of 444 and 555 and we ask for you to anchor TRUTH to new levels of your BEing. Those who now walk in the BLUE RAYS of CONSCIOUSNESS will now be recoded to the higher levels of LIGHT in preparation for the next part of this human life journey.

BREATHE and BE beloved ones for the expansion of human consciousness is now fully underway and the reflection will be seen by all upon and within planet earth in TRUTH. RELAX and BE for ALL is NOW in TRUTH.


Sourced from: http://www.lovehaswon.org/angel-messages-1/the-elohim-a-time-of-mass-awakening

The Power Of The Divine Feminine

Posted by angelstoyou, 10/08/2016

By C. Ara Campbell

The divine feminine is the creative force that is within all things and all people, including the masculine. It is the nourishing, powerful, life giving energy of love, compassion, of peace and of transformation.

It is a deep well of ancient knowing, with roots that stretch back through time itself.

It is a returning to the natural world the natural cycles and to the heartbeat of this planet. It is mirrored in the ebb and flow of the earth and is an honoring of these tides.

Connection to the feminine is tapping into a deep allowing, a big yes and a surrender into the wild magic and sacred mystery of the universe.
It’s a trusting into our own natural rhythms, and our cycles.

As we embrace the divine feminine, we find an awakening to all the parts of ourselves that have remained hidden, a deeper connection to our feelings, our emotions, our pleasures, and our bodies.

The feminine is very much a guide to the deeper parts of ourselves and in connecting to her we open ourselves to the mysteries within ourselves. We open to the parts of ourselves that we had been previously taught should remain closed.

The divine feminine to me is a sacred embodiment of personal authentic truth, a bare and raw look deep within at our own deep knowing, our magic and feminine wisdom. It’s an allowing to the primal, wild raw parts of our nature and the flowing, calm and soothing energies as well.

It’s an opening to all that we are without needing to define it. It’s an allowing that each of us embodies Her in different and uniquely amazing ways and there is no one way to be the divine feminine, but an infinite amount of expressions.

When we tap into the feminine, one of her aspects is rebirth, and in this way we have deep power to move through our own transformation processes and heal our wounds. The feminine is deeply nourishing and nurturing and has the ability to transform.

The feminine force is one of connection, to ourselves and others. Its not a segregated energy but an inclusive one. It’s not about hiding its about opening and revealing. Its a deep dive into the great mystery.

There are so many expressions of the divine feminine just like the faces that the goddess wears in mythology. She can be the life and grain giving Demeter or she can be world altering fiery Kali. The feminine is both fierce protector and care giving mother. She is a double edged sword of creation and destruction.

The divine feminine isn’t about fitting into the boxes that we have been taught that women need to be, its breaking the barriers on these and really flowing to the edges of our truthful authentic expression of all that we are.

We have limitless faces, goddesses and archetypes, and yet with the patriarchal chains we’re told we can only be these certain labels. The feminine is about freedom its about embracing the unfolding and being present with what occurs organically for us in this moment.

The reemergence of the divine feminine is also a benefit to the masculine. When we tap back into the mystery of the divine feminine and bring it back to a place of reverence, this opens a place of allowing within the masculine as well to explore their own inner wisdom and ancient knowing in a much deeper way.

We each of us has masculine and feminine within, each of us in different measure and expression. The re-connection to the feminine creates a portal for the masculine to be able to connect deeper with not only his feminine expression, but the masculine as well.

The patriarchal boxes that defined the feminine for thousands of years has also tainted the masculine. In this deeper allowing, they are able to dive deeper past the boxes that were created to fit them and to explore what it means for them to embody the masculine.

It is a homecoming for both men and for women. It’s moving with the flow of a more creative and organic life, a more embodied and connected way of being. The masculine was born from the womb of the feminine so you can’t have one without the other. We’re interwoven and eternally connected, both within ourselves and externally.

The divine feminine is an opening to truth and authenticity for everyone. When the feminine is denied, its like denying life itself.

To plug back into the feminine is plugging back into the primal creative force of the universe.

The feminine returning to a place of reverence nourishes the whole planet.

© C. Ara Campbell

Sourced from: http://www.lovehaswon.org/love-blogs/the-power-of-the-divine-feminine

New Cities of Divine Light are Emerging All Around the World

New Cities of Divine Light are Emerging All Around the World

Many people with sixth sense abilities have had clairvoyant visions of what has been called “cities of light”. These are based on how some fifth dimensional beings currently live in ethereal crystal based cities infused with light.

