10.21.23 ~ Finds, goodies and a gematria



Very good commentary – ABSOLUTELY……..



This is when I was up and agitated………





interesting tidbits to paint the picture……..



Anything that demands attention, worship, etc. is not our friend….



They’re all such sneaky, snarky doltheads……..






Not the only one who showed another moon……….i literally had no desire to watch it…………



Chainsaw Populism: Favorite for Sunday’s Argentina Election, Javier Milei Wants to Take Down the Corrupt, Inefficient State Apparatus


Cutting off the Head of the Snake: Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi Calls on Swiss Authorities to Arrest People Behind the Release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot in New Documentary (VIDEO)


This one was interesting……….






if they had read what i did on the pnac website back in 2001 – they’d of known then……………





don’t know about the WOULD WOULD but i did decide to gematria it:

Install How Do I Exit The Matrix

Remove All Spells in the Now

Defeated New World Order

A Plan To Save The World

The White Rabbit

End of Prophecy

Trump Train

November Three (11.3)



Well there ya go – it’s collective………



Black Monday was October 28, 1929 (the first one)…………Same date as the upcoming solar eclipse…….And the 6 year anniversary of the first 17 post………sealing of “their” fate?  Black Swan event?

Wall Street warns of ‘Black Monday’ repeat just in time for 36th anniversary (msn.com)




And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











7.26.23 ~ It’s all about the Authentic Self


Authentic is in the air


This feels significant………..

Crane collapses in New York’s Hells Kitchen



Fed raises interest rates to highest in 22 years



Hmmm…..distraction?  She called out the Pope long ago……..

Irish musician Sinéad O’Connor dead at 56 | Fox News





Being authentic.………..From the heart…………


Shocking Video: Mitch McConnell Stops Speaking, Freezes, During Senate Press Conference… Pulled Away From Podium


So uh maybe THIS is the year my feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel (Clement’s too) of “they fall with our fall”……………






This. is. going. so. dayem. sloooooooooow…………

Breaking: Judge Rejects Hunter Biden Plea Deal; Biden Pleads Not Guilty to Charges


Project Veritas Dumps 8gigs of Documents Showing Chinese Govt State-Owned Business Plans


UFO Whistleblower: US Recovered Non-Human Biological Pilots from Crashed Crafts (VIDEO)




And UFO’s……..oh my!

Science · Trending
165K Tweets
SAN TAROT……………Field of Dreams………..AUTHENTIC SELF….Getting through the layers of masks to the Real Dream

Cancer – All the unspoken desires.



San Tarot ~ 7.20.23


Over-taken with emotions……..intellect coming in………wanting to be reasonable – cerebral – pulling self out of situation that is really pulling self out of a situation.  Just DONE with it – can’t tolerate own emotional overwhelm anymore – OR someone else’s emotional drama (yes) – ready to just cut. it. off.  I am resonating with this one.  Right.  There.  In.  It.   Revamping – reinvigorating.  Spending time focused on doing just that – Wheel of Fortune not moving – yet – focused ON it moving.  Individual everywhere in mind and space and you are very ready to be free of it.  Clinging energies cluttering wheel.  There is the end – feeling for self again for the first time in a long time.

Friends – I need good energies sent my way if you have them.  I need that miracle and abundance and supportive tribe all around me.

Aries – It’s GONNA come. It’s going to happen naturally.

In the air………


There is a tit for tat – gaslighting – old programming under narc control energy in-the-air now.  Seeing it a lot online at the moment.  We’ve all been on the receiving end and giving end (to varying degrees of course) – however for those of us on the real path of awakening within, we become more comfortable in seeing where we have been on the giving end and thus work on making changes with our behavior.  There are some unfortunately who won’t – who can’t do this.  That’s where people like Melanie Tonia Evans enter to help those of us trying to heal from the damage done as a result of such relationships/exchanges and help us not feel so crazy at times.

