Stunning 700-year-old giant cave used by Knights Templar found behind a rabbit hole in the British countryside


editor’s note:  i am most curious to learn what the inscriptions on the wall say.


The cave, beneath a farmer’s field in Shropshire, was used by the medieval religious order that fought in the Crusades and these stunning images were captured by photographer Michael Scott

It contains a network of walkways that are “completely untouched”

James Gilliland Newsletter ~ 3/7/18





The Art of InterDimensional War

by James Gilliland

March 7, 2018

Many go through their daily lives oblivious to how what is happening on other dimensions has an effect on their daily lives.

This article will be dismissed by those trapped in social consciousness and the material because they have no reference points, yet when the student is ready the teacher will appear.

evolution of sheeple

Many go through their daily lives oblivious to how what is happening on other dimensions has an effect on their daily lives. They believe they are a body and a personality and, in most cases, follow the herd.

The big question is who is driving the herd?

Just as there are many forms of livestock and animals that would fit into herds, there are also many humans who also fit into herds. The herd mentality is part of social consciousness. The only way to truly understand what is happening is to step out of the herd, step out of social consciousness. The more one awakens to the multidimensional world around them and their own multidimensional nature the more one realizes how the universe works. It is not how you think, it never is and there is always more to the story. If you are fixed in your personality, your be lie fs, -“There is always a lie in belief-” you will not be aware of these other forces, thus you will be subject to them.

body mind spirit

Are you aware that you are a spirit that has a body and a personality?

Did you know that spirit is timeless – a multidimensional being going all the way back to the source?

How many multicultural earth suits have you worn?

Did you live in other dimensions, on other planets with more advanced civilizations?

If you believe you are a body and a personality totally attached to the material the answer is no. This article will be dismissed by those trapped in social consciousness and the material because they have no reference points, yet when the student is ready the teacher will appear. If you are trapped by cultural and religious programs you are still in a box. If you are part of the herd – part of social consciousness waiting for the television to tell you what to believe, who you are and what is happening around the world – God help you.

doesnt know

What we are going to tell you will be the most empowering, most outrageous message you have ever heard. It is all about self-mastery and awakening to the God within.

Yes, there is a God but it not the bearded gods of old, it is not male nor female yet the male and female exist within it. It is beyond that and in its most unlimited understanding it is pure unconditional love, joy, and bliss. It does not have an ego, it cannot judge and it is best described as the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. The Creator is Omnipresent throughout all Creation. The path to understanding this is internal not external, the temple is within and herd or social consciousness is not the path to enlightenment or personal empowerment. In fact, it is a trap. A multidimensional trap. External verses internal is the great war. External is the distraction.

“Ye search the scriptures in vain, for I speak of a living God.”

2017 copyright Planetary Liberation Dimensional Grid

Players in the distraction come in many forms, exist on other dimensions. They are masters at creating chaos, separation, keeping you locked in the lower chakras: survival, sex and power.

If you are not aware of and have not mastered your multidimensional self and are only using ten percent of your brain, who is messing with you on other dimensions or manipulating the other ninety percent? How do you know what thoughts and emotions are yours? How would you know the source of these thoughts and emotions? If you knew the degree of manipulation going on most would implode, fall into despair, yet there is a way out.

Let’s discuss some of these manipulating energies and how to deal with them. It is time for humanity to wise up, rise up and stand in their own divinity.

We will not leave you in fear after addressing these energies. We will give you the tools to discern and clear them



Many refer to these as fallen angels or fallen Anunnaki the gods of old. I would suggest learning your ancient history, the real history of Earth. The bearded Gods of which many of your religions are based were visitors. Anunnaki simply means those who came from heaven to Earth, they came from the sky. They were extremely advanced yet fell and engaged in power struggles, turf wars and one in particular, Marduk was so obsessed with global domination he made a pact with the reptilians and other aggressive species. The Anunnaki are not reptiles, the fallen ones worked with reptilians which is why the Earth has been under the Draconian Grid with Draconian law. The Anunnaki were split between those who followed Universal Law and those who fell. The good news is those who have not fallen and continued to evolve spiritually are back to right a wrong. The Fallen ones are the false gods of division and separation.

