Terran Cognito ~ Status Update and Intel on Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf’s Situation


Status Update

Heather is in the Irwin County, GA jail as she is in transit to her Bureau of Prisons destination.  I expect she could be moved next week or any moment before.  You just never know. Communications right now are difficult, and the apps clumsy at best. Heather called briefly two days ago on the phone which is the first time in about 10 days.  She reached me from an account I had filled the last time she was at the Oscilla Georgia facility. BZ apparently has set up a telephone account for her and Youssef, and a general telephone PIN card for Heather  that she can use to call any other number.

Heather did say she is getting out of the cell nearly all day unlike the facility in Knox County where she was lucky to get out of her cell for 30 minutes.  She is very cheerful as usual.  She mentioned that this is over once she steps into a BOP facility.  I’ll take her at her word.

There are some initiatives by others underway, which I will probably not participate in as I don’t feel it is mine to do, I wish them well as always.  I am trusting my intuition on this and make no apology for it. I will commit myself to what I feel to commit myself to,  post what I want to post, and put my money and time into efforts I feel I can do the most good.  And if you don’t like it that is just tough.

I was asked in 2015 to sit on the board of  INTJ but declined as it would be incompatible with my Declaration of I AM to judge anyone.  Either I am of the ALL and work from that perspective or I am not.  Every being on this planet has played one role or another in this life or another.  What others choose is their business.

Having said that, this planet will be cleared of those who prey on humanity, they were warned for 5 years.  Its being enforced and has been enforced for many months already.  In many cases removal from power is enough. Others are forfeiting their inbodyment in a form of self-foreclosure, as Source itself deems fit.  And that is certainly proceeding apace with remarkable elegance. Certain faces have been kept in place until the final moments (which sometimes discourages those looking for visible evidence).  But they know!

I am no law expert.  What I know of law I learned from Heather.   All the UCC and common law knowledge in the world does no good at all in a corrupted court system. It has been said “law is a certain as a mathematical formula”.  Math and Laws are based on logic, but a corrupt court has no logic, it is ruled by caprice and whim of hidden power.  From one angle Heather’s defense doesn’t make a lot of sense, no motions at all really (and part of that was for reasons of jurisdiction).  From the standpoint of cleaning up the systems, documenting it, and closing it down it makes perfect sense.   She knows what she is doing.

There are tiers to the court systems. And this is also true of Intelligence Services and Military.  When there is no redress in the lower tier, it moves up to the next one.  When the Constitution is ignored by the courts created to carry it out, especially when foreign actors plot to remove a sitting President, because of greed, the Court becomes military.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

US Declaration of Independence

How this resolves for Heather I don’t know, but I don’t expect it will come from legal maneuvers in Federal Court or common law judges.    Perhaps a Pardon or commutation?  Perhaps the whole system simply goes away and is replaced by another as outlined in the Declaration of Independence?  In my opinion we are at that stage.

Trump knows what is going on.  So does the military (they have for decades) who have always been just at the edges of our perception in this work, and sometimes quietly opening doors, where they needed to be opened, or in other moments dropping needed clues and hints to things we may have overlooked.

The USA in this moment shares much in common with the late stage Soviet Union, corruption is rampant, media control and spies on citizens everywhere. Our CIA infiltrated media sounds like the old Pravda run by the KGB.   The shrillness of the old guard as it shrieks as its power based on blackmail, extortion and intimidation ebbs away and they are seen for what they have always been, our prison guards in a slave system without walls and chains of bondage made from pieces of paper with Illuminati pyramids on it.

The money system was not created to free humanity, it was created as an engine of scarcity (imported from Orion along with the Orion/Draco hybrids (in the West) and Chinese/Draco (in the East – a very small fraction of Chinese are hybrids – most Chinese are not) that permeate the money banks.  YOU are their collateral.  You are the fuel of this engine. This engine of contrived scarcity (in an abundant universe) guaranteed poverty for most of the planet, riches for a corruptible few who would be compliant elites, and a subsistence life of labor and toil for those lucky enough to be employed.  The employed “human resources” were given hope they too, with enough hard labor become like their elites in their lives of luxury and “status”.   Which of course was dashed every ten years in each pump and dump cycle of the Central banks. They are not smarter than you.  They never were.  You live in a caste system unlike any in the Galaxy (and one of the last remaining such ones).

