Q Posts (ongoing) ~ 4/6/18


Editor’s note:  “catch and release” is no longer.  !!  (watch the news)…  I looked up Ray Chandler (rachel) and read where she is allegedly the child handler for Epstein and the elites.  deep breath…..  The words below are spot on and we are cheering the military for fighting the good fight – and this time it IS about Freedom and Liberation.  My favorite is 1052.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  Keep the energies on the positive end result…



>>926674 Q, was “pedo drop” narrative in recent bread distraction or planned?
Not planned but necessary.

Breaking911 ‏Verified account @Breaking911 4m4 minutes ago #BREAKING: President Trump signs memorandum ending ‘catch and release’ immigration policy – Reuters Woohoo Good Job Mr. President!
“Watch the news.”

>>925449>>925449 West Coast FBI/DOJ’s still open. Anyone called yet? I’ll do it. What info? Just the instagram account?
Operators on standby.

Report to FBI / DOJ.
Watch what happens.
Subject deviation.

Why is E so vocal against POTUS?
Biggest connection missing.
Focus on friends (2).
(1) F
(1) M
(1) Presidential pardon.
(1) 187
MS_13 Purpose.

Epstein’s plane.
Who is she?
Follow friends.
Friends lead to others.
Open source.



>>924039 I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat! WWG1WGA
Your trust & faith in us is enough.
You elected us to do the heavy lifting.
Enjoy the show.

Thank you for supporting my work.  I graciously accept your donations.  If you wish to contribute to my work, please click the button below.  And thank you!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
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THE EVENT – The Rainbow Light of Transformation – Shifting Timelines


Editor’s note:  Beautiful insights ~ very much resonating with this one…  His vision of The Event is so in alignment with what I have felt and seen….. The Event is the energy that is immediate and a one-time experience that wipes away the AI/Matrix Grid.  It is the catalyst that enables the full Ascension process.  I feel and know that as deep as I feel and know anything.  I am just very much ready to get it going.  I have a very difficult time seeing anyone struggle and suffer ~ I want to FIX it.  End it.  Heal it.  This has been a real challenge for me and continues to be.  I now know why ~ the real You and I are able to heal/mend/fix/create whatever we desire – without limits or rules or interference ~ easily.  We have cellular memory of this and thus we feel the frustration when things do not transpire alongside our effort and intention/attention.  We are getting this back.


Published on Apr 3, 2018


WSO ~ Amazing Sky Photos End of March, 2018 with RICK NORRIS


Editor’s note:  Love the images and the tune.  Such passionate, raw, truthful words.  Earlier today I played the piano and paused to watch the sun.  I had this sudden desire ~ a first ~ to help break down the matrix grid, given all is frequency.  All I got was note “A” (a tune in “A” – like minor) ~ so I will keep at it.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Published on Mar 30, 2018


Sophia Love ~ The Event ~ Reports from the Collective


Editor’s note:  Resonating chills, bliss and a smiling heart as I read this. Thank you Sophia Love for putting this together!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  We are about to be “unplugged” in order that we may fully come Online as Source Super Powers of Love.  I remember the one dream I had of the Event in early 2017 ~ the main message was “this changes everyone and everything by returning the internal experience of Pure Divine Love.”


Today I’d like to share some additional reports regarding this upcoming Event.  Sources are dreams, higher selves, QHHT sessions and One.  I will keep each anonymous while sharing as much as I am able to comfortably.

These were given to me or shared with me by some of my readers, these are not my own dreams or QHHT sessions.

In that way, what is offered here is from all of us, a collective imagining of what is heading our way.  Enjoy.

“I watched another video with Allison Coe. I was happy to see how many others described rainbow light like I described in my dream. The light was alive. It washed the manufactured and dirty veil from our bodies minds and spirits. With it came telepathy and the ability to communicate directly without being recorded and tracked by the dark side. Rather than being and end unto itself, it was simply a tool in the coming transition wherein humanity reclaims their sovereignty rather than being it handed to them. It all comes down to free will.”

“Event to happen by April 15, not sure of any date, with intense bright light immediately followed by ripples of colored light across sky, those whose vibrational levels are not quite high enough will leave the earth for  72 hours and then be returned to Earth to get to raise their vibratory rate, those who cannot/will not raise their rate will be off Earth and taken to another 3D planet, I estimate between 35-50% of Earths current population”

Regarding ascension symptoms:
“The turmoil is akin to a simmering pot.  It’s been simmering these many years. It boils over now because, in a sense, the heat has been turned up.  This is not heat from you.  It is coming from the increased frequency. It has to be seen and adjusted as the heat won’t be going down but increasing.”

