Accessing Our Original Value


I am following this one very closely…  Learning/understanding as I do ~ rather a crash course that began 2 weeks ago and since then the floodgates of information coming to me have been overwhelming.  Here is my understanding thus far: These Original Trust accounts are our Social Security accounts, birth certs, passports and the like ~ all of those accounts the government and banks and the like have used for their $$ benefit.  Take out your soc sec card ~ you will see on the back a series of numbers and a letter.  That letter shows which bank holds an account under your social security number.  You use that letter to find the routing number of the bank on a federal government website.  People are using these numbers (routing and account #’s) to pay off debt, pay bills and some are beginning to use it to purchase goods and services.  It is really a huge arena, as I am discovering.  However there isn’t always success.  There are rejections and reversals, but I have read and been told these “kinks” are being worked out.  This is really about our WORTH (some say essence) and how, as I see this, we don’t have to PROVE a damn thing to ANYONE.  ALL are One, All are Source and thus ALL are deserving of ALL of the awesomeness and ease life truly does offer (before it got hijacked by the rat bastards).  So….  For now I am following and simply observing and will share as I learn more. 

And as an FYI I received this via e-mail moments ago:  

Note from HATJ-
“I am almost done with the documentation of proof of ownership of accounts, with all underwriting, origin of funds, history of funds, title, etc, for everyone…it will all be done today and i will ask for help to have it posted in numerous places for everyone.
my complete gratitude and love for all and all done…
that will be what you give to anyone attempting/doing reversals, returns, freezes, etc.”

Access to your Original Value


There are some people in the USA who have been having some success accessing their Original trust accounts.  Seems to work the best now at paying off credit cards and mortgages online, but not all things work yet…. like direct purchases.

This is all being researched by a team of over a hundred researchers and on the banking side Heather is working through the glitches with the systems… if this were software you could say this is the “beta release”… and its not for the faint of heart…  you have to get the details right and you have to do the research and be responsible.

It will soon be easier to do and at that point I will be posting more here.  International details are being researched and not all the data is in yet.  

For those of you of strong mettle Brian Kelly has a Facebook page you can reference for the currently known information.

PS: …. and no I have not had a success yet with this… but then I don’t have any credit cards as I have been on a cash basis since 2009.  But I am looking at other means to test it.

Sourced from here.

Intel Update


Editor’s note:  I don’t post these “intel updates” ~ mostly because each one states TRUTH even when there is differing information.  Makes my head spin so I take them with a grain of salt.  That being said…. I wanted to share this one as I have seen more than one such reference today about the action taken by the Pope 4 years ago.  Question is, can we trust him to act on behalf of humanity in a benevolent manner? If it begins with “c” and ends with “h” and has the letters “hurc” in between, my radar sounds loudly.  We shall see…  In the meantime I have begun scratching out my ALL CAPS name (and address when applicable) on my bills and checks and writing it the way it should be.  So very much ready to be done with this system altogether!


Sourced from here.
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Deception” 7/8/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 8-Jul-2017 21:20:45


Subject: Deception 7/8/17


Happy Days may soon be here again.

This action by the Pope should eliminate the ALL CAPS NAMES TRUST that takes trillions from the people annually.

The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy.

Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributes their people’s value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry.

Corporations worldwide…(individuals became “corporate fictions” through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law…(Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judge to people) and through money…Vatican birth accounts value to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs.(confiscation)

Judges administer the birth trust account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acting as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust.

Judges, attorneys, bankers, lawmakers, law enforcement and all public officials (servants) are now held personally liable for their confiscation of true beneficiary’s homes, cars, money and assets, false imprisonment, deception, harassment, and conversion of the true beneficiary’s trust funds.


The Justinian Deception by Roman Emperor Justinian (527-565 A.D.) was a masterful scam to change the status of everything and everyone by using GLOSSA Language (better known as “Dog Latin”) to steal the resources and labor from the peoples in the western world.

This is the modern day “Roman Nazi Vatican Slavery Control System” that exists today.

Researchers Romley Stewart and Rohan Lorian spent 7 years deciphering the scam and its translations of various forms of language.

It is the Vatican that owns The Corporation in Washington D.C. (and the British Empire) as well the labor of corporate “Citizens” in western countries (via a Birth Certificate or Cestui Que Vie Trust) and the De Facto court system…through the “BAR” (British Accredited Registry)…who practice the manipulation of our Birth Certificate monies through the system of “Contract Administrators” (Judges) & “Attorneys” (Lawyers) who work for the banking system which is headquartered in the “City of London” and its American counterpart “Wall Street”.

