A Note of Thanks and Gratitude to You ~ My Subscribers/Readers


earlier tonight i was looking through my list of subscribers.  i read each name and for some reason i began to cry a little.  i felt each of you and for what ever reason, at some point, each of you decided to click the subscribe button to this site.  and i felt and feel immense gratitude for that. sometimes i forget i am sharing material that will be read by actual people.  i know it sounds weird.  in this virtual realm i have to stop and remind myself – there are people behind the names.  quite often i am just so busy looking for things to share, i forget the human element in all of this.

on march 29, 2017 i first installed the plug-in that allowed people to subscribe.  and now here it is a little over a year later and here you all are. most of you still here.

and i thank you for that!

i continue to do the best i can (most of the time) to share my heart, my truth and any information i find important that is reminding me and all of us of our awakening and transition to freedom and love.

thank you for being there along this journey with me.

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POTUS Donates First Quarter Salary to Department of Veterans Affairs – Thank You, Trump


By Red Pill  |  05-20-2018   News
Photo credit: drrichswier.com 

President Trump has announced that he’s donating his first quarter salary to the Department of Veterans Affairs – a major act of heartwarming philanthropy that is sure to benefit the bravest citizens in the United States of America’s armed forces.

The compassion from our President is unparalleled, as he’s sacrificed his comfortable life, which he could have continued living with fortune and fame, to serve this great nation.

In doing so, President Trump has consistently granted respect and honor to the men and women of our brave armed forces, giving credence to their courage and sacrifice.

During a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders presented a check to acting Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie, in which provides the VA am an additional bolster to its programs.

Continue reading here.

A (Beautiful!!) Vision For Home


Editor’s note:  Thank you dear Robin for sharing this one.  I wept too!  The desire for home has been a life-long experience for myself, my mate ~ so many of them.  Oh so ready for the total freedom ~ to end this damn separation ~ for those of us who feeeeeeeeeeeel connection w/others are no longer separated in the physical sense.  Unity.  Home.  Now.  It is proclaimed.  It is done.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Home

We see a world where everyone who chooses it for themselves gets to go home; where those whose home is focalized in the loving arms of God, get to go there; where those who resonate with planets and places among the stars, get to go there; where those who have a country and family ties in a certain area, get to go there; and where those who have a particular piece of land here on Earth that feels like home to them, get to go there and stay for as long as they like.

And for those who do not have a home, or a place to sleep for the night, or the love of family and friends to share good times with, we see them finding a special spot on this Earth that becomes a home where they can be happy, warm, safe and at peace. For these wanderers we envision them locating that special place and truly feeling and understanding that which is meant by the word “home.”

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



A Message on The Event


editor’s note:  i connected with this beautiful soul recently and have shared some very like-minded/heart-centered conversations about the event and new earth. i love finding others who share the same/similar vision of them.  it’s like finding “home” and lately all other conversations are fading away. i deeply value these talks and connections that i continue to make with many of you.  they help keep me going and i think of you all throughout the day, every day.  happy to share this one from christie.  (sharing with permission.)  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  victoria


I have a Beautiful Message to share with you all from the “Crystalline Command Crew” !!

First I will say that this is my first communication with them. They came to me a few days ago, and right before i received their channeled message, many small Elven Beings came to prepare me energetically!.

I believe that the Crew cane to me, bc ever since I found out about the Event, I have intended to communicate with Source directly, for all the juicy details. This Crew, feels like they work specifically on the Event, as Source’s “Event Team.” Their message, is a somewhat simple one, and it is meant more to soothe rather than activate. They go into the Energy challenges of now, and the fact that we have been physically upgrading lately, for life-after-the-Event !!! So this is more of a mellow message and I hope there are more messages to come from the Crystalline Command Crew… ♥️

