editor victoria’s comment ~ sometimes these higher channeling/messages are things i have to feel into as the words used don’t always align w/the language of my human-trained brain. i have been thinking a lot about language lately as i have stated here recently. i prefer to “feel” into a word – go for the feeling of the message. perhaps that’s our real way of communicating with one another ~ or certainly a very integral part. words sometimes just feel so limiting, unnecessary and obnoxious. lol anyway…..it is my overall feel after reading this piece that we are in the last stage of this transition/merge – kinda like the plan and being in stage 3 (justice). i continue to find it curious how the clean-up here is in alignment w/the clean-up outside of this realm – the two merging together. if you’re gonna clean up one room, may as well cover the whole house, right? and one last note – i love and align w/the term denise uses “original earth”. i began feeling new earth is actually original earth several months ago – and we were put here AWAY from our original home – hence the longing for Home and knowing this place was not it. i remember having a conversation once with a woman almost 10 years ago – prior to knowing about the concepts of new earth, the event, etc. i told her this planet was not my home and how homesick i was. she laughed and said “silly. no one is from here. we’re all from heaven.” i frowned – pondering what she said – and shook my head. “no,” I said. “i mean this place we call earth is not home. it feels foreign to me. and it goes deeper than the concept of not being in heaven.” i did not know i had just taken another step in my awakening journey, but after that conversation i became convinced for certain that “here” is simply. not. Home. …and the longing FOR it meant Home WAS “real”…the question then became “where is it and why aren’t i there?”
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Please see the article at https://schrodingersothercat.blog/2019/03/07/dress-rehearsal-the-thirds/ |
This “Open Lines” began as an inquiry to the large sphere’s being seen coming in and out of the Sun, as noticed by the “the cats” at https://schrodingersothercat.blog. The inquiry went a direction I didn’t expect but am delighted to hear about! There’s more going on here than just some Galactic Sphere’s popping in to see what they new kids on the block are up to.
Denice got this bit of data yesterday:
Denice: I am feeeling big shifts among possibilities and potentialities.
Terran: What kind of shifts?
Denice: For me it feels like things are new, clean, fresh, cleared.
Denice: I think we are on the “new” earth. Or “original” earth.
Denice: What I heard this morning from that male [a galactic] is that they are probably going through what we are. They can only see what they see.
The being speaking in the following conversation, only identifies as “I AM”. He (and he felt male to me) uses the term “MADDNESS” (with two Ds). I thought this was curious so I didn’t some research into that particular spelling. This seems to fit the best to the context of the message, that which is happening now is UNLIKE ANYTHING ever seen before, and those who have believed they know it all from their theories of the cosmos will probably be the most “MADDEN” by what happens now… The rest of us will relax, have our cookies and milk and watch the show!
Denice: do you feel like an open mic [Open Lines]?
Terran: Sure, let me get something to drink
Terran: Milk for cookies
Denice: mmmmmmm!
Terran: Ok
Denice: do you have a question?
or a starting point?
Terran: What are the big spheres coming in and out of the Sun?
Terran: Is the spelling intentional?
Terran: Maddness from the stand point of the unexplained or madness from chaotic energies?
Denice: ( yes spelling intentional )
Terran: (Two Ds?)
Terran: Can you expand on this?
Terran: As Heather says the complexity is in the simplicity
Terran to Denice: (It occurred to me the units of now is moments/thoughts)
Terran: (Wow)
Denice: (felt like an elohim, and I really don’t know what that means)
Denice: (felt like a being who has been a part of this from the beginning. . .jumping in to coach us to the end?)
Terran: Lot to ponder in that one
Terran: A breath away
Terran: Pure potential
Denice: yes
Denice: so we keep breathing. . . 🙂
Denice: (heart)
Terran: Doing my best even with the altitude
Denice: move down hill! 😉
Terran: That was very high frequency I feel it in my body
Denice: yes
Denice: felt like higher than a CEO, if that makes sense?
Terran: lol
Denice: poor comparison. . .but you get my drift.. . .
Terran: Oh that being is a do-er
Denice: yep. ..
Denice: and doing now 😉