Gently demolishing a document purporting to be a “judgment” of Jeffrey Sutton et al, “U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit” in “USA v. Randall Keith Beane and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf”


editor victoria’s comment ~ this is a good breakdown of what happened – where we are.  i hope part 2 explains “what next”.  what will it take for this corruption – this “law of the sea” nonsense to be fully revealed.  a new circuit court judge?  when this is revealed it brings down the judicial system. my mind is still struggling to grasp how that happens – as well as how a new financial system is implemented OR (my desire) unfettered access – where ALL see that we are ALL the value.  no more using others AND no more usury.  (notice this was posted at 1:44pm…)

oh yes – any of you remembering the tinker bell reference in a recent post about heather – last night as i was drifting off to sleep – in that “in and out” space – i suddenly saw tinker bell fly by in my mind’s eye.  WTFLIP?! i thought.  really??  seriously??  as it/she flew by i began to say “hey wait don’t go!” then she – the image – was gone.  then one of you said you’ve been seeing this image as well – and one of you commented you’ve been seeing an usual amount of tinker bell references recently.  stuff is up and moving – at some level – maybe waiting to appear here in this experience.  tonight i was filling out some paperwork – taking some new steps to improve my experience here – and as i was printing out the forms i experienced a serious paper jam.  immediately i heard “a sign that you don’t need to do this”.  i corrected the problem – printed it out none the less – and am sending it out.  i’ve quite had it with the “wait until….as you won’t need to do this”.  i am here now – i need improvement in my life – now.  not someday when xyz is said to occur out there.  but still found it interesting as i had no explanation for the paper jam and as i said – it was a nasty one.  




Paul Francis McDonald
September 30, 2019

No, it is not a judgment. It is a document purporting to be a judgment. It is void from the beginning and was rendered a nullity the moment the pen hit the paper. It cannot be relied upon and anyone who tries to, does so at their own peril. “United States” is not identified. That may sound insignificant to some, or even preposterous to others; however, it is central to the actual issue here. Remember that. We will come back to it and reason with it later on. The good news is that the “issuance” of the said document is a roadmap enabling us to uncover, make visible and demonstrate absolute context in relation to the entire sequence of events sometimes referred to as “this case” and everything that surrounds it.

You’ll find a copy of the document in question here:

What we are observing in actuality is a purported “court case” imploding upon itself, by its own hand, under its own rules, regardless of what may appear to some to be a “decision” in that regard, or any other apparent consequence thereof. In a nutshell, as I see it, that document in and of itself is a self-neutralizing patch, intended to reinforce a former rogue program; intended to program YOUR mind, with some very skillful techniques, suggestions and subtleties being employed in order to achieve that. Unsuccessfully.

The Universal Security Agreement, also filed with “clerks” in Knoxville, TN and Cincinnati, OH and noticed to many others, is still standing. The purported “judgment” document referred to above changes absolutely nothing in that regard. It has no bearing whatsoever on that duly secured position; the undeniable, uncontested and un-rebutted commercial claim, including and not limited to a presidential pardon, in this case. So “tough love” on that score too. You have to remember at all times that we are discussing a specific and particular case here; not generalities, not assumptions, or presumptions, or beliefs widely held or anything that ever happened before or anywhere else. We are talking about actual specifics in relation to this particular case.

So let’s dive in a little deeper.

No, neither Heather nor Randall ever filed any such appeal. What actually happened was that “Notices of Appeal” were filed alright and signed without prejudice by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Keith Beane. Thereafter however, “counsel” were purportedly appointed to each of them, by “the court” without their consent. There never was an appeal, because there never was a valid order or judgment to appeal from, because, amongst other things “United States” was not and is not identified, from the beginning.

Denis G. Terez and Stephen L. Braga, attorneys-at-law, then proceeded to draft and file “appeal briefs” manufactured it seems to maximize damage to Heather and Randy’s characters and most especially to impugn their mental health and legal competence, contrary to their best interests. There was absolutely no consent, from either Heather or Randall to ever file those purported “appeal briefs” on their behalf. They never took those positions in any purported appeal in any way, shape or form. They never filed those “appeal briefs”.

So where does that leave the document purporting to be a “judgment”? Logic and reason tells us that it leaves it in the dust, where it belongs. You cannot unlawfully commandeer someone’s court case without their authority or consent, manufacture and file entirely prejudicial appeal briefs, without their consent, and then expect a lawful or even a logical decision to stand on top of it. It would be laughable, if it wasn’t so damaging. However, that is what was done and can never be denied.

