The Lost World of the Mud Flood: Fallen Women, Foundlings, and the 19th-Century Human Reset


An excellent read into our past history.  Jon Levi has shown us these resets as well in his excellent work – and the pictures show us the story:  in their resets of us, most of the adults are taken and children are left behind as orphans – to be used by them as slaves.  “They” are so sick.  (i would say those mama’s had their children taken – by force.  all of these women abandoning their children?  f’ing nonsense.  and even more horrible – the women who participated in “gathering” these beautiful babies/children and making $$ from it.)  there are a plethora of movies as we know – and tv series including one we were going to watch – heartland – but when i read it was yet another story of a young girl whose mother dies and father had already abandoned the family – i said nope.  I am NOT giving ANY further energy to their agenda – sticking it in our face like that.  DONE.  it’s getting to the point where i would rather make up stories and even stare at the dayem wall and spin fidget spinners than give them anymore energy to their sick perverted stories disguised as entertainment.


The Watchers immediately set about to deceive on a grand and global scale. Their first act, after the mock deluge event, was to scrub much of human history. Tartaria was probably a part of that effort. And that’s where we find ourselves today, several generations removed from the reset. Let’s say its 1840. Cities are emptied out. We’re talking about an event where millions of people probably died. Children everywhere suddenly find themselves orphaned and misplaced from the society they were born into. Re-education efforts are underway in London and practically every major city on earth.

MOST PEOPLE today are kept unaware of the fact that there were a series of laws passed into effect in the 1800’s, whereas unwed mothers were coerced to hand over their children to authorities. Thousands upon thousands complied—but why? The official explanation often falls upon the shame of immorality, mixed with the toxic blend of Industrialization workhouses. Accordingly, they wanted to escape and make a better life for themselves, so they abandoned their children to child labor institutions and re-education centers.

Alternate reading of Mayan calendar suggests end of the world is next week


someone today was saying they can’t wait to get back to normal….and my entire Being within said “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”…..normal SUCKED….lol  i want NEW……i want what i have SEEN………i want what those VISIONS have shown me to manifest in front of my eyes…….that need just grows so now when anyone talks about opening up the schools as they were and going back to the same ‘ole routine everything in me says NOOOOOOOO….(and i know i am not alone with this thinking/feeling experience)…

so…. if the Ethiopian Calendar has us in 2012, well, there seems to be Truth in that….


If you thought COVID-19, civil unrest, locusts, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes signaled Armageddon — you may be right!

The reading of the Mayan calendar was wrong according to a conspiracy theory on Twitter, and while the world didn’t end on Dec. 21, 2012, as originally prophesied by calendar readers, Mayan doomsday is sometime this week or next.

“Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012… The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days… For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years,” scientist Paolo Tagaloguin tweeted last week according to the Sun. The series of tweets has since been deleted.

If Tagaloguin is correct, adding up all the missed days, then the Mayan doomsday date is … this week.

In 2012, doomsday theorists were convinced the world was ending on December 21, and hordes of believers flocked to Mayan sites in Mexico and Guatemala — only to be left disappointed and dirty due to the lack of sanitation at ancient Mayan pyramids.




Jon Levi ~ Our Real History


editor victoria’s comment ~ there seems to be some confusion with some of you – my wonderful readers/subscribers.  i often share videos put out by others.  i always state who the author of the video is and share a link back to their channel.  if it is one of my videos, i will say such.  this site – Love In Action Now dot com is run by me – Victoria.  i hope that clears up any confusion.  now i leave you with another awesome video by one of my favorite historian/investigators/truth-seeker… Jon Levi who, i feel, is quite spot on in his shares as to where we are and what our real story is.


47.8K subscribers


DEC 20 The Party of Nero and their Christmas impeachment Festival – Juan O. Savin The Pagan Roots of Impeachment stemming from the festival and sacrifice known as the “King of Misrule”


an interesting find…


The magician casts his spells with a magic wand and according to legend, the most powerful wands are made with wood from a holly tree; so out in southern California where I used to live they named the place where all the movie magic is made…Hollywood. It’s not just one building or studio; it’s the whole city, working together to make magic. It’s mystery and glamour, drama and life…or death, casting its spell on us.