“You will not be separated from any loved ones for long enough to worry, but yes, some of those will be on the ships.”

“It will be like the blink of an eye.  Surreal and then everything changes. This is real. It is a joining and recognition of all of you.  Every component. This gives you your full force.”
“These coming times will not feel easy, they will be confusing and could appear frightening.  You know better.”

“You will be empowered to experience and express your full selves, not leaving behind your ego self this time, but incorporating and including her and him into full expression. This means all parts join in the most joyful and desired ways.  It is the only outcome seen now.”

“There is a wave of light coming your way.  It is one in which the colors will be seen as well as felt. It is not one that will be experienced on a purely sensual basis.  It will be visually perceived.
In the majority of the people it will not be understood. This wave is not exactly as seen in the images portrayed by the entertainment industry.  These images are close. They have been presented now in order to instill fear.”

“The image of this light and color love/light wave is more like a moving flowing group.  You will not have to decide to move into it, it will move through you and although it will be unusual, it will not cause fear. The effort at bringing an element of fear to it will not succeed.
This is because the power of the energy/light itself is stronger than anything every experienced here on earth. It will not be overcome by anything else.  It will be known and felt as love.”

“There will be a moment. This moment will or may be confusing for those among you who have not ever attempted to operate from a point of love. It will not last.”

“This is not to say the wave will have the same effect on each of you.  It will not.”

“Many of you will segment this out as if it were a dream.
Some of you will have it occur while sleeping but will recall it as a dream – a dream you may not even speak of until life feels so very altered the following day or someone else mentions the same sort of dream.”

“It comes at you even now, make no mistake. It will also be an isolated physical happening in which there will be a beginning, a middle and an end.  There will be a time known as before the event and a time known as after the event. It will be marked and recognized.”

“The time leading up to the event is right now.  The time after the event comes soon.  This event is not days long but will be recovered from for days after.  It will change everything for everyone.”

“The physical man-made systems will all be altered.”

“You have heard and now expect something in March of your current year.  It is true that something happens in March but it is not the event as you are expecting it. It is a leading-edge wave of love, an introduction to light filled energy that sets the stage for what is to be known as the event. It begins now. It will be known to have happened in March of this current year. That is specific as I am going to be.”

“It is in these pre-cursor waves of energy where you’ll find hearts begin to open and things begin to thaw.”

“You cannot plan your life around its timing. All of you will be protected during this event – it is not one of destruction or of fear, quite the opposite.”

“The event is a singular moment that is set to “on” very soon. It is humanity and the earth and the central sun (that pull the switch).”

“All is perfectly done. Your place when the event occurs is perfectly chosen. You will see. There will be no missing it, sleeping through it, or fear around it.”

“It will not be seen or forecasted.  It will simply arrive.”

“Simultaneously for everyone on the planet – the wave arrives.”

So that about covers it!

We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done.

With gratitude and so much love,

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.  
Much obliged.

Sourced from here.


Ep. 4: The Sun and The Solar Flash (with Joshua Dharma)


Listening…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  I had forgotten I had subscribed to his channel awhile back as I really liked his energy.  Good find, mate!  


Published on Mar 19, 2018




Editor’s note:  I was called to read this.  I appreciate that I did.  Lately I began to feel an inner switch within that reminded me I Am is what is Abundant.  (I also remain passionate about seeing abundance for all of pure heart ~ in whatever form he/she desires.)  



