France: Putin gives Trump thumbs up at WWI centenary ceremony in Paris (plus a pat on the shoulder and a very happy, geniune smile)



Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ THE best video I have seen all day.  Look at the smile on Putin’s face and the sparkle in his eyes.  I just love this! Two alpha men removing the dark forces out of government, enabling peace and freedom. Kinda like captain america and superman.


Published on Nov 11, 2018

Permaculture Garden Produces 7000 Pounds of Organic Food Per Year on a Tenth of an Acre


[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”][wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”][wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Family grows 7000 pounds of organic food per year on a tenth of an acre, supplying 90 percent of their diet… They spend less than $2 per day per person on other kitchen staples and make over $20,000 a year selling excess produce.

Fifteen minutes from downtown Los Angeles, just 100 feet away from a major freeway, a small city lot was transformed into a mini paradise.

A fifth acre lot, minus the house, garage and driveway, the family has converted the remaining tenth of an acre into a tiny food forest that produces 7000 pounds of food per year with no synthetic fertilizers.

What’s the secret to their abundance? Permaculture methods that mimic Mother Nature to create nutrient-and-bacteria-rich soil.

Continue reading here:

Introducing JFK Jr to the masses again ~ a video of Hope


editor victoria’s comment ~ chills & tears!  i am so ready to see he and his family.  that one event will unite us all!  i am also reminded of the video claiming to capture their son and daughter at a rally of this past year – and wow – the son looks spot on like his young dad does in this video below.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Sourced from here:

African American Trump Supporter Calls out Maxine Waters (and quite brilliantly too)


editor’s note:  this woman nails it – points to the obvious elephant in the room. it also hits home.  i tried relentlessly to break into the social service field.  in my area – all such work requires that you speak spanish.  i remember asking if the State would offer me free training.  nope.  i asked “why not?  when someone comes here from Mexico they are given free training to speak english.”  oh the person would have no answer to that.  i could take some classes – at my expense. it’s wrong.  it’s a disgrace.  and it was done intentionally.  bravo to this woman! heck, vote her in.  remove maxine – put her in!



JFK Junior ~ Did he remake the scene from 20 years ago with the introduction of George Magazine?


editor’s note:  from my current knowledge/understanding, the image below was included in that recent magazine release:  “JFK Junior – 20 year Memorial Special – His Amazing Untold Story” (I HAVE to get myself a copy ~ they’re not cheap though)….I see what he is doing.  He has remade the scene from 20 years ago when he introduced the First Edition of George Magazine to the public. Below is one of the images of that day.  You can compare.

What’s interesting as others point out – his hair is gray and he’s doing something “special” with that middle finger.  Giving the salute to the mockingbird media/cia/deep state take your pick….

There.  Are.  No.  Coincidences….  (oh how i have enjoyed going down this rabbit hole – this one has been full of surprise and joy – much better than the other dark ones i have ventured into!  a beautiful ending to a horrible story…)  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

UPDATE:  as we have not been able to find this locally, i decided to search online.  this thing is almost impossible to find.  i found 2 e-bay auctions selling it.  one is at $12.75 – bidding is still underway – the other is $47 – people still bidding on that one too.  

CORDICON ~ Tell me who gets camera cut to them at the Trump rally? (hint: his name is j’s in it) OMG THIS IS HUGE!! and a bonus picture of where he stood in relation to POTUS


editor’s note:  thank you again cordicon for getting in on this one.  i hadn’t been able to find him in the crowd.  WOW – to see the camera cut in on him? like this wasn’t planned?  this brings tears to my eyes.  aren’t we ready to welcome him?


Source here.

Source here.

#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: DOJ OIG Releases Report on the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Management of Its Female Inmate Population



Cover of OIG report “Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Management of Its Female Inmate Population” Respectfully There is NO Oversight, ZERO Integrity, We The People Give You Guidance on The Damnable and Horrifying conditions Female prisoners are subject to. ~ BZ Riger@IUVPORTAL on behalf of Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Carissa Carpenter, Julia Teryaeva-Reed … thousands of others.

#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: DOJ OIG Releases Report on the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Management of Its Female Inmate Population

This I UV Blog post has been @ tweeted to  @realDonaldTrump@TheJusticeDept@hannabogorowski@JusticeOIG

BZ: I received this email from Heather this morning, its her response to an article I sent her on the OIG report.


Date: 9/23/2018 11:06:58 AM

TO: BZ Riger

Subject: RE: female inn mates doj ig finds

Thank you to everyone that sent me this article <3

I make the following FEW (of many) comments/notes/highlights/overlights, with these two points in heart:
1. What you sent me for review is an article; and, link to article sent 
2. I have not viewed the OIG report that is the point of topic in said article. [attempting again to send her the contents of OIG reports- BZ]

that done…

The points that the article cover regarding the conditions and treatment of ONLY female inmates, are the tamest points that femal inmates experience…and if the general public actually saw, knew, or experienced the totality of what female inmates do, the penal systems in America would not exist, and answers would be demanded from the DOJ as to the human rights abuses they allow, encourage, and “policy” to be practiced in said facilities.