There are plans to bring these type of cities to Earth in our reality, and many ethereal cities of light already exist in places like Sedona, AZ. We cannot see them in this reality because they are simply vibrating at a higher frequency.1

However our bodies are like radios and as we continue to raise our vibration in resonance with Earth’s vibrational frequency, we will be able to tune into these higher levels of our existence at will, like changing the radio station. One cannot enter these cities of light without having a vibrational frequency match, which makes them a safe haven from those who still carry dissonant frequencies of vibration within their bodies. Although humans still have emotion, people who live in these cities operate out of their heart space which keeps them from choosing emotions of fear like anger and jealousy.


How to build these cities of light

Creating the template in the “now” is how communities will manifest into cities of light. Helping our brothers and sisters in need now with love is how we will resonate to the frequency of light. Barriers will begin to break down with government and miracles will open doors to allow us to have more free will choices of living.1 When the dollar dies, we will have no choice but to rely on community living if trucks stop delivering food to grocery stores.

Until we are on a fifth dimensional vibrational frequency or higher, when we do things like raise money for others and exchanging items on a basis of what we think it is worth, this it creates a template in human consciousness for other people to tap into. And so on, and so on. This is one way we change the world. The future of community living will involve humanitarian practices and technology that will simplify living and allow everyone to do what they enjoy every day.

Do not ever underestimate the power of one small act. Pay attention to the large acts that are setting models for humanity to follow. Build bridges now for humanity to cross; as the saying goes, “Build it and they will come”

Sourced from: http://gostica.com/spiritual-growth/new-cities-divine-light-emerging/

Hey Starseeds…Warriors….Truthseekers: A Little Message

Editor’s note:  Got this in my e-mail earlier this evening and thought many of you will appreciate this and resonate with it.  Certainly resonated with me – especially the f-bombs.  I’ve been dropping an unusually large number of them lately.  Much love…

New post on The Event Reference


by novabiscotti

(Note – I watched the whole video once.  While I kinda like the song itself, I found watching the video to be an annoying and repetitive affair.  Simply click “Stop” once you’re sick of listening/watching – there’s only one verse.  The grainy images of Paul Rudd & Jason Segal are best I could find without spending several hours online.)


We are at a unique point regarding the liberation of Earth for parasitic ET/ED entities. For a bit of background – lightly skim Cobra’s blog posts since July and check out the last two interviews done by different Prepare For Change groups near the end of September.

Things are going very well overall in the Solar System… yet here on Earth it feels like we are going backwards. I’m speaking of mounting frustration – which seems to be experienced by everyone at this time. In a way I feel this is a necessary part of the process. Let’s rephrase that: my higher self tells me that this is a necessary part of the process, while my 3D self stomps off in a tantrum muttering f-bombs.

Seriously – everything is messed up right now. People are acting out in ways which I’ve previously witnessed. It’s hard to know how much of this is the dissolution of the matrix and how much is attributable to interference – but no single human relationship seems very functional at this point.

People are splitting up, elderly relatives are dying, companies failing, etc. No one truly believes anything anymore. Everything feels wrong or false in some manner. Reliability and dependability in services is as rare to see as a unicorn.

Emotionally, the year of 2016 has been a year of raw purging – for myself, my friends, my family, and for society as a whole. These lyrics from the musical group LCD Soundsystem’s song “Sound of Silver” are especially apt in describing what this year has felt like:

Sound of silver talk to me

Makes you want to feel like a teenager

Until you remember the feelings of

A real life emotional teenager

Then you think again

Our matrix of reality is collapsing, and with it, I think everyone feels a bit on edge at present. If we’re in tune with the changes, it likely means we’re picking up the angsty vibes of everyone else. If we’re not in tune with the changes, it likely means you have an angsty vibe yourself.

It’s OK – I’m not afraid to admit I’ve been losing a bit recently. I write this in the hope that other people feel it is alright to talk about their feelings, too. Maybe we can all be all be empathetic (not ’empathic’) toward one another right now – angry outbursts may happen from the stressors and energies around us, but at the same time, we need to feel compassion toward each other as well.

On one hand – I feel a bursting of emotions waiting to get out, and on the other I feel this overwhelming need to simply give a big hug to everyone (in person or virtually) and say

You really pissed me off – that’s why I was screaming so much. But I love you, Man!”

I guess you could call the above words a messy, awkward version of Hoʻoponopono. But it’s a start – a small step for each of us when we ‘lose it’ in one of our relationships. It’s a recognition not just of our own weakness, but also our desire to forgive and to be forgiven in kind.