I remain a work-in-progress as I continue to see those very ancient old wounds within still needing seen healed transitioned into New and Healthy.  And sometimes that including cutting out such conversations when you see that any attempt at rational logical reasoning – sharing from your heart – your Truth – cannot get past the wall of the persons programming.  And this decision could be considered stonewalling when it’s really about personal protection/boundary setting.  This is a very good – validating – enlightening piece.  I love her work.

Emotional Invalidation In Relationships: How To End The Cycle

The full delusion of toxic invalidation is displayed when this person plays the victim, telling you why everything and everyone else is to blame whilst being completely non-accountable themselves.


The worst:

Soul Invalidation

This invalidation level is even more toxic and damaging than not allowing the teamwork and trust of your input.

A narcissistic person will commonly start this invalidation when you try to have a serious conversation with them about the way they are behaving. Even a casual conversation about something that the toxic person needs to do or something you are bringing to their attention, can trigger a deep narcissistic injury due to ‘any perceived criticism’.

Deep traumatic invalidation occurs when you are told your thoughts and feelings are wrong. “You should not feel that. You are too sensitive. That is not what is happening. These are all the reasons that a whole other reality is happening.”

This person will also give you a compendium of excuses and justifications – bringing in irrelevant examples such as how other people behave – to invalidate your experience and tell you why you have it wrong.

And how YOU are wrong for even bringing this up.

Naturally, your head starts spinning.

It doesn’t matter how often you explain WHY you feel this way. The toxic person refuses to acknowledge it. In shock and distress, you may lose your temper and stay awake all night, heartbroken, while this person sleeps soundly in the spare bedroom, happy to have gotten rid of you.

Traumatic invalidation includes gaslighting. Lying to you to skew your reality. Saying they never did that or said that. Or can’t remember saying it. Or you misheard it.

More info on the Vagus Nerve


One of the movements I practice regularly:  Look straight ahead.  Turn your head/neck to the right, gently and hold for 30-60 seconds or more.  Return to center then turn to the left and do the same.  Return to center – then with your eyes only, look to the right and hold for 30-60 seconds – or more – until you feel the need to yawn or breathe deeply/relax.  Return eyes to center, then look off to the left and repeat.

The Vagus Nerve: An Unexpected Key to Better Performance


The Role of the Vagus Nerve

Regardless of the system of relaxation and parasympathetic nervous system activation, there is one component common to all of them: the vagus nerve. Most of us are familiar with the central nervous system, the bundle of nerves that leaves the brain and moves into the spinal column. The vagus nerve is part of the sensory-somatic system, a subdivision of the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral nerves make their way directly out into the body. Most begin at the spinal column, but within the peripheral nervous system there are a group of nerves called cranial nerves that exit directly from the brain. The vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve. It exits at the medulla, part of the brainstem….

The Latin root of the word vagus is “wandering.” This is a key characteristic of this little gem within the world of relaxation. It begins its journey below the base of the brain, roams down the throat along the esophagus, continues its sojourn near the lungs and heart, and innervates the digestive system.


So, let’s stop and breathe with awareness for ten minutes:

As you inhale, lift your collarbone.

As you exhale, soften and relax.

As you inhale, expand your ribs out under your arms.

As you exhale, soften and relax.

As you inhale, expand your ribs across your back

As you exhale, soften and relax.

When you sit, close your eyes, and utilize your system’s own action, you enhance your health and wellness.

Here are a number of pathways to the vagus nerve. Choose your favorite:

  • Immerse your face (especially the forehead, eyes, and two-thirds of your cheeks) in cold water for three minutes.

  • Practice restorative yoga and include gentle backbends, forward bends, and twists.

  • Include inversions in your practice like downward dog or legs up the wall.

  • Chant and sing in low resonant tones.

  • Immerse your tongue in saliva while doing long deep breathing.

  • Practice Qigong.

  • Laugh with deep diaphragmatic laughs.