Were the individuals at “U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit” notified of that particular circumstance? Yes they were. Did they ignore it? Yes they did. How was it notified? In the Universal Security Agreement, that was sent by certified mail to the “Clerk of Court for the 6th Circuit” and then filed as Doc# 30 in case record 18-5752 – See; Universal Security Agreement, *the Perpetuity: Standing Due Notice, Declaration of Due Cause, Article II.E [page 18 and 19 of 21] in its entirety at this link.

Randall notified the “court” through Stephen L. Braga, their purported “agent”, in a Command to Cure sent by email to him on 29th December, 2018 and 7th January, 2019 respectively. So there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for doing what was done in relation to those “briefs”, and resulting in the document purporting to be a “judgment” appearing on the Universal record thereafter.

Remember, “United States” is unidentified from the beginning, so the lawful and legal existence, authority, capacity and standing of “United States”, specifically and in particular is non-existent and therefore does not exist. It will be recalled in the days shortly after Heather was “arrested” in Washington D.C., all the time, effort and resources that went into an “identity hearing”. Why was it so important to identify with certainty who Heather was? Why? Is it fundamental to establishing due cause? Is it fundamental to the exercise of due diligence of anyone claiming to be an agent of some entity or another? Is it fundamental to protecting some one from harm caused by some unlawful procedure or another? The answer has to be, undoubtedly, yes.

Even then, “U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia” fabricated an identity for her and pressed ahead based on that, despite receiving due notice of exactly who she was on 31st July 2017.

What about “United States”? Who specifically and particularly is that? Can a body corporate speak for itself? No, it is an artificial person and legal fiction. Who specifically and particularly is the beneficiary of, for and to “United States”, including and not limited to the beneficiary of any and all “indictment”“order”, “judgment”“motion” or any other thing that was purportedly done? Who? In this case, there is no identification of any such entity. This was entered and accepted on the court record in case no. 3:17-cr-82, Doc# 43, PRAECIPE AND DECLARATION OF FACTS as far back as 29th September, 2017 and at pg iii and iv of iv, Article IV, it states:

“IV. The following alleged persons, individuals and entities have failed to duly make, deliver and notice, legal due sworn, verified and validated declaration, made with due signature and seal, of legal proof of existence, status, identity, authority, authorization, and jurisdiction:

A. UNITED STATES, alleged Plaintiff;
B. Nancy Stallard Harr, and NANCY STALLARD HARR, alleged UNITED STATES, specifically DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (Knox USAO), and particularly, alleged UNITED STATES ATTORNEY for the EASTERN DISTRICT of TENNESSEE;
E. Thomas A. Varian, and THOMAS A. VARLAN, alleged UNITED STATES, specifically and particularly, DISTRICT JUDGE (CHIEF) for the EASTERN DISTRICT of TENNESSEE;
F. C. Clifford Shirley, Jr., and C. CLIFFORD SHIRLEY, JR., alleged UNITED STATES, specifically and particularly, MAGISTRATE JUDGE (CHIEF) for the EASTERN DISTRICT of TENNESSEE;
G. Debrah C. Poplin, and DEBRAH C. POPLIN, alleged UNITED STATES, specifically and particularly, CLERK OF COURT for the EASTERN DISTRICT of TENNESSEE;
H. Parker H. Still, and PARKER H. STILL, idem sonans, alleged UNITED STATES, specifically alleged DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (Knox-Federal Bureau of lnvestigations), and particularly, alleged SPECIAL AGENT of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS;
I. Jane/John Doe, unknown person, alleged FOREPERSON and indorser of alleged True Bill/Indictment;
J. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK (NY), alleged person;
L. WHITNEY BANK, alleged person;

See; “PRAECIPE AND DECLARATION OF FACTS” in its entirety at this link:

This is mind-blowing, if not only for the realization that in this case, there is no “plaintiff”. Consequently, there is, nor ever was, an “indictment”. Sorry, that may seem harsh to some, but you can’t have a court case with only one side, under its own rules. Go on, try it, see how far you get. Is it impossible to “prosecute” one’s self? Yes. You’d be laughed out of “court” and the reason for that is logic and reason.

In other words, all of the above A through M were and are mere assumptions; presumptions of legal existence and therefore necessarily hearsay. I know it’s not easy to get your head around that very succinct truth if you are not familiar with the nature of “legal”. If they are not identified, they do not exist, legally, although they might appear to exist. If you do not legally exist then you cannot be seen and heard in a “court”. Can a “judge” ask a horse whether or not he is in possession of a field? Yes he can, and while he is looking at the horse he can see him or her, but cannot legally “see” him, cannot impose a penalty, cannot make an order; or do anything else whatsoever in relation to the horse. Why? Because the horse, large as life and all as he or she may be in the witness box, DOES NOT EXIST, legally; and therefore cannot be made the subject of any order, because there is no authority or jurisdiction to make one.