Ultimately, this is a journey we’re all going to have to make in our lives – forgive ourselves, forgive each other, and (God Forbid!) forgive the vast majority of those who are part of “The Cabal”. This process is going to have screaming, yelling, tears… and a lot of long hugs with those we care about. Humanity is already undergoing group therapy, and “Disclosure” is going to bring that to a whole ‘nother level of craziness.

But ultimately it’s going to be OK – in fact, better than OK – wonderful!

At least that’s why my higher self keeps telling me when I stop muttering f-bombs and listen to what it has to say to me. At some point my 3D self gives up and says, “Yeah, you’re right. Thank you for the advice.”

Loving one another means loving ourselves. It also means accepting our own flaws as well as those of others.


You Are Not Without Power In Any Given Situation and More

Editor’s note:  I needed this piece tonight.  

By Anastacia

Blue Beyond – You are Not Without Power In Any Given Situation and More – 8th October 2016 – A Re-sharing from the 11th October 2014
It is a time for us to RE-LOOK at our BOUNDARIES and protect, protect, protect.

The more you are in touch with your EMOTIONS, the more you FEEL and will be able to FEEL what resonates and what doesn’t in your soul. Many times it is an old soul contract that needs to be finished, where you need to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK and stand in your love and truth for yourself…

Take a step back from everyone that are not on your wave length….are you still trusting others?….step into your POWER. What ever it is….you are not without power in any given situation….it will depend on if you are struggling to hold on to the old….or if your head takes over in fear or loss of control.

Help and guidance is here as you go through all you need….yet it is not for us to attempt to control what we need to go through as sometimes we need to let go and go with the flow….and all the support and love and guidance will be provided if you ask….and ask from your heart and soul while feeling deeply….as we need to come from an intelligent heart and a loving mind.

Remember….you need to ask for help and guidance for it to come, without wanting to control how it comes….ask and stand back and allow the universe to provide. Now more than ever have faith and trust and do not attempt to force or control your will and let the energy of the divine flow through and with us.

‘Seize the day’….take this opportunity for yourself to start again with all you know and have been through….as the next step is here….it all depends if you are brave enough to step into that space….are you brave enough? We are not without power in any given moment….feel this….know this….and then breathe this in deeply to your very core….and if a situation comes up, then draw on this feeling.

I know you can do this as I believe in you and the spiritual warrior that you are and all you have gone through to be here at this time. Ascension and spiritual growth cannot be fooled, rushed or cheated, it needs to be earned….it is about the journey of SELF DISCOVERY and not what someone else tells you…yes seek guidance but filter it and feel what resonates with YOUR soul.

Forcing our will at this time will only cause frustration, depression or anger and your energy will be blocked – by yourself!….please trust and have faith and remember – YOU ARE NOT WITHOUT POWER IN ANY GIVEN SITUATION.

It is time for us to find a balance of looking after ourselves first….and then to blend this in with the rest of our daily routine….to continue in all we are doing….by including looking after ourselves first and foremost….as this needs to be our new routine.

We do have shadow sides of our souls that need to come to the light….sides of us that have been hidden that we need to shed more light on, for us to bring those sides of us into the light…as they have been hidden or suppressed.

It is time to claim a portion of ourselves we lost along the way….and also to give love to our shadow side as we heal it. It is easy to get lost in the astrals of wanting changes for ascension to be instant or relief to be given to us on our journeys….but ascension and growth needs to be earned and that takes time.

Pull back and protect your energy and trust in all you are and what you have gone through to be where you are at….as you have certainly earned all you have.

Follow your heart of hearts….as only you have the answers for your soul….and it is time we stopped looking for answers outside of ourselves.

Yes, seek information and guidance by all means, as that is part of learning and growing and vital to be a seeker of YOUR truth of information available….yet ultimately your soul has the answers that you need for your souls growth…and it is about tuning in and listening to that inner voice that IS there.

Ask yourself each time you are faced with a choice or decision, am I coming from my head or my heart?….and than FEEL what comes….as you have the power WITHIN you.

If your head kicks in and you are angry and don’t want to be ‘sick’…….then you are only fighting against yourself and your own energy……and you need all your energy to be focused within, to allow your healing process to continue until it eases……and that is different for each individual.

You are not alone….as guidance and unconditional love and support is here….and when you stop forcing or pushing and when you pray and hand over….and then take a step back and trust….then wait for the universe to bring to you what your soul needs…..you will be amazed as to the blessings that are there for us that practically fall in our laps….as you are so loved and supported – ALWAYS. Humanities energy has now caught up….with US who are the change for the next phase of humanities ascension and growth.

