Q Posts for 4/6/18


Editor’s note:  Night 2.  Keep the vibe of protection high, the focus on the end result we pure-hearted freedom desiring/supporting Beings want.  D. Seaman feels to be correct.  fyi:  The typo referred to is found under post 1034.




>>914474 What fell from space recently? Accident or retaliation? Q
When was Hussein in China?
Track events.
We are in control


>>914461 Satellite hack GPS spoof
What fell from space recently?
Accident or retaliation?


Think Navy Ship crashes.
Bigger than you know.
We ARE active.




Thank you for your prayers.
Forced reaction.
One of many vehicles.
Night [2]
Fast movers.
Force projection.
April Showers.
Thank you for supporting the work I do.  I graciously accept donations.  If you feel drawn to donate, please click the link below.  And thank you!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
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Human Trafficking Arrests ~ Trump and Obama


Below is a link that breaks down the arrests.  As stated at the top of the document, many of these cases have been sitting for years without sentencing.  This is changing due to the Trump Administration policies. Let’s at least acknowledge he is exposing this nightmare and getting it cleaned up.


Sourced from here.  

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Update ~ #UniversalBackDoor HATJ and BZ phone Conversation #UniversalCleanUp


Editor’s note:  Awesome and difficult to listen to.  In total alignment with what she shares ~ including this crypto nonsense.  It will not be allowed.  Period.  It is just another power-over, system of control. Please share with all you know. Thank you.  We need to continue focusing on what we want, or as Heather says “the end result”.  


Published on Mar 21, 2018


Lightfield Foundation ~ Healing in the Now and into the Future


Editor’s note:  I am SO happy to share this information with you all.  I want to see such operations in every city and town globally.  Reading through their site, they operate the way Healing SHOULD be operated (well ALL living that is).  They charge a very nominal fee per session (as in 2/3 LESS the cost of a visit to a traditional western doctor) and still if you cannot pay that, you are encouraged to still speak with them and make the appointment.  Healing for all because our good health (and indeed the return of it) is OUR RIGHT.


About Lightfield Foundation

Lightfield Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit that has been serving the public with consciousness-raising and de-stressing technology since 2009. It is our mission to empower humanity by assisting people in connecting with their higher levels of consciousness using Lightfield™ technology, as well as educating the public about the relationships between consciousness, energy, matter, and the structure of the Universe. Lightfield™ technology uses information fields and sacred geometries to project a harmonious field into a space in which a client reclines for an approximately 30 minute session. The client emerges feeling a sense of revitalization and greater well-being and often reports feeling a greater connection with their higher levels of awareness.

Lightfield Technology™

Background and History

In the early 1990s, Russian scientists became convinced of the existence and properties of an additional class of a non-physical field in physics beyond the gravitational, electric, magnetic and strong and weak nuclear attraction fields. Historically, all of these latter were recognized by the mainstream scientific community as capable of creating surrounding influence. The newly recognized field type is, in essence, comprised purely of information or ideas. We have, therefore, come to refer to such fields as “information fields.”


The Russians recognized that the biofields that surroround every life form (auras are an example) are themselves purely information fields, continuously generated by the consciousness of the individual. They developed technology known as GDV bioelectrography for imaging such bio fields. They indirectly used a computerized variant of the phenomenon known as Kirlian photography (originally discovered by a Russian husband and wife scientific team for which it was named.)

Russian scientists did some of the seminal work understanding information fields and their character, and developed a technology capable of stripping the information content from an electromagnetic signal input and projecting a field compromised solely of the information extracted. This principal is utilized in the Lightfield unit, wherein information is stripped from music and light inputs and projected into the unit, creating a field of harmonious information.

Non-Physical Characteristics

As in the case with the human biofield, the Lightfield information fields have a non-physical character. Neither audible sound nor visible light are present. Rather, the ideas that comprise their spiritual essence are present. The information field projected into the Lightfield and complementary Grace unit has a property of coherence. When an individual is placed within a coherent information field, he or she begins to reconnect with his or her higher awareness and begins to jettison stress accumulated during the process of living. Coherent information fields are also produced in other venues by activities such as group prayer or intentions and meditation, as well as by the presence of certain physical geometries described since ancient times as “sacred geometries.”

Check out their website here fmi.  And please spread the love by sharing!


Thank you for supporting my work!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]

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An Open Letter to Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf


An open letter to HATJ 2/25/18

My Dearest Heather

Hmm, been wanting to write you for months now, however as the universe has it, the TIMING was off. HAHA

Since you have as you stated in a video last year ‘its time to come into the light’ and expose not only yourself but everything EVERY THING that has been transpiring the past 20 years. You have so gently peeled back your layers to show us each human part of who you are. Not the quantum that you are but the liner human that you tend to BE in the NOW. This must not have been easy. You have family and children to protect and as the feminine you are, this must have taken a profound toll on the energy and BEING you are today.

