A message from a rightfully enraged mama who is DONE with her babies wearing masks


Mama bears are out and we are roaring.  I feel so deeply for this mama.  I cried and felt the rage she feels watching this.  I don’t expect evil to change much less understand but what I don’t fucking get is why so many other alleged humans are seemingly willing to either dismiss or allow these harmful consequences of this entire covid agenda.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?  Take our families.  My mate and I have shared the losses our child has had this year and the emotional struggles and NOT ONE OF THEM have shown any sort of emotional response (with one exception). I’ll tell you this – I am seeing the hypocrisy in our own families at a much deeper level. They care more for strangers and those they don’t know than they do this precious child of ours.  She lost friends.  Activities.  Socialization.  The birthday party she wanted (cake, slumber party but programmed parents were too damn afraid to participate).  We adults – we can make up for this time taken from us.  But our children?  THEY CANNOT.

And there’s the mama in this video.  Her child passed out while wearing a mask in PE because HE COULD NOT BREATHE.  Are any of you mask-wearing covid agenda believers ok with that?  Or would you just watch this and walk away – pretending you don’t see – because such reality is invisible to you?

What about the increase in suicides?  The loss of businesses?  The broken marriages?  The stress, period?  Any programmed bots reading this actually feel any concern for this or are you too damn programmed with your fear of the covid?

My anxiety has increased as has my mates.  Again among those who support the covid agenda – are you concerned about our mental health too?

Or do you simply not care because your programming has removed any sense of heart-based feelings much less common sense and critical thought?

Outside today I had a neighbor start to talk about the recent actions of our governor to which I interrupted and said “I don’t care what she thinks or does”.  Another neighbor who was gathered outside said “well WE care”. My response to that was “I care about people and I care about the truth.  And this whole covid thing is a lie!”

It doesn’t matter what I would present to these people.  Most of them know of my website (which is why most around here don’t talk to me much – and if they do they’re polite but that’s about it – lol).  Doesn’t matter.  They do what the systems tell them to.  Period.  I question things – yeah – I get the looks that say “huh” or “oh god she is one of those”.

And I’m still not convinced showing them on public airways via all outlets at this point would change their perspective.

So for now – their actions say they care more for those who may get covid and die – even though more die from the flu each year and I never saw them mask up and stay home during flu season – even when they have been sick – so their actions are ripe with hypocrisy.  Anyone who supports this agenda without question and tells me they care about the well being of my child – of ALL children – is lying.  Knock it off and wake up to the deception!

If you are afraid of the virus – stay home – but do not tell me my child has to put her life on hold to make YOU feel safe.  No one has the right to dictate where I go, how close I can get to another (except for the person him/herself), where I can stand inside of a store, how many people I can have in MY PRIVATE HOME, and what medical choices I make for myself and my family.  This agenda is violating all of this and your support of it is a support for tyranny.  

P E R I O D.



President Trump ~ “Immune” to covid – has a “protective glow”…and a Gematria



‘Now you have a President who’s immune!’ Supporters rally outside Trump Tower after POTUS says he is completely cured of COVID-19 and now has a ‘protective glow’ that means he ‘can’t get it and can’t give it’

  • Donald Trump said Sunday morning that he is now ‘immune’ from coronavirus 
  • ‘Once you recover, you’re immune,’ Trump told Fox News. ‘Now you have a president that’s immune’ 
  • Minutes after the interview he tweeted: ‘A total and complete sign off from White House Doctors yesterday,’ claiming he can’t get or give the virus to anyone 
  • He made the claim the morning after holding a ‘peaceful protest’ at the White House where he spoke to supporters on the South Lawn from the portico 
  • White House Physician Dr. Sean Conley released a memo on Saturday night claiming Trump is no longer at risk of transmitting the virus to others
  • He said Trump meets the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for safely discontinuing isolation
  • The memo did not declare Trump had tested negative for the virus 
  • Diagnosis comes as the president prepares to resume campaign rallies 
  • Supporters rallied for the president outside Trump Tower in NYC Sunday 