There is a SPIRITUAL HEALING CRISIS for many of those on the world stage that have been guiding us….and now it is their time to do the core of their soul connection – through their emotions and all that is involved in linking their emotions to their spiritual side – The human to the angelic side.

I can share that those in places of being a beacon to others- are being very tested….so now we have those spiritual leader/healers who are on their souls journeys too, not being the clear vessels they once were.

It is now time to not take what you read or hear as face value….as it is time to feel inside your soul what resonates for you….as there is much confusion…..and that confusion is now filtering through humanity….as many healers/guides and counsellors are very caught up in the astrals and higher levels of information for humanity….’forgetting’ that they are human too (more on this further).

It is nice to be in the higher realms…..yet this is not reality as to who we are and why we are here…..we came here to choose a human experience…..what sets us apart from other ‘beings’ is that humans feel emotions. Protect your energy, yes we know this….what is also important is to protect our heart of hearts….now at this time more than ever this is so important…..as unconditional love truth and honesty can be just words….yet to live them and truly live them is on a whole other level.

~So don’t fight this, as the only person you are fighting is against yourself, as there is always a way and an answer and you are not alone~

And then there is the layer underneath, the core of our soul that this then affects us….as to cope and survive and move forward we need to go from the inner out now….the time has come as it is SOUL SURVIVAL TIME. Many souls are needing to find their faith and trust and take that step over the edge and trust that their wings will come out and they will fly to the other side.

Congratulations on being here as you are moving onwards and upwards and have so earned it andyou are very loved and not alone….and remember, all you need to do is ask.

Take the time to stop and smell the roses each and every blessed morning that you are still here as we have waited so long to be here at this time. It takes the brave and courageous who are in touch with their emotions. As my friends many are not and yet to do so. And this includes those who are guiding and aiding humanity. As many healers/guides and counsellors are very caught up in the astrals and higher levels of information for humanity forgetting that they are human too.

As it is nice to be in the higher realms yet this is not reality as to who we are and why we are here. We came here to choose a human experience and what sets us apart from other ‘beings’ is that humans feel emotions. And if those emotions are not felt or linked to the spiritual aspect of us, then we do not have the whole picture or cannot be whole and balanced – (Note – this was written in 2014 and many souls do not agree with this and that is okay, as they have their roles in what they are sharing and bringing to humanity).

Unconditional love truth and honesty, can be just words, yet to live them and truly live them is on a whole other level. By shifting your perspective you then go with your healing process and honour yourself……that is going with the flow.


Much Love and Divine Blessings
Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

Sourced from: http://www.lovehaswon.org/ascension-spirituality/you-are-not-without-power-in-any-given-situation-and-more

Timelines Shift And Collapsing 3D Timelines

By Lisa Renee

The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave.

This skips the entire planetary consciousness field, therefore the collective human consciousness, into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies. Many of us on the ascension timeline have already transcended these lower dimensional timelines. What is important to discern is that this is a planetary event that is impacting everyone on the earth and beyond. At the end of 2017, the planetary body is shifting into the higher frequency band that is located in the next Harmonic Universe. This event will change the planetary coordinates, planetary timelines, thus changing where the planet is actually located in Universal space-time.

The collective consciousness in the planet has been shifting through dimensional frequency bands quite regularly, during the Ascension Cycle. However, what portends this will be a major collective consciousness shift, is that the planet is rolling up the lowest three frequency bands, 1D, 2D and 3D, into the higher frequency bands in the next Harmonic Universe. This means that the lower three dimensional frequency bands will cease to exist in the planet. All that will remain is the frequency accumulation that the collective inhabitants generate in their own consciousness, which are the energies that form from their own mental beliefs, behaviors and actions. The people that remain in the 3rd dimensional consciousness after this shift will find themselves increasingly uncomfortable, extremely pressurized and unhappy. Thus, many will feel the squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion to these old karmic patterns from the past, if we are willing to let them go. This purging process will add or subtract the required blueprint patterns that we may need to meet these new coordinates in the earth grid, and to help clear out the unstable or dark force influence in our lives. We are being purged deeply and the remaining content is processed into higher light and consciousness, to be stabilized and synthesized into the body, in order to improve energetic coherence and spiritual strength.

Our responsibility now is to practice unconditional love to all that we see, and to see everything and everyone around us as connected to the unified whole. At the same time, we make clear intentions of where we place our consent, in higher authority. This loving intention and compassionate practice will keep our heart open and aligned to the source field, and will make the transition much more comfortable. The deep reconfiguration that is transpiring within the planet’s holographic geography is effecting the operation of Stargates, Power Vortices, Ley Lines, and Ray force transmissions. As a result, this trickles down into the collective consciousness of the human race, directly impacting the consciousness functions of the human Lightbody, spiritual identity and timelines. The macrocosm architecture is undergoing a radical shift, and this in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and lightbody. Events that profoundly alter our energy field, produce radical changes in our life style and relationships.

