Mysteries Abound … 6-28-2019 … fascinating stuff … Is it possible? (JFK and JFK Jr)


editor victoria’s comment ~ in may of 1951 a dinner party was put on to introduce Jackie to John Kennedy.  the address of the hosting home?  3419 Q Street.  (i have to say that because the narrator of this video seems to miss that significance by saying it’s 3419 Q or O street – a quick google search verifies the “Q”)….just wait until you see the 17 references in this one……i want to say i have seen the theory about JFK senior being alive – i am not feeling that one even though i have to say ANY THING is possible – but i am NOT feeling it…..


Published on Jun 28, 2019

Kellyanne Conway – why is the deep state so focused on her right now?


editor victoria’s comment ~ i found some goodies here boys and girls……ok someone else found them – i am just sharing what they uncovered…i would like to find a copy of this one issue – they appear to be hard to find (and very expensive!)…..anyway an interesting possible connection……..and some hard line questioning by jim jordan over this otherwise waste-of-time circus taking place to divert, yet again, what is inevitably happening and coming…




and now our swamp busting senator, Jim Jordan:

A Job Well Done!-Victory-July 4 Independence Day Celebration-Reset-JFK jr.-Q Anon-Anon Notable. Psychic Utsava


we will know soon……from what i have been in tune with – the “event” aligns w/the reset.  do any of you who align with the concept of “going home” – see or even feel yourself experiencing the release of the cures, the arrests, etc?  i tune in and do not see or feel myself having that in my experience.  i know others have said the same to me.  


Published on Jun 22, 2019

A BOOM or two (?) regarding the “Keystone” Q mentions


first this:

then i went digging on the town of Keystone, SD (i visited the area in 1998, coincidentally enough)….and learned there is a Presidential Wax Museum which includes not only John Kennedy Senior – but his son, JFK Jr.  yeah….you can’t make this stuff up!  lol

“The National Presidential Wax Museum sits beneath Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills. The Museum enables visitors to increase their knowledge and gain insight about the democracy of the nation through its displays. The Museum features life-size and life-like wax figures that depict the country?s most significant and shaping experiences in its history.

In the museum, visitors will see the signers of the Declaration of Independence as they gather to unravel the framing of the American Constitution. They can also experience the beginning of the Cold War together with President Franklin Roosevelt. Other figures in the museum are President John F. Kennedy and his son, John Jr., as well as President George W. Bush after the World Trade Center Tragedy.”  (SOURCE)

here’s a photo of the image of JFK and JFK Jr:

Check out this George Magazine cover from 1997!


editor victoria’s comment~ this find warrants a HOLY CRAP!  lol  i researched to make sure this was indeed the authentic cover – and it is.  it’s from February and it is titled “Survival Guide to the Future.”  here’s an amazon link.  what’s interesting is one of the pieces that is inside is “Indictment Day.  Will Hillary get Busted?”  WTAFRIG??!!  This was in 1997!  and check out the alien-figure along with another piece titled “GOOD NEWS.  Live Forever.  Love your Job.”  recently i shared the other photo of JFK Jr in front of Mt. Rushmore – taken just 2 months prior to that “plane crash”.  

all part of the plan.  he was leaving clues before he disappeared…