The world class magicians in this city of illusions, if they are good…, really good at their craft…can make us forget where we are when we enter into their world. The unimaginable is real, as the spectacle plays and draws us into their screens, all our senses are compelled to come closer and our heart races with every explosion; and the music calms us. We can smell the perfumed hair of the Olympian beauty. She whispers her sirens song softly, come hither; but the drum beats from the jungle, and warns us of dark forces and primordial beasts lurking beyond the fire lit night…! And for a moment its all real, we can feel ourselves there, anything is possible…its all possible.

The Holly day festivals began in Roman times. It was an entire season of magic. The great holly day festival was dedicated to the pagan god Saturn and was called the Saturnalia Holly day Festival. Accounts vary, but writers from early Rome seem to agree that it originally occurred on December 25.Rome’s Emperors repeatedly altered their calendars and after years of confusion, eventually settled on December 17 to 23 for the Saturnalia Festival, which encompassed the winter solstice.

Like a Wizard with his wand, the highlight of the Saturnalia Holly days Festival was the fundamental and magical transformation of society. Everything was turned upside down, inside out and backwards. Normality was subverted and masters served their slaves. In various households as well as whole cities, they cast lots among the lowest and most vulgar members of the community and the winner was crowned ‘The King of Misrule’. The new King was dressed in amusing finery and with an unholy anointing began to channel the unclean Spirit of Misrule. Simultaneously the willing mob who had done the deed was divided into squads and compelled to execute his decrees. As the coup began, he ordered that slaves take command of the offices of state, and he had the power to order anyone, to do anything his whim desired. As the Lord of Fools, He commanded everyone be partakers in his drunkenness and debauchery. The King of Misrule was encouraged to take any woman he desired while ordering orgies and rape. Military discipline was relaxed and the armed guardians of the state who were normally admired by friends and feared by foes, roared around the city on their chariots with loose women in tow and acting like buffoons; or worse.

Parties for all was the order of the day but, in spite of all the exuberance and outward displays of gaiety, there was always an underlying tension and apprehension. Participants were continuously anxious about what the King would order next and who would fall victim to the vulgar tyrants mocking rage or unwholesome affections. This was Misrules chance to get back at anyone who had ever dismissed, slighted or derided him. Whether great or small, the axiom is still true, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power, corrupts absolutely”.

Near the end of the Roman Empire, the King of Misrule’s rein was nearly always ended with his literal sacrifice at Saturn’s alter in the presence of his ministering fools; so the unfortunate misruling scape goat was all the more encouraged to make the most of his last days; eat drink and be merry, for at the end of your rein you die. His cult of followers spent all day, perhaps even the whole year, dreaming up sweet taunts to whisper in his ear, or, should THEY be the hapless victim, how best to exact THEIR opportunistic revenge.

The rowdy bands competed in their mischievous calamities and each macabre decree had to be followed by something new and even more disgusting, or delirious. Why? because the real challenge where ever foolish tyrants rule is,…as it has always been, to try to stay on the tyrants good side so as not to suffer his wrath. The end of the magical Festival was also its Zenith; and everyone, especially the Misruler knew what certain fate awaited him as step after step higher, they mounted the sacrificial ziggurat. It’s easy to understand why the hapless King of Misrule, Lording over his Fools, would want to extend the party indefinitely with that kind of finale’ ahead.

Disorder and chaos do not put bread on the table or build homes and repair streets. Therefore, Tartarus as it was known then, or hell as it is known now, that place where reason does not exist, is the only natural place for Misrule’s rein eternal. So, with great pageantry the King of Misrule would finally arrive at the sacrificial plateau and was ceremoniously presented at the appointed hour before Saturn’s alter. There, in the presence of all the other pagan gods and his now solemn band of fools, the sorcerers black magic deed was completed; either by his own hand, or if he be unwilling or unable, by another’s when the knife was put to his throat. In some places he was put to his eternal rest on a fiery wicker bed or hung from an oaken tree; after which Misrules fools disbanded.

The party being over and the spell seemingly broken, each of the participants harbored a hidden feeling of relief, inwardly thankful to have somehow survived to the New Year. They began almost immediately the the grueling process of sobering from their drunkenness and scabbing over the memories of what they had just been a part of, conveniently forgetting or mis-remembering the details. With Misrule’s rein thus ended the process of putting things back in their place and repairing what had been damaged or destroyed began. Civility, normality, order and decorum were soon restored; as the long shadows of the darkest of nights receded.