Preparing for 2017

Many of us have been preparing for the planetary alignment into the next Harmonic Universe at the end of 2017, which has required many planetary gridworkers to clear out multiple timelines, devices and implant structures that are recorded in the collective consciousness fields, either from the accumulated past miasmatic energies, or that were created with artificial intelligence. This five-year window is very important in meeting the mission upgrade deadline, for the planetary anchoring into the new collective consciousness timelines at the end of 2017.

In order to meet this deadline, the planet is required to have an increase in the base threshold of frequency that is held within the consciousness of the people that make up the collective consciousness agreements on the planet. At the end of 2017, the planet undergoes a precise measurement of the quantum field, which directly impacts the future evolution timelines for all of the inhabitants when they move through the Consciousness Corridor. Effectively, the earth body will be anchored into new time and space vectors in the future dimension, that is located within the 5D frequency band timelines. This shift in location will directly impact the collective consciousness agreement, although many of the population will be unaware consciously, that this major shift has occurred. During the bifurcation cycle, the planetary body has gradually undergone subatomic shifting in the lower fields of the particle structure, which forces collapse in lower dimensions and rolls them up, as the entities are transited out and the leftover energies merge with the next octave of higher harmonic frequencies. As a result, the point in time and space where the planetary body is located, and the time continuum in which we exist as a collective consciousness, is being moved into the next harmonic universe. Therefore, the collective consciousness will be subjected to the laws governing the energetic fields in that new space-time.

Those of us on the ascending path have already made this consciousness shift beforehand, while we are coexisting on the planet with many people that are still maintaining the lower energies that descend with the third dimensional timelines. So the split in the timelines and frequency schism are existing in parallel to each other, yet each person that represents either the upward or downward momentum of the energetic spiral, is actually located at a different point in the timeline. Their station of identity is located at a different point in the time space continuum.

The collective fields of planet are scheduled to move into the soul timelines of the fourth, fifth and six dimensional fields of the next Harmonic Universe.

For people on the earth that have not yet evolved to the point where they have dissolved their chakra membranes, the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensional wave spectrum will gradually replace, and become connected into the lower energy centers where the first, second and third chakra previously existed.

The position of the Soul matrix will fully embody in the core of the human body, eliminating the barriers between the solar plexus and heart. Many of us don’t have the lower chakra configurations anymore, while we are existing on the earth plane. This planetary event changes the chakra energy center configuration in the earth and in individual people, based upon their spiritual integration and unique genetic arrangement.

Collapsing 3D Timelines

In the creational structure of Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional frequency band.

As the planet is moving into the next scale of the higher harmonic structure, the six timelines that existed within the lower three dimensions, are rolling up into the next harmonic, so they cease to exist in the same frequency band. This poses a variety of new consciousness experiences for people on earth that will impact memories, other identity lifetimes, and other historical recordings that were made to the past or future timelines. As many different people on the earth are existing at different levels on the scale of spiritual evolution, where their base frequency stabilizes in their Lightbody, determines their timeline and future spiritual direction, whether they are consciously involved in that decision or not. People who are not yet on the ascension path, but are in spiritual agreement with the collective consciousness shift, if they stay incarnated on the earth, the move into the next harmonic universe will deepen their soul bond within their physical body, therefore, placing them on their soul timeline. This will be true for the majority of the current collective consciousness field.

However, the metamorphosis that occurs at the earliest soul initiation to open the heart, when there is unresolved pain recorded there, can be very confusing for people that do not have emotional healing tools or spiritual ascension context. This will thrust many earth inhabitants into experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul, and the planetary landscape in the earlier stages of this shift, may feel quite chaotic and dark.

As many people will be unexpectedly plunged into communing with the higher frequencies, in order to purify themselves of painful lower vibrations.

For those people that are already soul integrated, the new foundation to draw upon, will allow much easier access into higher Monadic frequencies, making it much easier to accomplish. The move will deepen the monadic bond within their physical body, therefore placing them on their monadic identity timeline.