by Jeanie, published on March 22, 2018


     I feel infinitely wealthy! My cup overflows, my bounty runs over!
      I am bursting at the seams with excitement!
     I have become VERY CLEAR about TRUE ABUNDANCE of life! It has always been there. I see that now. I see how I have known it as LOVE!
     LOVE IS.  Sometimes I knew it and felt it, other times I feared and kept myself from experiencing it. In those moments that I felt fear, I experienced things I didn’t like. When I trust that I am safe, all is well. Even better now, I know that the most DELIGHTFUL things happen when I am APPRECIATING LIFE NOW!
     As a single mother I struggled financially, and at times was blessed. I see how my thoughts and feelings played into what happened! From my perspective,I held many beliefs about money that didn’t serve me, or anyone I knew.
     For a time,  I believed that it was Godly to be poor. (I heard  it in a sermon somewhere ). I suppose on the flip side of that is a belief that, only bad people have lots of money. I can see how society supports that belief.
     As I said, money has been a thing I’ve not had a lot of. The funny thing is that we’ve always been taken care of. Somehow, someway, it always works out! I do my best to take care of me and mine, and there is always enough. I have pursued many things in an attempt to create more abundance for my family. I have educated myself, I have worked, learned,invested, and given. I keep giving and it keeps flowing through!  LOVE IS the TRUE CURRENCY in my life! I trust that no matter how financially wealthy I may become, it will pale in comparison to who I am and the love I flow in my experience! I FEEL like the WEALTHIEST ONE ever! I am Feeling the BLISS of unconditional LOVE and seeing the fruit of it in my life! The more money I get, the more money I share and I am having so much FUN DOING it! That’s the key –FUN! The more fun I have, the more there is to have! Now that I am KNOWING MY WORTH and FEELING at EASE BEING MYSELF, the more LOVE I AM ALLOWING In all ways!
     One of my favorite ways is SYNCHRONICITY. I was glowing in appreciation for time spent with family,  and how HAPPY I am to be able to GIVE! I felt moved to pick up a book I had just purchased, I opened it up and the number of the story was significant. I read the message and LAUGHED OUT LOUD at the confirmation it gave me! I know now that what comes financially, or otherwise,  Is going to change me for the better. LIFE IS SO  GOOD!
Sourced from here.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Update ~ #UniversalBackDoor HATJ and BZ phone Conversation #UniversalCleanUp


Editor’s note:  Awesome and difficult to listen to.  In total alignment with what she shares ~ including this crypto nonsense.  It will not be allowed.  Period.  It is just another power-over, system of control. Please share with all you know. Thank you.  We need to continue focusing on what we want, or as Heather says “the end result”.  


Published on Mar 21, 2018




Another wonderful read from Amanda.  I deeply value her work and am grateful I found her.  Very awesome suggestion in which I will be Doing.


Amanda Lorence shared her post.

Helpful repost for these ‘times’. Take back your inner power. Love to all 💙🌈💙

Amanda Lorence



Upon waking from slumber, sleep mode, dream mode each morning, the brain will automatically re-calibrate to WHAT IT THINKS IT KNOWS. To what it has repeated experience of. For the vast majority of humanity so far, this would be a consciousness set within a frequency range of the Third dimension. A limited consciousness.

In slumber, sleep or dreaming mode, our consciousness is generally raised to a higher frequency. When we wake each day, we can intentionally stay in that higher state of frequency, if we choose, if we intend to. And by repeatedly doing so, we can give the human brain (processor), a different Programme to adapt to. We can break through the conditioning.

Rather than wake and allow the BRAIN thoughts to kick in straight away, which automatically reduces the human frequency at the start of the day, we can take moments immediately upon waking up, JUST TO BE. In no thought zone, zero thought, just feeling the state we WERE in before waking up from sleep. The longer we stay in this intentional NO THOUGHT mode, the more we feel how it feels…and this NO THOUGHT takes us to the heart. Where pure love resides and is then automatically expressed out into the day. As soon as thought kicks in at the start of our day, this connection is temporarily lost, until we become aware of our thoughts and change the ingrained pattern.

Many are oblivious to how energy works, so do not know how to change their daily experience, from the start of the day. We can always change our thoughts, in any moment. Yet seizing the day, upon waking, placing awareness to WHAT IS, to love, to wonder, to joy, to harmony, to peace, to excitement, places those intention into your thought system that then as a consequence produces feelings/emotions, which changes your thoughts and emotions at the start of your day.

You become the master of your thoughts, thus feelings and emotions WITHIN that you then emit OUT. All power is WITHIN. We are not at the mercy of the outside projection. We can allow the brain to adapt to the power WITHIN every day upon waking. It will become accustomed to it the more we practice it.

Change worry into wonder and excitement. Change stress into harmony. Change apathy into loving wisdom. Change selfishness into selflessness. Change programmed mind into open mind that allows for all possibility to reside. Love resides within all things.

Intend your day. Feel the love you hold WITHIN.

AL 05/10/17

Sophia ~ A Message from One on the Event


Editor’s note:  This is the most beautiful description of Love.  I read it out loud for more impact.  The tears flowed easily.  We are finding our way Home.  It is so validating to my own experiences.  Being around anyone/anything that is not authentic ~ I cannot do for long (usually now it is seconds) ~ not without discomfort and at times instant, extreme irritability.   It isn’t a judgment space ~ it is purely energy.  Thank you Sophia for this beautiful message.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


March 11th, 2018            3:30 AM

Did someone just wake me?

Yes, Sophia. It is I. It is One.

Hello. You have something to say?

