Linea ~ The event 2019. Am I dissolving? There is nothing more to worry about.


editor victoria’s comment ~ i too have been feeling for awhile it is time to just stop the crazy doing’s just BE.  let it all go (all of the crap of this realm)…when i get out of the business of my mind this is what i am feeling. today i stood by the kitchen sink thinking of all of the stuff i felt i “had” to do.  STOP, i told myself.  this doesn’t feel good.  so i tuned in and said “ok HIGHER ME and ALL THAT I AM you guide me now please.  you show me what i align in doing.”  immediately i felt my heart soften and suddenly i am AT HOME in the kitchen i have seen.  i could SEE it and FEEL it and i was about ready to SMELL it when i “got pulled out” for lack of a better term.  so i told the family – do what you want today.  do what your heart leads you. SCREW what the system says we HAVE to do.  let’s just let our hearts lead us. so each are doing what we feel aligned to do.  for me that meant getting onto the piano and recording a piece that just came through me.  it felt like a song from home.  (oooh good title)  i will share that later today after i have uploaded it.  happily awaiting Linea’s next video where she is sharing her vision of Home. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  (ooooh….something told me to look at the tv – the song?  “Into Mist”….)  


Published on Mar 5, 2019