Over time the festival became so popular among the citizenry that it’s celebration began to stretch from days into months and eventually near the end of the Roman empire the King of Misrule was chosen on All Hallow’s Eve and then reined for nearly two months. The Roman Emperor Caligula complained that the public offices were closed for too long because of the festival and decreed that celebrations be limited in time; but to no avail. The people partied on spending all year tainted with the knowledge that the season for payback by the lowest and basest among them was coming. Eventually the celebration morphed to mirror what we see today during Mardi Gras. As the festival degenerated into a raucous, drunken rave, many are said to have hidden themselves or retreated from the cities each year until it was done. Rural dwellers and farmers feared to come within the Sodomites walls during that season because the strong potions and magic elixirs mixed with unfettered power, incited the crowds.

The festival was so widely celebrated that even the Roman soldiers serving in far flung provinces would cast caution to the wind in the magic of the season. It was common for soldiers to dress and talk as women. The King of Misrule could order torture for inexplicable reasons while he and his armies of fools were reported to have become very good at killing people.

Dasius of Durostorum was one of the early Saint’s of the Orthodox church. He was a handsome and young Roman Soldier serving in an area we now call the Balkans on the shore of the Danube river. By lot’s he was chosen as the King of Misrule, but being a Christian he chose not to stand before his Creator having soiled his last days in this world in drunken debauchery, lusty sin and murder. His comrades and commander spent days encouraging him to fulfill his allotted role and command them by misrule; but he would not relent and finally after many days he was beheaded for his crime.

Rome’s historians tell us that Nero in his youth was appointed to rein as the King of Misrule. Apparently, it was a role he never fully disengaged from. Later in life when he commanded Rome his ambitions made him desirous to remake and reshape the city of Rome and then name it after himself. One wonders now…which bankers, union leaders and tax collectors tweaked his fancy with their profiteering delusions of a grander kingdom to come.

It turns out, Rome’s most dangerous of enemies were not hiding without the great city, but within it.

After the fire, allegations of Nero’s complicity were reinforced when he built a Golden Palace surrounded by pleasure gardens in Palatine, near where the great fires began in the bazaar by the circus. In his Imperial madness, Nero was reported to have employed the services of co-conspirators who on a particularly windy day, lit torches which were openly thrown at strategic places by men crying out that they were acting under orders. Perhaps they had received orders; or maybe they were just opportunistic looters who sought to plunder unhampered. Yeah….

The Roman historian Suetonius reported that Nero was said to have taken refuge at his private theater on Palatine Hill and there, on a magnificent stage overlooking the flame engulfed city below, he amused himself by playing the lyre and singing of the destruction of Troy; comparing and linking Rome’s present destruction to the more ancient one. Seven days and six long nights the firestorm raged. Ultimately three quarters of the city was consumed. We can only wonder what vainglorious illusions filled Nero’s imagination as he visualized a future city of his namesake; rising like a Phoenix from the ashes of his destruction.

Rome’s historians also recount how those desperate people lining the roads and fields surrounding the burning heap despaired of life. Many would have preferred to die, having failed to save loved ones or possessions and without even food for a day; desperate and without any idea where or how to start again.

Afterward, when rumors of the conspiracy and Nero’s involvement could no longer be contained. Nero’s advisors, the hidden powers who are always behind the throne in every government, suggested a scape goat, and as Solomon said “there is nothing new under the sun”. Using the same script that was later used after the Kristallncht fires in Germany, the cult of dark priests pointed a boney finger toward the new sect of Christian believers. First the Christians were compelled to identify and confess themselves as Christians and then a short while later the propaganda campaign began. Soon the city was awash with ‘new’ rumors about the dangerous beliefs of the Christians who were reported to have burned Rome because of their hatred for humanity and civilization itself. Once the rabble was properly roused, Nero’s persecutions began; and with a vengeance. The rest of the citizenry were quick to disassociate themselves from the Christians for fear they would also suffer Nero’s demonically inspired tortures. Fed to lions, crucified or covered in pitch and oil while lashed to stakes in Nero’s pleasure garden, the Christian’s became living/dying torches to light the paths in the nightmares of his dark soul.

From Eternities throne, it is doubtful we will see Misrule judged as severely as the broader community that foolishly created and endorsed him. He, of course, could not have taken office or accomplished his deeds with out the willing consent of the governed masses and the dreaded posse’s that executed his decree’s. It was after all a democratic festival celebrating mob rule, even if there be the occasional dissenter. And certainly those retreating to safer environs had voted also; either with their silence or their feet to allow the festivals to proceed.