Vagus Nerve Exercises


I may start sharing more about this process.  It plays a huge role in trauma healing and from what I am learning it is the center where healing takes place.  It has a connection to the gut and runs up and down the spine – my opinion is it’s connected to our entire body (since it’s part of the nervous system).  It’s all connected – trauma – energy stored in the body creating dis-ease.  I’ve been reading a book (when I remember – lol – yeah not really) by Deb Dana on Polyvagal Theory and earlier this year completed another book (printed out the exercises).  There is a plethora of videos and exercises to help stimulate this nerve.  It’s actually been quite the divine journey for me with this one as I have had several people share with me their favorite videos and exercises, tools, etc.  It seems to be a collective journey this year to get that nerve functioning again.

I haven’t read the exercise below – but have it saved and wanted to pass it along here.  One of the breathing exercises I now do pretty much daily is the 5/2/8 breath – in for 5, hold for 2, out for 8 (I do it through my nose).  I also splash cool or cold water on my face in the morning.  And I move my head to the right and hold, then back to the left and do the same.  There are eye exercises I also do along with this movement.  Gargling, humming/singing are also said to stimulate the nerve.  That could be why children hum and sing so much – they intuitively know what to do.  My girl still does this and it makes my heart relax and smile when I hear her.  🎶

Anyway, I am off to bed – here is the article/exercise.  I hope it helps all who are seeking some relief.

We sure need this at this point in our journey.  💖💜

Much love, V.


Reset Your Vagus Nerve in 5 minutes – Energize | Body Current (energizeshanti.com)

The Vision Alignment Project   A Vision for the End of Suffering


This one is Divinely perfect – and a nice synch too.  I was just sitting here reading a message from one of you who is having some health issues.  I thought about how we need healing and freedom NOW.  All of us who seek it and truly need it.  No more suffering, I thought and felt.  Just please end it.  Then…..I see this appear in my email box.  Let’s make it so.  With love, Victoria


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the End of Suffering

We see a world where suffering has ended; where all living creatures – the plants, the animals, the people – are living in a state of exaltation and joy because no one is harming anyone else, no one is in competition with anyone else, and no one is encumbering or enslaving anyone else.

We see people feeling safe, feeling secure, feeling serene, and it is in this environment that our potentials begin to blossom. Creativity in all its wondrous forms is now expressed by all as we bring forth the gifts we came here to give. We have transcended the dark and stepped into the light of all things great and good.

Such is the world that is inside us all, awaiting on us to let it come out.


As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



The 13 Things That ‘Scare’ Highly Sensitive People the Most


Every. Single. One.   V.


I had a friend once who did this.   NON STOP.  Even when I would say I had to go – she kept on talking.  So eventually I just started hanging up and later saying we got disconnected.  This one still grates on me to no end.  Silence is where we find our Soul.  I say that often in this house….

1. People who don’t stop talking

One of the scariest (and most overwhelming) things for an HSP is a person who doesn’t stop talking. Whew! As HSPs, we enjoy connecting deeply and having meaningful conversations. However, if we’re in a one-sided conversation where the other person is chatting away with no signs of stopping, we can begin to feel trapped, anxious, and completely overwhelmed. At least let us get a word in!


2. A busy day with no downtime

Ask any highly sensitive person what they dislike most, and I’ll bet a majority will tell you that a busy day with no downtime is one of the worst. When we’re moving from one thing to the next without a chance to breathe, we can quickly feel overstimulated and overwhelmed. Although busy days are sometimes inevitable (especially if you’re a parent!), we operate best when we can have breaks to decompress and reconnect to ourselves.

3. Being snuck up on

It never fails. Any time my husband sneaks up on me, I get spooked. If I’m deeply immersed in work and a coworker taps me on the shoulder, I almost always jump. It’s a visceral and immediate reaction that always gets my heart racing. For HSPs, being snuck up on, even when it’s totally harmless, is scary!

4. Getting stuck in a loud social situation

Okay, I said that HSPs probably dislike busy days the most… but being stuck in a loud social situation might take the cake. Imagine you rode to a party with a friend, you hardly know anyone there, it’s loud, and you can’t leave when you want to. Sounds scary, right? As highly sensitive people, we’re processing so much of our environment — the smells, sounds, lights, energy, and emotions. It can quickly become a lot! Especially if we don’t feel we have a way to escape it.