All of the above is still the position, today, as it was the day that Cynthia F. Davidson and Parker H. Still went in before a “Knoxville Tennessee Grand Jury”and thought they were obtaining an “indictment”. They were not even who they thought they were, and they did not obtain what they appeared to have obtained. Sometimes, when something is wrong in the beginning, it can never be rectified by what might appear to be a “higher court”, because certain fundamental rules of cause, effect, logic and reason do not and cannot permit it. Jurisdiction is one of those things and so is authority and if there’s no sworn identification of legal existence, then there is no authority; and if there is no authority to do anything then jurisdiction is impossible. So where’s the evidence of the legal existence and authority of “United States” as it relates to Heather and Randall? It DOES NOT EXIST and therefore Heather and Randall must be released, because there is no valid proof of claim against either of them of any verifiably identifiable individual, person or entity of any nature or kind whatsoever. Nor can there ever be.

To be continued:

Thank you!



I want to extend my gratitude to those of you who have donated and who have signed up to donate regularly to my site.  I really appreciate the kindness and support.  This is how I support my family.

Please consider becoming a regular donator if you have not done so – even a couple of dollars.  Every little bit adds up.



#HATJ Response to Q Drop 3501


editor victoria’s comment ~ this latest from Heather struck out at me for this morning upon awakening, i went to the kitchen to wash some dishes. i was in a nice quiet space doing so.  i heard and felt deep within at the same moment that “now” was the time to claim my freedom.  in all ways – however that looked for me.  the first one that came to me (no surprise) was money.  unfettered access.  so….i paused and affirmed that then affirmed freedom at every level of my creation. i then reflected at what i had just experienced for i have stated my freedom numerous times over the past 2-3 years.  i have screamed it.  i have assertively called it forth.  pleaded. demanded.  commanded.  this time felt different.  it felt like some cosmic energy OF freedom was now ours.  i could feel that flow going through me – carrying me along with it – if i so desired it.  YES I DID.  later on i see this one and thought “hmmm….”  let it be so!  (oh and this alleged strike onSK by NK – deep state nonsense.  seriously – we can see behind this.  a strike by “NK” on the same day Mueller testifies?  really?!  lol)

heather is an amazing woman.  how she can find gratitude and love for all of these people doing horrible things – lying, stealing and more – is not on my radar.  at least not now.  if ever.  forgiveness yes.  but gratitude – just not aligning w/that.  but we are all who we are.


I sensed this Q drop was important so I sent it on to Heather.  I only send significant ones that seem to be a milestone or benchmark of where we are.  Here’s her reply:

RE: Q 7/25/19
Jul 26, 2019 at 10:06 AM
May 2017 ~ (paraphrasing):

K: “Trump makes them crazy…changing his mind every 30 minutes. He is uncontrollable. He is not predictable.”

H: “What position does China profess in this moment? Russia?”

K: “Heather, Russia has its plan. China has theirs.”

H: “And what positions do the others profess in this moment? UK? Switzerland? The rest?”

K: “They are taking the position of waiting to see how the respective plans of China and Russia fair before they decide whose position to side with. They will dovetail and assist where and when they believe it will benefit them.”

H: “I tell you now, they all successfully fail at their respective plans…and they know this in their heart…my heart breaks at the choices they now make, because it could have been done differently, however, I am grateful for them making a choice so that all moves forward for the best of All…and I will do all that I can do to make it as easy and graceful as possible for All.”

…So all the “set ups” Obama, et. al. of allllllllllllllllll rung players that were diligently made and laid were utilized to show those so-called “positions”… lower tiers were made visible for what they were, i.e. UK, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Italy, NK, Qatar, Saudi, et. al. all being so-called “lower tiers” that follow all “piper’s” tune… while Russia attempted to jump a few rungs closer to the Earthly “piper”, if not a jump to the top rung… while the Earthly piper, “China”, arrogantly pushed “‘Russia’, and everyone else, under the bus” using the historical playbook play (1920’s red scare) they used to implement and hide their secret trade deal with the US in the ’20’s through the ’30’s snagging all the US “human capital” and other Earthly resources…

I am completely grateful for all the being and doing, and with all my being, I am specifically and particularly grateful that this phase of “their” collective choice to collapse all of their systems is over… especially the old legal and financial systems… we have major, beautiful, and fantastical creations, already done, to introduce now!