serpent being


These are the most cunning. You most likely will never see them. They prey upon people’s unhealed past and use it to manipulate others. They use your own empathy and goodness against you. Many light workers are taken out by these beings mainly because they become enablers, have their empathy used against them or are in some form of denial. Grounded reality checks and setting firm boundaries are necessary to deal with these beings and those who have become possessed by them. Be real clear with your story and whether or not it adds up to the reality that is unfolding with brutal honesty. They come through family, loved ones, friends and can jump in and out. They use the unhealed wounds and traumas, victim roles, etc. as pathways to suppress others, interfere in one stepping into their divinity, can become a virtual ball and chain. They only have power because of lessons unlearned in setting boundaries, self-love, and denial by those they are manipulating. They are masters at manipulation, disruptive and feed off the chaos and energies of others. The light workers will have to make a decision in these cases you can’t serve two Gods. It will tear you apart. Creating Heaven on Earth is not their agenda they only feed off other’s creations. Masters of deception.

grey reptlian hybrid

Reptilian/Grey Hybrids

This is another very deceptive group. They are a combination of Reptilian and Tall Grey genetics. The worst of both worlds. We see them standing often behind many people in the UFO movement. Most are unaware of their presence. There are those in the UFO movement who are in contact with the more benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, most are women. Women by nature know what is love and what empowers and, in most cases, are sensitive enough to sense the difference. Men/women who profess there are no negative ETs, open wide and let anything in are doing their bidding along with the bidding of other dark forces, some knowingly and some in ignorance. Just because you are dead does not mean you are enlightened and just because you are an ET or other dimensional being does not mean you are benevolent. They are self-serving just as those they manipulate as their spokespersons. They will often display themselves as massive egos. We cannot go against all the ancient teachings just to feel safe and give the feel-good message to create followings. Many of these forces are tied to people who are not empowering the individual to make their own personal connection to source or higher consciousness and energy but are into self-aggrandizement and self-worship and desire the worship of others. We have to ask ourselves constantly if we are in service, what are our true motives, what is our come from, our end goal. You have to stay humble and out of the see me dig me I am special above the rest programs. The higher you go up the vibrational continuum the less special you become. The power is and always will be internal, within.



Reptilians are part of the Draco system who assisted Marduk in conquering his own people and gaining total supremacy over the earth. The Draconian system has been in place for a long time. It is an oppressive consciousness and energy grid that has presently been destroyed thanks to benevolent off worlders, higher dimensional beings here to liberate the Earth. Call them Masters and Angels if you want to stay within the confines of religion but there is much more to the story. Star Wars is closer to reality then most religions and we will soon join the greater family of man/woman, the rest of the Universe in Peace. Most reptilians do not possess the mammal, cooperative brain. Their focus is primarily on survival, control, domination. They are a conquering race. There is talk about some more advanced reptilians seeing the writing on the wall. They know the game is over for the controllers and those who desire world domination and have joined in the planetary liberation. Some may have evolved on a different path than most Draconians who believe they are the superior race. In any case I would use caution. To those who profess to have reptilian lovers see what happens when you say no. The bottom line is cooperation, Universal Law which is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All must be adhered too in the fast approaching days to come. Self-serving is not the path if we are to continue. The Earth is ascending. There have been great wars fought unknown to the public in the heavens and in massive underground facilities to rid the planet of these aggressive, dominating entities and their human counterparts.