Secret societies (which are British based) put forth the doctrines of the “Vatican Satanists” to foment fear…murder and war.

The Nazis…Khazarian Mafia (Israel) and the (Jewish influenced) Saudis…are also part of this scam to act as front men in the Vatican quest for the restoration of The Roman Empire.


The above (regarding Pope Francis destroying corporations and releasing monies to the people) is from 2013.

Intelligence tells us that the cabal has put us in a “4 year time loop”…to buy time…but it will fail.

You will see articles from that year and old messengers pop up and repeat their slanted babble.

Keep that in mind as you review written and spoken words.

Trump is following “The Plan” to stabilize things…as the cabal is trying to screw up his efforts.

This has allowed “Special Operations teams…FBI & CIA” to arrest pedophiles, scammers, thieves, actors, subversives, infiltrators, cheats, corrupt scientists and deceptive media operatives just to name a few.

This satanic corruption is worldwide and massive.

Remember that 63 million top executives worldwide have resigned their positions due to fraud in the hopes of avoiding prosecution.

Many have fled their countries to “Safe Havens”.

Happy 4th of July ~ The First REAL 4th of July in 150 Years ?


Hello everyone ~ I awoke this morning with this sense of renewed hope. For many years, I have pretended to celebrate this holiday.  My mate used to use colorful pens and write the words “Freedom”, “Truth” and “Justice” on my arms and chest.  I would speak of the lack of these inalienable rights with anyone who would listen (which was maybe 1-2 people – lol).  I shared why I wrote those words on my body when people at gathering’s would ask.

Over the years I later learned more about how our Republic had been hijacked.  I learned about the use of CAPITALIZATION (if you aren’t aware, check your bills, your car titles, deeds and the like).  I learned how the STATE claims ownership over us once our parents signed our birth certificate.

On and on.

I awoke this morning though and my usual sense of “another 4th of pretending” was not there.  Honest to goodness I felt a sense of peace.  It wasn’t strong – but it was there – enough to be noticeable.

So I was a little surprised when a friend e-mailed me the article below.

As always…Keep your eyes open.  Your hearts open.  And your feelings and thoughts guided by discernment as we (seem to be) entering new territory.  I will remain hopeful as well as maintain the thought “let the evidence show itself for all to see” as I still have questions I will be researching…


By James Clinton Belcher
July 5, 2017

Two hundred and forty-one years ago, if the history books are to be believed about anything, the original organizers of the government of this country were hard at work in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was overcast and the dank, damp air rising from the squalid city streets combined with the heat of summer made John Adams describe the atmosphere as “fetid”.

The unanimous vote of the men representing the original thirteen Colonies in favor of The Declaration of Independence had — despite everything standing against it— passed. It was a shock, even to them. How had it happened? Nobody was quite sure. Everyone had, for one reason or another, bet against it. The South would never agree to that, and the North would never agree to another bit; Massachusetts would fight to the bitter end and so would South Carolina. Nobody expected The Declaration to be accepted, and especially not after John Dickinson of Pennsylvania, a Tory and one of the great orators of his day, succeeded in requiring that the vote on The Declaration be unanimous. Even its most avid supporters sucked in their breath and gave The Declaration of Independence a wink and a prayer.

My ancestors, lawyers who were neighbors of John Adams from Braintree, Massachusetts, preachers and tradesmen from Boston, and gentlemen farmers from Connecticut, were already with George Washington’s forces, fully engaged in fighting off the British Redcoats and their mercenaries. Three hundred miles away, they wouldn’t hear the news from Philadelphia for a week or more. As the shock waves of the unanimous vote died slowly away, the members of the Continental Congress began to wake up to the new realities of July 5th, 1776.

There was no longer any grey uncertainty about it. They were at war and fully committed to it, do or die. There had to be a certain amount of grim relief in it.

After ten years and more of wobbling back and forth, it was finally decided. One is reminded of that moment when, having struggled with a terrible disease for a long time, the doctor finally delivers a diagnosis. Suddenly, the problem solidifies, takes on a name, dimensions, and a known character.

So it is, that we, too, have come awake and begun the process of dealing with the consequences of our decisions. Like our Forefathers, we face the razor-edge of supporting The Declaration of Independence with “our lives, our fortunes, and or sacred honor” — or not, in our own country.