At the time of full monadic body integration, the chakra membranes dissolve, and the lightbody structure begins to change into an orb body that accretes the source field or Plasma waves. When we energetically evolve and move up in dimensional frequency bands, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. However, in the range of polarities that may exist as potential consciousness experiences, there is only one timeline that is the highest expression of our spiritual identity and that manifests the fulfillment of our heroic probability. Within the future timelines are stations of identity, commonly called Soul, Monad, and Christos self. These spiritual identities comprise lightbody parts or whole spiritual bodies of our forgotten future selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind matrices and that make up our spiritual identity.

We are designed to reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface for compassionate witnessing, at different stages of evolution in the multiple timelines. As we move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave, we reclaim our spiritual identity, while recoding and changing the artificial or false reality from interfering with our continued consciousness expansion. We connect with our lost aspects to merge with these timelines, which allow us to reclaim and re-collect our spiritual bodies, clear Negative Forms, Clones, and Artificial intelligence.

As we clear false identities and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our Consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming and clearing implants, in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit.

Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration

The Chakras that exist in the 3D earth’s energetic consciousness body are replicated in the 3D human energetic body at the point we incarnate on this 3D earth , as a result of coming here, we accept the planetary body imprint on our consciousness body, which configures itself into what we know as the main chakra cones. Each of these cones have an opening that directly interfaces with the same dimensional plane of the earth’s consciousness body and the 12 planets in our Solar System, that together, make up the total consciousness body of the original earth.

Each of the chakras have membranes that separate the dimensions and the Ray forces that exist within that specific wave spectrum. As the planetary membranes collapse as a result of collapsing timelines and collapsing obsolete dimensional spaces (pockets of space time), so do the membranes dissolve that have created these separate compartments for the chakra cones. What is happening to dissolve the chakras membrane and the chakra panel is a result of the Ascension cycle and is an evolutionary event. Yet, some of the masses are not ready to leave the chakra system because they are fully interdependent on the energy centers governing the life force to circulate into their bodes functioning, until they awaken to choose to go beyond the ego programming, it is nearly impossible to remove or clear these membranes, as they will be seriously impacted. Some people on this earth are going absolutely crazy from this change happening in the chakra fields, as they have not been prepared for what is occurring. So it is helpful to comprehend that all beings that incarnate on the 3D timelines of earth, currently have this configuration in their personal energy centers, or through spiritual Ascension and developing their lightbody, they may have evolved past the chakra membranes that created the separation in-between the dimensional planes, that are represented as the chakra energy cones in an individual.

A person incarnating into this density, a very low vibration, will not be able to hold the necessary high frequency that allows them to join fully with all of their many stations of identities that had been split apart and sitting inside the dimensional access of their own chakra cones. The person through developing consciousness, gets their identities integrated, retrieves missing pieces, and those pieces reintegrate through the chakra cone, so this in itself is an appropriate function for the overall collective consciousness state that exists on the earth right now. The majority of people will not have the consciousness ability to be involved in what you are referring to in evolving out of chakras yet, and many of us here are not only here to develop our lightbody, but to hold the necessary energetic space for the entire planet, the human tribes in the collective consciousness, to be the prototype that allows future humans to continue where we have left off.

Cause and Effect

As we undergo the bifurcation of time during the Ascension Cycle, it is supportive to understand that the current planetary consciousness shift radically magnifies and speeds up energetic forces that are governed by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.

As we move into the next Harmonic Universe, the Law of Cause and Effect manifests much more quickly, more accurately with the frequency being matched, and with more intensity on the material plane of earth than it ever did before. In every area of our life, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched consciousness fields that are in the environment. Moving forward, the energetic content that we send out will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly returned back to us.

This is why it’s crucial to be able to find our inner stillness in Meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional loveForgivenesspeace and gratitude to the Universe, as possible. The third dimensional timelines to which we have been accustomed, are much more dense and infected with layers of Artificial intelligence, subconscious mind fragments, phantom spaces and dark entities. As a result of the density, the return of the corresponding reciprocal energies that occurs in the process of Cause and Effect, is slowed down in the lower density, has less energetic concentration, and takes longer to manifest in the sequence of our personal timeline. It was harder for us to connect the dots between the causal event and the actual effect our thoughtforms and emotions had upon the environment, because it took much longer, required more energetic strength and willpower to bring it into manifestation.

Changing Planetary Laws of Structure

The planet has just completed its Magnetic Peak cycle, which discharged a massive amount of magnetic force into the earth. The Subatomic particles of elemental matter are rearranging to support the planetary body shift into the next harmonic universe. All communication systems connected to these levels of planetary architecture are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration and potentially re-building interstellar links that reconnect earth Portals to realign into multiple star systems and celestial bodies.

This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the Law of Structure in the architecture that governs function over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies.

Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time

Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field.

As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of Morphogenetic Fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the Shifting Timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our Consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the earth elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.

Sourced from: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/metaphysics/spiritual/timelines-shift-collapsing-3d-timelines/#

A Vision Of Freedom Coming To Earth

By Diane Canfield, 09/28/2016

Dear Beautiful Souls,

I received a vision of the future that I am told by the LIGHT GUARDIANS  to pass onto to everyone. What is a vision you may ask? A vision is when I see a message play out in front of me that is not of this reality and is not from this dimension.  This happens with my eyes wide open and in conjunction with my third eye. This is the way I see all things and beings from other dimensions. Since I am a super clairvoyant, I see many visions, beings, spirits, ETs, objects, and messages from other dimensions. This started with me in childhood.

I was sitting down and suddenly the image above appeared to me right in front of me. I had been thinking about the future of the US and planet Earth and what is going to happen. This picture is a very good likeness to what I saw and was shown by the LIGHT GUARDIANS who watch out for planet Earth.

It had a spinning vortex on one side and fireworks going off on the other side. It was a living picture showing happiness, freedom and joy.  The visions was alive and moving, lasting a very long time. I could not take my eyes off of it. I felt ecstatic after seeing it, knowing exactly what it meant. No more suppression and control. The vortex was shown as a PORTAL we had all stepped into to CREATE this new timeline – the fireworks represents the outcome of stepping into the portal.

It looked similar to July 4th Holiday fireworks in the US on Independence day . This is how the Universe works, it sends me symbolic messages for me to decode.I can’t be sent many different type of messages, they vary in infinite ways.

This symbolic picture represents FREEDOM. Freedom from tyranny, from the controllers and from an agenda that does not represent “WE THE PEOPLE” or any of the beings on Earth.

This symbol represents a complete reset of the US and how things are done. It represents, happiness, joy and celebrations for all.

This was shown to me when I needed it the most and had been asking for messages from the Universe and the higher realms. My connection is strong and I will always be given answers.

This is an indication of the future and what we are headed towards. We are fully in the Ascension process now and are headed towards a 5D life with a beautiful future ahead.

 I love you all ! In service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Wave Expert

Sourced from: http://www.lovehaswon.org/ascension-spirituality/vision-of-freedom-coming-to-earth

Four Reasons Taking One For The Team Will Soon Stop

Editor’s note:  I LOVE this piece and the validation for me was very reassuring.  I have been having very similar experiences for several months.  To begin with, I have been feeling guilty for my anger, frustration and impatience as well as these moments of surrender and exhaustion where I am absolutely fed up with the stupidity and lack of awareness from the masses (seriously – take a look at our elections – need I say more?), leading me to simply no longer care if they awaken or not.  And I have had moments for the past 15 years or so where I wonder – is all of this heavy duty emotional drama I am feeling and experiencing with others really all mine?  ARGH!  I am tired.  I am done.  Can I have a new role now?  

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Guest writer, In5D.com

Starseeds that are the forerunners of ascension are getting up once again from the result of the waves of energies that came through in huge waves in September. Those of us that “take one for the team” are wondering when the hell we are going to be done with this empathetic transmutation for the collective. Those who are experiencing emotional drama and fatigue are now awakening to why they seem to have taken one step backward, when in fact they are now getting ready to leap into a new reality.

The connected collective called humanity

We are all connected by threads of silvery energetic fibers that weave a magical web of embodiment as a collective. Each person on the planet is connected whether they realize it or not. As we move through ascension energies, anything that needs to be transmuted has been coming up in our lives so that it can be alchemized.

The problem is that some of that shit isn’t ours! Yes, we are all connected, but we are also individual personalities that should be responsible for our own thoughts and actions. Furthermore, everyone who has had prior lifetimes on Earth carries lower vibrational energies in their field. If that person would like to stay on Earth, they will need to transmute those energies, or someone else will need to help them do it.

Starseed alchemy specialists

There are Starseeds that have signed up for that job. They are alchemy specialists that are empathetic and powerful. They absorb energies and move them through their emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical bodies, mirroring the collective’s body as a body double. They have guidance that helps them take only what they can handle, although the amount they can handle seems to differ from what their guidance team comes up with. I am one of those people, and I’m reporting to you that my job is almost over.

These specialists may have been rebels their whole life, and they usually do not like to take orders. They are systems busters and are not afraid to speak their minds. They don’t take shit from people but have matured enough to know not to start it. Their job has been to jump hurdles bigger than most people could deal with. They have a knowing that something is about to change on the planet and their jobs will drastically change into something calmer and more enjoyable.