Today, life, like Hollywood, seems to be caught in a tape loop. The new movies are just old scripts, dusted off, but with new faces from the same old dynastic acting families; and likewise the ‘New World Order’ is comprised of the ‘Old World Order’s children, by their first and second cousin wives; and paramours. As the fires beneath the ‘Great Works’ cauldron are now lit, our Over Lord’s are climbing the hills and mounting their stages; their magical harps and lyres in hand. These new King’s and Lord’s of Misrule will soon preside and lament over the roasting ritual fires. What will be done, is what has always been done in this recurring magicians act of seeming self immolation and miraculous resurrection. Because, as they have all been taught to believe since Cain’s great evil deed…only those with the will to use power, can keep it. But for those of us who know of their “Great Work”, and the secret to the magician trick, the magic is lost…and we are not amused!

Misrule’s rein is merely a foil while the plotting conspirators remain in the shadows still plying their trade and keeping their mind controlling, digitalized potions and strong drink flowing. These Wizard’s know that Misrule and his Fool’s have itching ears, so they keep selling the dream; “the most beautiful golden city…” and “your names will live forever.” While the music is blaring and the darlings dance for his pleasure. Mean while, people of conscience are torn, do we flee the city or try to stand and reason…but is there time; and who really knows in this magical season if Misrule’s lottery itself isn’t fixed; after all, it is a world of illusions. And who rules the times and seasons? Will this spell never end? The granaries are near empty and the sowing season will soon be past, will we now starve in Misrules hypnotic grip never again putting our hands to the plow?

You should know the truth and the truth should make you mad as hell.

Will historians someday speak just as derisively of the builders and crew of our Titanic Ship of State, as they do now of the other ‘unsinkable’ one that went before? After all, it strains credibility that professional men who had spend their careers at sea, with the solemn trust of over two thousand souls in their care, did not sense imminent danger, and demand to know “why in God’s Name” was the damned ship ever allowed to leave the drawing boards, let alone the docks without MORE than enough life boats, and why the hell were they racing through the darkness of a moonless night with the throttles pegged to the max and the great steamer pointed directly into the heart of a known and impenetrable field of icebergs. This Titanic conspiracy to plunge the world into a third world war is no accident; but the why,…only a madman can answer. Theaters of “war and rumors of war’s”, but who benefits? We place our reputation and national treasure in the breach but to what end? Is there an end? We are conscripted to follow the edicts of our Misruler’s and their bought and paid for Fools. But, there is dread and foreboding in hearts across the world in this unnatural, unreal and unholy, Holly day season; will this mad movie never end? Or, will the Misruler’s Fools take us all down with him? How much more can/will we take?

Why, we ask, can Putin do more in two months to stop ISIS than USUS have done in two years? Is it because USUS is ISIS as the radio host John B Wells often states?

How can our intelligence agencies possibly NOT know who is buying and transporting the oil that fuels ISIS/USUS murderous rampages? Normal citizens across the world can’t send their college student a hundred dollars by Western Union without giving up their grandma’s maiden name…who are we kidding? Our satellites can compute the gas pressure of a flea fart in Chicago!!! and your going to try and convince me we don’t know the DNA of every drop of oil coming out of Turkey and every dollar flowing in?

And while we’re at it…let’s pull down the curtains and follow the puppeteer’s strings…we should all want to see who, WHO!!! is pulling O-Zero’s invisible strings; O’ really! And who are these wise men and lobbyists fondling the ears of our Congressmen and Senators that convinced them to sign onto and support the burning down of the Mideast from North Africa to the Ukraine; reshaping it into the Kaosistan that exists today…was this really all that wise?

At the end of the day, do Misrule and his Fools now demand that we all bow deeply before the Dictators of Riyahd; both the obvious and the hidden? Isn’t that where the most of the 911 attackers reportedly came from? Isn’t that where the San Bernadino Bride (if she is a girl, not a guy) came from. Aren’t the Saudi’s the ones who are paying for and transporting all the illegal arms up and down the Mediterranean sea? Are the evil rulers and Royal families of Saudi Arabia ANY less evil or dangerous than Mubarak, Qaddaffi or Assad? How about WORSE! Wouldn’t that be more accurate…the most oppressive, dangerous and EVIL dictatorship in the entire Mideast IS Saudi Arabia…there aren’t any Syrian Wahabbi Mosques opening in New York, or Iowa. I don’t see any Libyan financed Wahabbi terrorist Mosque’s opening in Michigan or Paris. Oh, and by the way, we should ask, who paid for Mr. NerO’s Harvard Law School degree? Who’s Empire are we really fighting…and dying, for? And is it really worth it? For whom? And I ask again….to what end?