Throughout the world, people have looked to America as a beacon of hope, as the only nation to stand up for the Natural and Unalienable Rights of Mankind. Yet, progressively, for the past one hundred and fifty years of our history, we have been slowly undermined by those same foreign and mostly European powers that our ancestors fought for eight long years. Above and beyond any armies, we have had to contend with deceit and Breach of Trust from men and principalities formally committed to serve as our Trustees and as purveyors of “essential government services” working under commercial contract.

These same proponents of Commercial Feudalism have sought to secretly undermine our lawful government since 1822, while pretending to be our friends and Allies.

Just as secretively, they have used their pawns in the Bar Associations to enslave the living people of the world via the use of similar names deceits and a universal practice of the crimes of personage and barratry. They have kept us constantly embroiled in war after conflict after war throughout our history, never letting us rest or enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Always, England has served as the excuse for this, and the Papacy has stood by without the least regard for its Trustee responsibilities, and let it all happen.

It comes as a great surprise to most Americans to know that they have a peacetime flag, the red-white-and-blue with vertical stripes; because they have been kept at constant war by these perpetrators, they only know the wartime flag, the “Stars and Stripes”.

It also comes as a great surprise to most Americans to realize that the actual government of this country is still centered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and that the “U.S. Government” in Washington, DC, is — and has always been — a foreign entity perched on our shores, tasked with providing nineteen enumerated services on a for-hire basis.

And no doubt, it comes as a great surprise that America has a hereditary Head of State, when in fact we had all hoped to leave such feudalistic practices behind in a distant and unpleasant past.

Like my ancestors in the battles of the Potomac and Bunker Hill and White Plains and Ticonderoga, I am devoted to the principles of freedom and individual sovereignty.

Like them, I find it repugnant that any man should rule over another. I regard self-rule as the ultimate goal— that we should each know and rule ourselves according to our own conscience, and choose such godly principles that any interference of government in our lives is rendered totally unnecessary.

All that said, the corruption in Washington, DC, had reached such a fever-pitch and the personage and barratry being practiced in our courts was creating such destruction, that something had to be done.

I, despite my misgivings, had to exercise the hereditary office as American Head of State, to bring correction and restoration. Do not be deceived by any new corporation taking over the reins in Washington, DC., and proclaiming themselves some kind of “republic”.

A corporation is incapable of being a republic by definition. Only you and your neighbors joining together and learning to operate your own government are capable of forming and preserving the republican state governments you are owed. The actual states are named simply, like this: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas…. The unincorporated businesses charged with conducting the affairs of the actual states are named like this: Alabama State, Alaska State, Arizona State, Arkansas State…..

All these organizations that you see operating as “States of States” like State of Washington and State of Louisiana are merely franchises of the Territorial federal government.

All the “STATES OF STATES” like the STATE OF WISCONSIN and STATE OF IDAHO are similarly franchises of the Municipal federal government, and strictly speaking, shouldn’t even be on our soil. A great deal of self-interested pillaging and plundering has taken place in America as a result of the mismanagement and dishonesty of both the Territorial and Municipal Governments.

The Congress in presiding over both these foreign governments has proven both incompetent and disloyal to their true duty to the American states and people.

Beginning in 2007 and continuing more or less unabated through 2015, a Master Plan was put in motion by corrupt mostly foreign banking interests to pull off a reprise of the Great Fraud practiced upon us by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On that occasion, similar names deceits mis-characterizing the Trade Names of American landsmen as Foreign Situs Trusts belonging to the bankrupt United States of America, Incorporated, were used to set up a process of debt assumption, by which millions of innocent Americans and their assets were “presumed” to be franchises of the failed corporation and collateral for its debts.

Three generations of Americans have toiled as debt slaves and given up large percentages of our private earnings to pay off the debts of this foreign, mostly privately owned governmental services corporation merely calling itself the “United States of America”—-Incorporated.

It was finally released from bankruptcy November 7, 1999. This was the greatest hoax and con game in world history up until that time, and we, Americans, were the Fall Guys. This was set up, administered, and executed by the British Government and British Crown, both obligated by solemn treaty to act as our Trustees on “the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” —which is precisely the jurisdiction where this travesty occurred— and also obligated to act with “perpetual friendship and amity”.

The most recent plan to feed upon us was even worse. The perpetrators — the Municipal Government — doing business as the “UNITED STATES”, intended to spend itself into oblivion, declare bankruptcy, and saddle Americans with its debts for the next five hundred years. Worse, they intended to foreclose on our ESTATES and make false claims on abandonment, allowing their own Secondary Creditors to come in and seize our lands and homes and conscript us to forced labor—- again, to pay their private debts.