My complete love, gratitude, heartitude and celebrations to All, by All, with All


Dad, We Need To Talk


a beautiful piece for anyone who is a parent – or who has a niece or nephew, etc. with whom they are close to….we talk with our girl daily – and every night she and i talk about the day……as a result we are VERY close and have a very open, honest relationship….


SOURCE (and to read the entire piece).

Stay in the Game

This is going to be an uncharacteristic departure for me. This story is deeply personal, for our family, and for our oldest son in particular. But it is a story he’s letting me tell, because it is a story he wants people to hear.

My son Max was born in Detroit in 1997, he spent the next summer in Hong Kong when I was interning at Fidelity Investments, and moved to London before he was two when I accepted an offer to work for Fido there full-time.

He was an amazing child, and became an amazing young man. But he had his demons. And just before he turned 16 years old, those demons arrived with a vengeance. I will spare you the details, but for the next three years, he went through a personal hell. Imagine all the things you don’t want to have happen to your teenager. They happened to him. For three years my wife and I would wait on our front stoop until 5:00 am, in the shadow of the Albert Bridge, hoping that he would come home. On those nights that he didn’t, we would call the hospitals, and call the police. And sometimes the police would call us.

We tried everything that parents try, and we were very lucky that we could afford to try just about everything. And we did. But none of it helped. The change in schools didn’t help. The psychologists didn’t help. The wilderness therapy didn’t help. Our closest friends and extended family all waded in too, but nothing helped.

Max didn’t want to be here. He didn’t feel a sense of belonging anywhere. His self-esteem was non-existent. The anxiety was paralyzing. He often contemplated ending it all, and only the thoughts of the impact on his three younger siblings prevented him from doing so.

It was a living hell for Max. And honestly it was a living hell for us too. There was nothing we could do about it. The most difficult thing for my wife and I to accept was that only Max could make the choices. It wasn’t up to us. We couldn’t save him. It was up to him if he was going to live, or going to die. As one of my best friends told me at the time, only Max could choose to live.

Just over two years ago, he realized that the scene in London was poisonous for him, and he asked if he could head out. He’d asked before, and we’d let him go to far-flung destinations, but the grass wasn’t greener in any of them. And we didn’t honestly expect anything to come of it this time, but told him that we’d pay for the flight, because he really did need to get out of London, and there was almost no way things could get worse.

He chose a destination a lot of rudderless kids like to visit. It might as well have been Goa, Tulum, Koh Tao or Maui, but he chose Costa Rica. A friend of his, a good guy, was backpacking there, and invited him to come to the hostel. I told Max we would pay for the flight, and the first week, but if he wanted to stay longer, he had to get a job and support himself. We honestly didn’t know what to expect, but it felt like a last shot for him.

He loved the first week there, and indeed got a job working at one of the hostels (in exchange for room and board). But after the honeymoon was over (and eventually, the honeymoon is always over), reality set in. His anxiety set in, and his depression set in. At the darkest point, he almost called it. And there was nothing we could do about it. Even if we weren’t 5,000 miles away there was nothing we could do about it.

But, for some reason, he decided not to. Max decided to stay in the game.

We later learned the reason. He’d found an eight-week old puppy roaming the streets of Santa Teresa. The dog had been abused, was eating scraps from trash heaps, and was terrified of people. But Max and the dog, which he named “Chica”, connected with each other. Max and Chica became inseparable.

Max, who by then was 19 years old, started to realize he had something to offer. Chica needed help, and Max was there to provide it. Max started doing adult things, like earning and saving money so that he could take Chica to the vet for check-ups and vaccinations. And Chica started getting healthy. And Max started getting healthy. I could hear it in his voice when he would call. There was an excitement about life and the future that I hadn’t heard since he was 14 years old. He was starting to get his groove back.

On one of those phone calls he said to me “Dad, I think I’m ready to leave Costa Rica.” Then he continued “and while I miss you guys, I don’t think I should come back to London”“I want to go somewhere where I won’t be tempted by my old habits, but where I can feel at home, and restart everything,” he said. “Somewhere like Georgia or Indiana.” 

He said “Georgia or Indiana” because he was vaguely familiar with both. I grew up in Indiana, and then moved to Atlanta, where I lived for several years, and ultimately met my wife, Max’s mom. I told him that either Georgia or Indiana would be a wonderful idea, and that there were great people in both places. I mentioned that I would be comfortable knowing that my old buddies in the ATL would be around just in case he needed a backstop; and that back in Indiana, he’d of course have his grandparents and uncle there for support as well.