This is a real grey area not to make a pun. There are many species of Greys. There are the tall Greys which I would avoid at any cost. There are a lot of subspecies many of which are biological robots used to collect data and biological samples. The nature of their business depends on who is operating them. Many speak of our own government back engineering Greys and using them in abductions, animal and human. Abductions are real, they are a trespass and create severe emotional trauma. Many Greys don’t have emotions and are unaware of the trauma they create. Experiments against free will despite superior technology are not within Universal Law. This is phasing out due to the presence of the benevolent off worlders.

discarnate soul


In the lower level of the 4th dimension there is a plethora of entities. Some call demons, discarnate spirits, gross disfigured people who emulate their consciousness. There are other creatures there as well. Without writing a book we will just categorize them all together as lower astral beings. What you are given here is limited. The multiverse is filled with entities some malevolent, self-serving and some benevolent in service to others and the Creator within all Creation. Those who are in alignment with Universal Law, those who are in service to the Creator within all Creation, those who are our ancient ancestors that never fell and continued to evolve are returning. This is the great war. This includes humans many of which have become puppets and willing participants of the dark hearts seen and unseen.

illuminati puppet

The self-serving humans and the unseen negative energies they have aligned with can be very cunning and very deceptive. They gravitate to positions of power only to use that power against the very people that gave it to them. They lust for power and wealth mainly at the expense of Humanity and the Earth. They will stop at nothing to maintain their control and domination of Humanity and the earth. They are deceivers, masters at double speak and prey upon the emotions and unhealed past. They separate through race, culture and religion and are the perpetrators the wars and most diseases that have plagued humanity for thousands of years.


Here is a news flash:

“You’re a soul, you came from Creator, in this we are all family regardless of the cultural or religious meat suit you are wearing.

“We all come from the same source and we all return to the same source. Do not get trapped in the separation game.

They are the war and disease profiteers at war with Creation itself. They are behind the poisoning of your air, your water, the oceans, the land and your food. They are behind the GMOs, the herbicides, pesticides, the chemtrails, the inoculations now proven to have severe if not deadly consequences, the technologies that take away your freedom, your right to privacy, your freedom of speech and yes there are those who want you to be defenseless with no right to defend yourself.

If you want to master the art of war you need to know your enemy, their goals and agendas or you will be doing their bidding unaware. You need to understand the layers of deception and manipulation, much of which is unseen.

You need to come together, focus primarily on Universal Law:

“Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.”

Universal Law2

There is no lack – it is and has always been manufactured. This includes energy as well. You have been enslaved through dependency and that is coming to an end. Want to know who the controllers are? They want you to take care of them in lavish abundance. They have a sense of superiority, a sense of entitlement. They say one thing and do the opposite. They even use your own empathy, your good nature against you. They promise everything of others yet give little themselves. They are the ones who want to censor you, intrude on your privacy and most important make you weak and defenseless. Most cannot handle the truth when it comes down to Satanic Worship, Child Sacrifice/trafficking, Drug trafficking, sexual predatory behavior.

The line was drawn with discretions against the children and they crossed that line in the ultimate insult to Creator. This will be their downfall.

This is where the path to self-service and “power over others” leads. They are at war with Creation. Look at your air, your water, your land and your food. Do you really believe you are governed by benevolent beings seen or unseen? The leadership has failed in the past globally to bring peace, protect and prosper its people and create Heaven on Earth. We are speaking of the religious leadership as well. They have become compromised and forgotten their oath to serve God and the people especially those less fortunate.

In America, there is a divinely inspired document called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The fall of America is imperative to the global elite and the unseen puppet masters. It is the American Spirit that will be their downfall. This is not to dismiss the mistakes of the past. The Native Americans have held this line and believe it or not this is where the foundation of America came from, despite America straying off course to the indigenous people’s detriment. Universal Law is the law of the ancestors. What if we all went back to the laws of the ancestors?

There is an old Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good“. It was straying away from these laws that created the ills of humanity and the Earth. What if we could drop the lust for power and wealth, end the separation game, heal the wounds and traumas of the past, cultural and religious dogmas, old grudges individual and collective? What would happen if you made Universal Law first and foremost. Sound blasphemous? Only to the enslavers and controllers and those under their spell.