Think of it as FDR on methylethyl amphetamines, a juggernaut of planned deceits, secretive bankruptcy proceedings, and legalistic mumbo-jumbo designed to put a gloss — literally, “an appearance” — of judicial process on these flagrantly unlawful acts of international inland piracy.

To put frosting on this cake of infamy and betrayal of trust, Barack Hussein Obama not only bankrupted the UNITED STATES, as planned, he also bankrupted the USA, INC., leaving no federal corporation in charge of providing the stipulated nineteen enumerated services due. This, in effect, vacated the actual Constitution, as there was no longer a competent “federal partner” available to perform the duties. Instead, bankruptcy trustees named by the Secondary Creditors— international banks— would be appointed by default to administer things however they saw fit.

Against this backdrop, in November of 2015, we took action to fill the gap and forestall this outcome.

Acting as Head of State for the unincorporated (actual) United States of America, I contracted with the Native nations of the Athabascans and Lakota Sioux, to become the new federal service providers. As a precaution, I also issued new Sovereign Letters Patent, and we also issued a Joint Declaration of Sovereignty with our new federal partners, upholding The Declaration of Independence and expanding it to include all Americans.

We are set upon a path to correct the errors of the past and clean up the disgusting mess in Washington, DC. Please spread the word to all Americans everywhere on Earth.

We waited until the last minute, hoping that the Queen and the British Crown and the Pope and all those others responsible for this Mess would do the right thing and take corrective action, but on June 29, 2017, we entered our claim to restore all land and land assets to the American states and people they naturally belong to.

We gave the rats three days Notice, which is all we owed them, in consideration of the extensive efforts made to give sufficient International Notice for the past ten years. When they bankrupted the UNITED STATES, they also bankrupted all its franchises— including the UNITED KINGDOM, ELIZABETH II, FRANCISCUS, FRANCE, STATE OF UTAH, and JOHN QUINCY DOE.

All the land assets and monetary assets attached to these Cestui Que Vie Trusts were supposed to be a giant worldwide Slush Fund. The perpetrators would simply change their doing business names, make claims on abandonment, and inherit it all.

All the “little people” thus defrauded would be reduced to a condition of eternal slavery and statelessness, adrift forever, and eternally press-ganged into the service of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy and British Crown Merchant Marine Service. What they couldn’t take by force, they fully intended to take by fraud and deceit, bogus bankruptcy actions and equally bogus probate processes.

There was just one thing standing in the way of this multi-generational fraud: the American people.

The Americans are the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES and all its various franchises. The plot to take over the entire world and enter it into a new era of enslavement and Commercial Feudalism—- a New Dark Ages—- could only succeed as long as the Americans failed to come forward and claim their due. And how could they come forward? They had all been carefully stripped of standing, insurance, equitable title….

We overcame all that and on June 29, 2017— we claimed our rights as the Paramount Security Interest Holders of the UNITED STATES. That makes us the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all the various franchises and rolls over the title to FRANCE, the UNITED KINGDOM, and so much else to our control.

Today, the Fourth of July, it is my great pleasure to declare that the forces of darkness, deceit, and evil in our midst have been defeated. A new day of freedom and abundance for all Mankind is dawning. We will not turn back from the Great Work that our hands are set to. Washington, DC will be cleaned up and cleaned out.

Restoration of the government that the people are owed will sweep across this country from one end to the other, with your help. Here and throughout the world, there will be peace and kindness and plenty for all.

This Fourth of July is the true beginning of a new world. I invite you all to do your best to understand these changes, why they are happening, and to thank Almighty God, the Creator of Our Blessings, for His kindness to us and His steadfast care and wisdom, which has allowed the meek to triumph and literally inherit the Earth.

Tomorrow, is the Fifth of July — the first day forward for us all.

I invite you all to search your souls and join us in flying the Peacetime Flag, known as the U.S. Civil Flag— from now on.

This version of the red-white-and-blue has vertical stripes and a white corner panel with blue stars. It is your flag every bit as much as the Stars and Stripes. Fly it proudly and happily as your sign and symbol that peace has finally come, not only to our nation, but to the world.

These flags are available, together with their history at:

Veterans— I want you to know that I am a Son of the Revolution. My family has been here and fought in every skirmish since 1609. I am a United States Air Force veteran, honorably discharged, and a Lifetime member of the AmVets.