Its now all exposed and documented. What’cha gonna do about it?

Violence is not the answer.  Awareness is.  There’s more of us than them.  They don’t want you awake. Where we go one, we go all.

#UNIVERSALCLEANUP : Updates of What is Unfolding in Knoxville at Alleged Sentencing Hearing


editor’s note:  i am not surprised they sentenced her in this way.  i still feel it won’t matter much longer.  prison clean-up is part of the swamp draining process.  and the ending of this realm/the event on the cusp…..but still – fucking DAMN those criminals.  molester’s and rapist’s receive less sentence time.  take them out of power NOW!  arrest the cabal NOW!  me thinks it is time for us to get loud and vocal about this.  



#UNIVERSALCLEANUP : Updates of What is Unfolding in Knoxville at Alleged Sentencing Hearing


This post will be updated as the day unfolds. Do a hard refresh to see the latest updates.


2:20 PM PST. I will be doing a recorded up date shortly and will post once complete- bz


5:07 PM EST Brief update- hearing just ended. 57 months, 2 years supervision after, drug testing suspended in those 2 yrs. HATJ has already signed and filled an appeal.


3:35 PM EST alleged sentencing hearing is still in progress.

12:42 PM EST,  Terran is heading to court house now and took this image on the way.

look at the utility panel. 🙂

11:25 AM EST Sheila Corona and Lisa Rush arrived in the Court plaza .

Sourced here.


BREAKING: President Trump URGENT Press Conference at NATO Summit – July 12, 2018


editor’s note:  you will hear him speak of his desire to abolish nuclear weapons, create peace for all and heal disease for all mankind and womankind.  some prosperity hints as well.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on Jul 12, 2018

US withdraws from UN Human Rights Council


editor’s note:  ending the day with some beautiful, wonderful news……nikki haley nails it.


Nikki Haley calls organisation ‘hypocritical and self-serving’

Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf Update


To: William Ferguson
Subject: RE: Varlan’s clerk
Date: 6/19/2018 2:31:38 PM

fed res, et. al.

my love and gratitude for spenser, and tranquility and grace to his loved ones
p. s. we have been in lockdown since saturday… numerous 24-75+ lockdowns since prison reform summit… tablet died as i was writing BZ a detailed report for marshal and pam spees (CCR)… and requesting an immediate appearance of the us marshal at RDWDF to speak to each of the female fed inmates and get detailed accouts of the offenses directly, although i have observed many done… but tablet “died” just as i was sending

… the us marshal, et. al. , are liable/responsible for the well being, rather lack of well bieng, descrimination, and other human rights abuses committed by RDWDF employees against the female fed inmates. … us marshal is either unaware, or dropped the ball here, as the domestic and global human tafficking, slavery, money laundering, etc. , operations are wound down now

… if it is the latter, apparently, more responsible and caring beings are required to step in now to ensure/insure only well being is experienced… by all <3 br=””>
call everyone as soon as i can… i now have fully charged tablet

love all

Sourced from here.

President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian Lawmakers



June 13, 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in reaching an agreement to work toward de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

The U.S leader was nominated by two members of Norway’s governing Progress Party, according to state broadcaster NRK. The deadline for this year’s prize passed in January, so this nomination would make him eligible for next year. It is unclear whether he was nominated for this year’s prize.

Nominations for the world’s most coveted prize are open to lawmakers, academics and researchers from around the world. The Nobel Committee in Oslo typically receives hundreds of nominations each year, and past candidates have also included Russian President Vladimir Putin and Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro. A record 330 people were nominated this year.

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