I will add one more note before I start the channeling. I had a mini-download the other night, that, the Event was originally supposed to happen 2-3 generations later. We thought we were going to be the Bridge for planetary energies until our future grand children would one day carry out the actual Ascension Culmination, aka the Event. However, as a planetary collective, we were able to get to a high enough frequency. And Source decided that it is ready now (rather than a few hundred years down the line). That’s why the last 2-3 years have felt very accelerated. This is about the time that many had started receiving dreams/ visions/ downloads, on the Event and New Earth. Bc this is right when the decision was made. Now, we are right** here** at the very** edge** before the Event. And that’s why we as starseeds/ lightworkers, are being highly nudged to process what the Event and New Earth means for us. We have already created this Event, and know all the details, at our upper dimensional levels. Yet the human us, has been feeling this inexplicable pull, to ask, to feel, to open to more, on the Event. This is us preparing our conscious minds of what our subconscious already knows. This is us acclimating to our very near future. As someone who writes Energy reports, I was not totally comfortable speaking of the Event. What if I was wrong? But the information kept pummeling through me, and the downloads/ dreams/ visions.. we’re undeniable. Since 2015, I have integrated the information and now I feel like I have a full-working database of information on the Event and New Earth. So now I am in a position in which I trust it and do feel comfortable spreading the word on it.

So we are right here at the very Edge, in which the Event can happen literally any day now. As we got towards the end of 2017, that’s when Source and our spiritual teams, knew we were even closer. It’s hard for them to estimate time, when they come from a place of no-time or beyond time. So what they do, is, as they see the Event getting closer and closer to our planetary timeline*, they drop clues lime crazy. They put these inexplicable urges within our body-mind to make us desire* to know more. To feel it. To feel it out. Then, our spiritual teams also accelerate our personal paths to get us to match our frequencies for life-after-the-Event. The body/ lightbody upgrades we go through… many of them at this point are not for this old duality planetary timeline, anymore. They are geared towards 5d living after the Event! Which the Crew touches on, in the message. So without further ado, here is the Beautiful, Wonderful Crystalline Command Crew!!! 🦄🍍


“We would like to bring forth to you all, a message that comes from Love and Honor!

We are your neighbors in Heart. We are part of The Transformation. We never see you, as smaller than us!

Yesterday, Christie was thinking that this can’t be Real, as we visited her and told her “we are the Crystalline Command Crew.” She thought maybe she was just tired. But we came to introduce ourselves, for the first time to her.

So now we would like to get into a few things. This is more of a soothing and somewhat simple message, but do relax and read and feel the Energy of the message. Receive the Energy ♥️

So, do you feel OK with how things have been unfolding in the last months? Most would say that it has been very strenuous, adjusting to these New Types of energy blasts. The Event’s acceleration energies, are of a new kind that you have not had before!!

We want to assure and inform– assure you that all is well, and it is a part of this grand plan of unfolding. There is not* one corner missed. As we sweep things up, for that Mega-Moment, called the Event! The Event is so much more than most can imagine now. You won’t fully see, till you arrive at the Event!

The energies in the last several months have been, as we said, of a new/ different kind. What we mean is, they were specifically designed to catalyze, to awaken, New Human Potential.

Not that you haven’t been doing this. Bit this is to another Level. As your bodies, brains, and lightbodies are being rewired and upgraded, day-in and day-out, there are very specific changes to You, that will carry out specific functions for life-after-the-Event. If only you could see the Amazing Unfoldment within your Bodies, at this Time!!! It is Unlike what we have witnessed before. To the point in which, this time, Humanity cannot and will not Let itself down ♥️

Bodies are malleable and pliable, in their Original form. And This, is what you are returning to! It’s like we can see lights turning on, here there & everywhere in your Bodies! It’s as if, one day, your Form can make many Jumps and be quite Different, than it was the day before. It will be hard to notice from regular human vision. But try to Sense the Energy of your Form. Would you say you have more Lights on, in there, than you did a while ago? That’s Quantum Mechanics, Baby ♥️♥️♥️

So this is your Bodies being Prepared for the Event ♥️

Some Soothing on the daily energies… The energies are also causing “paranoia” in some people. As if, they can never Relax and as if there could be a Surprise Blow at any moment. Surprise blows, are indeed what have been happening! This is just part of The Ignition (of ascension), being turned Up, way Up to Full. Try to see these Blows as not something fearful nor threatening. But from your I AM Presence, you can say, “Oh, I am Observing what just came up, and all the emotional spots it pushed on. There will be more, but it is OK, because I AM always the Divine Observer. No matter What. I am never the small human subject to his/ her circumstances.”