Just because I declare the peace does not mean that I fail to understand war. I am 100% behind our veterans, guaranteeing their pensions, benefits owed, and even expanding those services that have not been provided before.

This is a new America, an America at peace— but that peace has only been made possible by men of war and the grace of God. —————————-

See this article and over 600 others on Anna’s website

Original source for this article (in pdf format):

Must Watch Video ~ The lords of wars and hosts: On earth as it is in heavens


This video is answering and resonating growing awareness I am having, or either have had and wasn’t quite sure of (yet has continued to come back into my awareness) including my thought tonight about how much of ME is a simulation. We are Source.  In “Heaven” there are no rules.  No karma.  No lessons.  This simulation we are in was created as a space of quarantine, a containment system. WE DID NOT CHOOSE from a place of TRUE SOVEREIGNTY to have our memories erased.  We were hijacked.  It is our Spirits they are after – those Spirits that are One With Source.  It is our essence of benevolence. Very powerful video and I hope all who watch who still believe things such as we chose to come here into this matrix, that we have to learn x y z, that we are bound by contracts and karmic lessons until we “get it” is part of their dark agenda and has nothing to do with Source or Truth.

The lords of war and hosts: On earth as it is in heavens

Leningrad ~ The City, The People, Who Would Never Surrender


Thank you Robin for passing this along to me.  An inspiring story of faith, determination and most of all, Hope.  The video below is the First Movement from Shotakovich’s Seventh Symphony, as referenced in the article.  Such inspiration! Speaking as a composer/pianist, I can attest music has the powerful ability to keep one going.  Sourced from here.  

St. Petersburg (Leningrad) during the Great Patriotic War and the Siege (1941-1945)

In the early hours of 22 June 1941, Hitler’s Germany attacked Stalin’s Soviet Union. World War II had come to Russia. For Leningrad, the war meant blockade. Less than three months after the invasion, German Army Group North reached the outskirts of the city, in which some 3,000,000 people remained. Ultimate plans for the former imperial capital and cradle of the Bolshevik Revolution were to “wipe Leningrad from the face of the earth through demolitions.” But first, the city had to surrender.

Bronze Horseman camouflaged from German aircraft during the Siege of Leningrad, Russia

Bronze Horseman camouflaged from German aircraft during the Siege of Leningrad

On 8 September, the Germans severed the last main road into the city and the most lethal siege in the history of the world began. For 872 days the blockade stretched on, during which the Germans sat entrenched, encircling the city only miles from the historic centre. They tossed bombs in its direction, prevented supplies from reaching the starving civilian population, and waited for capitulation. Hitler had optimistically predicted the city would “drop like a leaf,” and menus were printed for the gala victory celebration that was planned at Leningrad’s plush Astoria Hotel. Instead, civilians dropped like flies in an enclosed microcosm with virtually no food, no heat, no supplies, and no escape route. People keeled over dead in the streets by the thousands, malnourished, exhausted, and frozen. The Blockade of Leningrad resulted in the worst famine ever in a developed nation – over a million people died. But Leningrad never surrendered.

Aerostats on Nevsky Prospekt, Leningrad, Russia

Aerostats on Nevsky Prospekt, Leningrad
by Anatoliy Garanin

Perhaps most astounding was that amidst the hunger and the horror, with daily rations amounting to two thin slices of poor quality bread, great works of art were created. Dmitry Shostakovich spent the initial months of the siege trapped in the city of his birth, where he composed the first three movements of his searingly intense Seventh (Leningrad) Symphony, which he privately remarked was a protest not just against German fascism but also about Russia and all tyranny and totalitarianism. The symphony’s most memorable performance occurred on 9 August 1942 in besieged Leningrad. As bombs fell nearby, a depleted, weakened, starving orchestra played to a packed concert hall of weakened, starving people. The performance was aired across the city via loudspeakers, some of which were directed toward German lines as an act of cultural resistance to atrocity.