Was it not said there are two laws upon which supersede all the laws and the prophets? Love God/Creator/Great Spirit with all your heart and your neighbor as yourselves? Has your leadership adhered to these laws? Why not add respect and honor the Creator within all Creation, the sacred circle of life? To reach enlightenment or unity consciousness you have to transcend all religious and cultural boundaries. The separation game ends yet this does not mean others have the same belief. There has to be a force to deal with those who step out of universal law especially if they are trespassing, harming others or the planet. When everyone reaches unity consciousness this will not be necessary but until then we have to set boundaries and protect ourselves and others. These forces universal in nature are here now along with the ground crew, those who incarnated from these advanced civilizations in a grand plan to liberate the Earth. We need to hold our leadership, political, religious, and corporate to Universal Law.

battle of two wolves

You have a Bill of Rights. Learn what they are and demand them. You also have a divinely inspired constitution. The pyramid structure of the global elite, most governments, and the corporations, is dysfunctional. It creates class separation and fosters the belief in lack. This is going to change especially when one’s identity no longer is attached to the material which is part of spiritual evolution. Reason this when you have free energy, transportation, replicators are not all equal? How can you be enslaved, people will do what they want to do have free time, time to reflect and be creative. No need to hoard. Do you think advanced civilizations wonder where their next meal is going to come from, how they are going to pay their rent, how they are going to get from A to B? I love growing my own food and food for others. Vegetables don’t argue, they don’t have belief systems. They are in the moment. Many people actually enjoy their jobs it gives them meaning and purpose, a way to serve. Those that don’t will find another way to serve.

Before we get too off track we did say we would give you tools to clear unseen negative influences – the process is at the end of this newsletter. We already gave you the tools such as Universal Law to live by. It is hard to live by Universal Law when you have so many distractions. This is how advanced beings eliminate the distractions.

We have identified many of the distractive and negative influences, now we will give you the tools to dismiss them or heal those who come for healing. Do this Healing Negative Influences process several times a day. Think of it as your spiritual hygiene session, your spiritual pre-flight checklist. We do it several times every day, including before sleep, if we wake up in the middle of the night, before starting the day, before meditation and after any unpleasant interactions. Most importantly, do it whenever you don’t like what you’re feeling.

Gold Lion Oval

We are not alone

in the awakening and healing process.

It is as if the Creator itself and whole multiverse has come to assist Earth in her ascension process.

Time is very short for the dark hearts. We all have to do our part.

This is your life, your body, your divine right to free will.

No one seen or unseen has the right to interfere.

James Gilliland field

Be Well, Be at Peace, Do the Healing Process,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.


Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In ALL healings, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened. (repeat if you feel it is needed)
4. Tell them they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love. (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close your aura to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law!

Hope this helps, please share with your family and friends.

If you are interested in more of James’ teachings order his books here

Anna Von Reitz: Manna World Holding Trust


T/y Rick for sharing this one.  “No contract now.  No contract then.  No contract ever.”  Repeat this out loud.  Daily.  Individually.  Collectively.  They do not own us.  Please share this one far and wide.  It is so.  It is done.  N O W


Manna World Holding Trust: Pilate Attempts to Wash His Hands

By Anna Von Reitz

People need to think— and I mean, really think– about the information contained in my new book for Donald J. Trump.

This explains explicitly who the parties were that engaged in the so-called Civil War: the British-backed territorial service provider doing business as “the United States of America” and some members of the original “Confederation of States” formed under the Articles of Confederation, that up until 1861 was doing business as the “States of America”. The breakaway states booted up a new business called the “Confederate States of America”.

So, none of these entities were our actual government at all. Our actual government is unincorporated. These other entities were and are just governmental service providers in the business of providing government services per Article IV of all three federal constitutions.

After the so-called “war”— which was never declared, never ended by peace treaty, and never fought by any sovereign government at all— the perpetrators pulled off a variety of fraud schemes involving identity theft, substitution, unlawful conversion, and later on, bankruptcy fraud, making false and unjustifiable claims against the people and actual states of this country.

Fast forward to now— the vermin contrived to “redefine” your Given Name as that of a “decedent” who willingly gave up your inheritance “for” you when you were just a baby in your cradle. They established bonds against your labor and other assets “for” you, and they set up a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust “for” you—for the express purpose of pillaging you and your country in Breach of Trust.