It is All happening in Love ♥️ Sometimes, love can be vigorous, right? Like riding a fast water ride, at an amusement park. You are not actually in danger. You are just going really, really (really!) fast!!! Christie has had more minor injuries in these last month’s, than she has ever had before (besides her childhood). Which shows the rough-and-tumble of these times.

There is no worry— Align All to your Divine Self Identity..! Call in the Resonances you want into Your Reality… ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️!”


I hope this soothes and lifts your Spirits..! Feel free to leave feedback or share how you’ve been feeling!!

Sourced from here.


People Can Be Amazing


Editor’s note:  I am on this guy’s e-mail list.  I subscribed to his youtube channel a few months ago.  I deeply resonated w/his ideas on health/healing, the system and living.  The small, off grid away from the toxicity of city living.  Self sustaining.  Self governing.  A like-minded truthseeker.  Earlier today he sent out a brutally honest heartfelt letter ~ a plea.  At a crossroads, close to becoming homeless, he was fed up, not knowing what to do other than to just give up.  I wrote him, shared my own heart and story, how I could resonate w/wanting to stop the doing, the sharing/work, and the ever b.s. game of making money at what we feel we are here to do ~ seek the truth and share it in whatever way we feel called to. It’s deeply hard on even a good day to be so intensely sensitive, passionate and feel so unwanted “out there” ~ the weird one in the room.  Anyway, I could deeply relate and really wanted to help him so I offered to share his plea with my readers as well as on some of the social media platforms I am on (as well as personally contacting some of the bigger successful ascension type sites ~ the ones that make very good income doing what they do ~ and ya’ll know I feel they need to be doing more to promote and assist those of us not as “big” and “popular”)…  I heard back from him this evening and he requested I share this piece below instead.  So here it is. It warms my heart o know his story has a happy ending.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”] It is a humbling reminder that this is real work we do.  And when the system/world, family and friends and our own inner programming puts on the pressure for us to “do more” or “get a real job”, it is when our supporters of our work show their love through financial support, this means the world and keeps us going .  It certainly does for me as well. Much love ~ Victoria




I have had a REALLY rough year. I won’t get into why or spill the story out in the open, but my point for writing this is to say something kind about human nature. I have been angry and frustrated more than ever because, well, sometimes people seem like a virus. Nature and animals are amazing. But people? They can ruin things quickly with their inner tyranny and the need to be “better than” and their easily duped, naiveté, and their zombie like qualities.

But today I got a wake up call. Today I sent out an honest, emotional letter to my mailing list. It was one that I didn’t want to send because it was me admitting to being a failure in life essentially. I put it all out there. I’ve been broke, kicked around, hurt, and spinning my wheels trying to search for truth, make videos, make movies, write and produce albums, but as many darts as I’ve thrown at the board, I haven’t been able to make a living. I was about a week away from being without a home, without any new way to make money and feeling sorry for myself.

I’ve been fighting on the front lines with regard to free speech, the truth movement, alternative healing, orgonite, toxic “smart grid” and fighting against power companies and removing smart meters. I’ve been trying to help however I can. But I forgot to take care of myself. My money, health, depleted energy, resources, everything.

I deleted my YouTube channel today because they have been ghost banning, censoring, throttling and I found out, totally removing me from suggested videos on YouTube. Their PC gremlins have been actively working against me and many others that want to speak unpopular truths. I just feel like I’ve been hitting my head against a brick wall for about 6 years now since I had an awakening. I’ve become a better human being, more moral, harder working, not perfect, but better.