So he chose Indianapolis. My wife and the other kids flew over to help get him settled into a new apartment downtown, and they got to meet Chica. And before we knew it, Max was working a full-time job, and not doing any of the bad stuff he used to do. He still had his demons (these kids always have them – heck we all have ‘em – they just learn to manage them), and things were by no means perfect yet. But he could work through the anxiety, and work through the depression, because he had responsibilities now. He had Chica.

On his own in Costa Rica, Max had figured out how to get Chica into the US, and convinced someone at American Airlines to let her fly on his lap, because they wouldn’t let dogs fly in the hold due to the heat. Thereafter, he and Chica settled into their little apartment downtown near the White River canal, and each of them began their new life, together. Max had saved Chica. And Chica had saved Max.

One afternoon three months later, when Max was walking Chica, she saw something she hadn’t seen in Costa Rica. It was a squirrel, and before Max could stop her, Chica chased that squirrel straight out onto Indiana Avenue. Right in front of a speeding car.

The car ran over Chica. My son screamed. In that brief moment everything that Max had worked for, everything he had overcome, everything that he was living for, was gone.

But the blow didn’t kill the dog. The driver that hit her sped off and left Chica half-dead and crying in the road. But the next car did stop. It was a young black kid. A young black kid who saw a young white kid on his knees in the middle of downtown Indianapolis. His name was Kenny. He opened his door, got out of his car, walked up to my son, and said “hey, I got you”. He then walked Max out to the middle of Indiana Avenue and they picked up a bloody Chica and loaded her into Kenny’s car.

Turns out that Kenny had just moved to Indiana, and had grown up down in Georgia. He had been traveling around a bit, and had recently lost his job up north. He subsequently found an offer for a temporary position down in Indianapolis, and had just started work there. He was apprenticing at his new shop, and was hoping to be made a permanent employee. Kenny was just 21.

But none of that mattered to Kenny at that moment. What mattered to Kenny was Chica and my son Max. So Kenny looked up a vet clinic on his phone, and took Max and Chica there. The vet said that without surgery, Chica would die, but the vet wasn’t a surgeon, and they needed to go somewhere else.

Luckily Kenny had stayed. Kenny was there by Max’s side, like a big brother, and this wonderful young man then took Max and Chica to another vet, one that could do the surgery.

The vet did the surgery. It worked. Chica lived. Her pelvis was broken, but over the next six months Max nursed her back to health. Without Kenny, none of this would have happened.

Kenny even stayed in touch with Max afterward. He would text and see how Chica was doing, and how Max was doing. This last Thanksgiving, about one year since the incident, Kenny even got some tickets to go see the Colts play, and asked Max if he would like to come, and then took him out to dinner afterward.

Max is doing great now. He’s been working full-time, got super healthy, started running marathons, and is now on the good path. These were his choices, they had to be, and he did it. But it almost didn’t turn out this way. Kenny made sure he stayed on that path.

This guy Kenny, I want to reach out and give him the biggest hug he ever got. I want to tell him that he is special. I want to thank him for saving Chica’s life. I want to thank him for saving my son’s.

Oh, and as a follow-up. We got some news about Kenny this past week. It’s some really good news.

Kenny not only got that job offer, he just got a nice long contract along with it. Kenny Moore, from Valdosta, Georgia, just signed a four-year contract with the Indianapolis Colts to be the highest paid slot cornerback in the NFL, in a deal that is going to pay him at least $30 million over the next four years.

Good things happen to good people.

Kenny stayed in the game too.



Mystery Good Samaritan picks up hotel bill for 70 homeless people in Chicago as temperatures drop to record-breaking lows


UPDATE:  No longer a mystery person.  See the kind soul who did this here.

An mystery Good Samaritan has stepped in to save 70 homeless people from record-breaking cold temperatures in Chicago by paying for their hotel rooms.

The Chicago Tribune reports people were camped out overnight in tents after their propane tanks were confiscated in temperatures as low as -32C.



A Vision for Breakthroughs


editor’s note:  YES!!  Amazing breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough in rapid succession until ALL ARE FREE.  NOW!  It is done NOW!  Love is everywhere within and without.


A Vision for Breakthroughs

We see a world where people are having breakthrough after breakthrough, leading them to their highest calling in life and their greatest joy. We see this happening all across the globe now. and as a result, our entire world is transformed into the Highest light Imaginable!

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A Vision for Happiness


i like such things “simple”.

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Happiness

Today’s Vision is short and sweet – but oh-so powerful.
We see a world where everyone is happy and at peace within themselves.
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