That is actually, provably what has gone on here.

Remember that in this instance a “bond” is nothing but an I.O.U.– a promise to pay, and in this case, your supposed promise to give them all your assets and claim to your labor in supposedly equitable exchange for “benefits” that you also pay for yourselves, so the entire purported contract is self-interested and invalid and inequitable from the get-go. It is, in fact, preposterous and nothing that anyone in their right mind would agree to— which they then use as proof that you are mentally incompetent.

Beginning to get the drift of all this?

And now enters “Manna World Holdings Trust”— yet another foul fantasy construction made out of thin air — claiming that they were given title to you and your labor and they are now generously giving “you” and your assets back to the bankrupt federal corporation headed up by President Trump.
Kim Goguen, the mastermind behind this maneuver was named “Trustee” by a Draco “Lord of the Admiralty” and is in fact just a glorified bank terminal operator given the codes and downloads into the DTC and Federal Reserve System — which is also bankrupt and null and void.

What is the net effect? The guilty parties are trying to wash their hands and give themselves assets to feed upon in the same stroke. It’s not a bad plan from their perspective, there’s just one tiny flaw at the heart of it. It’s all based on fraud.

The situation is somewhat akin to the old Florida Real Estate Scam. The con artist offers you a Quit Claim Deed to property he doesn’t own. It’s the same schtick here. Manna World Holdings Trust has a false claim against your assets, which they are generously releasing.

The only actual effect is to allow them to presume that they ever had a valid claim against you and your good Name and your assets in the first place, and therefore allow Donald Trump to presume the same.

It’s all bull shit by any other name and you would be crazy to allow any of it any credence whatsoever.

Repeat after me: “”No contract now, no contract then, no contract ever.”

Continue reading here.

The History of Our Race


Just minutes before seeing this one, I was sharing w/my mate how I feel like that full awakening will be like Neo ~ and I will be covered in a blanket ~ exhausted and as I go to receive healing, one of the first things I want to know is the truth of the lives I have had and our real history.

Then I find this video series/article…  Listening to the first video (there are 25)…  Not convinced this is completely true/accurate, but giving it a go…

UPdate:  Listened to 4 so far ~ resonating with some ~ decided I will await my full return to Conscious Awareness instead of relying on 3d human being scholars and their info.


The History Of Your Race – Not The BS History Taught For Conformity

History Of Your Race

You, reading this article from a computer or a mobile device, are a very unique being who is having an authentic experience. You might have come from a different country, culture, religious or ethnic background. Still, whatever the case might be, we are all one race under the heavens. Recognizing this wonderful perspective, we’d like to recognize how marvelous you are as a being having a unique experience in life in each and every one of you. With this in mind, we are aware that WSL’s main objective should always be to aid in assisting your experience on this planet.

How cool would it be to be able to have such a profound level of comprehension of the problems you have that you wouldn’t need anything from the outside to be happy. If you could maintain yourself happily for absolutely no reason, wouldn’t that improve your overall level of positive energy? Isn’t it true that when you are vibrating with high-quality pleasant, positive energy with every cell in your body, you become the most talented, awesome, energetic confident being under the sky? This is the ultimate purpose of this video even though it might look like a history lesson.

It is unfortunate that this video is not for everybody. Not everyone is ready for this level if information. However, for those of you who have been learning the truth for quite some time now, this video will leave you breathless. It delves into the fabric of all conflicts you an Earthian living in this planetarium called Earth is experiencing. You shouldn’t force your belief system to accredit or discredit anything in this video. It is free anyway. You’ve got nothing to lose, do you? With that attitude in mind, remember that an experience which has nothing to lose has everything to gain.

Continue reading/viewing here.

Missing 13th Amendment Found: “No Lawyers In Public Office”


Another red pill moment for me.  Amazing…


The information contained in the article below contains stunning revelations that the entire U.S. congress should be deemed illegitimate, after evidence that a clandestine plot to alter the U.S. Constitution has now emerged. reports:

In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine.