But I’ve been angry, frustrated, feeling sorry for myself too. I’m a passionate artist type, so you know the kind, a little emotional and irrational from time to time. But laser focused, driven and I have a good heart. But I sent out a note saying I feel like giving up after 6 years of making videos, content, music, documentaries, writing articles etc.

People sent donation after donation. I didn’t send out a highly edited email, but an emotional plea. My friends and past customers and music supporters flooded in money, letters of support, encouragement, kindness and not hours later, immediately. It made me realize, in a time of emotional and financial crisis, how fucking KIND people can STILL be in this crazy world. I’m writing this in tears and I don’t give a shit how that sounds or what folks might think of me.

I’m 6’8″ 260 and a big teddy bear deep down. Past my anger, past my hurt, past my frustrations, I care. But I’m also known for being protective, inward, aloof, distant, and stubborn. I’ve been avoiding the cities and avoiding people for the last year or two. I felt like giving up today, not just with social media, but with life, with music, with hope. I’ve been in the throws of such a deep depression, I haven’t seen a way out for years to be honest. Writing songs and having a beer with friends were the only things keeping me from jumping off a proverbial (if not real) cliff.

But after the MASSIVE display of affection and real care I’ve been given today, I have to say, I just have this massive hope for the human race even though Mordor is at our door and the gates are busted open, orcs spilling out into the night. But I got a magic spell of healing, and a rallying army of heavily armored friends, fighting with me at the turn of the tide. This is all metaphorical, I believe in peace not war. But the way of the PEACEFUL warrior can be just as daunting in this life.

I just wanted to write this note thanking the empathetic people that fight to stay that way. I want to thank the people that have the courage to stand up and speak the truth. I appreciate the people that have an open mind, that care, that always try to do what’s right in the face of unspeakable odds. Those that rally to give support to a fallen brother, and those that simply give a shit in a world gone mad. Thank you. It’s people like you, and the folks that reached out to me today, well, it kinda saved my life.

Right now, all I keep hearing is “Someone Saved My Life Tonight, Sugar Bear…” by Elton John. One of the most beautiful songs ever written, some of the best harmonies ever recorded, and a heart jerking, emotion filled, killer ballad. It seems so appropriate in the middle of these tears.

Here’s to the rebels, the renegades, the artists, the empaths, the kind hearted, the passionate, the truth seekers. Let’s break open the good single malt Scotch and have a moment together here in this British pub of my technicolor imagination. Thank you my friends. You helped me more than you could ever know. Raise your glasses one time with me… Cheers!!! Sending love and paying it forward. I’ll try to turn this gift into something magical. I promise.


Sourced from here.



Amanda Lorence ~ 4/20 Message for Wayshowers


Editor’s note:  Another beautiful share from Amanda.  I deeply appreciate how she has provided a missing piece for me.  The ability to make long range plans, goals, etc. has been a challenge for me for years.  Now I see where it is not only important to be in the state of allowing and in the Now moment, but also to speak/feel/know that in this Now moment the best possible outcome for me is always created.  Bingo!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



For at least a month now, changes to sequence (energetic pattern) of incoming colour rays has been noted. For years, one or two specific colours would arrive daily for Gaia and humanity to absorb. Giving energy, light patterning and coding. This changed approx one month ago where sequences of rainbow colours enters daily. It is not a rainbow effect where all colours present simultaneously. There is specific sequence of one colour ray followed by another. They meld, where one coloured light ray flows into the next and so on.

As an example, today’s colour sequence entering Gaia was seen in this order:
Magenta pink followed by gold, followed by light green, then gold again. A short pause to the sequence, then, a prolific infusion of Colbalt blue ray filling all ‘space’, followed by indigo, then violet, then gold, darker green and finally platinum. So the rainbow spectrum of light continues to enter Gaia and humanity but not as one rainbow display, but light colour sequences daily. The sequences change daily yet there are certain patterns for example gold light will follow green ray. Violet light will follow blue ray light.

