Q/Delta Force Clear to Go/25-26/The Floor is Yours.


Before I share this one, I want to pass along some words of insight (my perspective):  Stay clear from Bitcoin, Litecoin and all of these other non-asset backed forms of “currency”/exchange.  They ALL eventually lead back to the Central Bank from my understanding.  My perception is the elite are doing all they can to artificially prop up these currencies in order to drain the wealth from the trusting populace as they know theirs is being drained, especially now that Trump signed that EO.

Continue to hold high vibes and thoughts of protection for those engaged in the battle for our Freedom.  Peace, freedom, love.  MAGA and MEGA (Make Earth Great Again).  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Q/Delta Force Clear to Go/25-26/The Floor is Yours.

Published on Dec 25, 2017

Mipperu Courses Being Offered in Peru for Health, Energy and Plasmaculture


This is SO awesome ~ make it so for ALL – NOW!


Mipperu Tarapoto are offering 1,2 or 3 week courses for Auto sustainable living.

1 week courses for  Plasma Healing items  for your Personal Health issues.

2 week courses for Health and Energy aspects  of sustainable living

3 week courses for Health, Energy and Plasma Gardening culture in Self sustainable living IE OFF grid living with Auto-sustainable systems.


New ways to utilise water and waste for your garden soils adding nutrients for stable faster growth.

We are offering the chance to come to Peru to learn the upper levels of Auto-sustainable life styles in the forms of 1,2 or 3 week intensive courses and workshops.

Continue reading here (and fmi).

Terran Cognito Update ~ 12/3/17


Editor’s note:  The injustice in this entire debacle must end.  It’s ridiculous at this point.  Intend this being over NOW.  Also interesting as to who is behind these arrests. This is likely why whenever Neil Keenan (and supporters) spoke of these “collateral accounts” or whenever anyone speaks of the Elders and their “some day we will release the funds when WE deem YOU are ready” never resonated with me.  Love does not wait.  Love doesn’t wave endless words of temptation. Love doesn’t say it will help when you are worthy.  Enough of this bullshit matrix speak.  Love helps in the NOW.  PERIOD.  We are all FREE LIVING BEINGS.  Claim it!   [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Update for December 3, 2017

I want to thank everyone for their continued support.  I am still in Tennessee helping Heather and Randy with this court case here.  I am not in direct contact with Randy due to his incarceration while awaiting dismissal of this case. The best support I can give him is to support Heather in the various tasks required here in court filings, personal service to various individuals of court documents and my obligations to the judge to make sure Heather is housed and fed while on agreed release with a US Marshal’s GPS monitor.

Randy has had a really tough month, he’s been harassed in Blount County jail for a number of months as they housed him with the violent offenders, and it got particular bad recently.  As you remember Randy was beaten upon arrest in July by FBI and other non-identified agents without a valid search warrant, his vehicle was seized, and the FBI convinced his apartment complex to evict him and his belongings.

Randy was approached about a week ago by a visiting particular and quietly told he could be out of jail if he turned against Heather.  The offer is curious if this is about money. Randy did his alleged “offense” before he ever contacted Heather (and the charge against Randy is completely bogus if you look at the evidence which was all documented very publicly). There’s documented proof those accounts did exist in Randy’s name.  Neither Randall nor Heather have ever considered or called themselves Sovereign Citizens, a conceptual bucket the court keeps wanting to toss them into.  Sovereign Citizen is an oxymoron in any case despite what people think it means.

We know these arrests originated from an order by Chinese bankers, who consider the TDA accounts in your name their “collateral accounts” (its actually human chattel slavery).  They have since tried and failed to move those TDA accounts to the BIS and then Asia, with some dabbling in hiding them in block chains along the way. And you wonder why the volatility?

Randy, the true man of integrity that he is, turned the visitor down.  A few days later he was severely beaten in jail by 2 or 3 gang members (believed to be from MS-13, the purported enforcers for the El Chapo Mexican drug cartel).  Randy was put into the infirmary with a head wound and a black eye, and recently transferred to another jail by US Marshals and is apparently still in “classification” awaiting a new cell assignment.  Randy’s recent photo shows his black eye is healing.   I sat on the news of the incident in jail until Randy and his cousin decided to release the information.