When our dollar was decoupled from gold under President Nixon, it was quickly linked by the supporters of a world technocracy, to oil, Saudi oil; not Texas oil, or Pennsylvania’s oil, or even the vast strategic reserves in the Dakota’s and Alaska that have been capped off for over half a century. Why? Who benefited from this policy? What better use could there possibly be for a strategic reserve than to protect and own; OUR OWN!!! currency and eliminate the need to support evil tyrants across the world. Like it or not, oil is playing a huge role in manipulating the value of currencies across the globe as well as the deployments of armies; and the military industrial empires to support them; and this has been the case for over half a century. The world runs on energy, and oil is still the energy of choice…for the moment. Money has always been the mothers milk of politics and the oil money from some withered, Libertine whore’s breast, is still the favorite favor; but who benefits we ask…who? We dread the fiery cataclysms in the crescendos to come; but these Misruler’s, and their Fool’s rein, will soon end…dramatically…and, most likely on the plateaus of Damascus…and then what……….?

I and others are watching and we know what foul game is afoot. Isn’t it the currency cartels plan to destroy the Saudi oil backed dollar as well as the other currencies it supports? But they won’t replace it with North American or North Sea oil backing. They will not even replace it with alternative energy backing!!! No, our hidden Master’s of Misrule will they replace it with a new carbon backed world currency? THAT! Is what the King’s and Princess’s of Misrule and their merry Fools gathered in France last week to map out? A new inverse energy technocracy and its vaporous currency; which will be based on carbon backed credits and taxes? In other words…we get credit for NOT breathing?…right! We get credit for not making or doing things! Isn’t that like paying farmers not to grow crops or milk cows. And all of this blamed on a climate crisis Black Magic HOAX! Yes, I will say it while it can still be done freely; before the thought police can constrain it.

In other words the cornerstone and foundation of the ‘new’ Carbon backed Currency will be the de-industrialization and subsequent depopulation of the Western World? So, let’s All get this right,…..SOMEONE, (were not quite sure who), someone is going to get paid ‘Carbon Currency Credits’, when we stop working and eating and breathing. Which Prince’s of the Power of the Air will control the throttles of production? Which nations and businesses will benefit? The detective knows….follow the money! Isn’t this drive to a new world currency driven by our Banker Masters? Who owes the bankers the most money now….? Why that would be our governments and “We the people”. Is it a far reach to say that we our selves are being forced to put our own hand, to our own throat…and if we be too weak or unwilling, we will be assisted to complete our own destruction?

It is easy to blame our Misruling and Foolish leaders, but who is it that demanded the party to start, even if we didn’t fully understand where it would lead;…and have WE now drawn the lot…. How many more steps till we reach the alter…..and which god’s will preside over our sorrowful demise?

What of America’s Sovereignty, is that to be the first blood sacrifice in this Luciferian brew? And at what cost…must three quarters of the mideast be burned down in the firestorms to come in this ‘The Cremation of Care’ ceremony, just to make way for the Promethian promise of a new and improved Utopian Pleasure Gardens? Who will occupy that Golden Palace? And who’s corpses will light the night on those dank, stony paths?

And what of the millions of immigrants now flooding into the streets and byways of Europe at the edges of the burned out middle east? Or the populations they displace? Will those fires now started remain only in the bazaar’s by the circus? And what of the humanity that escapes this burning heap, will they embrace the Phoenix new Empire as it’s carbon backed digital currency rises from the ashes and preens it’s glistening feathers in 2018? Or will mankind shortly thereafter, finally decide to make an end of it’s wars; and with God’s help and mercy, beat their swords into plowshares never to celebrate Misrules rein again…ever.

In the Brave New World….”One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them”. Don’t forget who and where you are! Come back to reality and breath the fresh air. Do not attempt to adjust the your set, it can’t be adjusted, it’s fixed. Reject and turn off the magician’s illusions, his world is not real, separate yourself from the the Misruled and brainwashed masses! The only way to win is not to play their games. There is work to do, and there isn’t much time.

