A Message of Restoration From Agartha

agartha___realm_of_the_underground_world_by_rasty690-d825xtvOn 11/22 an energetic portal will be created enabling those in alignment to move into a new octave of experience. This new energy will shake off old attachments and deepen further into the new, which is not so much new but a restoration of the old, the original energy of the original blueprint.

In these sequences the individual can experience a separation from what has been and find themselves in a space of white light that will illuminate within themselves the light of their own clarity and coherence. This is a space that will generate the key codes of enlightenment, the energy of expansion and understanding of what is, what was, and what will be.

This is an energy portal of change on the mental plane. It is a comprehension of the true nature of life and what it means to be an individual ascending within a physical form.


In embodying these concepts of enlightened existence there will be an activation from within that will ignite the light of comprehension, to awaken from the slumber of darkness, the higher purpose of physical life on Earth.

The Higher Purpose of Physical Life on Earth is the Key Code of Now.

This is the key that is now transcending the lower planes of density and rising up to the forefront of humanity to activate within All Souls the Awakening codes of Truth. Truth is transcendent, activating the energies of change and bringing to the forefront for all to see and hear, what is really behind the creation of life in this realm.

We, the Agarthans, the Ascended Beings of Mastery and Mystery, are here to bring you this message of Truth.

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Aerosol Flu Vaccine?

Editor’s note:  Two words: fucking insane!  I believe I need to add an “insane” category here.  

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(NaturalNews) Sure, you’ve heard of nasal vaccines, like for Polio, but have you heard of the needle-free vaccine that’s sprayed down on you from the sky? Remember the mass aerial spraying over Miami during the great Zika hoax recently? If you’re worried about chemtrails and the mosquito truck spraying poison all over your neighborhood and your kids out playing in the yard, get ready for the most insane, involuntary, unauthorized, unconstitutional, unethical, unsafe, untested and immoral form of forced medication ever unleashed on a nation. And you thought fluoridated water was bad.

Although FluMist, the first nasal spray flu vaccine, was utterly rejected as “ineffective” by pediatricians as well as CDC advisors for the upcoming flu season, and even though the last round of flu shots was admitted by the CDC to be a complete failure (even though they said to get it anyway), have no fear, because evil Western medicine hasn’t given up yet on completely incapacitating the entire population’s immune system with chemicals!

Mass media’s mass flu hysteria has the sheeple ready for any dangerous chemicals that can ‘save them’ from the dreaded flu

The lies, the lies, the lies. People are so brainwashed about the flu they’re willing to accept just about any form of “protection” as legitimate, even when it’s highly experimental and most likely has ulterior motives. Flu vaccine makers simply announce that their “medicine” works, and the government moves forward with injecting tens if not hundreds of millions of people. Wonder why the flu shot is free? Natural health enthusiasts don’t. We know why.

In Canada, one drug maker claims that aerosol versions of the flu vaccine were effective when dosed onto more than 50 colonies in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Can you imagine? Your kids are out playing in the yard and they get force-medicated with untold amounts of live versions of the flu, and in a form where the dose amount cannot be regulated? What a twisted, sick (pardon the pun) method for administering “medicine.” Did those colonies of people all sign agreements for this? Are they just medical experimental guinea pigs?

Aerial spraying over the USA of live virus ‘vaccines’ for Polio, Aids, Zika, H1N1, Ebola and Measles coming soon?

Western medicine is so arrogant and ill-conceived that these mad scientists actually believe somehow that aerosol live virus vaccinations can be delivered at the “proper dosage,” and it was recently approved this way for deployment over Australia!

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Final Event Energies Update 11~22~16: Love Is Being Unleashed! It’s Gonna Get Wild and Crazy

By Dima T., & The First Contact Ground Crew Team, 11/22/2016

Greetings Love Beings!
Final Event Energy Update ~ Love Is Being Unleashed It’s Gonna Get Wild And Crazy

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Another 11:11 portal day; Happy 22, Independent Birds!

4 – 5 – 6 – 7 layers of the heart were healed. That took 6 hours of work. Father reconfigured and completed phase 2 of Mother Gaia Mother Earth’s Heart surgery on behalf of the Collective. Tonight we have 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 and the Last Seal.

3:13 am Crank up in Energies.

At 6:27 a.m there was an another increase in the Energies; Love is Being Released in a Big Way Today. Interesting Message From Master Saint Germain: ”Get Off Your Knees take action in love Or On Your Knees Continuing Pain n Suffering, These will Be The Choices. Ignorance and Ego Does Not Reign On This Planet. This Planet Belongs To The Lovers And Givers So Be It And So It Is. On behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light and all Creation we Serve Love and We Serve Mother And Father. Who Do You Serve Is The Question For You Today being Many May be experiencing Shot Out Of The Canon that’s gonna be common. If You feel Like You Can’t Keep Up. Surrender.”

You are on the fast track to Unity Consciousness This is about all of us not the self. Id=EGO that’s to be dissolved. 