So ~ let’s do a gematria on “PROTECTIVE GLOW” ~

Covid Nineteen Virus

What Is The Function Of
An Antibiotic

The New Jerusalem

We Are Here To Make The
Impossible Possible

i would say the following 2 are past-tense:

Elohim And Draconians
Control This World

Cern Is A Portal For
Extraterrestrial Entities

Good News Trump

Patriot God Wins

A Being Of Eternal Light


Coronavirus China

The Kennedys Are Here

Witness Relocation

F L O T U S First Lady Of
The United States   (my first thought on this – she protects him w/her time machine and connections/family from the outside)

What Is The Elixir Of
Life Found In

Everything Seen Is From A
Mirror   (this one feels important – william moon shared upside down images a couple of days ago as i linked here….i felt he was showing us comms as to this reality….that mirror could indicate the looking glass/viewing portal at the top of the dome….it could also indicate the literal idea that we are actually upside down – or at least had been – many of us have felt we are being moved and the theory was we on the outside were moved – it could also be that this entire realm has been moved and what was considered a pole reversal was really the realm itself being “right”-sided….just a theory i am putting out)

See The Hour is Near

Hillary R Clinton

See You In Court

Fourth Dimension

Trump Will Win

New Morning Star

The Age of Beauty and Peace

Enjoy Yourself




Thank you all for your love and support!

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Laura Whitworth ~ THE SHIFT


Thank you to Sister Pat for letting me know about this one.  I hadn’t listened to Laura for a few months.  This one is absolutely perfect – was very much needed by me – and fully aligns with what I feel in my heart:  The energies are increasing and what we are in now cannot sustain itself for much longer – oh gosh that feeling is just so powerful now isn’t it.  I love and appreciate her advice – as Lisa says over and over -stay in the heart.  I also appreciate how she says that even if all do not transition in the same way (those who are still not ready/awake) they get that chance at some point in their journey – we all “go” – transition – to whatever Home/experience that aligns with Who We Are.  That is my hope for every one.  And….the election here in the states is the catalyst for the event.  I can definitely see into that.  I also appreciate her insight on being in control of our responses – knowing our triggers – because some of us (me lol) are quite intense and can get quite triggered.  I know when it happens – and I know when I let myself get into that space and I know how to get out.  We all do.  It is tough as she said.  Be in Love. Stay out of the crazy.  And HAVE FUN!  Love, V.


Laura Whitworth
2.69K subscribers

President Trump announces plasma (from blood) treatment authorized for COVID-19


So this was the huge announcement on therapeutics….

I am hugely on the fence about this one.  When I first saw the word “plasma” my mind immediately goes to the reality I frigging want NOW because I have been on this journey for decades and I AM TIRED and FRUSTRATED with waiting.  lol  I got very excited….until I read the reality of what this treatment is.

So…..plasma from the blood of those who have recovered.  This is not a new treatment for disease.  And I shudder to think how many people donate their plasma just to make $$.  He is already calling on those who have recovered to go online and sign up to donate.  Given what I have researched over the years (and that is not that much I admit) what can happen when you receive the blood of another or an organ – there is some transfer that takes place.  It can change a person.  The body sometimes rejects the foreign agent.  I prefer to keep my blood and my parts to myself so something feels rather “satanic” about this – feels part of “their” agenda.

Some are saying this will allow people who were told they had CV get tested before they donate only find out they never had it.  So is this just part of exposing the CV number fraud?

And yet – it could be another push to release the REAL healing technologies that ALL can take with zero side effects.  We have not seen that….yet.

And I have grown hugely impatient over that.  But what can I do?  I keep focusing on what I want but it seems others are in control of these roll-outs. And I come back to the idea that he is not doing this for me or those who seek the same/similar experience.  We will be having what we want/desire – fully – whenever this event transition is to occur.


If not just release the tech to those of us WHO WANT IT and so we can be done with this whole nonsense.

For now I am off to bake a coffee cake.


Many scientists and physicians believe that convalescent plasma might provide some benefit but it is far from a breakthrough.
 3:50 PM PDT August 23, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C., USA — After expressing frustration at the slow pace of approval for coronavirus treatments, President Donald Trump announced Sunday the emergency authorization of convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients.