Let us pray.


Juan O. Savin

South American Intelligence Contributor


The Lost Book Of King OG – The Rephaim Speak – Pt. VI The Flood, Nimrod & Moses


he has some interesting comments on last night’s full moon.  i stopped doing the “focus on the moon” stuff months ago.  last night’s did not feel good either.  my feel was it was one last attack (as i have said these a’holes will be at it until the end). Love does not poke.  Love does not prod.  Love does not say “you must take in this energy”.  bullshit.  i’m done with all of their games.  they have used the moon to control so much here – NONE of it is for our benefit.  it is only there to serve them.  if it isn’t Love – if it isn’t Supportive – and if it doesn’t ASK if I wish to receive – I ain’t taking it.  and i advice all to do the same.  Be what Love does.


41.1K subscribers


Ethiopian calendar says we’re in the year 2012


btw – i updated/posted this at 4:44 time frame

a woman’s tweet showed up on my feed as part of one of those twitter feeds speaking of our “real” history (the deception, etc).  She stated the Ethiopian calendar has us in the year 2012.  i decided to check it out.  i found a couple of sites – typed in today’s date (11/23/2019).  one site showed the Ethiopian calendar displaying the date 11/13/2012, the other site 11/23/2012.

what does any of this indicate?  obviously we have been deceived on everything here.  we’ve obviously been in some physical form for far longer than our history or calendar’s teach us.  i feel into the concept of Original (before conquest – ooh maybe that is the real acronym meaning for BC) – to get a feeling for the “how long” – and i feel before all of these controls and tools got placed in our known experience, we really did not consider the “time/how long until” as part of our creation.  or if we did it is far different than how it is done here.

here’s a bit of history: “The Ethiopian calendar , also called the Ge’ez calendar, is the principal calendar used in Ethiopia and also serves as the liturgical calendar for Christians in Eritrea belonging to the Eritrean Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic Church and Lutheran Evangelical Church of Eritrea. It is based on the older Alexandrian or Coptic calendar, which in turn derives from the Egyptian calendar, but like the Julian calendar, it adds a leap day every four years without exception…” ….”The Ethiopian Calendar has twelve months with 30 days each and a thirteenth month called Pagume with five or six days depending on the year.”(source & source)


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An insight into the matrix game….


i am watching one of the videos i linked in my previous piece (ancient suppressed atmospheric electricity).  earlier today my mate and i were talking about this ground hog day feeling we have felt for a year or two.  aka “rinse and repeat” in this house.  we feel we have been reset here.  others have shared this concept.

let me elaborate.  the controller’s find a way to end the game just before we reach full awakening and take back our power by using dark tech to essentially press the “reset” button in this matrix game.  some global cataclysm – disease – or civil war type scenario wipes us out then we are reinserted back again only to essentially have the same sort of experience (and let’s be honest here – it is very difficult to have a REAL creative free experience in this realm – in a pay to live environment – in an environment where you are poisoned, controlled, taxed, etc.).

rinse and repeat.  here is a good channel that speaks about this topic.

listening to this video referenced above i can see where one of the reset points was around the time of the civil war in the 1800’s (and the civil war was not about slavery either – it was about states rights – i linked a video months ago about this).  another reset point could have been during the fall of Rome.  my mate had a vision yesterday that he and i were around during that time and saw it fall (then got thrown back into this pit for another go-around).  and it would not surprise me if they have continued to attempt to “reset” us.  maybe those are the timeline jumps some have said we see on the schumann.  they make the attempt – and are blocked.  could explain why in part many of us feel so exhausted energetically or explain why many have felt between two world’s for some time now.  we may have been – literally.

this time – this experience – is different.  we have a PLAN.  if HRC had won, we would have had another reset.  but now – there will be NO MORE.

please hold that intention if it resonates.  hold the intention for FREEDOM. for TRUTH.  NOW.  please don’t let your sink into their lower energy agenda that says you have to learn lessons in order to…..that says you have to do what they say or what another says.  that is nothing but just another game of power over.  the Source in me says you are LOVE and you were created to CREATE FREELY.  nothing more – nothing less.  your RIGHT.  your beautiful inherent RIGHT to create as YOU WISH without interference.

all of us doing this – in just the way i shared – and there IS no power over. no control.  just live/create and let live/create.