Rest Assured all Buttons Have been Pushed Alarms Are Going Off Triggers Are Being Triggered for Release; Laugh Cry Dance it out. Love has Been Unleashed.

Energies Are Getting Increasingly Precise And What That Means is that we’re gonna move faster and faster Ding and you’re gonna have to JUMP. Surrender And Jump; Surrender And Jump.

Bodies are Going Through MAJOR Recalibrations. Bone Structure Being Realigned, Body Cracks, Brain Chambers Updates, Organ Restorations, And Root To Crown Chakra upheavals. All Masonic Tweaks To Bodies And Manipulations Are Being Undone And Bodily Functions Being Restored. Love Is Being Unleashed it’s Gonna Get Wild And Crazy Yeeeeehaaaawwww!!!

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Energy Update – Generational DNA/Blue Print Purge And Release of Past and Future

Editor’s note:  I get excited when I read things like this for the simple fact in that it validates my experience.  For me, the past 2-3 days I have been UNBELIEVABLY tired 2-3 hours prior to when I normally go to sleep.  I crawl into bed and just like you will read below, I do not get much sleep.  I have also been having a sore/scratchy throat.  The zombie thing, that has been on and off again all year.  

by Anastacia,

TImage result for ascension images

The last few days have been a combination of unusual and ‘heavy energy‘ – As in feeling very tired, ‘run down’, cough/sore throat and the need to rest or go to bed earlier but then not getting a lot of sleep. Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, or like a zombie – it will vary…as it weaves in and out.

We recently had a very big ‘elevation’ energetically with the super moon energy and now is the other swing of the pendulum.

We are upgrading and releasing our old DNA/Blueprint and memories of the ‘past’ which are Generational…so this is not only for you that you are releasing, this is so much bigger than this!

One can feel they are ‘losing’ it and this seems to be felt by those at the ‘forefront’, so not all will be feeling this as intensely and deeply.

This is not only the old DNA/Blue Print, this is GENERATIONAL we are feeling and healing…this is what sets this apart from other ‘old’ releases and upgrades that we have been through, at this time.

As this has been very painful especially for those who have suffered trauma and abuse, ptsd and the like…and then add into that what our genetic line has been through as well that we have ‘brought through’ with us.

So this is not only going back down the line, this is also going forward down the line as well. Both, past and future as well!

Also while going though this we have been open and have not been able to ‘help it’ as in how we are feeling. If we are to release what we are, no processing or protection has been able to ‘prevent’ what we each have needed to feel to release during this, please know this.

If you are doing fine then that’s great…if you are feeling the energies and are managing that is even better…this is for those that may have been ‘knocked over’ severely, as this was pushing one to the edge and then over.

To those souls, I say to you, hold on the best you can as this is very necessary as this is such a massive ‘clean out’.

You are breaking the link/cycle (pain) of the past AND the future as you are strong enough to do so, yes you. And I am right here with you, the ‘ground crew’, at the forefront doing the ‘hard yards’, as not all are doing so in this way…and for this we will and are being ‘rewarded’ for in doing so.

Remember – “This too shall pass”.

As after the ‘storm’ comes the calmer waters.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty,

Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

Second Brain Found in Heart Neurons – Trust your Gut Feelings

The idea of transplanted cellular memory emerged as early as 1920 in the film “Les Mains d’Orleac” written by science fiction writer Maurice Renard. A second brain in the heart is now much more than an idea. Prominent medical experts have recently discovered that many recipients of heart transplants are inheriting donors’ memories and consequently report huge changes in their tastes, their personality, and, most extraordinarily, in their emotional memories. Today new science is testing the theory that the heart is involved in our feelings. So what have they discovered so far?

Discovery of Case Studies

Amazing new discoveries show that the heart organ is intelligent and that it sometimes can lead the brain in our interpretation of the world around us, and in the actions we chose to take. A large number of case studies were enough to prompt some scientists to look differently at the heart and test old theories that the heart is involved in our feelings and emotions. Since cardiac surgeon Christian Barnard’s first successful human heart transplant in South Africa in 1967, heart transplant recipients have had intriguing experiences, so strange and out of character that they seek to meet the families of their donors to find out what is going on. Could they have inherited certain behavioral and character traits through cellular memories stuck in the heart of their donors?

Meeting Donor’s Family

Upon meeting their donors’ families, the heart transplant patients’ hunches were confirmed: the new personality traits had indeed been passed on from their donors. Families of donors often tend to bond with a recipient of an organ donated by their departed loved ones. They, in many ways, recognize and like the recipient, almost as if a part of their lost one was, somehow, still alive.

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For the First Time in History, British Medical Journal Calls for the Legalization of ALL Drugs

igayh9rre556zapcyqqb_dare_to_relegalize_drugs(RT) Doctors have an “ethical responsibility” to back the legalization of drugs, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has advised for the first time.


An editorial in the BMJ, the UK’s most widely-read medical journal, argues that laws against drug use have harmed people across the world, while stressing that drug addiction should be viewed as a health problem and police involvement must end.