The announcement came after days of White House officials suggesting there were politically motivated delays by the Food and Drug Administration in approving a vaccine and therapeutics for the disease that has upended Trump’s reelection chances.

On the eve of the Republican National Convention, Trump issued the emergency order — it would make it easier for some patients to obtain the treatment — in a news conference Sunday evening, according to White House officials.

The blood plasma, taken from patients who have recovered from the coronavirus and rich in antibodies, may provide benefits to those battling with the disease. But the evidence so far has not been conclusive about whether it works, when to administer it and what dose is needed.



President Trump seeking FDA Approval for Oleander as a potential treatment for COVID


editor victoria’s comment ~ my hunch – this is one of this “therapeutics” he has been speaking of for awhile.  we knew hydroxy was just the start of many safe and effective treatments for all disease.  of course finding a positive article on this latest development is, well, impossible (i have not found one yet) so i am sharing the least biased i could find as well as an article touting the health benefits of this plant found in nature.  and at this point, unlike what other news outlets are suggesting, he simply says he has heard of it and is looking into it (as well as other therapeutics).  good lord the hatred towards this man is unreal….lol…he will release the cure for cancer and people will still refuse to take it because he supports it….



Video: Donald Trump ‘wants FDA to approve oleander plant extract as a drug to cure Covid-19’ after it was promoted by Ben Carson and MyPillow founder – despite no proof that it works.

President Donald Trump discusses the possibility of oleander plant extract being used as a drug to fight Covid-19 and whether he ‘wants FDA to approve’ the extract.


Oleander flower(kanagale flower): 10 Amazing Health benefits

Properties of Oleander flower

There are many properties of Oleander which are listed below-

  • It has been discovered that the root, skin, and seeds contain glycosides.
  • As a fact; all the parts of the plant is poisonous; mostly it is used externally but in the case of internal treatment it used to be used under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
  • It regulate kapha and vata; hence promotes digestion.
  • This very plant is cool in nature.
  • It acts as a blood purifier and is antipyretic in nature.
  • The red flower of the same species becomes toxic when given in large quantity.

For Contagious diseases

  • In case of any kind of monsoonal/contagious disease, massage with oil of its leaves.
  • It prevents the growth of micro-organisms that cause such diseases.


Anti-Lockdown Dr. Scott Atlas Joins Coronavirus Task Force: Is Fauci Finally Out?


BY MEGAN FOX AUG 11, 2020 3:36 PM EST

President Trump announced Monday that Dr. Scott Atlas is joining the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Dr. Atlas is a former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution.

Before joining the team, Atlas penned an op-ed in The Hill that showed his approach to the coronavirus outbreak is much different than that of Anthony “Chicken Little” Fauci, who favors draconian lockdowns and now wants people to wear goggles to avoid getting a virus that most people recover from easily.  …

Here are some excerpts of the piece Atlas wrote, titled “The data is in-stop the panic and end the isolation.”

The tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be entering the containment phase. Tens of thousands of Americans have died, and Americans are now desperate for sensible policymakers who have the courage to ignore the panic and rely on facts. Leaders must examine accumulated data to see what has actually happened, rather than keep emphasizing hypothetical projections; combine that empirical evidence with fundamental principles of biology established for decades; and then thoughtfully restore the country to function.

Five key facts are being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown.

Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19. The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies.

Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding…Dr. Leora Horwitz of NYU Medical Center concluded “age is far and away the strongest risk factor for hospitalization.” Even early WHO reports noted that 80 percent of all cases were mild, and more recent studies show a far more widespread rate of infection and lower rate of serious illness. Half of all people testing positive for infection have no symptoms at all. The vast majority of younger, otherwise healthy people do not need significant medical care if they catch this infection.

Fact 3: Vital population immunity is prevented by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem…In this virus, we know that medical care is not even necessary for the vast majority of people who are infected. It is so mild that half of infected people are asymptomatic, shown in early data from the Diamond Princess ship, and then in Iceland and Italy. That has been falselyportrayed as a problem requiring mass isolation. In fact, infected people without severe illness are the immediately available vehicle for establishing widespread immunity. By transmitting the virus to others in the low-risk group who then generate antibodies, they block the network of pathways toward the most vulnerable people, ultimately ending the threat. Extending whole-population isolation would directly prevent that widespread immunity from developing.

Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections…An estimated 80 percent of brain surgery cases were skipped. Acute stroke and heart attack patients missed their only chances for treatment, some dying and many now facing permanent disability.

Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be protected with targeted measures…it is a commonsense, achievable goal to target isolation policy to that group, including strictly monitoring those who interact with them. Nursing home residents, the highest risk, should be the most straightforward to systematically protect from infected people, given that they already live in confined places with highly restricted entry.


Beautiful, simple words I needed to read. Perhaps you do too.


As long time readers/friends of my work know – I do not align with unsolicited advice.  I have had a practice of reminding myself to hold space and ask what the person needs or if I can do something for them to help.  If not, I keep my thoughts to myself.  Well, I certainly try to.  I could improve on this!

At this moment, more than ever before, I feel the words below are very important.  The experience here is exhausting now.  And those tools, some days, simply don’t work as they once did.  Letting go is a challenge at times.  I employed it earlier and I felt these little energetic knives coming my way each time I said “let it go”.  I can let go of my frustration at having my right to shop for food denied the way I am accustomed to because I cannot wear a mask – until it is time for me to decide “ok how am I going to get food and where”.

How does one find ongoing peace when in prison?  I reflect if that ability is partly due to ones personality and energetic imprint.  I want my full freedom.  That is just who I am.  Staying in that neutral and or all is well space for long periods just does not align with the Truth of that inner need/desire for Freedom.  I am an intense, driven Energy Being who knows what she wants and don’t like to have that experience contained in ANY way.

The striking back coming at this experience now by whatever/whoever these invisible entities are is palpable. Perhaps not all feel this.  Many do.  For now….I hold space for myself and for all of us who are feeling the blow back going on.  If any of you need anything, just ask.




Image may contain: text that says 'Stay Wild Moon Child 4h don't know who needs to hear this, but if you're extremely empathetic, the world is downright *cking exhausting right now. That's it. No advice. Many usual coping methods aren't working right now. I'm just putting it out there for you to know you're not alone and I'm with you'

Correlation Coefficient COVID Deaths & QIVc Flu Shots



The correlation between COVID-19 deaths per million of population and 65+ year olds that have received influenza vaccines is real. Dr. Allan S. Cunningham presented the challenge and here are the results.


One source for vaccine data: OECD (2020), Influenza vaccination rates (indicator) doi:10.1787/e452582-e (Accessed on 21 May 2020). This lists, by country, the % of the population aged 65+ for 2018 or the latest available year. For Covid-19 death rates by country as of 21 May 2020: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus.

Czech Republic 20.3/28 Lithuania 13.4/22
Denmark 52.0/97 Luxembourg 37.6/174
Estonia 4.8/48 Netherlands 64.0/337
Finland 48.4/55 Norway 34.4/43
France 49.7/431 Portugal 60.8/125
Germany 34.8/99 Slovak Republic 13.0/5
Hungary 26.8/49 Slovenia 11.8/51
Ireland 57.6/319 Spain 53.7/596
Italy 52.7/535 Sweden 49.4/384
Latvia 7.7/12 United Kingdom 72.6/531

The x and y values shown above were used to determine the Correlation Coefficient (link for calculator below) between the two.



#FAKENEWS #FAKESCIENCE ON COVID IS DOA ~ American Doctors Address COVID-19 Misinformation with Capitol Hill Press Conference


UPDATE:  Ok so no surprise screwtooobe removed this one.

Here is the full video (link) on b.chute:


And a link direct to their site (americas frontline doctors):


Here is another link – same group of docs – but different venue:


and a snippet from the best part of the presentation from outside the capitol today:

and in case twitter does the same, here’s another link to the same vid:



And another outlet:

WATCH: Dr. Stella Immanuel COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine ‘Cure’ Video

So….hopefully at least one of these will remain online for the public to view.

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