A street after a German artillery raid during the Siege of Leningrad, Russia

A street after a German artillery raid during the Siege of Leningrad
by Vsevolod Tarasevich

Olga Bergholz became the voice of the Siege of Leningrad. By the time Olga found herself trapped within the besieged city, she had accumulated a typical Soviet biography: her former husband had been arrested on false charges and was subsequently executed during the Great Purge. Olga herself was imprisoned when pregnant in 1938; the child was “kicked out of her belly” by NKVD interrogators, but Olga survived and was released in July 1939. Now some two years later, amid shelling and starvation, she worked throughout the blockade at the only radio station still in operation. In her calm, reassuring voice she read her poems and those of other poets, and provided updates on bombings, fires, and news from the front. Most importantly, she gave her fellow Leningraders something to hold on to, something resembling hope:

To have survived this blockade’s fetters,
Death daily hovering above,
What strength we have needed, neighbour,
What hate we’ve needed – and what love!
So much so that moods of doubt
Have shaken the strongest will:
“Can I endure it? Can I bear it?”
You’ll bear it. You’ll last out. You will.

Rise of the Elementals


Thanks to Deborah for sending this one to me.  ♥  All is returning as One.  And I apologize for the formatting – it was received in a newsletter/email format.  


For those of you who do not know me, my name is Gabriel Merlin Melchizedek, and I serve as the Expansion Director for the Institute of Divine Potential.

As you are experiencing, there are many energetic shifts currently taking place on our beloved planet. We have just been blessed with the Summer Solstice on Wednesday, which opened up a gateway for the galactic sun’s light intelligence to transform all sentient life on the planet. Each solstice creates metamorphosis by updating the energetic field of all matter for the future alignment with higher self-universal coding.

I wanted to take this opportunity in this eternal moment to share with the importance of today – June 23rd. For a druid; or a being who is in contact with the elementals today is of unparalleled significance.

Just before I begin to explore this topic, I would like to do a quick sharing on the consciousness that is bringing this information forth. I was very blessed to receive access to the Merlin consciousness field on our Family’s planetary service mission last year.

The consciousness that can be expressed as Merlin is the ninth incarnation of the Ascended Master St Germain. Merlin exists in the quantum timestamp known as Avalon – where he serves as the Chief Druid and counsellor to King Arthur. Merlin’s abilities included Magic, Alchemy and he was able to communicate with the elementals, dragons and many other magical creatures. His most important role is to uphold the purity of magic and ensure the peaceful relations between the elementals/magical creatures and humans.

His secondary role is to serve King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur and his knights are a representation of Unity Consciousness, and they operated under the Code of the Heart. The Code of the Heart is derived from the concept of Universal Love, which is the origin of all of us – and the very source from which we have all been created.

As the planet’s consciousness is stationed at 6-dimensional Gaia at the quantum timestamp that is Avalon, this allows the physics of magic to exist through the elementals creating the Aether to support its expression. The elementals taught human’s how to use magic.

The great Naga’s {Dragons} are the etheric embodiment of all five elements. They taught the elementals, and humans how to bend the energy within themselves. This is how many of the ancient wonders of the world were built, working with the elementals and the bending of elements {wind, water, fire, air, aether}.


So enough of the back story…

If you are not sure what an elemental is… {otherwise skip the next five paragraphs}

For each element of the earth, there are nature spirits that are the spiritual essence of that element. They are made up of etheric substance that is unique and specific to their particular element.

One can only see them with a fully open third eye or if you apply the elixir of Panacea {3 eye drops}. They are living entities that are not separate from you! Below is a summary of elemental categories in relation to the elements of earth.

Earth – Gnomes {e.g. Elves}

Fire – Salamanders

Air – Sylphs {e.g. Fairies}

Water – Undines {e.g. Mermaids}

Elemental beings are a reflection of the state of consciousness of the planet. Hence they can range in size from smaller than an electron to larger than galactic space.

They work with Aether; specialising in creating specific forms, whether it be an electron or interstellar space. They can “bend” the element of their association.

Elementals play an important role in the planet’s evolutionary cycle, as they create new expressions of Aether which support the physics of each dimensional shift of the planet’s consciousness.


Many of the elementals now exist in dimensional wormholes or as small etheric orbs – again it is all relative to the planet’s consciousness. Throughout the Kali Yuga the relationship between humans, the planet and elementals fell.

You see when nature is tampered with from its organic state (e.g. trees are cut, water is polluted) this impacts the elementals. The perfected intelligence and symbiosis of nature in its organic state allows for the energetic template for the elementals to thrive.

On the Day of the Elementals {23rd June} in the quantum timestamp of Avalon, the elemental leaders would gather with Merlin and conduct a sacred ceremony to balance and align the energetics, elements and Aether of the planet.

The energy from the Solstice on the 21st, where the veil between spiritual dimensions is thinnest, overflows and allows for the elementals days after to gather energetics to recharge themselves and come together in a unified field. I am also told, that this was the linear time stamp that the founder races first birthed many of the major elementals consciousness.