I have patiently watched everything unfold this last year. I had a sense that timing as such changed because of the co-creative efforts of ALL of us, which kinda through you off a bit(not in a bad way) just in a way that you might say(well darn, I was not prepped for this) You have all your checks and balances in order, and even you were beyond joyed to see of much FASTER everything was unfolding because of us ALL consciously wanting freedom.

You have had so many attacks from every outlet, from us humans. From the ones who are frustrated, afraid, do not understand and are lost by what they are seeing unfold. I have to say myself, it’s daunting to read everything, and confusing. I empathize with those that are frustrated and think your just BSing everyone. I also ask them to take your time…whatever that time is for you….

I say to those that may read this, ask yourself WHY are you pointing that energy at Heather? Why are you co-creating those thoughts? It’s fairly simple. If you dont understand all the legalese of all this(which I myself don’t as well) I look inside myself, and take a step back and I know…KNOW it’s correct, complicated, confusing, however correct.

Many people that understand banking and the current law have thrown daggers at you. Why? They think they are right, however if you keep reading and moving and going , you will see the LAW we thought was correct since civil war times, was actually corrupted by humans and non humans who are and were simply afraid.

I would also say to those reading this, lets say right now. Why would they have an ENTIRE Federal Prison on lock down….when Heather entered the establishment? Think about that? I am one not to tell people what to think or how to think but only to come to your end of the road conclusion on this.

Lastly(but not lastly) The TDDA accounts. It’s now very widely open and shown that theses accounts are real, and have been for many many many years. THUS the frustration from all of us who want to be released from the burden of paying a cell bill, utility, car payments mortgage..etc. I am WITH all of you on this, however I say this I NEVER blamed Heather or Randy when I attempted to use the accounts and got reversals. No blame here. IF those accounts where NOT real, why even listen them, why are there 1000’s of videos about it? Why even try? Why even talk about it. I’ll leave that to all of you. I will say this to those reading this. STOP blaming Heather and Randy for something YOU wanted to take action on. I always say this..’Take Responsibility for your own actions’!!!!!!

Finally, Heather, thank you. It’s not a big enough phrase to say what you are doing, however it’s what I can muster for you. WE ALL THANK YOU. The ones that are open, the ones that are pissed, the ones that are expanding, the ones that send hate your way. WE ALL THANK YOU!

In Luv Joey!

Sourced from here.

Latest Info/Filings on the Heathe Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane Case



published on the IUV, on February 23, 2018

bz: above all of the latest filled documents is an email note from HATJ, pay close attention to the second half of note. Pay close attention to the last item filled on Doc #144.  Pay close attention, Step Up, Notice, Stand All In. Simply Notice- I/You/We’ve Got This (heart)


To: Bill
Subject: RE: Iphone not working and lockdown
Date: 2/24/2018 9:27:03 AM

no worries, bill

we are on day 2 of lockdown… again, for unknown reasons… started well before the brief fight, in fact the two women were brought back in..professional opinion, and based on my firsthand experiences and observations in here, the fight happened because we have been in so much unprecedented lockdown

according to corp. thornbury (sp? ), they can only go 72 hours before they “have to answer to anyone”… and as all in the universal cleanup are aware… “universes can change”, within 72 hours or less

professional suggestion to US MARSHAL Sanchez: find another contractor… as it sits today, the US MARSHAL cannot recover from tne liability created using this particular contractor, or similarly operating contractor. <3 (full reports have been compiled since august 2017 by various u/c agents throughout US.. note, this topic is not my primary task in uni-cleaup)

tablet battery low… no showers/phones/tablet recharges…

personal status and updates through i-comms to all…
3rd party notices of dishonor, via wellness check requests when applicable…

….and final notes on foreign actors…

(“follow the money”… And the human trafficking/terrorist disbursement programs [immigrant/refugee]…all mapping stored in HARVARD INSPIRE… with special attention to HARVARD GLOBAL SERVICES and january 2017 transfer of Harvard $35 BILLION trading platform moved to BLACKROCK… logs for MA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE (Agency ID # 6002771)… including, but not limited to, russia, china, and AIIB/BRICS/CIPS (HENRY TODD, JONATHON D. BETTS, KL, and GUORONG DING [Chairman of SHEYIN & WANGUO SECURITIES CO. LTD.].. sooooo much more…., ET. AL., all interesting “actors”)… so happy to retire the game boards in ALL perceptions 🙂

love to all

To read the documents click here.  (above also sourced from aforementioned link)

Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf Update


this is far from over folks…  interesting that this is the 2nd jail she’s been in to undergo “unexplained” lock-down suddenly.  coincidence?  i think not. 