Yes, there are things to say.

I would now continue.

Okay. Thank you.

This time you are in right now is becoming catastrophic in its effects upon your daily life. The energy you enter, as wonderful and cleansing and powerful as it is, wreaks havoc on people, relationships and systems of control. You cannot continue to control these things in such a vibration.

I will describe for you why this is true. The frequency of love is the core element here. This is a freedom frequency. It is one of permission. It allows. It grants a sense of grandiose abandon to all beings, efforts, and systems of control.

It cannot be contained by any equally powerful effort, not in the current circulating vibe on earth. The tables have turned for everyone.

This means that everything camouflaged as beneficial, helpful or free, that is not, is being seen for what it is.

It is why, Sophia, you see people differently. You can no longer tolerate deception and falsity. These things are abhorrent to you. It is why you are having to face yourself and stop the control you’ve put on your heart.

You are facing the ultimate moment. Anything, everything, anyone, everyone, that or who functions within tightly controlled movements will be busted wide open in these frequencies.

Nothing that is not love will withstand the force heading for you now.

This force will break organizations, people and relationships that do not operate for the benefit, in transparency, of all involved.

These break-apart events may happen instantly or may begin now, but for sure, all that is not love will expose itself and be healed or in some way exit.

What is love?

Love allows. Love does not dominate or assume ownership or a “necessary” form or display of control. Love does not harm. Love exists as the beginning. It is being shown now as that initiatory force for all of life.

As such, it asks nothing. It is merely coming forward, being exposed, and being witnessed, as the force that it is.

Love cannot be stopped. It will no longer be hidden. Love erupts now and as it does, all that is not love moves to give it room.

Love does not conquer all, love is all.

There is nothing that is not love.

This truth has been hidden from humanity.

Humanity instead has been taught that obedience was love, and that love had requirements to be met before it was parceled out.

These things are not true and not in your best interest. They will be seen as the forms of manipulation that they are.

Love is the beginning and the end. It becomes the ground on which you stand and the heavens you reach for as you grow. It is not an option any longer. Love is the only choice. It is the thing you will all be doing.

It is the thing being figured out inside your hearts, your friendships, your marriages, your families. It is what is being figured out in all relationships you have – those to each other, to your god, your laws, your societal rules and behaviors.

Love becomes then, the constant.

Love is not always going to feel good for you. As the changes are made you will experience a sense of loss. People and things that you have counted on will be exiting your lives in a variety of ways. These exits will not be a bad thing. You will have to remain open, to allow the change and weather the storm, as its effects color your life.

What may feel like damage is a necessary ending so that the new can begin.
You are learning what love looks and feels like in a level of density that defined and used love as if it were a tool, a gateway to control.

You cannot control love.

It is a sense of limitless.

Coming into a love state, from a slave state, will or could appear frightening. It will feel as if no one is at the wheel or holding the reins.

This would be true, yet there is no reason to fear. What is happening is that you must let go now.

You do not need to hang on so tightly to manage what love can do or how much love can enter – your life.

This frequency blasts through the gates around your hearts. Ready or not, here it comes.

You will discover a joyous, wondrous, light-filled world. It exists beyond the tightly controlled one you now occupy.

This energy volume will blow the speakers. Most of you have not allowed it turned up this high – ever. Not while human anyway.

See what happens next with a filter of light – your light. It will help you to remember and to feel the full import of this alteration.

Hold the light always. As you look at things break down, end, and emerge,remember it is the force of love that instigates all of it now.

Allow, allow, allow.

Trust. Follow your intuition.

Go at your personally determined pace.

What emerges and surrounds you now is love.

That is all.

Thank you. 


This is a free publication so

please share!
When this event occurs, we will all need this influx of love as a reminder of who it is we are, and why we have come.

One day is set aside each month for questions.
Send any questions for  any one of these beings to me at sophia@sophialove.org
My blog is always free & found here
Please support this work!
Do all of your Amazon shopping from this link –

(click here).

This helps me great deal and costs you nothing.



Today’s Awareness Moment


Human, Children, Girl, Run, Jump, Joy, Away

Had an hour or two of some much needed “just me” time to meditate, listen to music, move my body, release.  I thought back over the day and instead of feeling the inconvenience of my perceived version of disruptions,  I thought about the best part of the day.  My heart went right to my girl and I remembered a moment as I stood watching her, holding hands with her little friend, the two of them running freely, wind in their hair, their giggles and squeals for all adult hearts to feel, hear and take in.  My own especially.

That, right there is what this is all about.

Every delicious difficult piece of it.