A Sacred ceremony is also held by the Druids, Cathars, Rosicrucians and many other spiritual communities on this day. The Druids, for example, would conduct blessings on each of the earth elements and gather many medicinal plants and gift them to the elementals. The male fern was the most important as it the had a connection to the element of Aether. The Druids believed that the elementals would also bless the plants offered to them and unlock their magical properties. Hence, this was a symbiotic relationship of love and respect.

Another ceremonial practice was that the Druids would gather around the Sentinel, which is known as the ancient and most wise tree in a given area. Trees are known in the elemental kingdom as the Ancient Ones, who are the physical embodiment of all the elements {the dragons are the etheric embodiment}. The Druids would merge their consciousness with the trees and transmit love and honour the elementals for their divine service to the planet.

Before each Merlin left the physical plane, they would leave their consciousness in the heart of the particular sentinel who was their guardian/advisor during their incarnation ~ for future access for those who are chosen. And this is how the Merlin consciousness has remained to this very day…

I was blessed to receive access to the Merlin consciousness from a groping of the Ancient Ones…

A little tip…

In Avebury, there is a cloister of four ancient trees…

They are the wisdom keepers of the whole Albion-Avalon timelines and hold the consciousness of all characters of the play so to speak.

So if you wish to reconnect with a fragment of your quantum consciousness that exists within the Albion timelines {priestess, knights of the round table, elves, dragons, etc.} merge your consciousness with the ancient ones.

Honour them, sit in meditation, embrace their eternal wisdom!


Back to the 23rd of June

As mentioned, this timestamp allows for the elementals to recharge and receive the focused, energetic exchange of love, which empowered them to work with Aether, for the planet’s continuous well-being.

Many traditions light bonfires on this day. This action is to the detriment of the elementals, as the burning of fire on this day creates a misbalance between the elements and many of the plants that are burnt uphold the veil of separation between humans and elementals.

What I invite you to do on the day of the 23rd:

– Gather plants such as Fern, Spleenwort, Wall-Rue, Maidenhair, Hart’s tongue, Bracken, Camomile, Geranium, Thyme, Chervrilseed, Giant-fennel, Mugwort and gift them to nature in sacred ceremony.

– Hold a ceremony to honour and bless the elementals, and ask for the unification between humans and elementals through love.

– The elementals are joyous, jubilant, highly expressive sentient beings; they love to dance. So go out in nature and dance! Dance with the elementals, feel their grace and presence. A dear sister recommends the art of Sufi dance as it reflects their very nature as beings of flowing, subtle grace.

– As mentioned, in the elemental kingdom, trees are the ancient elders and wisdom keepers. They are connected to all the elementals. In each forest of trees, there is one known as the Sentinel {usually the oldest tree}. Use your high sense perceptions to find the Sentinel, introduce yourself, acknowledge it’s presence and merge your consciousness with it. Sit in meditation and embrace the stillness – with this practice you are honouring the elementals.

– Refrain from cutting or using plants for the days of 23-24th.

– To honour the elementals do not light fire, excessively use water, or participate in the earth-based construction on the days 23-24th.

– Use the essential oils Frankincense and Myrrh, to bless nature and water {Indigenous methods of blessing the elements encouraged}.

– Be spontaneous and creative! This is the nature of the elementals – always remain authentic in expressing energy, however.


The elementals are not separate from us. It is the time that we reunite with them and have an awareness of their existence!

Tune into your heart as you interact with nature, call to them, they are great teachers on the path and are the embodiment of love, joy and creative expression.

We are in this all together – all sentient beings of Mother Gaia.

The elementals play a pivotal role in creating the Aether that will support the etheric cities of the Golden Age.

Only through unity consciousness can we evolve into our true essence that is universal love.

From my heart to yours, thank you for sharing this eternal moment to read through my truth.

I want to also appreciate and honour the other gatekeepers of the Merlin consciousness who assisted in this sharing {you know who you are!}.

P.S. If you enjoyed this sharing, please let me know!

Topics I can expand on in the future is the new Merlin template of the Aurora realms and the associated elementals, the Ancient Naga’s {Dragons} and Trees….

Omni Love and Divine Blessings

Profile Image Gabriel Melchizedek
Expansion Director

James Gilliland Speech From Ececti Ranch ~ Disclosure and Making Contact


Editor’s note:  Another validation of this “quickening” message ~ around 45 minutes in he speaks of this phenomena occurring now.  