My apologies to my readers for the lack of writing this month.  Much of what I do right now is not blog related and much of what I could write I have to write after the fact.  I got a very bad chest cold when I got back to Tennessee after retrieving my winter clothes from Texas.  Heather and Judy are recovering from a milder version of the same chest cold.   Thankfully they didn’t get it as bad as I did. The weather dropped about a good 30 degrees, but has recently warmed up to the 50s F during the day, nights are about 35 F here.

I want to thank my blog readers for the approximately $750 that came in over the past week.   Its short of what we needed to cover for November, rent is $1000 a month, and we have food expenses on top of that.  I really need to raise $1500 for December to make sure we can pay the rent in January, if you can help, please donate via PayPal via the link at the right of the blog with the trees on it.

Sourced from here.


Young Woman Raises Over $300k On Homeless Veteran Who Gave Her His Last $20 To Buy Her Gas

Happy happy joy joy feel good story.  I love this one!


A young woman has raised over $318,000 for a homeless man who, she said, spent his last $20 to buy her gas after she became stranded on a major interstate.

On a fundraising page she has since set up for the man, Kate McClure, 27, wrote that she pulled off an exit ramp on I-95 near Philadelphia late one night when she realized her car was running out of gas.

A homeless man, Johnny Bobbitt, 34, spotted her vehicle and approached to offer her assistance, she said.

“Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong,” McClure wrote. “He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can.”

Follow the story here, which includes a news clip.

Update On Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Case ~ A Recommendation Has Been Given


You read that correctly.  A recommendation.  Not a ruling.  Not a motion. Not a verdict.  Not even a decision.  The obvious question:  If he was so confident in his decision, if he truly believe the court has jurisdiction over Heather, why on earth did he leave it as a recommendation that Heather’s paperwork and her request for the case be denied?   I believe I can answer that.  He doesn’t know what to do. He is unable to “legally” deny Heather’s filings.  Instead of doing the right thing, stop dragging this nonsense out any further, he’s passed this off to another Judge. I had a dream about him recently and his energy was distressed.  He did NOT want to be put into this position. I felt for him.  We’ve all been there with that cognitive dissonance experience.  Stay tuned, focused and positive…the jig is up for ALL of it.  The time for Love and Truth is HERE.  For ALL of us.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]Below is the link for the report…




Universal Law and Ascension ~ The Fall of the Elite


I really like this woman ~ her energy, her approach, her authenticity…


Universal Law and Ascension, Fall of the Elite – James Gilliland

Published on Nov 6, 2017

Old Video Footage of Trump on Letterman in 1986


Part of his grooming for his current role.  And anyone who thinks he is an idiot has been watching too much mainstream and even some alt. news crap.  He is arrogant and egotistical at times, but stupid?  Absolutely not.  


Donald Trump on Late Night, 1986-87

Published on Feb 21, 2017

Major Heads Up ~ Trojan Horse Alert


UPDATE:  The caller was arrested by the FBI 2 hours after calling in. According to an updated video I watched, he has a lawyer and is in a military detention center.  

Caller from Florida (former Special Forces Command) who has intel he has shared that has proven accurate. He is predicting the next move by the desperate dark ones.  They know they’ve been seen by the masses.  Please share to give other’s the heads up.  Enough see this, the possible next move will be stopped. You know they are desperate when you see the Bushes and the Clinton’s uniting with words/support…  Also quite interesting to me the description of Trump ~ so many think he’s a buffoon when, myself and others have said, including Jordan Sather (Destroying the Illusion), he is a strategist, always several steps ahead.  As I continue to say, like him or dislike him, he has unplugged the clog to allow for the sewage to get flushed away for good.  


Major Heads Up/Trojan Horse Alert.

Published on Nov 8, 2017