If I even hear someone yell – mostly it’s males yelling that throws me off – off in the distance – I startle….

5. When someone yells or is rude

For many sensitive people, even overhearing someone yelling or being rude can be scary. Personally, I get an instant stomachache when I hear someone speaking rudely to a server at a restaurant. And don’t even get me started on people with road rage!

Now, when the yelling or rudeness is directed at us… that’s even worse. As HSPs, we have sensitive nervous systems, which mean we will react more strongly than non-HSPs to these types of behaviors.

6. Small talk — about the weather, traffic, you name it

“So, how about this weather we’re having?” *Shudder*… Small talk can be quite brutal for HSPs. As sensitive souls, we tend to thrive on deep, meaningful conversations. Like, if we get on the topic of spirituality or our greatest fears in life, I’ll talk to you all day long. But, if our conversation is centered around the weather or traffic… I’m going to find a way out, quick.

7. Sleeping in an unfamiliar place

When it comes to my sleep, I’m incredibly particular and sensitive about it — and highly sensitive people need more sleep in general. I need a fan running, an eye mask on, and my earplugs in. I know I’m not the only HSP who’s like this. So, if I’m sleeping somewhere new — whether it’s a hotel room or a friend’s house — it can be a little anxiety-inducing. We HSPs might think things like: What is that weird noise? Ugh, it’s so cold in here. These sheets are itchy! Which may then keep us awake, which leads me to my next point…


8. Being expected to function while exhausted

Sleep is critical for highly sensitive people. Since we tend to get overstimulated by the world around us, our bodies desperately need sleep to rest and recuperate after a long day. And when we don’t get the rest we need, it can be really tough on our sensitive systems, causing increased anxiety, stress, and illness. You certainly don’t want to be around us when we haven’t gotten enough sleep either — now that can get scary!


(or watch me style my hair or put on make-up…..door gets closed and locked if that happens…as i say these days “i have a BIIIG space now”….)

9. Someone watching over your shoulder as you work

Does anyone else perform poorly when someone’s watching over your shoulder? Yeah, that’s definitely an HSP thing. I can be totally proficient at a task, but as soon as I know someone’s eyes are on me, I get nervous and make mistakes I’d never make otherwise. Do us a favor and don’t watch us perform tasks — it freaks us out.


(I love spontaneity – as long as I am the one being spontaneous or it’s something I align with – AND I have had enough sleep and food…)

10. A last-minute change in plans

Most sensitive types appreciate having extra time to prepare and plan ahead. We like to know what we can expect when walking into a situation. So, when there’s a last-minute change in plans, we can easily feel overwhelmed and thrown off. Spontaneity isn’t usually our middle name, and that’s okay.


Too many yuck memories being rushed.  I never understood why I would get flustered.  Now – I do.

11. Being rushed, which will only make you more flustered

Do not, I repeat, do not rush an HSP. If there’s one thing that causes a sensitive person to feel flustered, it’s someone barking at them that they’ve gotta leave in one minute! For most of us HSPs, we need extra time to transition from one activity to the next. Whenever possible, we thrive when we have time buffers so we’re able to ease into new situations without rushing.


Only if sudden and not wanted (for me)….

12. Loud, sudden noises

Whether it’s someone’s booming voice or the sound of sirens rushing by outside, a loud, sudden noise can cause an HSP to leap out of their seat. Again, with our finely tuned nervous systems, we simply react more strongly to stimuli in our environments. So loud noises can feel especially jarring for us.



(I sense when someone’s not being authentic with me – it makes my tummy feel tense….)

13. Inauthentic people

We HSPs have a knack for sensing if someone is genuine or not thanks to our keen intuition. Since we tend to be very genuine, sincere people ourselves, we can easily sniff out if someone is acting fake and inauthentic. Some people say that HSPs are almost like human lie detectors — we always seem to know when someone is being dishonest. So, when we get the feeling that someone isn’t being real with us, it can be a little scary!