The Wild Doc ~ Coronavirus Vaccine Studies Show Increased Tissue Damage Because of Vaccination.


whenever they show these videos, youtube has some ridiculous wikipedia propaganda, i mean “reference” on “anti-vaxxers”….same for the topic of chemtrails…i continue to be baffled over people who continue to vaccinate themselves – especially the children.  don’t they SEE?  anyway as always – a true healer below who sees the data and speaks Truth.


13.7K subscribers

The State of Psychiatry Address: The Dark Truth of the “Mental Health” Industry


i think it was m. scott peck who first introduced me to the idea that “mental illness” has at its root a spiritual crisis.  trauma.  a pained heart.  and indeed searching for meaning/connection/Home in the ways of this realm all factor into the crazy that is the mental health diagnosis and industry….


By Cortland Pfeffer

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

“A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” — Mahatma Gandhi

An 18-year-old girl is diagnosed with Anorexia because of her underweight body image. She pleads to remove the diagnosis as this has resulted in years of bullying throughout her schooling. In doing so, she is labeled as defiant and gets a new diagnosis on her chart, “Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Following more refusal from any adult professional to hear her case, she retaliates to some persistent bullying and she is told she had a “psychotic break.” The psychiatrist that barely remembers her name writes a new script for Seroquel to control her “psychosis.” This medication makes her drowsy and she cannot function, though the staff member (who is only three years her senior) tells her she needs to wait it out and she can not refuse medication.

So she sleeps past noon, misses breakfast and lunch with the group, and asks if she can have something to eat. She is told, “No, that is just natural consequences.”

Diagnosed with anorexia and then refused a meal? Is this legal? More importantly, is this ethical?


The Wild Doc ~ Is the Current Coronavirus Patented and Did a Laboratory Create a Bat Coronavirus?


editor victoria’s comment ~ expanding my knowledge on this one….for now, i continue to keep stocked our own natural medicine cabinet.  oil of oregano.  grape fruit seed extract.  elderberry.  colloidal silver (which i make and have for years.  if interested, you can get your own unit.  i have a link via amazon on my main page – lower right – to the unit we use.)


13.5K subscribers

50% of All Social CBD Products from January 24th-26th


Hi everyone~

I wanted to give a heads up to an awesome sale going on now through January 26, 2020 at Social CBD.  I am an affiliate for their products as well as a customer.  I find that they work quite well for relaxation and sleep.  If you want to give them a try or if you already use CBD and are looking for a great product at an AWESOME price (50% off) – follow my affiliate link here to check out the product and make an order.

Thank you!



Dealing With Anger, Resistance And Pessimism


personal healing tools….it reminds me of something a friend once said about 10 years ago:  “Be the Observer” – in everything.  …  i was particularly interested in his discussion at the end about movies and characters in them and how they grow/awaken through struggle….i see the truth in that – in our experience here – and like many of us though we don’t want – we don’t consent – to being “characters” in a movie.  anyway – i found his metaphor interesting…


791K subscribers

Lots of news (fear) about this corona virus. Here’s some info I came across…


i know – shouldn’t be surprised.  but still am.  why do we tell our children monster’s aren’t real – when in reality here, they are.  clean up time.


link to the patent



Crystal Geyser bottled water maker admits dumping arsenic in Californian water


they should be put out of business…


Local authorities who sampled local water quality found arsenic concentrations above hazardous waste limit

On Holding Space for others


editor victoria’s comment ~ thank you to sister linea for putting this one up on her page.  i am politely stealing it and using it here.  lol  anyone who comes here regularly knows how much i align with this – and how batshit crazy i can go within when others do this.  as i continue to say – love asks “what do you need?”  it doesn’t give unasked for advice or pretend to know your needs much less who you really are.  enough assuming.  let us ask – when someone is struggling – what do you need?  

repeat after me.  let us ask when someone is struggling – what do you need? then hold space for them.  if you can.  if you can’t, say so…  recently when i was sharing my grief over the passing of our grandpa don, i was told to be strong.  i stopped – and said “no.”  lol  not to be arrogant – but i was not about to be strong to make someone else comfortable.  i ain’t always strong and in that moment i wasn’t.  no one is – especially when in grief.  i was also told to focus on the good times – as though i wasn’t already doing that.  and ya know what? as i said – i am not ready to do that.  i am hurting.  if my pain is too uncomfortable for you, then we need not communicate any more.  i would rather mourn alone than be around fake and that is what such behavior is – fake.  

life is painful here at times and traumatizing.  we can make that easier by holding space and just being with someone – silently – in their pain.  and at least if we don’t feel we can do that, be honest and say so.  (and yes there are exceptions to this – been there done that – seen it in myself – seen it in others)…


Copied from friend. This is good and true.
….. I like to call it “false fake Ego light.”
Here goes:

Unpopular opinion:
We’re not usually encountering people who are struggling, just so we can call them “lower vibrational” and feed our egos as a “high vibe lightworker” while we ostracize them.

If we are called to help others, and hold space, l we’re going to have to learn how to actually “hold space”.

If we can’t or aren’t willing to learn how to do that, then we should get the fuck out of the game and stop compounding traumas.

People have enough issues to work out without our “higher vibrational” selves “nicely” inferring they’re a piece of shit.

I’m aware there are extreme situations that are the exception. I’ve lived a few of them. But most of the time it’s fake people being pussies and projecting.

Love y’all…♥️🔥🕉️

Sometimes more than others…

P.S. If you want or need help, reach out. For real. I got you 🤘

P.P.S. UPDATE I changed the you and you’re to us and we because I’ve done this myself and had to be called out on it before I realized the harm I was causing. A new friend reminded me of that, by holding space and using discourse, and I’m grateful for his perspective.

Copied from Steve, friend of Tina Kaczmarzewski… via Melissa Knochenhauer