“Damnable” and “horrifying”, in my professional opinion and experiences, are tame words to use to describe the conditions and treatments inflicted on female inmates in the penal systems operating in America. What is most concerning is there is no true recourse or remedy for any of the female inmates while they are in custody, and no effective assistance possible from their attorneys, if they even have one…and by some accounts, those factors and more, have fatal results…and by many accounts, permanently crippling results.

From informed experience and investigations, many men and women that are in the penal systems, should not be there. There are more instances than I care to recall, where “criminal procedures”, “criminal process”, and “due process” were not followed, not even a little bit…where those thought to have been delegated authority to enforce “laws”, could not even follow said “laws” themselves, and with the most heinous flair. Couple that with the infamous “shame and shun” societal programming when the purported “inmates” are released, which “China” has now taken beyond extremes, and you have guaranteed infite market for “prison bonds”.

Are there situations where measures must be taken to keep all beings safe and protected…yes, for the here and now…however, the situations are manufactured at the highest levels, and inherent in the very systems and the manner of application of said systems the people use daily…coupled with an unaware populous…and corrupt enforcement…I could speak for weeks on that topic alone…and I will leave it until the appropriate moment and forum.

During this operation, I had to bite my tongue from gushing forth apologies, and blink my eyes repeatedly to stop the tears for all that was experienced by ALL purported inmates.

I choose to focus on all I can to change it…and I am <3

Love All

DOJ OIG Releases Report on the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Management of Its
Female Inmate Population

Continue here (to also d/l the report).

#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: HATJ New Data- Would You like to Play Your Part


editor’s note:  damn.  collective energies of thoughts – is that enough to get her out?  to wrap up this sheot?  how long have we been at this – following her journey (and randy’s too)?  I WOULD THINK BY NOW OUR COLLECTIVE THOUGHTS WOULD BE SEEING THEM FREE AND THIS SHITSHOW OVER. please excuse the all caps.  this is just so maddening.  this sudden new policy –  has no bearing on their new inmate, right?  [wp-svg-icons icon=”tongue” wrap=”i”]  what is happening w/this “once she steps foot on federal soil, it’s over”?  damn someone in authority take some frigging action already on this.  where is the help from the insiders we hear are working on this?  for now – focus on she being safe.  protected.  and FREE.  i get a little annoyed at this sparkly talk of creating our own reality with our thoughts and cosmic kisses.  ACTION speaks much more powerfully than bubbles containing unicorn kisses.  



#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: HATJ New Data- Would You like to Play Your Part


Would You like to Play- To Flex Your powerful Creator Being muscles…?

I received this email from HATJ, this evening. I will be playing with Heather’s toe being happy, healthy and cosmically delicious. I am also playing with unexpected expansive ways of connecting with other people rolling through the facility in every being there.

Are You up for creating energetic frequencies that have your unique expansive flare and sending them in playful ways to Dublin FCI…

Want things to be Done Now, Revealed Now, Unfolding Now… You hold the key to do that for You and share in the job of opening the lock for All.

Lets Rock this out with Love and a Joyful Noise ~BZ



9/18/2018 9:52:58 PM




i have been and will be short for the next few days while i handle a broken infected big toe with the united states public health services, “usph” (does medical here at the bop facility…agency sound familiar within fed res relationships, etc., hhhhmmmm???? lol), and bop officers…i will not even expand on the conflicting data and orders at this time.

however, one important point that was over emphasized to all inmates over the last 24 hours, specifically in the form of an offical memo from the warden giving notice of new, and extremely increased penalities for unauthorized contacts and communications, including but not limited to messages to/from/with/using third parties…for example, my emails and calls must be directly with those i have in my contacts list…they are going so far as cross-referencing inmates contacts to see who has the same ones and then asking the contact in common how they came to know the inmates, looking at all books to see if inmates have in common depositors, etc…some girls are very, very, very upset

penalties include, but are not limited to, being thrown in the shoe (isolation), loss of phone/email/video privilages for “at least 18 months”, and $300 fine (up from previous $25 fine), removals of contacts, etc…

this morning, the assistant warden (le masters) said it is national policy, if i am recalling his words correctly…dunno, my toe was killing me, and i was told that i would be written up if i missed orientation to go to the doctor…usphs says i should have gone to the doctor and they would have helped me with getting the writeup cancelled…inmates, saying “yeah right”…mamma mia! ~ cue Pink’s FUN HOUSE 🙂

so keep above in heart, and if you are removed from my contacts list…cue shaggy’s “it wasn’t me” 😉

love you all
and we wrap this the $*!@*$%^& up NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