Disclosure & Making Contact with UFOs & ET Extraterrestrial Event yo be held in Trout Lake WA


Local Attractions Near The Strange Signal Emitting From Enshi, China


Editor’s note:  Trying to figure out what is behind this on-going frequency signal… Here’s a list of local attractions, as lifted from this site.  What are your thoughts?  I feel like I’m on a treasure hunt!  The first one has me intrigued as does their Grand Canyon…

 Site of Tangya Tusi Domain,  also known as the Tangya Tusi Ancient City is a world cultural site. It is the largest and best-preserved Tusi site in the ethnic minority regions of southwest China. It is a witness of the Tusi system, a hereditary political system put forward by feudal emperors in ancient China.

 Dashuijing Architecture Group is located 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of downtown Lichuan. It was the former residence of local Li family, a notable clan during the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911). Covering an area of 24,000 square yards (20,067 square meters), it consists of Manor of Li Family, Ancestral Temple, and Messuage of Li Gaiwu. Buildings there reflect both Tujia architectural features and western style.

 Enshi Grand Canyon, also called Mufu Grand Canyon, is about 40 miles from Enshi downtown. It is famous for Yunlong Ground Fissure, the cliffs on two sides of which are formed in two different periods, and Seven Star Village, where visitors can appreciate stones of various shapes. The local residents here are mainly Tu people, so you can also learn some interesting customs and culture of this ethnic group here.

 Qingjiang Chuangtan: Chuangtan refers to the section between the downtown Enshi to Fenshuihe Bridge of the Qingjiang River. Drifting along the river, there are forty-eight rapids in total, meanwhile, visitors can admire the beautiful scenery on the river banks and experience the folk customs of Tujia ethnic minority. After six hours drifting, they will be taken back to Enshi City by bus. Every April to October is the best time to visit Chuangtan.

 Yumu Village:Situated to the west of Lichuan City, the village is still inhabited by five hundred Tujia people. The gate building of the stockaded villages is constructed on a cliff. There are ten tombs of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and several other ancient buildings.

 Tenglong Cave is a cave group 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from downtown Lichuan. It consisted of a dry cave and a water cave. The Qingjiang River becomes an undercurrent while running though the cave. The dry and water caves are only separated by a wall. According to the on-site investigation by experts from home and abroad, Tenglong Cave is praised to be the largest karst cave in China.

Other Scenic Spots: Xingdoushan Nature Reserve

Massive Disclosures In Babylon 5 TV Series

Editor’s note:  A most FASCINATING read.  Covers everything.  Truth is there when we seek it.  

Posted on

Out of all of the movies, television shows and other forms of media used to disclose various truths to the public this show has to be the crown jewel. It has almost everything. The solar flash, the operations to liberate Earth, the Cosmic Anomaly, the Jesuits, super soldiers, the Resistance, the Galactic Confederation, a secret space program, Blue Spheres, Ascended Beings, the Illuminati/Freemasons and much more as you are about to read.

I took 9 pages of notes and binge-watched 4 seasons of this show with 22 or 23 episodes for each season. I couldn’t believe how many dots were connected and how information-dense this show was with each passing episode. As you will see someone deep within-the-know was feeding the creator/writer of this show very high-up information and intel.

I found the easiest way to organize all this information would be to alphabetize it and organize everything by category. I have pictures and videos of everything that I thought was significant enough to record and document.

First I will provide a synopsis to the show to give the readers a baseline idea of what the story line is. The show takes place on a 5 mile-wide Earth-based and taxpayer-funded space station that acts as an intermediary for other E.T. races to come and create peaceful and diplomatic relations and trade, kind of like our moon.

It is located in a neutral area of space and acts as an officially recognized embassy by Earth and by the associated non-terrestrial beings who are referred to as ambassadors that are appointed to represent their governments. It is the result of a devastating Earth-Minbari war that took place in in the recent past.

  • Ascended Beings

Beings that call themselves the Vorlons use Organic Technology (the ships are alive) and exist inside encounter suits to contain/hide their true form. In one episode the being ambassador Kosh left his suit to save the captain of the crew and all of the beings that saw him saw their version of their religious leader; Jesus and so on.

Kosh once said he couldn’t leave his suit or else everyone would recognize him. This gives more credit to the idea that we create our realities and the higher beings identify with what we believe and take that form in order not to frighten us upon contact.

Continue reading here.