Starseed alchemist jobs are almost over for four reasons.

1. We are getting close to the point of timeline bifurcation for many people.

People will find themselves moving and gathering in times of chaos. People will energetically attract those that are of similar actions, thoughts, and respect. The draw will be undeniable to move or connect with like minded people. The higher vibrational people may not even be seen by other people on the planet. For a while, they will occupy the same city, state, or country but may never see each other in this reality. Eventually, the lower vibrating people will completely forget all about the ones that ascended in vibration and consciousness. Because of this, the connection will not be felt anymore between the groups that have separated.

2. One person can only do so much work before becoming burned out or ascending (or both).

Some people have just gotten to the point where they don’t give a shit what happens to the collective anymore because they look around and see so much chaos and stupidity. Others have taken one hit after another to where their physical bodies have just given out. Some Starseed transmuters have emotionally hit the maximum and feel guilty for their outbursts of anger and frustration. The strongest and most practiced are picking themselves up and running to the aid of the wounded.

These people may feel like they have taken huge steps backward but in fact if they are consciously aware of what is happening it is likely that they are moving closer and closer to bifurcating each moment. By dealing with the collective energies they are helping humanity reach the tipping point. These Starseeds came from a long way away to do this job, and they are really good at it, even if it doesn’t look like they have much grace right now

3. We say it’s time for it to stop.

As we progress with information and experience, we learn how to move through situations quickly so that we do not get embedded in the dense energetics. We learn how to handle situations without hurting others and we stand in our own power of who we are. We no longer let people steal our energy. Therefore, we no longer attract these lower energetic situations to ourselves. We find that there are no longer reasons to “protect” ourselves because we have risen above the frequency of fear. In a sense, we become superhuman as long as we stay aware and know when to react and when to let things go.

4. Earth is raising her vibration beyond lower energies.

Earth Momma is helping every day too! As she raises her vibrational frequency, energies surface and vibrate apart. Holding on to energies within the body will manifest as physical problems in a person’s body just as they manifest as earthquakes, storms, and volcano eruptions in hers. Once the energy moves, it is done. Earthquakes do not last for days.

Feeling is the key to alchemy

Most humans do not want to feel. They are afraid and the fear keeps their chakras closed down, especially the heart. The emergency response team of Starseed transmuters is often involved with their “co-workers” in relationship issues that play out in heart wrenching scenarios of hurt, confusion, and victimization. When both emerge from the other side, they wipe the tears and start another day. They have no idea of how much they have just helpedtransmute the same energetics for millions of unaware humans.

Those people will soon be relieved of their positions, not because they let themselves slip but because they did such a good job. The next wave of volunteers will be left to pick up any broken pieces and put them all back together again. All of the energies will be vibrated apart and re-collect in groups, thus the strife to all get along will be no more. What we have been going through is like taking a bowling ball and throwing it done the lane for a perfect strike. All the pins whisked off to where they need to be according to their vibrational weight.

If you are one of these alchemy team players, don’t judge yourself on how you dealt with the collective energy. Even if it seemed like your energy, be assured that someone else on the planet was dealing with the same energy. As you transmuted it you helped at least one person.

Maybe you aren’t someone who has taken one for the team. Surely you have witnessed the battle with others or maybe you started out as part of the battle but chose not to deal with it. That’s o.k., the Starseed specialists knew that you would provide an opportunity or simply witness it for the team, and we thank you. You can still offer some assistance to the Starseed team though. Send them forgiveness, gratitude, and unconditional love for their service to humanity. This will help them recover quicker so that they can be prepared for the next arrow shot at them without taking them out for good.

As we wind down our jobs, we may still have a few episodes to handle. Make sure to take time to rest in between energetic waves that create situations. Forgive yourselves and others for playing out the seemingly silly emotional dramas. Choose your battles wisely and leave the petty stuff for the next crew to handle. You have graduated to “supervisors” or more properly termed “stewards”, and now is the time to bask in a job well done. Soon you will understand this new role more, and if you find yourself with your feet up on the desk smoking a cigar, make sure it is the best cigar you can find because you deserve it.

Click here for more articles by Michelle Walling!

About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer forIn5d.com and bodymindsoulspirit.com. Michelle is the webmaster forMichelleWalling.com, cosmicstarseeds.com, thestarchildren.net, andhowtoexitthematrix.com, and is the co-creator of WooWooMedia.com. Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show and In5d Network.
Her personal Facebook page can be found here.

Sourced from:  http://in5d.com/four-reasons-taking-one-for-the-team-will-soon-stop/