By chance, they discovered the library’s oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this document included a 13th Amendment that no longer appears on current copies of the Constitution. Moreover, after studying the Amendment’s language and historical context, they realized the principle intent of this “missing” 13th Amendment was to prohibit lawyers from serving in government. So began a seven year, nationwide search for the truth surrounding the most bizarre Constitutional puzzle in American history — the unlawful removal of a ratified Amendment from the Constitution of the United States.

Since 1983, Dodge and Dunn have uncovered additional copies of the Constitution with the “missing” 13th Amendment printed in at least eighteen separate publications by ten different states and territories over four decades from 1822 to 1860. In June of this year (1991), Dodge uncovered the evidence that this missing 13th Amendment had indeed been lawfully ratified by the state of Virginia and was therefore an authentic Amendment to the American Constitution. If the evidence is correct and no logical errors have been made, a 13th Amendment restricting lawyers from serving in government was ratified in 1819 and removed from the U.S. Constitution during the tumult of the Civil War. Since the Amendment was never lawfully repealed, it is still the Law today. The implications are enormous.

The story of this “missing” Amendment is complex and at times confusing because the political issues and vocabulary of the American Revolution were different from our own. However, there are essentially two issues: What does the Amendment mean? and, Was the Amendment ratified? Before we consider the issue of ratification, we should first understand the Amendment’s meaning and consequent current relevance.

MEANING of the 13th Amendment

The “missing” 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

At the first reading, the meaning of this 13th Amendment (also called the “title of nobility” Amendment) seems obscure; unimportant. The references to “nobility,” “honour,” “emperor,” “king,” and “prince,” lead us to dismiss this Amendment as a petty post-revolution act of spite directed against the British monarchy. The U.S. modern world of Lady Di and Prince Charles, make anti-royalist sentiments seem so archaic and quaint, that the Amendment can be ignored.

Not so. Consider some evidence of its historical significance: First, “titles of nobility” were prohibited in both Article VI of the Articles of Confederation (1777) and in Article I, Sections 9 and 10 of the Constitution of the United States (1787);

Second, although already prohibited by the Constitution, an additional “title of nobility” amendment was proposed in 1789, again in 1810, and according to Dodge, finally ratified in 1819. Clearly, the founding fathers saw such a serious threat in “titles of nobility” and “honors” that anyone receiving them would forfeit their citizenship. Since the government prohibited “titles of nobility” several times over four decades, and went through the amending process (even though “titles of nobility” were already prohibited by the Constitution), it’s obvious that the Amendment carried much more significance for our founding fathers than is readily apparent today.

Continue reading here.


Yvonne Perry ~ Uses of Light Language


I am so drawn to this and have been this year.  I would love to have those memories return.  Sometimes I will naturally start “chanting” – almost chattering.  The transmission shared at the end ~ :::chills:::  Judy Satori also speaks the Light Language.


Uses of Light Language

Published on Dec 7, 2017




A deeply beautiful message.  It is done.  With love and much humble thanks…


To: The Alliance (the Galactic part)

This is your moment.  You have the collective emotional confidence of the right people to change the world.  Today we actually saw some proof that all of the behind the scenes work you’ve been doing  will finally manifest in our world.  I understand it’s the limitations of our understanding of time and space in this 3 dimensional world that will not allow us to accept any further delays, and causes us so much discomfort.  But to the best of my understanding, that is why you’re here. I also believe it’s what makes us so powerful as creators.

It is time and space that connects us to our emotions, attaches us to each other, and gives us our identity.  Time and space is how we remember the heart beat of our experiences measuring the ups and downs of everything it takes to thrive, survive and feel alive in this dimension.  Time and space is how we measure the beauty of our most memorable moments, and what was most important to us in our life.  I’m certain these seem like illogical and inefficient hazards to the greater existence of the universe to you, but they are what makes this life so incredible.  Your curiosity about living in this state of limited expression, ability and knowledge, while being plagued by emotional impulses is exactly why you come down to manifest in these bodies and experience life as a human.  It’s something you cannot appreciate unless you’re here in this moment with us.