Today the Sun emitted (at higher frequency sight level) a RING of pink Magenta around its disk. Followed by a wider outer ring of blue ray.

Colbalt Blue coloured light ray is EXTREMELY prolific and increasing in strength and presence daily, for a couple of weeks now.

You may have noticed that solids are able to disappear more readily/easily. They disappear into white OR gold light, and reappear when our consciousness alters back to third dimensional frequency. The point is, the disappearance of solids is more frequent NOW, easier, as we become higher in our own energy, which then effects what we experience at higher planes of energy, consciousness fields.

The hexagonal grid is becoming more physically visible for the human. Meditating on this or visualising this aids the REAL physical site of this golden grid that encompasses all creation.

April brought an intensity to human. Like intense fire CLEANSE, it swept through us pushing us to see all that was not aligned to purity. It did the job, it cleared us by allowing us to see any remaining rabbit holes (distractions) we had travelled down. Rising out of said rabbit holes has not been easy for the ascending human, but the determination to do this intense work, has allowed us to climb out of the rabbit holes that harboured blindness, falsity and some ego. This human work has produced the final ALL ABIDING inner peace, purity, focus and direction. We only need to know the next step, then the next is revealed and so on. Humans at third dimensional consciousness living find false security (comfort) in having future goals, future plans and projections of their life path. It takes a bit of getting use to dismantling this false security as we go higher…where we live in present moment. Where we can then be extremely focused on the HIGHEST OUTCOME IN ALL PRESENT MOMENTS. This desire to always be in our purest possible state, doing from highest possible frequency means we live ONE STEP AT A TIME. Not having long distance plans. But observing higher SIGNS in the NOW moment. For residing in the present moment at highest human frequency opens the energetic Gateways automatically. It takes getting use to, but the more we let go and trust our higher Self, Source, our path, the easier it is to live this new higher and purer way. Just in the moment. Where focus is on purity. Where the light within us is seen by us, appreciated and acknowledged. This way holds the ever present magic for us to see. In all moments we feel the ever present LOVE.

All my love
AL 20 April 2018

Sourced from here.


A Love Letter


(editor’s note:  this was pure sudden inspiration.  something reached out to me and called me to share ~ which i do with love and which I do for myself as much as I do for each of you…)

Dear Beautiful Human~

In case someone hasn’t told you these things, let me have the honor in doing so.

You are ENOUGH.  You being here, as you are, is enough.

Ascension is your right.  It is nothing to be earned.  It is a gift.  A gift returned.

It matters not what you eat.

It matters not how you pray, or if you pray at all.  Personally I feel thoughts are communications with the All.  I find that to be enough.

Perfection is not necessary.

It matters not what your financial situation is.

It matters not what your health situation is.

It matters not if you have a huge circle of friends and family or if you are alone without such relationships.

It matters not if you are living this thing you call “purpose”.  It does not matter what you do.  It’s more important (in terms of YOU feeling GOOD about you) in HOW you do it.

It matters not if you wear the label “service to self” or “service to others”. Just SERVE.  That is all Life calls of you ~ SERVE.  In whatever way makes YOU feel GOOD.  It is that driving inner feeling that keeps you all going.

This may seem questionable, but it matters not that you raise your vibrations.  Yes, it is helpful and useful to watch your thoughts and focus on those things (thoughts, experiences) that make YOU feel good. Nothing is more important than that YOU feel GOOD.  But you do not need to force this experience.  You do not need to feel guilty if you hold thoughts of anger, frustration and other similar emotional experiences. Allow them and find some reason, if you are in the space to do so, to feel Good about YOU. Even if it is just to say “I AM ENOUGH”.  (because you are!)

You are here.

You are enough.

Let THAT in and of itself BE enough.

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Much love,

Whomever came through and Victoria (the one typing)


Thank you for supporting the work I do.  I graciously accept donations too. If you wish to donate, click the button below.  And thank you!

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