The call for reform reflects a shift in medical opinion. In June, Britain’s two leading health bodies, the Royal Society for Public Health and the Faculty of Public Health, called for the personal use of drugs to be decriminalized.

The group said criminalizing users deters them from seeking medical help and leads to long-term harm, such as exposure to hard drugs in prison, the breakup of families, and loss of employment.

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Kenyan Doctor Fears U.N. Promoted Vaccine Was ‘A Mass Sterilization Exercise’

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times


The global depopulation agenda stated explicitly on the Georgia Guidestones, but furtively inserted into every matter of our personal affairs is becoming harder to deny. Kenyan doctors in 2014 uncovered mass-sterilizing, infertility-causing chemicals in a widely used tetanus vaccination promoted for use by the United Nations, causing a tense stand off between Catholic bishops and the Kenyan government.

The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association (KCDA) is charging UNICEF and the World Health Organization (two United Nations organizations) with sterilizing millions of girls and women under the auspices of an anti-tetanus vaccination program which was sponsored by the Kenyan government.

“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”

Anti-HCG or anti-human chorionic gonadotropin is part of documented anti-fertility vaccine trials which sterilized animals on the first injection, and that have been used in human contraceptives.

The Kenyan government has claimed that the tetanus vaccines are safe to use, but the KCDA found otherwise.

According to the Nairobi Standard, Robert Pukose, the vice-chairman of Kenya’s National Assembly of Health Committee has said, “We are at loss about who to believe since both sides have tabled conflicting results. That is why we need new tests conducted jointly for us to give final and conclusive results.”

Dr. Ngare raised some important questions of the vaccines since the were found to be laced by anti-fertility drugs:

“Usually we give a series of shots over two to three years,” said Ngare. This included men, women, and children alike. Without the fanfare that is usually accompanied with other vaccination programs, Kenyan agencies were targeting women in their child-bearing years, starting at the age of 15 and giving them five doses of ‘tetanus.’

Dr. Ngare argues that the only other time a five-dose vaccination program has been used was when it is utilized as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.

All six samples of the vaccine that were sent to laboratories at the University of Nairobi and another in South Africa were found to contain HCG. This mimics a natural hormone produced in pregnant women which causes them to develop antibodies. Their own bodies begin to produce HCG and thereby trigger their own miscarriages.

This is possibly a furtherance of the Nazi sterilization attempts which largely influenced American eugenics laws and practices in the past century, leading to more than 350,000 forced sterilization programs and the legislation which would support them.

As Kevin Mugur Galalae attests simply in his paper written after a 75-day hunger strike in which he protested the global depopulation agenda,

“Births have been prevented by interfering with the reproductive system so as to lower human fertility, while deaths have been promoted by weakening the immune system so as to increase morbidity and mortality.”

If chemical sterilization doesn’t work – by adding fluoride to the water supply, bispehnol A (BPAs) to all manner of food and water, the spraying  of aerosol aluminum via chemtrails, genetically modified foods, or manufactured virus, like HIV/AIDS, swine flu, bird flu, Zika, etc. – then you have to depopulate by the use of vaccines.

And if that doesn’t work? Micro-chipped, remotely controlled contraceptive implants are already an option being readied for roll-out in 2018.

About the Author

Christina Sarich is a freelance writer, musician, yogi, and humanitarian. Her insights appear in magazines as diverse as Weston A. Price, Nexus, Atlantis Rising, and the Cuyamungue Institute, among others. She was recently a featured author in the Journal, “Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and Healing Arts,” and her commentary on healing, ascension, and human potential inform a large body of the alternative news lexicon. She is also a staff writer for Waking Times.

This article (Kenyan Doctor Feared UN Promoted Vaccine Was ‘A Mass Sterilization Exercise’) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Christina Sarich and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution and author bio.

Relationships And Domination

By Arno Pienaar

The spell of relationships is a hard pill to shallow, but the truth will set you free regarding the cause to why many past relationships failed in tatters.


Relationships and Domination

Humans are social creatures by nature and form bonds with each other as a matter of existence. We all have relationships in our lives, both good and bad.

Relationships are built on communication, and their construction is based on the unconscious agreement of a role to be presented to the other individuals.

The word “individual” broken down etymologically spells in-divided-dual-ism. This phrase basically spells out the deception of communication between any two individuals in a dualistic plane.

The duplicity of communication is for “power over” another.

In duality, this is an everlasting dual between yourself and all engineered others, under various degrees of AI (Artificial Intelligence), using the “word” to tempt the permission of your agreement that leads to the submission of yourself to the reality conjured by the Creator, with the help of AI.

Communication is a dual with words for domination. When two individuals are in a relationship, there is always one of the two that has power over the other, which is established through communication.

When two individuals want something from each other in a relationship, the laws of domination come into play. One is subject to domination when one is unaware of the duplicity of communication. One gives in to the other and this is called the “sacrifice of relationships.”

So, either you betray yourself or you betray the other.

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