We need you to be present in THIS moment with us.  We need you to feel the pressure of time in the way that we do.  We need you to know how important the space we occupy is to us and realize the powerful impact it has on the entire Universe.  The best example I can provide to try and communicate this idea is the relationship between a mother and a child.  It is my belief that this is the most powerful force in the entire Universe and never more so than right now.

 Philoprogentiveness: the natural love of one’s off spring.
Our children have a limited space in time where all of our opportunity to shape who they become and what they believe has to be concentrated.  When they are young we have them with us always. Our children are our whole world, an extension of ourselves, and agreement to allow our heart to exist outside of our bodies for the rest of our life.  This time of the child’s life is even more important to a parent than their own life.  You can not observe this from afar and understand what it means to be a parent.

A Mother carries a child in her womb right behind her heart, and is forever shaped by that time when her child belongs only to her.  Because that time measures the complete development of a functioning life and an unbreakable bond that cannot be measured, limited or understood by anyone else but the Mother and the child.  This is the place where love ceases to be just a metaphysical concept and manifests as a person.  It’s as if the energy is so powerful that it forces itself to gather in this one place to tell a story that becomes a person’s life.  That child will grow into an adult and along that journey through time they endure hardships, feel joy, fall in love, discover God, invent something amazing, do something terrible, and experience the weight of the world all while their Mother never stops lifting them up.

Each one of these experiences is marked by a moment in time that can never be repeated because it only exists right then.  A child’s first steps,  their first words, and even the first time they say thank you without being told are are all marked by time and space.  These moments are experiences that cannot be duplicated or relived.  They represent some of the most powerful moments in our life when we know exactly who we are, and they are marked by time and space.  In those moments no matter how vast the reaches of the Universe are, we have no question that our universe is solely represented in the life of that child and we couldn’t be happier about it.    Even in this world where oppressive forces have sought to sever us from the divine power of Love that exists in everyone of us, Love has overcome impossible cruelty to thrive.

This time is when our children learn how to love, how to trust, how to express themselves, how to make mistakes, and how to try again.  These developmental years are when Humans develop the character that shapes the entire world and all that it can become is held in the limitless possibilities of our imagination.  There life becomes a brand new heart beat in the world that extends from one generation to the next uniting all humans back to the original love felt by the first Mother of all time.  That is a more perfect expression of what we were meant to be and it is TIME to return that love to the entire Universe now.

That emotional connection to our offspring is more powerful than all of the technology that has been used to hurt us.  It is the expression of God through us to show that divine feminine nature.  I understand why you’d be concerned to awaken 8 Billion people with the ability to manifest anything they wanted to.  What is essential to understand is that it’s not our natural state to pursue conflict, war and violence.  What is most natural to all of us is to be connected to the comforting beat of our Mother’s heart, to take care of her the way she took care of us, and to make her proud because of the way she raised us.  This is the exact time when we are ready to demonstrate that loving connection and unbreakable bond that we also have to Mother Earth.  To try and block that connection could be dangerous, and to continue to hide it has reached a point of being cruel.

This time is an irreplaceable moment in our development.  This space that we are occupying is exactly where it exists.  NOW is the most essential time for you to deliver the promise, because Humans are shaped and effected by every disappointment, every act of kindness, and every moment they are alive.  Be present in this moment with us and free humanity from these chains NOW.



Sourced from here.

The Book of Q


I’m sure some of you have seen this.  I’m sure most (if not all) of you are aware of “Q”.  Here’s a link to a book someone created that contains a rundown of Q’s correspondences in October and November, appropriately called “The Book of Q”.  As the author/editor notes, this is either the biggest LARP (hoax) pulled on society or it is really an insider portraying what is going on behind the scenes.  Given “Q” predicted the take down of Saudi Arabia, I am leaning towards “insider”.  Either way, it is encouraging people to “Q”uestion their reality, their world, the political scene.  The system. Enjoy the read!