Heather update 2/19/18

Heather is well and of good cheer, but has been in 23 hr lockdown since late last Wednesday.  Her “elbow counsel” attorney met with her on Wednesday and exchanged some documents and filed a motion for an extension of time to reply to the court.

The transcripts of the trial were not yet available from the court, although they did quote BZ a price of getting them privately for $5700, which is quite expensive.  Rule of thumb in the past was $400-500 per day.  Heather’s attorney said she qualifies for a free copy but those don’t come out as fast, (clerks work on a contract basis) and that should be forthcoming this week or next.

All of Heather’s replies have to be written with jail issued “golf pencils”, and its made getting documents our of jail and to the court much more cumbersome.  The penciled replies are digitally scanned first before filing, so they cannot be altered.

The Roger D. Wilson detention facility, operated by Knox County Sheriff and is a dual use facility. It contracts to the US Marshals for Federal prisoners.  These continuous 23 hour lock downs, only allow an hour a day for phone calls and showers, and no outdoor exercise. Normally the pod she is in would get two 4 hour breaks each day.  The women within the pod are not happy with the unexplained lock downs.  The US Marshals have been extremely professional but do not run the prison.

Randall Beane has been moved to Ocilla Georgia ICE facility and that has serious complicated his interactions with his attorney.

A request from Heather’s attorney: Please do not send him mail for Heather, he is not a mailman. One person sent a letter to Heather there. I have it and will give it to her.  Send all mail directly to the Roger D Wilson Detention facility, you can get the specifics of how to do that and what kinds of mail are allowed at BZ Riger’s blog at https://www.i-uv.com.

BZ’s web site has been under continuous attack since the end of the trial, so if it goes down, come back in a hour and BZ will have it back online again.

I was going to leave after the trial and be with Heather’s extended family and explain to them what happened here. I had no further instructions from Heather and really didn’t know where I should be.  Heather contacted me about 4 days after entering the facility and asked me to stay through February to assist with more documents.  I expect that could extend into March, perhaps April.    I have been on the road for about 7 months now but will see this through with her.

I want to thank everyone who has been so generous in supporting this effort.  A special thank you to Bruce B. for his generous contribution, when I received that I did not know I’d be staying here through February, but it was most prescient of him.  Scans, printing, certified copies of court documents are not cheap, all those cost at least 50 cents a sheet, (transcripts much more than that!) and add to court copies the charges of certification stamps.   We’ve gone through a mountain of HP ink jet cartridges and those don’t come cheap either.  Just parking at the court is $8-10 a day (depending on the length of stay).   If you can help with the time remaining here it would be most appreciated.  I’m guess I’ve got 4 to 6 weeks here yet. Click on the trees on the right side of the blog for the PayPal link.

Our host had me move out of my old room and I am now the room Judy and Heather shared.     A little bigger space and my feet don’t hit the foot rails of the twin bed like the old room.  Judy has gone back to her hone in North Carolina.

Sourced from here. 


Women Surround Crying Mom Whose Toddler Was Having A Meltdown At The Airport




Beth Bornstein Dunnington

February 2 at 3:01pm

Something extraordinary at LAX today… (writing this on the plane). I was at the gate, waiting to get on my plane to Portland. Flights to two different cities were boarding on either side of the Portland fight. A toddler who looked to be eighteen or so months old was having a total meltdown, running between the seats, kicking and screaming, then lying on the ground, refusing to board the plane (which was not going to Portland).

His young mom, who was clearly pregnant and traveling alone with her son, became completely overwhelmed… she couldn’t pick him up because he was so upset, he kept running away from her, then lying down on the ground, kicking and screaming again.

The mother finally sat down on the floor and put her head in her hands, with her kid next to her still having a meltdown, and started crying.

Then, this gorgeous thing (I’m crying just writing this)… the women in the terminal, there must have been six or seven of us, not women who knew each other, approached and surrounded her and the little boy and we knelt down and formed a circle around them. I sang “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” to the little boy… one woman had an orange that she peeled, one woman had a little toy in her bag that she let the toddler play with, another woman gave the mom a bottle of water. Someone else helped the mom get the kid’s sippy cup out of her bag and give it to him.

It was so gorgeous, there was no discussion and no one knew anyone else, but we were able to calm them both down, and she got her child on the plane. Only women approached.

After they went through the door we all went back to our separate seats and didn’t talk about it… we were strangers, gathering to solve something. It occurred to me that a circle of women, with a mission, can save the world. I will never forget that moment.

Sourced from here.

on#HATJ (heather ann tucci jarraf) & RKB (randall beane) #UniversalCleanUp- Energetic Frequency Envelop for conclusion of alleged case 1.29.18


on#HATJ & RKB #UniversalCleanUp- Energetic Frequency Envelop for conclusion of alleged case 1.29.18

Published on Jan 28, 2018